• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 19,810 Views, 436 Comments

Cheating Death - WIL_I_ZIN

Literally cheating Death to achieve a goal, can make it even harder to accomplish.

  • ...

Ch. 4 Truth

The following is a non-profit fan-based work of fiction. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and all subsidiaries are owned by Hasbro studios, DMX media and Lauren Faust.

Cheating Death

Written by Wilizin

Edited by AuthorGenesis and Anonymous

Chapter 4 - Truth


My dreams that night were a jumbled mess of confusing images. It felt like I was sitting in that Willy Wonka psychedelic paddle boat ride. except all the things I was seeing were instead parts of my life floating by like clouds. Trippy, multicolored, and distorted clouds. Moments in time flashed before me, the bike I got for my birthday, my first kiss, my first slap from kissing too long, graduating from High School, watching My Little Pony with Sophie, leaving my parents’ house, moving to the city, and then the train.

As I saw the last image flash everything went still with only the faint sound of the train whistle fading in the distance. I sat… or stood, I couldn’t quite tell, waiting for something to happen. I looked around and saw nothing but inky blackness and then right when I turned around I came face to face with someone I didn’t expect... my sister.

“You’re selfish you know that?” she said with no expression on her face. I was confused, how did Sophie get here? But more importantly-

“WHAT?” I asked completely dumbfounded.

“You’re selfish. You have only been thinking about yourself for a long time and you won’t admit it!” She crossed her arms but kept that creepy blank face stare at me.

“…No seriously, WHAT?” I was unable to process this. I hadn’t seen my sister in ages, and here she was not a day older than when I last saw her… Not a day older. My brow furrowed, I wasn’t up for any tricks especially when they involve my family being used. “Alright Death! I know that’s you, so drop the act!” ‘Sophie’ just stood there and looked right at me. She didn’t let up from her gaze and it started to unnerve me.

“You are a selfish jerk. And you know it.” she said. Her gaze seemed to intensify the longer I stared back. I stumbled back for a second, my mind was telling me to run, and that staying was a bad idea. But I instead felt more anger for what I was witnessing.

“Screw you Death! Stop using my sister’s image like that you fucking coward!” I shouted with rage in my voice. My desire to flee was suppressed by my desire to kick whatever-this-thing-was’ ass.

“You always ran away from your problems, and when things got worse you refused to even acknowledge it.” Sophie’s voice increased in volume with each word she spoke. Her figure grew ever larger, and darker. “You ran from your responsibility, you ran away from mom, you ran away FROM ME!” Her voice boomed with those last few words like a thunder clap had sounded right in front of me. My legs buckled and I began to shake, fear was taking hold of my mind and I couldn’t process why I was so terrified. This was my little sister in front of my eyes, why was she so menacing looking? Why was she doing this? My mind snapped to attention as I reminded myself of who I was dealing with.

“SHUT UP DEATH! You don’t know anything about me! Leave my sister out of this!” I shouted in defiance. I wasn’t going to let Death try and use the image of my sister to weaken me anymore. I sprung onto my feet and charged at the doppelganger, throwing back one of my fists as a windup for a large right hook. I shifted my body and swung with all my might aiming right for ‘her’ head, but my hand stopped inches from her face. I tried to push my fist closer, but it felt as though something was holding me in place. And then I saw something was holding me in place.

Black tendrils of wispy smoke were wrapped around my hand. They were ice cold to the touch and it felt like my hand was burning. Panicking, I tried to pull away, but my hand wouldn’t budge an inch. I screamed in fear while I swung with my free hand at her face only to have that hand be immobilized as well. I frantically tried to pull away, grunting and hollering but no amount of force I applied changed anything, including her stare. My eyes fell upon hers, and fear shot through me. The eyes, her eyes, they were blacker than the darkest hole, and deeper than a pit to hell itself. She slowly moved closer to my face, her eyes unblinking, unmoving, unforgiving. When I could feel the very breath from her upon my face she spoke with a voice that made my soul scream in fear.

“I… AM NOT DEATH.” She spoke, every word shattering my already broken mind. “I AM WHAT YOU DESPISE, WHAT YOU REGRET, AND WHAT YOU DENY.” Her eyes suddenly erupted in color, golden amber swirled in the blackness of her eyes and then became the purest bight color of gold I had ever seen.

“W-what the hell are you?” was all I could stammer out.


Her eyes burst into beams of light, blinding me. I screamed out loud in panic, as the sound of destruction erupted around me. I felt my body being tossed and thrown around, being beaten relentlessly. Pain flooded my senses as I screamed, wishing the noise and anguish would go away. Then I was thrown to the ground and my breath left me. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t scream, and the droning sound of a single loud tone echoed in my mind. The light, it still burned into my mind, I moved one of my hands to block the beam from my eyes, and I felt warmth.

Warmth, and glowing heat on my hand.

My senses returned quickly as I felt the warm glow of the sun upon my hand. My eyes fluttered open to see blurry shapes all around me. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned while stretching my back. The warm feeling was all over my face and I looked up to see why. The rock wall that was my makeshift wall to the outside had a small hole in it, just large enough for a single ray of light to shine through and onto my face. I smiled, couldn’t have asked for a better way to wake up.

Blocking out the sunlight I moved my legs to stand up, but I found it hard to do so as my legs had decided to remain asleep. Using the wall as support I shuffled to my feet and stood still letting the blood flow back into my legs. My head was pounding from a headache in the front of my skull. It felt like someone had hit me with a sledgehammer as a good morning wake up call.

I stood there leaning up against the wall rubbing my temples slowly working the stress out of my system. I lifted my arms over my head and stretched the last remaining tensions out of my back, only for me to snap back as pain shot across my chest.

I clutched my torso in my arms as the pain slowly faded away. I had forgotten about the wound I had gotten yesterday in my fight with the manticore… I laughed, which also caused me to cringe, to think I fought a mythical creature yesterday. I could have shrugged the whole memory off as a vivid dream if it weren’t for the bloody shirt wrapped around my chest. I lifted up my impromptu bandage to inspect my wound. The bleeding had stopped and a thin layer of shiny pink skin had formed over my cut in my chest. I gave it a poke and pulled back when it stung like hell. Although I was no longer bleeding, my body hadn’t formed a scab yet to protect my now squishy sensitive wound.

I moved my shirt back to covering my wound, it would just have to do as a makeshift band aid for a little bit longer. I slowly moved out from the alcove, squeezing between the rocks that provided me with a wall o the outside. I was greeted with the morning sun shining in all its radiant glory over the treetops. The morning dew still adorned the trees and made them shimmer like glass against the beaming sun. The sight was very picturesque, it was one of those things you could only experience in nature, a beautiful sight to behold. The mood however was ruined by my stomach growling loudly.

I realized just how long I had been without food and decided that breakfast was the first order of business today. I slowly descended the mountain side, trying to avoid any loose rocks lest I slip and crack my skull wide open falling down the mountain side. Back on the forest floor I began to search around nearby for any bushes containing berries or anything of the like. I got down low and began to walk low to the ground searching for any fruit bearing bushes.

Most of my searches came up either empty or filled with thorns. I pricked my hands quite a bit and was starting to get annoyed with the fruitless search. I snickered at my own bad pun, and then regretted it when the pain came back in my chest. Maybe I should tone down on the jokes until I can at least laugh without causing myself burning pain. Thankfully I was eventually able to find a lone bush that had some raspberries hidden between a grouping of trees.

Most of the larger berries had been picked off by the other inhabitants of the forest, luckily there were many handfuls worth of smaller berries still attached to the vines. They tasted quite sour for raspberries, but I wasn’t complaining, it was better than nothing after all. The fruit in hand I walked back to the mountainside eating my bountiful berry breakfast. I devoured the last one as I reached the base of the mountain, then I slowly began my ascent.

The mountain was much easier to climb than it had been last night for me. The sunlight made it much easier to find paths and slopes on my way up. I walked slowly trying to not overexert myself, I didn’t want to have to do any major climbing which could open my wounds. Fortunately I didn’t have to do anything strenuous, there was a small but usable pathway that wound its way up the mountain. I kept a steady pace as I hiked, looking out into the woods every now and then to see if I spotted any form of civilization. The view was magnificent, I had never be up so high in comparison to the rest of the land around me. Having lived in a city for most of my life I was not used to major geological changes in elevation, which made every sight I saw all the more fascinating.

I looked out and saw the forest sprawl out in all directions. In the distance I saw the waterfall that I had fallen off of, the mist from the falls flowed into the air creating a fog all around it. I also saw many other wonderful sights, such as a lone pine tree about the size of the Chrysler building jutted out of the forest, there was a small swamp filled with dead trees, and there was another mountain in the distance.

That’s when I saw it. I didn’t even have to squint to see it, but there it was on that mountain in the distance. It was a castle, hanging off the side of the mountain, shining in the morning sun like a beacon. The capital of Equestria that I had seen so many times in animated form now glimmered in the distance in real life, Canterlot.

I chuckled softly only feeling a slight twinge on my wound from my reaction. I always did find the horse puns of the show to be quite humorous, guess I was just a “punny” sort of guy. I also saw just a few buildings right near the edge of the forest between me and Canterlot. That was my goal, Ponyville, home to the characters of the cartoon and the setting for MLP: FIM.

My hands quivered with anticipation, with the thought that I finally had my goal in sight. For a while I had been wandering blindly through these woods, having to run like mad just to survive. Now I had direction, I had drive, and I had to go through even more forest filled with deadly creatures to get there.

Slowly I descended the mountain, keeping the castle in my sight as long as possible. Climbing down on this side was actually refreshingly easy, I rarely had to detour to find a less steep path. As I got closer to the bottom the castle eventually was blocked from my sight by the woods. Making a mental note of the mountain behind me, I thought as long as I had it to my back I would be heading in the right direction.

Walking in a straight line was a lot harder than I first thought however. The way to Ponyville was interrupted by numerous cutoffs, small cliffs and downed trees blocking the way. On the positive side I could still see the mountain behind me, so I wasn’t completely lost. This part of the forest was much more populated with creatures, most of them small. There were lots of birdcalls in the air, and the sounds of chipmunks chattering could be heard as they chased one another between the trees. Soon the background noise of the forest faded as I began to think of what I would do next. There were so many variables to actually meeting the denizens of Equestria, and there were hundreds of outcomes that could happen.

I could meet them and they would accept me openly, after all the ponies seemed to be a lot more used to strange things than humans would be. Or they could be utterly horrified by me. And then they would panic and hide from me. Then they would form angry mobs with torches and pitchforks and chase me down. I would be thrown in a cell or worse, put on public display in a local zoo like I’m some sort of strange animal. Or worse they could take me to some secret underground vault, and have me dissected alive with my arms and legs strapped to a table! They could even be planning to force feed me cake to fatten me up because they are all secretly MEAT EATERS! Of course most of those ideas were incredibly silly and not possible in the least... I hoped.

My mind continued to wander as I walked through the forest, drifting in and out of daydreaming as I continued along my way. Then I noticed something was off. The sounds of the wildlife had completely vanished giving the forest an eerily quiet atmosphere. I stopped looking around and listening carefully, there would be a reason why the other animals had fled and I had a bad feeling that I knew exactly what it was. Slowly I moved forward listening intently for any disturbances.


I jerked to a stop, behind me I heard the sound of movement from some bushes. Slowly I turned my head around to look, making sure I wouldn’t make any sudden movements. The bush that had made the sound stood still, and no sound came from it. I stare at that bush intently, waiting for something to jump out and strike me. Then I saw something in a hole in the bush. It was an eye, a big golden eye looking right at me.


The words echoed in my head, and I bolted away as fast as I could. A roar erupted behind me and I heard foliage being crushed. I looked behind me as I ran to confirm my suspicions, a manticore, THE manticore who had been chasing me ever since I got here was right behind me. It was a dead giveaway from how roughed up it looked, and the blood stained paw was a dead giveaway. Good lord was this bastard a hardy sucker, that ravine must have been more than 300 feet deep and yet he still survived. The manticore then leapt into the air and spread its…wings. Damn I forgot he even had those!

The beast flying above the trees roared as he dive-bombed me. I juked to the left just in the nick of time as it came crashing down right where I stood. I stumbled for a second and barely avoided the paw that lashed out at me. I sprinted away and the beast continued to chase me. The trees began to increase in number slowing down the large animal, until it began to charge straight through them like they were twigs.

I was in a major bind. Even though I was closer to Ponyville than before, I was still too far away to make it while outrunning this monster. I looked around madly, hoping to find some sort of way to either buy me some time or use as an improvised weapon. I still had my stone dagger but I doubt the beast would be stupid enough to fall for the same trick twice. My footing was lost suddenly when I stumbled over an exposed root and slammed into a tree. My vision blurred for a second and then shot into focus when I looked behind me to see the manticore rear up on two legs preparing to strike me down.

Panic shot through my entire system, I was about to die! There would be no way I could dodge this strike and I don’t think it was going to miss. I had no plan, no idea, and no hope of escaping. I looked down not wanting to see my death coming, when I saw a large branch sticking out of the ground. The branch was the size of my forearm and resting on a rock right in front of the manticore with the other side stuck in the ground. As the claws came down to slice me, I slammed my foot on the branch with my entire bodyweight behind it. The branch erupted from the ground and shot up right between the manticore’s legs.


There was a sickening crack that sounded through the Everfree forest.

Followed by a sickening roar that caused every male in earshot to cringe.


The beast doubled over in pain, its front paws groping its crotch in pain. Whimpers and grunts of pain was all it could muster over its impromptu neutering via branch. I stood over the quivering body of the manticore triumphant, and disbelieving that I just nutshot a freaking manticore!

“Ha! How do you like that!? You mess with the bull you get the ho-” I was interrupted from my smack talk by the beast roaring in pain again. I decided to save the taunting for another day and left before the manticore could regain his senses. Breaking into a jog I hurried my way towards Ponyville, the more distance I could put between me and this beast would be all for the better.

“You always ran away from your problems…”

I jolted to a stop, as I heard that voice again, and it was repeating things from my dream. My head darted around to find the source of the voice, but none could be found.

“Show yourself damnit!” I screamed at voice “I’m sick of these hide and go seek games.” I stood there breathing heavily, my entire psyche was on edge. I stood there waiting for a response. A heavy roar in the distance decided to be that response and I took off running again. The trees flew by me as my feet stomped into the ground. My foot slipped on a branch and I had to grab onto a tree to stop myself from falling, and it was a good thing I did.

The forest in front of me slanted downwards at a decline. A particularly steep one, slanted enough that if you fell down you’d have a hard time stopping even with all the rocks and trees in your way. I backed away from the tree I decided to hug to see that it was now splattered with blood, my blood. I swore as I lifted my shirt to view the now bleeding again wound. I retightened the shirt and moved it so a less bloody part was covering it. This was bad, I was bleeding again, my blood and thus my scent was scattered all over this tree like a giant billboard saying “OVER HERE!” and the manticore was right behind me. If I tried descending this slant, the beast would probably catch up to me before I even hit bottom. I had to outsmart it again, but how could I if it knew exactly where I was. Then I got an idea, it knew where I was, but I bet it wouldn’t expect a surprise attack.

I quickly climbed one of the trees nearby the one splattered with my blood. I climbed to the highest branch I could and hid among the leaves, hopefully I blended enough in that it wouldn’t notice me up here. I stood holding on to the trunk of the tree waiting and watching. Soon I heard a large animal approaching as it crashed through the underbrush. The manticore ran out into my sight and stopped short of the bloodstained tree. I took the stone dagger out of my pocket and readied it in my hand. The manticore sniffed the tree and began to look around. ‘Yes yes kitty, where could I have gone?’ I said to myself. Then, stepping off the branch I let gravity take a hold of me.

The branches whistled past me as my body slammed the back of the manticore, causing the bastard to rear up again in shock. I gripped onto its mane with my free hand and gripped its sides with my legs. The manticore began to thrash back and forth in an attempt to throw me off, but this was hardly a bull and it was not used to throwing attackers off its back. I brought the stone dagger high into the air and brought it down right into the manticore’s right eye. The beast roared in pain and tried to buck me off, sending my legs flying free but my grip on his mane remained. Giving the dagger a twist I pulled back and the manticore sprayed the ground with the blood and fluids that shot out of its eye socket.

“Lights out you son of a bitch!” I jabbed the dagger into the manticore’s left eye and it let out a blood curdling roar of pain and agony. I laughed maniacally as I twisted the dagger in its socket. If I could just reach its brain I could kill it and be done with it once and for all! I pulled the dagger out of its eye and prepared for one last stab, and then I stopped. I hadn’t felt it at first but a great wave of pain erupted from my right shoulder causing me to drop my dagger. I looked back to see the scorpion tail of the manticore embedded into my backside. The tail pulled out of me, and more pain shot through me. I screamed in anguish and reared up one of my legs and kicked the base of the tail. The tail tried to strike again and instead because of my kick, hit the side of its owner’s head.

The manticore reared up again and threw me through the air, I collided with a tree and flopped to the ground like a ragdoll. The beast kept on bucking not realizing I was off and kept roaring and spinning around to throw off its ghost attacker. The manticore however, didn’t see how close it was to the edge of the decline and went tumbling over the edge roaring as it fell. I could hear trees snap and heavy crashing noises as it fell further and further down the hill. Its roars faded into the distance and soon I could no longer hear it anymore.

I laid there breathing heavily, the force of being slammed against the tree had knocked the wind out of me. I tried to struggle to my knees, but pain shot through my entire back when I did. That stinger of his still left its mark in my back and a growing numbness started to spread out from the wound. I tried to fight it and rise to my feet, but my body refused to cooperate. Slowly the numbness extended to my neck and I found it hard to breathe. A figure suddenly appeared before me, but the numbness prevented me from turning my head up to see who it was. The figure bent down and stared at me with her glowing golden eyes.

“You’re selfish you know that?”

The words echoed in my head as the eyes burned into my skull and I passed out.


I sat in the backseat of the car as we traveled home from the fair. Mom was driving, even though I had my license and could totally drive just fine. She used that old mom excuse that she’d never be able to get any rest if “I” was driving. I decided to give her my best pouting face while sitting back here and I would remain grumpy all the way home.

“My teacher says, ‘If you keep making an angry face, it will stay stuck like that forever.’” said my sister sitting to my left. She had this know it all grin on her face as she hugged her Fluttershy plush.

“Yes, well your teacher also happens to be an alien, so she would know a lot about humans wouldn’t she?” I said back to her. Sophie's face turned to one of shock, her jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

“She is?!” asked Sophie as all kids do when they hear a big secret.

“Felix stop trying to convince your sister that aliens have taken over the school.” my mom interjected. I smiled devilishly at mom and turned back to Sophie and whispered to her.

“Of course mom doesn’t want you to know cause she’s an alien too.” Sophie’s eyes practically bugged out of her skull.

“Reaaaaally?” she whispered back to me.

“Yes I am dear, I also have great hearing.” Mom interjected again. Damn how does she do that?!

“Dang it mom, do you have to ruin EVERYTHING I do?”

“Oh come now Felix, I’m not that much of a stick in the mud am I? After all who paid for your ticket to the fair I wonder?” mom said with a tinge of smugness.

“Y… you did.” I said defeated. “You may have won this battle today, but not the war!”

“Oh there was even a battle at all? I could have sworn I was talking to France in my backseat.” Ooooooooo, she got me right in the pride. Mom looked back at me through the rearview mirror and smiled, I couldn’t help laugh a little at that. She may be a mom but dang does she know how to talk smack. Never use a ‘Yo momma’ joke around her, I did once and I still have nightmares from her interesting form of revenge.

I looked over to Sophie who was whispering something to her plushie. She then put her ear up to Fluttershy’s mouth and nodded her head. “What did Fluttershy say to you Sophie?” I asked her.

“She said she wants a real pony to hang out with. Another Pegasus!” Sophie said with stars in her eyes.

“I’m sorry sweetie, but we can’t get a Pegasus as a pet.” said mom “We live in the city and there’d be no place for it to stay.” I knew she’d also have a dickens of a time trying to find a mythical winged horse to begin with. Mom however was also right, the duplex we lived in didn’t allow pets of any kind so we didn’t have a single family pet.

“She could stay in my room!” Sophie said trying to convince my mom. “And she wouldn’t take up any space at all, and I would take good care of her!”

“I’m sorry Sophie, I really wish I could, but you know we can’t.” Mom gave Sophie her most sincere voice, but it wasn’t that effective against Sophie’s pouting.

“I know…” Sophie sat there dejected and sullen. I reached over and rubbed the top of her head playfully.

“Tell ya’ what squirt, when I move out I’ll get a Pegasus as a pet and you can come over anytime. How does that sound?” I suggested to her. Sophie’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and smiled the biggest smile she could.

“You mean it!? I can come over and play games with her, and she can fly me around, and I can hug her whenever I want, and…” She spoke rapid-fire, asking about all the things she could do.

“Yes, yes!” I told her “Everything except the flying, I don’t think the ATCs would like you making an unscheduled take off.”

“The who?” she asked totally confused.

“The government.” I quickly explained.

“Harumph.” Sophie said pouting. “Stupid grover-mint, ruining all my fun… hey Felix when you do get that pony… could you…” She trailed off at the end.

“Could I do what?” I asked.

“Could you give her a hug for me and tell her that I’ll play with her soon? I know you’re gonna be busy with college school and stuff, but I want her to know that I’m gonna come by right away, okay?” Sophie asked. She looked so determined in her eyes.

“Sure thing sis.” I said with a smile. Sophie cheered and gave me a hug that was way too strong for a girl her age.

“Thanks so much, you’re not such a dork after all.” Sophie said with a giggle. Sure I wasn’t REALLY going to get her a pony, what I actually was planning was that when she came over to visit I’d have a big present waiting for her. One of those life size pony models that had just come out in toy stores, they could be programmed to walk and talk with some preprogrammed lines. The Fluttershy model was a hard one to get but luckily I had a buddy who stocks the shelves at Target.

“Speaking of College mister, did you fill out those student loan forms yet?” asked mom.

“Um… sorta?” I responded sheepishly.

“What do you mean ‘sorta’?” she asked this time more sternly.

“Well, I put my name on the forms?” I said shrugging. I had been rather lax in filling out the paperwork for college, I was still basking the the ‘Just graduated High School’ glow. Mom of course let out the classic I’m-not-mad-I’m-just-disappointed sighs.

“Felix, you can’t keep putting off your responsibilities like this. You have to understand you are a grown man now and-” I tuned the rest of mom’s speech out. It was one of those ‘you’ve got to grow up and be responsible’ parent speeches that seems to be a requirement to CONSTANTLY remind your children with. She had said this speech to me so many times I had it memorized to the point where I knew the exact timing to respond. Of course this time she had to change it up and asked a rhetorical question instead, and I answered it. She turned around and glared at me. “Felix are you even listen to me mist-”

Two beams of light, blinded me.


I screamed out loud in panic, a horn blared and the left side of the car erupted in a hail of glass and steel.


The car flipped over and I felt my body being tossed and thrown against the ceiling and the walls of the car.


My head slammed against my window and pain flooded my senses as I screamed wishing it would go away. My eyes glanced out the window to see the image of a tree.


The car hit the tree with full force and stopped dead. I slammed against the side of the car, my breath leaving me causing me to gasp. I couldn’t breathe, I felt my world fading away. The drowning sound of the car horn blaring echoed in my mind.






Beeping machines.

I groaned.

“Doctor? Doctor Barret, he’s awake!”


I felt like my head was in a vice. I couldn’t see, my mouth tasted dry, and every part of my body ached.

“Mr. Jackson, can you hear me?”

Someone? Asking for a Jackson? Am I a Jackson?

“Felix, can you hear me?”

My eyes shot open, at first I couldn’t see anything only a bright whiteness.

“I… I can’t see?”

“Nurse, would you close the blinds please?” said a voice. A nurse? Am I sick? I heard the sound of metal rings on metal move and soon the brightness faded and I could see general shapes in front of me.

“Is that better Felix?” asked the voice.

“Better, but it’s still blurry.” I said with a raspy voice.

“You’ve been in an accident Mr. Jackson, you were pretty banged up when they brought you in here. Your vision is most likely a side effect of the concussion you sustained.” the figure to my side explained

“Accident?” I was in an accident? That would explain the nurse.

“Yes, you were hit by an oncoming semi. Your car had flipped over the guardrail and went down an embankment. When the car collided with a tree you received that concussion. You also had a few minor lacerations to your-” The memories suddenly flooded back into my brain. I remembered all of it. The heart monitor shot up in tempo has my heart rate increased.

“Mom and Sophie! Where are they?! Are they alright?” I tried sitting up but the nurse pushed me back gently saying I should be laying down. “Where is my mother and sister?!”

“You mother is currently in ICU. She suffered serious head trauma, 3 broken ribs and a shattered knee. She’s stable but they had to alleviate some pressure in her brain that was building up. She’s being taken care of and is under our constant supervision.” The voice explained. It didn’t answer my question though.

“What happened to Sophie?”

The voice didn’t respond.

“Where is my SISTER?!” I screamed at the voice.

“She went into ICU as well, the entire left side of her chest was crushed from the impact. She was in critical condition with multiple fractures and a broken pelvis. She went into cardiac arrest when they tried to relieve the internal bleeding in her lung.” The doctor stopped.

“What happened?” I asked.



“They were unable to revive her…

I’m sorry Felix,

she’s dead.”

Author's Note:

06/06/2013 Revamp Notes:

*Hands you a box of tissues*

Yeah when this chapter came out the comments were filled with nothing but, 'OH GAWD THE FEELS" And that made me happy. As a writer, there is nothing I love more then to know my work was able to effect a person at an emotional level. That's something ALL artists strive for. A recognition that their work has gone beyond the medium and made a connection to the audience. Be it sadness, joy, or elation, Triggering an emotional response is when you know you've done something right.

Unless you screwed up so badly everyone hates it, then you're fucked.