• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 6,469 Views, 51 Comments

Separate Ways - Frosty the Batty

Jeremy, after dating Rarity for less than a year, finds out that she lied to him.

  • ...

Yous' a lil Bitch

Author's Note:

Just thought I'd leave this here for you all. Enjoy!
If you want, I don't want to be rude or anything... :fluttershyouch:

Also, if I missed any grammar shit, please let me know. I looked this thing over like three times and I feel like I still missed shit.

It's been three days now. And you've left your room once to use the restroom. Twilight has pleaded with you to leave and get some fresh air. But all you did was open your bedroom window. Only to close it after Rainbow flew in and repeatedly demand you to get out and about. She even attempted to lift you off your bed.

Her attempts bered little to no fruit, however. Pony’s magic were always ‘screwy’ around you anyways.

And interestingly enough, it was Applejack who managed to get anywhere with you; you always felt that she always had something either insightful, or at least worthwhile, to say. So you let her in your room on say too. She told you how Rarity was a ‘cheatin’, lyin’, double-faced cow’, she also also told you that her and the rest of your friends were legitimately worried about your well-being. As they all knew that, even for a human, lazing around and wallowing in despair was not healthy. She heavily urged you, with words, to least get up and use your legs. She also more or less reminded you that you have friends to talk to. She told you that, no matter how you want to take, that you will move on. But only when you want to. But that doesn't mean to just stay in here for weeks on end.

And despite the both of you knowing that it's only been three days, you and Apejack know that it could become that way if her or your other friends hadn’t come and say anything.

You’re grateful you have friends like Applejack. You knew she of all ponies would tell you, in a good natured sort of way, that you're never alone.

And now here you are, walking about the krystal tree castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Since it was morning you made your way to the kitchen, where Spike would be no-doubt making his famous blueberry pancakes, you can already smell the blueberry wafting through the halls. You used the alluring scent as a means to get to the kitchen; you never really took the time to memorize the layout of this castle like some pony.

Cough Cough

“Hey Jeremy!” Spike greeted as he noticed you walking into the kitchen. “Fellin’ better?” He asked, you saw the pancakes in the magic stove and licked your lips; your stomach was demanding to be fed.

“Kinda,” You admitted. “You thank Applejack for that.” That got a chuckle out of the baby dragon.

“Yeah, she's got a way with words.” He said, the. Then turned to you bodily. “But, for real though, are you ok?” You smiled at Spike’s genuine nature.

“Yeah, what Aj said really reminded me that I got people I can talk to.” A small small smile stayed on your face. “And thanks for asking, it means anlot to me.” Spike beamed a little.

“Aww. It's nothing, friends look out for each other, right?” You nodded, and Spike turned back around, flipping a few pancakes. “You want some Pancakes?”


“How many?”


“Anything to drink?”

“Apple juice, please.”

“You got it.” Spike flipped a few more pancakes, then grabbed a plate sitting next to the stove, put three of the fluffy disks on it, hopped off the stool he uses when operating the stoves, and placed the plate in front it of you. He then went to a random draw and grabbed a butter knife and fork, then went to the fridge, picked up a gallon, along with a cup from a cabinet under the counter, and finally went back to you and handed the fork and knife while pouring you a glass of nice, fresh, apple juice.

“Thanks Spike.” You said gratefully.

“Anytime buddy.” Spike said with a nod and a sun-filled grin. He went back to the stoves and gathered the rest of the pancakes sitting atop the stove on a single plate. There were five, presumably three for him and two for Twilight, speaking of…

“Where’s Twilight? Shouldn’t she be up by now?” You asked while digging into the pancakes. You glanced at the clock sitting above the doorway, it read nine thirty.

“She should be here in a minute or two.” Spike said before setting down two more plates. He then grabbed two sets of the fork/butter knife duo, set on pair beside one plate, and set the other by the other. He took a seat and used his fork to stab three pancakes and brought them over to his plate.

The two of sat in comfortable silence while the both of you ate. Eventually though, you heard a set of hooves against the crystalline floor, and soon after a sleepy Twilight Sparkle lazily walked into the room.

“Mornin’ Spike.” She said without opening her eyes. With a sort of practice grace she made her way straight to her seat and magicked the remaining pancakes to er plate. She paused for a few seconds before her fork floated up in her magical aura.

“Morning Twilight.” Spike said through a mouthful of fluffy bread.

“Good Morning Twilight.” You said right after. Twilight, who had a piece of pancake in her mouth at this point, coughed and wheezed while her eyes shot wide open and locked on you after a second.

“Good… morning, Jeremy.” She said once she got her breathing under control. “How are you feeling? Better I hope?” She asked, and you nodded.

“Yeah.” You said.

“So…” She slowly started, her brain was quite up to its usual speed yet. “What do plan to do today?” You shrug.

“Meh, I’d thought I’d stop by Aj’s to talk for a bit.” Twilight paused, then nodded understandingly; That apple farmer was always the go-to mare when it came to spilling emotional dumps.

“I understand, would you like me to teleport you there?” She offered. You thought about for a minute and nodded; You wanted avoid any chance of running into Rarity.

“Yeah, after I’m done with breakfast though.”

“Oh… I know.” She said through a yawn

Another bout of silence between the three of you, and you find yourself with an empty plate and cup. Them, along with your fork and knife and place them in the sink. You had half a mind to fill the glass partly with water to prevent the milk from drying and sticking to the glass cup. You then turned around and saw that Twilight and Spike were not too far behind you. Twilight looked more alert, at least, she was walking at her usual pace.

After they put their dishes away, Twilight turned to you, while Spike started cleaning the dishes.

“Are you ready?” Twilight asked you. You nodded and she charged her horn up, a purple beam of magic shot out towards you, hitting your chest. Your stomach lurched and your vision was filled with swirling colors for the briefest second. And next thing you knew, you were standing the front yard of a barn house. You shake the dizziness from your head; teleporting was never really your favorite mode of transportation, and walk up to the front door of the house.

“Comin’!” You heard from within. You then some hoof steps against the wood flooring. Applejack opened the door.

“Jeremy!?” She was surprised that it you at her door. “Well Ah’ll be! How’re ya doin’?”

“Better, thanks to you.” You replied.

“Aw shucks.” She said happily while kicking a hoof across the porch. “You ain’t gotta thank me! Ah always help out mah friends when Ah can.” There was a blush on her orange cheeks when she said that.

You always thought it was cute when ponies blusehd in general. Especially with Aj, it clashed well with her orange coat. Almost complementing it as well.

“So, what can ah do for ya?” The apple mare asked.

“Well, I was hoping I could just talk with you for a bit.” You said while scratching the back of your neck. “If you know what I mean.”

“Oh...” She trailed off, but quickly recovered. “Why, c’mon in then. We’ll head to mah room.” You nodded and followed Applejack inside the rustic home. As the two of you went to her room, you passed by the rest of the Apple family in the living room. Applebloom looked to be working on some homework, Big Mac seemed to be nodding off, and Granny Smith sat in her usual spot on her rocking chair; rocking to her snores. Applebloom noticed the two of you, you specifically, and waved. You waved back.

The next few hours of the day were spent by you basically dumping all of your lingering emotions all over Applejack. You had no idea how much time you actually spent talking, but you felt your mouth go dry a few times. Applejack Was kind enough to get you a cup of water.

But eventually, you ran out of things to say, whether it was about your time with Rarity, or other things in general. You still felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off your shoulders either way.

“Mah stars...” Applejack breathed. “Ah had no idea you thought about Rarity so highly before things turned sour.” You sighed at that, a bitter smile twisting you lips.

“Yeah, I really thought she was the one for me.” I huffed out a laugh. “‘Guess I’m a bad judge in character.”

“Oh, c’mon Jeremy.” The orange mare scoffed. “We all know what kinda character Rarity was before all the howey.

Before we all of this, we knew Rarity was the mare for you. The two of you were like two apples on the same branch; ya’ll were practically made each other.” She finished.

“That’s… one way to put it...” You agreed. “But, thanks for letting me rant.”

“It ain’t no problem!” She exclaimed with a tip of her hat. “Yer always welcome to talk here!”

“Thanks Applejack. I knew I could count on you.” You said with a grateful smile. You got up from the floor and took a moment to pop a few joints in your back and legs, you groaned in satisfaction as the blood flowed back through your legs. Once you were done with that, you looked back at Applejack who was beaming at you. You also noticed that her cheeks were lightly tinted pink. Why? You thought. Was it warm in here.

“C’mon, you’re ‘prolly hungry after all the talkin’.” The mare said while walking by you. You looked after her without moving, it wass, ponies don’t usually blush when they’re warm.

You’re stomach groaned, demanding your attention, you quickly forgot what you were thinking about and followed after Applejack.

You were in the kitchen now, a brief glance out a window told you it’d be a few hours before sundown.

Damn, didn’t think I’d take THAT long…

But, then again, you think, you did have a lot to talk about.

“Hey Jeremy!” Applebloom called out at you. You turned your attention to the little filly, smiled, and waved.

“Jeremy.” Big Mac nodded, you nodded.

“Jeremy? When did you git here?” Granny asked.

“He came by a while ago to talk about recent things goin’ on.” Aj answered.

“Oh, ah see… Well, it’s a little late fer me tah say, but I’m sorry ‘bout yer loss.” That sounded a bit weird to you, even the other Apples shared confused glances. But you knew what Granny by that.

“It’s alright Granny. I’m sure I’ll find someone else who won’t cheat on me.” Granny snickered at that.

“Ah just don’t know why a pony like Rarity would cheat on you though, with Thunderland of ponies.” Applebloom wondered.

“I really don’t know Applebloom, but I really don’t care. Rarity can live the rest of her live knowing she made the biggest mistake of her life.”

“Eyup.” Mac said with a nod of agreement.

“Ah think it’s gotta do with somethin’ with Rarity bein’ a big ol’ biggot.” Applejack said while handing- hoofing, out plates of varying apple-themed food stuffs. “Ah always kinda thought Rarity wasn’t kinda pony to date outside of her kind. No offense to ya Jer.” She added in.

“Eh, none taken. I figured some pony would think like that.” You looked down at the table suddenly. “I didn’t think it’d be Rarity though.” You brought your head back up. “But, whatever, she can go rot in hell for all I care.”

“Jeremy…” Aj sighed.

“Hey, it’s only been three days for me, lay off.” You suddenly got up from the table and stormed away, your intent: leaving the house. You heard Applejack call after you, but you ignored her.

You shoved the door open, and slammed it close as you left the building. In your angered hazed you made your way over to Sugarcube Corner. You thought Pinkie could help calm you down.

“Hey Jerry!” Pinkie greeted you when she blinked into existence in front of you. “Finally walkin’ around huh?” Your intense frown morphed into a half smile.

“Yeah, ‘was hoping I could get a sundae here?” You said with a hopeful tone.

“You got it Jerry! I'll be right back!” Pinkie said in her usual hyperactive way before she darted toward the back of the room and into the kitchen. You chuckled lightly and took a seat at the nearest table. You spotted the menu and decided to look through it with a shrug. You were never the kind of person to eat their comfort foods at times like this. But you figured you could use a little something to distract you for a while.

“Oh! Hello Jeremy!” You heard someone call out to you. You looked up from the menu and see Mrs. Cake trotting up to you.

“Hey Cup Cake.” You greeted back. The baby blue mare smiled sweetly st you and took of seat of her own across the table from you.

“How are you feeling dearie?” She asked tentatively. It warmed your heart that all your friends, and ponies in general, cared so much about you.

“Much better than before.” Came your answer. “I just thought I'd come by since I haven't had a proper meal in a couple days.” The mare visibly winced at that. “But, don't worry about it. It's not gonna become a problem for me.”

“Oh, that's good.” She breathed a relieved sigh. “So… Have you… talked to anypony yet?” She asked, and you modded.

“Yeah, Twilight and Applejack.” You said.

“Good!” The plump mare chirped. “It's not good keeping quiet about kind of things, you know.” Cup Cake said with a knowing smile.

“Yeah yeah yeah.” You said while rolling your eyes. Remembering that time where you didn't tell anyone about your crush on a certain unicorn who shall not be named.

While it's funny to look back at that memory. It was extremely embarrassing at the time.

“Ahem…” You refocused you eyes on Cup. “Would it be alright if you… if I asked… about the, specifics?” She asked with a wince. And while that was a weak attempt to ask why everything happened the way it did. You still understood what she meant and maintained your composure.

“All I know is that she cheated me because I think she's a fucking bigot who couldn't look past my appearance. At least that's what Aj thinks.

But I think it has something to with Rarity. I think, in her eyes. I wasn't the ‘prince’ she was looking for. Even though I treated her like the princess I thought she was. It mostly just pisses me off that she actually planned on breaking up with only after she started seeing Thunderlane behind my back. Fuckin cheating whore…” You muttered the last part to keep any of the ponies from hearing you curse.

“... How are you so sure?”

“The next day I went to the bar and she was there already on a date with the guy.”

“Oh… Is that when you sang? Pinkie told us that Rainbow told her that you sang your heart out that night.”

“Yeah. That's basically what happened. When I saw her with Thunder, I guess something in me kinda snapped; I don't think I would've done that in any other situation. But, eh… I got to perfectly let her know that she's gone from my life.” Your shoulders sagged a bit. “It still hurts though.” You folded your arms on top of the table and put your head down. “Sometimes I wish I was an apathetic husk.” You groaned.

“Oh, don't be like that!” Cup said with a thump to your shoulder. “I mean, sure, it’ll hurt, especially in these kinds of circumstances.” You looked up and stared flatly at her. “But, it will pass.” She hastily continued. “And just like how this will pass, you’ll find the right mare, maybe even somepony that isn’t a pony.” Cup suggested.

You thought about the implications for a minute.

Of course you look around outside of ponies! It’ll be a challenge, since there’s only been two gryphons and a minotaur in this village for the past couple of years, as far as you knew. But, you could deal with that later.

“You’re right… How come I didn’t think of that?” You asked yourself. Of course, you knew there were other species out there. And yet, you didn’t even think to at least try and date a gryphon. You quickly realized that they were, and still are, pretty scarce in pony lands. And then… There weren’t that many zebras around here either! There’s just Zecora and she lives in the Everfree.

You startlingly realized there’s more in this world you could explore outside of ponies. Your jimmies rustled at the thought.

“I don’t anypony, or in this case, you, would think anything of it. Gryphons rarely, if at all, come to this side of the borde. Much less in a small place like Ponyville.” Cup reasoned. It was well sound in your opinion.

“Yeah, makes sense.” You said half-mindedly. You already making plans to travel to Saddle Arabia and the Prance Islands. And for a second, you thought you were being a little hasty about this, but the prospect of finding your true, true love shoved those thoughts aside.

Wow, how quick for a man who just lost his mare of six months. Am I right?

You failed to hear Cup Cake call your name a few times since she was worrying about you being unresponsive. It took Pinkie placing the sundae you ordered in front of you to snap out of it.

“Jerry! Yoohoo!” You looked up and noticed that the pink mare had been waving her foreleg at your face, for how long, you didn’t know. You looked down and saw the Chocolate Sundae Supreme sitting on the table.

“Oh… Thanks Pinkie.” You then noticed the looks those two ponies were giving you. “Sorry, just got a lot on my mind now. Cup gave me a lot of things to think about.”

“Oh… Ok!” Pinkie, without another word said, spun around and hopped away. You and Cup Cake chuckled at Pinkie’s mannerisms. Cup then turned to know. A knowing look on her face.

“What?” She said nothing, only raising a brow at you. “What?” At that, she heaved a sigh.

“I know what you're planning to do. You know you don't need to do that. Not now at least, you still need time to really get over it.”

Wow, she read you like an open book.

“But, what am I supposed to do now? I don't even have a home anymore.”

“You still have your personal belongings, don't you?”

“Yeah, but that’s only my clothes, toothbrush, and phone. I almost got nothing to lose doing this.”

“You know we would lose you if anything happened.”

“I know…” Your train of thought slowed to an ass-grinding halt as an epiphany hit you like a sledge hammer to your gonads.

You realized, you are definitely a little whiny bitch.

You never thought you’d see the day.

But then, it also came to you that you now have more motivation to change yourself for the better. And just because Rarity cheated on you because you were an inadequate lover in her eyes.

Definitely not because of that.

“Jeremy? Are you alright?” Cup called you.

“Huh, wuh..?” You shook your head, looking to the blue pony. “Oh, yeah Cup, I’m fine. I just need to… think about stuff for a little while.” Your grab your sundae and stood up. “And Cup?” She looked to you curiously. “Thank you, you’ve given me a lot of things to think about, including myself. Thank you Cup Cake.” You kneeled down and gave the chubby pony a hug.

“Oh…” She said slowly, not expecting you to hug her. “Well, it’s not a problem dearie.” She smiled up at you as you broke the hug. “Friends are always there for each other, right?” You nodded. Her cheeriness causing you to beam a smile.

“Yeah, always.” You replied. “Thanks for the sundae Pinkie!”

“You’re Welcome! I’ll come by for the cup when you’re done!” You heard from the doorway as you left.

You made your way to your temporary home. Your newfound vigor focused on one thing and one thing only:

You will make yourself into the best man any pony, or any sapient creature, could ask for.

Comments ( 23 )

7957131 This is were the story ends. Though, what happens from here is up to you to decide!
Also, thank you for the fave!

7957147 this doesn't seem like an ending I know you said it's up your imagination at what he does but that's just a cliffhanger or in some cases a cop out no resolution what about thunderlane did he know I'd think he would seeing as how the whole town knew but we only see them alienating rarity how was he affected

7968638 Well, I did kinda leave it to where Jeremy's gonna go soul-searching, there's that...

But, I do understand what you mean, I did leave a bunch of details. And is it is right now for me, I'm not adding more to this fic. So it's really up to how you interpret things.

7995788 and not only that, she's been cheating on him for some time before.

8143363 Thank you! And thank you for adding this for to your fave!

8143702 no prob, always enjoy a good fic. :twilightsmile:

Your jimmies rustled at the thought.

It was at this moment, I knew, this became a meme.

But seriously, pretty good fic. I say this mainly 'cause of its relatability. Had the exact same "breaking up with you 'cause I'm cheating on you and I don't want to feel guilty" situation happen to me; by the third day I was still crying like a little bitch and what-not :rainbowlaugh:

8264394 Thank you for your kind words good sir. And thank you forfavingg my fic!

:OOOO sequel of revenge, recovery, and betterment.

Don't worry, anon...I'm sure you'll find somepony else:pinkiesad2:. It just seems that Rarity wasn't the one for you...or to be frank, was never the one for you:twilightangry2:.

I really wanted this story to continue it is a really good story

I think it would be kinda cool if you made another one and rarity is begging for him back

It would be funny if thunderlane cheated on her too

That could go with my idea of she begs for him back

I don’t know I think once it got around town That she cheated on him and that’s thunderlane cheated on her too I think other stallions would start to avoid her and mares might not trust her around there stallions

Comment posted by Silas5399 deleted Jul 11th, 2019

Please make one following this

“Hey, it’s only been three days for me, lay off. ” You suddenly got up from the table and stormed away, your intent: leaving the house. You heard Applejack call after you, but you ignored her.

How dare you speak to best pony that way

Um where’s the next chapter or sequel?

I never planned to make a sequel or add another chapter. I don't even think I posted anything along those lines. Sorry to disappoint.

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