• Published 6th Jul 2012
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The Life and Death of a DJ - Syn3rgy

So how did Vinyl become... Vinyl?

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Written in Ink (Pt 2.)

Edited by Soto Konoha

Diary Entry 77

‘Hippogriff: a creature born from the unnatural breeding between a griffon and a pony; often the outcome of non-consensual intercourse.’ That’s what the textbook says. If Equestria’s most unbiased book-written by a stallion who’s said to be the most unbiased pony-hints towards a hate of griffon and pony mating habits, how will today’s society look at it? I hope with all my heart that the History of Equestria: It’s Ponies and Land is a recollection of past mindsets, not modern. I still need to be cautious though. Already, I’m thinking of providing home schooling until I can assure myself that my children will be safe.

Diary Entry 124

Octavia sent me a note a few days ago, and though it’s been almost a year since we last talked, we quickly got back into the swing of things. I had lots to tell her, she had more. Apparently I had been replaced, but it was in a way I could agree to; Octavia got married. Sure it was a quick transition; meet the mare, and then, one year later, marry her, but she seemed sure that it was the right choice. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely support her, but can I be blamed for wishing it never happened? This means there’s an even smaller chance that she’ll return to Manehattan.

I had a dream about her last night; we were sitting together, talking over a cup of coffee like we always used to do. It was rainy outside, and we were just… talking. At one point in the conversation I heard hoof steps. At first, I put them off, but as they approach nearer, I stop and turn. A shadowy mare approaches, and Octy’s attention shifts. Without a word, and headless to my begging, she gets up and walks off.

Weird dream, right; I’m haunted by that dream. It’s preventing me from being truly happy that my good friend finally found her match.

Oh, I miss her dearly.

Diary entry 310

Today’s the day! Ren and Rorrick are having their third birthday; my, have they grown. I’m going to be taking them to the park, the one I used to busker at, actually; Fourhoof. I’m nervous. Today will be the first time they have the opportunity to interact with other ponies, and I pray to Celestia that they will be received nicely. I know it’s only foals, but I’m going to use this opportunity to decide whether or not I should enroll them in homeschooling, or public. Private is out of the picture because I’m still jobless, and we won’t be making enough money to support that prestigious education. We’re happy though, all four of us, and I think that’s all that matters.

Diary entry 311

The park outing seemed harmless enough. At first, the other foals were curious, and a little afraid; considering my children were larger than them, I understood. Eventually, however, they warmed up nicely enough. I’m so happy it turned out, and on top of it all, Orrick and I had some nice time to spend with one another. After the outing, we found the old tree I used to busker under, and I told the kids what I used to do when I was a filly. They seemed amused, and then they asked me to play them something. I agreed, and just three hours ago, when we were sitting around after dinner, I took out my old electric piano and played them their two favorite songs: Growl Go’s the Griffon and Trotting in the Sky (A very beautiful nursery rhyme, might I add). I suppose I can say I still had it in me, the colors did return, but I noticed something different this time around; they were duller. To me, however, going without them for so long, all they did was rekindle my spirits. Rorrick and Ren loved my music, and the rest of the night was filled with me teaching them how to sing. I must say that was enjoyable. What’s more, I took note that Ren especially had a musical inclination. By the end of the night, she could hit all the notes (give or take) of Growl Go’s the Griffon. Rorrick, however, found his place singing sporadically, not minding to hit the notes; he was enjoying himself thoroughly in the process. If only I could relive tonight one thousand times, or till I die; because for the first time in such a long time, I truly found myself lost to happiness.

Diary entry 380

Well, I haven’t written in here for a while now. Something will change today, however; Ren and Rorrick are going to school… grade 1, to be exact. Regular outings to the park have helped the twins get acquainted with the other ponies their age, and after talking with their mothers, I’ve learnt that a lot of them are going to be going to the same school. This is excellent. Ren has befriended a rather troublesome colt, silly and mischievous, while Rorrick still remains on the outside. I worry for him; he has a harder time fitting in… griffon blood runs strong in him. I can only hope for bright skies, I suppose, and like myself, my children will get a dose of both the bad, and the good (hopefully more good than bad). Only time will tell.

Diary entry 480

Today, Rorrick came home from school crying. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me he was being made fun of in school. They were calling him an oversized chicken, and apparently, the teacher had done little to intervene. Grade one was ok, and so was grade two… three has already turned out to be the worst year yet for Rorrick.

Ren on the other hoof is fitting in fine! She’s got a few good friends, and though she tries to fend off Rorrick’s assailants, she often doesn’t succeed. I suppose it’s the thought that counts though. She’s already joined the choir, and they plan on doing a performance in Fourhoof next week. Count me there!

Orrick is gone overseas to where Octavia is living now. He’s on a business trip, but he promised me he’d stop by her neighborhood and say hi. I envy him, but with the foals so young, and the fact that it’s right in the middle of the school year, I couldn’t join him.

Diary entry 498

I don’t know if I should feel glad, or sad. When Orrick returned, he brought back far more than just a ‘hi’ from Octavia. The damn mare was on my doorstep! I still can’t believe it now, a day later, while I’m writing this. Apparently, she’d been kicked out by her mate and had been surviving on the streets of Zanzibar for almost a year! No wonder she no longer sent me notes. The story on how Orrick found her was brief (as he seemed as unbelieving as I), but he mentioned something about almost tripping over her while walking to his hotel; he seemed as unbelieving as I.

So now my old friend sleeps in our basement. On the couch momentarily, but tomorrow, we’re going to bring down a fold-out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy she’s here… but can I not feel a bit of apprehension? This whole deal has come up so fast.

Diary entry 502

Looking at my friend, how she’s changed, puts me to tears. We had a very emotional talk today; two stay-at-home mares with woes to trade. The foals were off at school, and Orrick was up in our room working. We had an afternoon to burn. I always imagined the next time I and Octy would talk over coffee, it would be happy… there was no room for that here. This is her story.

Married the mare, relationship went well for a while. Was caught cheating on wife (something she regrets so deeply now), wife was not happy. Instead of talking it out, wife becomes aggressive… relationship goes down the drain. Octy is kicked from her house with some money to spend, spends it all on alcohol.

Here comes the best part.

Goes broke, becomes a busker. Cello broken in jumping… becomes a prostitute. Buck. No.

I’m angry at her, but right now, till things settle, I’m to assume the more favorable role of ‘supportive friend’. I have to get her back on track… but how?