• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 683 Views, 29 Comments

Seesaw - MintLynx

Long ago Equestria didn't have computers, autocarriages, great monoliths of steel and colossal sprawling cities. Yet with these great things received, one thing was lost.....Harmony

  • ...

1: Rust Colored Skies

7:35 pm, the soft tune jingle of a wrist computer sitting on a plastic nightstand next to a temperfoam bed. The nightstand being plastic due to wood being a more expensive luxury commodity in the days where rural land grows smaller and urban land grows larger. A stirring in the bed and an audible yawn joined the silence break of the wrist computer.

Tapping the screen the portable device ceases its jingle, and its light would illuminate the tired face of its owner, Owl Talon. Owl would pick up the device, putting it onto his foreleg and strapping it on till it was secure but comfortable. Having put a few extra digital currency, the worldwide currency to replace them all called Digibit, into his purchase portable device it had soft foam built into the strap for extra comfort.

Getting up from the bed Owl would stretch his limbs, along with his leathery bat pony wings. Looking around the room, the bedroom of his apartment, he walked on over to the window and pressed a button on the device. Two lights would form and pull up a holographic screen before his eyes, shutting his eyes he would lower the brightness setting so as to not have the poor tired globes be fried like hay patties on a grill.

Upon setting the brightness of the hologram his hoof would scroll through the options until it reached a virtual button to open blinds. With the command wirelessly sent the plastic blinds would open to reveal the world outside. The Hologram was a feature of the higher end model which was his CrystalCorp CpC-1234-H model of Wrist computer, coming with the hologram screen feature along with an optional padded strap.

Owl frowned as he looked to see the sky was overcast, seemed the weathercoptors were not going to get rid of the clouds just yet, seemed the scheduled rainstorm happened a bit later than he thought. He looked out to the view afforded to him from his window on the 25th floor of the Apartment building, one of the taller ones in the outer parts of the megacity of Battania. Built on and around the ancestral home mountains of Bat ponies, though not nearly as colossal as Great Megacities such as Manehattan, was a very large and well populated urban jungle.

Being a city of around 97.4 percent bat pony majority it was constructed with flying creatures in mind, thus buildings were often not quite built to be accessed by those without wings. The financial district of Battania could be seen for miles, even farther than Owl's apartment home. Tall buildings, skyscrapers as they were called, made up the comparatively small chunk that was the financial district. The tallest building being 250 floors in height, and no building going under 150 in the financial district. Outside the financial center buildings of various heights could be found ranging from ten stories to 30, like Owl's apartment building.

The sunset would be obscured by the yet to be cleared cloud blanket, to Owl's disappointment. For him and around half of Bat ponies in Battania, the evening was morning. In Battania, the only reason so many Bats were out in the day was the need for workers to keep the city and its businesses running, same reason why other ponies also are out at night. Night or day, no city could sleep, only half it's population could at a time. Battania was no exception even with a majority of ponies who preferred the night, and Owl himself was no exception wither.

Taking his gaze from the window to go and get dressed as in this timeline, unlike long ago, wearing clothing and keeping one's plot covered was a standard of social decency. A social standard sometimes challenged by the clothing some ponies wore, whether it be the stylized skirts designed seemingly to draw attention to a mare's panties to such panties being designed to cover as little flesh as possible.

Owl would dress in a simple set of gray cargo pants and a sleeveless utility jacket, a useful jacket riddled with oh so plenty of pockets. For in case of the need for self-defense he took from a drawer a simple pistol, CWtech S-600 series 10mm. By the time Owl went to the door and stepped out of the perch outside his room, 20 stories from the ground, night had fully set in.

The bat would then spread his wings, taking flight among the many others. Being a majority batpony city such ponies could be seen flying around in all directions like bees in a field of spring blooms. Screens of varying sizes were placed on the walls of nearly every building in sight, advertising almost everything one could imagine from companies small and megacorp.

Being on leave from his job working with the Lunar Guard in Sector 2, investigation and Interrogation, he would be due forth to his normal spot of leisure. That spot was one of the hundreds of nightclubs found in Battania, the one of his destination being the Siren Tail. He looked up to the sky, sighing as he saw the clouds still denied a look at the night sky and moon. City lights were nice and all, but the sheer number and volume of them could get somewhat obnoxious and even be a bit of a strain on the eyes.

The night sky on the other hoof had a more subtle beauty, less encompassing and more piercing lights accompanied by one big yet soft light which was Luna's moon. Instead of that subtle yet beautiful spectacle Owl was met with a sky of clouds reflecting the unending city lights to give off a rust-colored hue. While the clear night sky looked like a pretty show of lights in soft midnight blue, the overcast sky in the city looked like clouds of rusted iron.

Soon enough he would pass by one stack-mall, a 13 story structure with each floor containing a different small business on each floor. A clothing store, bionic maintenance clinic, a self-defense weapon's shop, a couple empty floors with projected 'For Sale or Lease' signs on the windows. Finally, at the very top a floor decorated with spray paint art depicting silhouettes of mares dancing around poles among decorative patterns and designs.

The advertisement on the metal and concrete walls was by no mean deceptive, as on the perch were multiple metal poles affixed to it each with a bat pony mare dressed in the bare minimum one could wear without getting busted for public indecency. Leather socks on all limbs, tight undergarments, revealing skirts all adorned the mares. One of the dancing bat mares would eye the Passing Owl, and send a sharp whistle his way. Stopping his onward flight and looking to the mare he would see her strike a pose on the pole before she said.

"You look lonely, few Digibits and I can make you feel loved~" her voice was soft yet seductive with a charisma to put savvy business ponies to shame.

Owl would reply to her "No thanks miss, I'm heading for a nightclub."

The mare would smirk with bedroom eyes and said "I can make you drunker and give you a party like no night club around here~" like the ancient sirens her voice was skillfully applied toward the art of seduction.

It would have likely claimed Owl, had he not just gone through the rocky tarturian path of a marriage crashing and burning. He was in no mood for a mare's touch, as it would likely remind him of that still-burning wreckage. "I'm good, thank you." he then flew off, hearing the cute whine of the mare as he flew off. In his mind, he thought that any business, from the smallest stack-mall shop to the largest megacorp, would do well to make use of the city seductresses.

They had charisma combined with a feminine charm granting them the ability to hack the mind and heart like a computer, could pitch any product quite easily. It would likely pay better, but prostitution and seduction were less of a lowly place in nowadays society and more of an art form which many taking part in it embraced with passion.

Eventually, he would reach the nightclub, located on the 6th floor of a 10-floor stack-mall. Siren Tail had above its perch and entrance a screen banner depicting an animated blue siren holding up and doing tricks with drinks. Two Bouncers with CW-Tech S-400-C shotguns, compact pump operated firearms slung at their sides, kept watch outside.

Both of the bouncers had bionic implants, the first having a full set of limbs constructed of metal and composite material, while the other having 'centaur arms'. Compact bionic arms which were made to replace any need to use one's forehooves for anything but walking. As Owl approached the one with the bionic limbs, the bouncer smiling and saying

"Well what's up in the up Ow, how did you sleep from sunrise to sundown?"

"Fine...after some sleep supplements, and maybe a bit of whiskey."

"Still reeling from that divorce aye? Perk up, you still get to see your daughter don't you?"

"I didn't just love her Steel, I loved the mare I made her with.."

"You can't let it drag you down forever Ow, you gotta move on you're not even 30. Still got plenty of life in you, there are over a million mares in Battania that'll happily rock the bed with a lunar guard."

"Not like I'm blasting crooks off the street with an AR, I work investigation remember?"

Steel would grin. "Dontcha know that many a mare finds detectives hot?" he chuckled, Owl joining in the chuckle only to sigh once more.

"I don't know if I can replace her."

"Come onnn, don't let that hot bod of yours go untouched while it's still young." said Steel, himself a stallion's type.

"I'll live, got my job and the good amount of credits it pays, along with this place to go every week."

He would hoof the CWtech S-600 pistol to Steel, who's metal fingers would slide out from his bionic hoof to take it then pull out a transparent tablet-like device which scanned Owl's clothing for any metal objects. Only the extra clips of the pistol would be found.

"Head right on in, have a good night and don't drink yourself unconscious, I might take advantage of that~" Steel smirked and Owl laughed.

"Oh buck thanks for the warning I'll watch my drinks." Owl replied in a jokey tone making the Bouncer burst out laughing before tapping the screen on his Wrist computer and letting Owl in. The Nightclub was moderately active with a few other bats chatting, drinking, flirting, or just sitting back and listening to the music. Some were also eating breakfast, as the club did serve it in the evenings. Taking a seat on one of the many hardened plastic foam cushioned stools at the bar he would whistle to the tender, a bat pony mare named Limerick. Her ear perking in an instant and looking to Owl with a smile as she spoke.

"Why hello there owl pone~ You feeling down and alone? Just sit, drop your mind's stress and relax, let the club slay your unhappiness like with an ax~!"

The tender was a young mare of early twenties who loved her rhymes, t'was her special talent after all. The only reason she worked a bar was because jobs needing her talent could be a bit short in number. She also found the tender to be a great place to socialize and bring her talent to many a pony. Owl would smile and say to her.

"Always good to see my favorite bartender here, how are things for you?"

"They go well in this time and place, for this, as usual, is my ideal home base."

"Would you live here if they had rooms?"

"Oh if this wondrous place had rooms for stays, I might remain in this place for all of my days~"

Owl liked talking to the tender, it was enjoyable and entertaining to chat with a pony so obsessed and in love with rhyming. He would honestly personally recommend she write something, type out a digital book and have it published. He would download and read such a thing in an instant. Paper, like wood, was a material which lost it's once immense commonality. It was simply more efficient to take literature to the InterNet, and store it away in 'Cyber Libraries' where digital books could be bought and downloaded from any place.

The traditional Library, a building chock full of blocks of paper held together in a binding either hardcover or paperback had died long ago. Instead, libraries were usually places with a large data storage unit containing as many as 2,000 to over 100,000 books. The popular chains of libraries known as 'ReadIt' and 'Crazy Bookworm' were the most common, though many other independent libraries also existed.

Traditional books were exuberantly pricey, a copy being worth as much as 6,000 Digibits or even more. Owl felt as if literature might have been higher in quality back in the days of paperback and hardback. Back them publishing was harder, now standards are few and in his opinion finding a good Digital Book that wasn't either pretentious, fetish fiction claimed to be a proper romance novel, cliche 'action adventure' stories, or otherwise lacking was nearly as hard as buying a traditional book. On the bright side if Limerick did want to make a story chances were publishing would be as easier than applying for a digital magazine subscription. On the other hoof, her digital writings of poem and rhyme among many other writings might drown like a prodigy child in a sea of sewage.

Taking in the ambiance of the club, screens on almost all the walls advertising products ranging from Crystal Corp and EQUE-TECH computers to Apple Organics' latest apple and carrot soda lines. Modern electronic music coming mainly from the underground was what mainly played, and he preferred even the least good songs of that over the corporate product shoved out by record labels as if out of a lazily built assembly line.

Soon enough some of his favorite tunes would play from the DJ booth, where the DJ himself would be organizing and choosing what plays. Those favorite tunes would be the lesser appreciated genre of electro-jazz, the sexy tunes of a good old traditional saxophone combined with unobnoxious but rather well implemented electronic blues.

The club was small with only a moderately sized dance floor where two drunken mares attempted slow dances, unwittingly providing entertainment for the other occupants. Multiple club guards with stun rifles at their sides would keep watch, making sure no drunken brawlers would try to make the club their arena.

When the two mares attempted to do some rather lewd things one of the guards, a bat mare with a neon dyed green mane slicked to one side whistled to them and told them to either quit it or find a table to hide under. The drunken duo would just invite her to join, inciting an unamused though not overly angry look as she repeated herself. Having ordered a cheap whiskey on the rocks Owl would watch the guard's predicament while listening to the music.

Here at Siren Tail, he was in another realm altogether, he knew most of the ponies here and made good friends. It was an escape that not even a Virtual Reality Game Device (VRGD) could really bring him. Everything was real, had a natural ambient feel and somewhat of an unpredictable nature which kept things interesting.

Never was a dull day at Siren Tail, nor was any day he came along the same. Time ticked by, or it would if digital clocks hadn't nearly killed the traditional clock. The guard mare would keep a close eye on the drunk duo as they attempted to entertain her with clumsy drunken sexy dance, entertaining her in the more comical manner as she chuckled.

Owl would take a drink of his whiskey, not wanting to think about the divorce for one, escaping the reality of years of marriage crashing down like a massive aircraft. Taking in the sounds of music and the colorful sights of the advertisements that showed and listening to the DJ's tunes Owl would zone out into a trance. Everything blurred and he ceased to really think, instead of letting the visual and auditory stimulation drag him deeper into a trance. It was meditative to him and could make time zoom by like an underground subway train.

Mischievous, Limerick would grin evilly like a villain on animated children's shows, seeing Owl in a trance she knew that spooking him would be easier than casual wrist computer games. Sneaking up close to the entranced stallion Limerick would smirk before grabbing his shoulders abruptly and saying.

"HEY OWL!!!"

Like a frightened moth Owl would flutter around rapidly and yell out as he fell off the stool in fright. After detecting that he wasn't hurt to any major degree Limerick would unleash her laughter as he looked up to her and caught his breath. His visual and audio trance shattered out of nowhere as if hit with a bullet. The bat stallion's mind would take a moment to recuperate before registering what had occurred. Though the relaxing trance was broken quite rudely, like with a naive but well-meaning child he couldn't be mad at her for a nanosecond even if it was something she always did. Laughing along with her the stallion would smile

"You'll never stop doing that will you."

"You'll never stop falling for it~ I'll bet you 20 a Digibit."

"I'll hold you to that!" Owl would smirk. "If I catch you in the next four weeks without getting spooked you owe 20 Digibits in my bank."

"And if I send you fluttering around like a frightened bird, you'll owe 20 digibits to keep your word~" Limerick smirked back.

Looking at the time on his wrist computer, Owl would say to Limerick. "Well I think it's about time I head out, might come back later but for now I'm gonna go see Byte."

"Going to see your little one, I hope you and her have lots of fun." Limerick smiled as she took his empty glass.

Waving goodbye to Limerick and waving to the Dj he would trot out, looking to Steel as he was given his gun back. The stallion would smile and bid his farewell before taking flight off the porch. Post-divorce his ex-wife was kind enough to let him see his daughter, Bug Byte, from time to time. On days like these, he was allowed to take her from school and take her some place, though not be out with her for too long, before taking her back home.

Thus his next stop would be the Battania East District School, or BEDS, to pick up his daughter after school hours were up. Along his flight, he would check the weather schedule on 'Weather+' an application on his Wrist computer. Unfortunately, the rust colored skies would remain for a while longer as the Weather copters were under maintenance. Even without a pretty night sky, he would not be brought down. It was always a bright night when he could see his daughter, he wouldn't give up a chance to see her for the world.

BEDS was a rather large educational facility, a 20 story building built in a manner where the structure surrounded an open area in the center, where the lower grade children had their recess time. It was large for a reason, as it held students from their early years to the late pre-college years. Bug Byte was currently in the fifth year, though only due to the somewhat rigid school system as Byte was quite the learning child. She was a computer whiz, an excellent one at that for her young age. Reaching the facility he would land on top, where most of the students being flying students would be picked up. Lots of other parents sat on the benches and waited, most watching programs on their wrist computers.

Waiting the remaining 15 minutes out Owl would go to the Music application of his device and play some tunes, setting the device to telepathy mode so as to not bother the others. Both wrist computers and regular computers were capable of telepathic audio, magically transmitting audio into the user's consciousness. It was great for private calls, playing your favorite loud music without destroying every ear within earshot, and for helping one fall sleep at night. Though in case of criminal calls everything to be was kept under close watch on by the CyberGuard, sector 5 of both Solar and Lunar Guard.

Owl would smile as he heard the digital ring of the dismissal bell and saw as little fluttering children flew out like a flock of birds, while the older teens would follow behind. Byte would soon locate her dad and fly toward him, the excited filly pummeling into her father with a hug. Owl would chuckle and hug his daughter back with a wide smile. They didn't get to see eachother too frequently, but when they did Owl couldn't be happier. The excited filly looked up to her Dad and said


"Hey Byte, how had school gone? You do well in school today?" Asked Owl, the filly nodding quickly.

"It was a bit boring, but not too hard. I got to play on the computer today!"

"You didn't try to mess with things didn't you?" Owl said, the filly's ears going down.

"I did a little....but I put things back when I was done!" said the filly in her defense.

"When you're older you can learn how to be a white hat, a good pony who can help protect ponies computers."

The filly smiled and nodded. "And help keep the bad ponies from hurting ponies computers?"

Owl nodded and chuckled, such a young mind yet such a smart one too. He was glad she wasn't able to do anything major, it would have likely had the computer systems get suddenly locked down and looked over by the CyberGuard. Having the Filly ride his back he took flight, little Byte wanted to do a lot of things, watch a scary grown up movie, get ice cream, go to a playground. Owl would remind her she was not old enough but would promise ice cream and a day at the playground. Ice cream shops could be found scattered all over the city, with various levels of product quality.

This particular place he would go to wasn't the most high class, but it did have good enough ice cream and was a favorite place. After some ice cream, they would go to the nearest public park, like the city it was built mainly with flying creatures in mind. Multiple inflatables rings around a large inflatable floating castle. The material which made up the inflatable features of the park were printed with lots of advertisements for brands of candy, clothing, children's movies, and games as well. Owl would watch as Byte played on the inflatables with the many other colts and fillies flying around it, keeping a very close eye on her as to not lose sight of her.

Soon enough the soft jingle would come from his Wrist computer, a call coming to him. Looking to the screen he would see the contact calling, it was the Royal Lunar Guard (RLG). He froze for a moment then sighed as he answered it, setting it to telepathy. Another feature of Telepathy was that it not only allowed you to hear your caller in your mind but talk to them in your mind as well.

"What's going on? What are you calling me for?"

"We need you for something, a major instance of a potential threat." said the current chief of the RLG, Kevlar Vest.

"It better be major, cause I'm not supposed to be off leave till tomorrow." said Owl in a less than positive tone. If he was gonna have to have his day with Byte interrupted his mood was not going to be very sweet. Vest sighed, he had a guess as to what this tone was caused by and wished that another pony of his sector could be called. But the current situation called for those who was good at infiltration, and few were as effective in stealth as Owl. The RLG made use of ponies from Sector 2 not only as detectives but as spies as well, spies who could watch the enemy where digital camera based surveillance could not.

Privacy was devalued, and the dangers of secret threats were made clear to the populace in a propaganda campaign to flush out any concerns of privacy. This allowed freedom for surveillance at any time often without a warrant. This particular situation was going to call for Sector 2's most capable, and that included Owl. The chief would inform him that the situation would be explained when he got to Canterlot. Looking glum he would get up and head to the playground, whistling for his Daughter.

"But Daaaaddy, we were supposed to spend the day together!" the filly pouted as her father broke the news to her.

Owl sighed as he said. "I know, but Daddy's job needs him now. He's sad too, but he has to go so he can help keep Equestria safe from the bad ponies." he warned her in the past of 'bad ponies' and to not talk to strangers, but also made it clear to her that the Police and Guard would make sure all bad ponies were stopped and put in jail.

This made the little filly look up to him, seeing him as some superhero in her little mind. He himself believed that no criminal scum was safe from the Guard, if police couldn't deal with them then the advanced federal law enforcement would mark their freedoms end. He hugged his daughter as she teared up

"I'm sorry, Daddy will try to make sure he doesn't get pulled away when he's off work again."

Owl didn't hate his job, quite the opposite, even if he wouldn't be the one to take the worst criminals off the street he would make sure they couldn't hide anywhere. The Job paid well enough, not enough to buy fancy things but enough to where he didn't need to worry about paying for the apartment and buying food. Thus he would take his sad daughter on over to where his ex-wife lived, calling her on his wrist computer.

Eventually, he would reach the apartment building, a 12 story structure not too far from his own apartment complex. Walking up to the door he would use his device and send a message to his ex that they were there. The door opens as he looks sadly to the mare he once loved, Night Haze.

A beautiful and young but also strong minded bat pony mare with a bluish-silver coat and long black mane with purple stripes, he found it more pretty than his dark brown and black colors could ever be. Her eyes were colored like pure silver, the times they had together flashed through his head before he snapped out of it. Looking to his daughter he sighed and said.

"Bye Byte, you make sure mommy doesn't get a computer monster on her computer."

The filly grinned. "I will!" and went up to hug her mother. The filly loved her mother just as much as her father, and for good reason as she was well taken care of by her mother who helped her with school and even played games with her online. If only they had stayed together, thought Owl, he missed those better days already. Leaving the apartment building he would head for the InterCity, a high-speed train that took ponies quickly between megacities. Like most who flew Owl did not own an Autocarriage, the common ground pony's way of getting around, he instead used public transport when it would otherwise be a long and tiring flight.

Luckily he didn't live too far from the nearest InterCity, so it was not long before he reached it. InterCity trains ran between all cities in Equestria and were the go-to for getting from city to city fast. Owl would purchase a ticket digitally from his wrist computer before entering the station. Long rows of tough but soft foam seats would let ponies sit down and view rows of screens depicting the usual adds along with some less usual ones. To prevent geniuses from playing on the tracks they were closed off from the waiting area with automated sliding glass doors to allow access once the trains had arrived.

Multiple sets of tracks went through the massive sound echoing structure that was the station with walkways which allowed ponies to walk over the tracks, those also closed off for the safety of ponies with all levels of common sense. Upon walking to the waiting space for track 2 Owl would take a seat and look over the advertisement screens put onto the safety wall between the tracks and the waiting area, keeping note of some advertised grocery products that might prove better than the generic Apple Organics brand.

Suddenly, a few of the screens would glitch out and shut off, catching Owl's attention very quickly. The screens were usually well built and well maintained, it seemed unusual that so many go out at once. Unusual, but not impossible, thus Owl would just ignore it for now....until they suddenly sprang back to life depicting a digitized hoof in an old 8-bit style surrounded by pixel art of hooves around it. Being of the federal police he was very aware of what this symbol represented, Digital Hoof.

A renegade 'hacktivist' group of ponies who were constantly at the throat of social order, spreading rumors about the government being 'corrupt' and 'corporately bought out' among other things. Nonsense, he thought, as he wondered what anti-government propaganda they would spew in the fifteen minutes at most before the Cyber Guard kicked them off this network. Old style text would display saying the following.

"Do you really think they can do no wrong? Have a look at this!"

The screen would then show a video from what looked like security footage showing a room and two ponies taking out a beaten looking mare from a room. It would then show the text "These are Guardsponies, tasked with interrogating a mare into confession for a murder of her husband and kids." followed by. "You can see how they treated her." next followed by "She wasn't confirmed guilty, the evidence didn't confirm a thing!"

Owl would look at the screen in shock, he refused to believe this, there was no way they hacked into security footage INSIDE the Guard's facility. This had to have been fabricated, or at least taken out of context. He was part of investigation and interrogation, and they NEVER did this. The pony sitting next to him looked shocked, and inclined to be in defense he yelled.

"This is either bucking fabricated or footage was taken out of context!"

"I don't know...those look like guards to me.." said the pony next to him, this made Owl angrily get up and stand in the way of the pony's line of sight.

"I bucking WORK for Investigations and Interrogation and we never use such methods on suspects!!!" Owl yelled, catching the attention of the other ponies as their gaze turned away from the hacked screens to him. They looked shocked at what they saw as well, in reply Owl asked

"Are you going to listen to some self-righteous ponies who hide behind bucking screens?? Or the ponies keeping you safe day and night!" he yelled out, his voice echoing as the screens glitched and shut off before displaying the adds once more. The ponies in the waiting zone would talk among themselves about what just happened as the train arrived. A form of train known as Magilev trains, levitated and propelled by magical energy similar to the common unicorn's telekinesis.

The trains were attached to the track in a way that they could float atop it and zoom on by with little to no friction. The trains were fast, easily able to exceed 400 miles per hour in speed, making them prime transportation for inter-city travel hence the name itself. As the train came to a stop and aligned its doors with the sliding glass access doors both would open.

The commotion seeming to be over Owl would trot on over to the doors to enter the train, the others entering as well. He would use his wrist computer to direct him to the assigned seat on the train. Unless he had a particularly hard work day he didn't generally spend the extra Digibits on first class seats, those being more luxurious seating with features such as automated massaging and heating. For now, he was satisfied with the seat he had, next to a window to permit him full access to the zooming sights outside.

As the train would zoom along the track at great speeds on its way to Canterlot, Owl would wonder what was so urgent as to need him tonight. He pondered what it could possibly be, he'd spied on gangs, criminal organization types, pony traffickers, cockfighting rings, but none of those were quite the kind of operations which would yank him straight outta his short leave times.

The stallion then decided he would just wait to think about things till he got to Canterlot. For now, the bat had a window to look out of and around 10 minutes to do so. Owl would smile as clouds passed and he finally got to see the beautiful night sky would soon come into view. No more Rust Colored Skies for tonight.

Author's Note:

And so it begins.
Not sure I could have found better music to write this to, might recommend you listen to this while reading.

(UPDATE) Split the paragraph a bit for ease of reading for mobile users