• Published 12th Sep 2017
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Across the Stars - SonnyStar

Amidst the Galaxy spanning Clone Wars, Jedi Master Jorcen Alketses' fleet is ambushed. During the retreat his hyperdrive is damaged and takes him to unkown space above a colorful planet. A planet that will soon know war. Will Equestria be ready?

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The first night in Ponyville was not a comfortable one. Despite the protests from Twilight Jorcen could simply not find any comfort in the much too small beds that she had to offer. It was even harder to convince her that he wished to return to the wreck of his ship and convert its remains into a temporary shelter. As Jorcen walked through the dark of the Everfree Forest he could feel creatures from all walks of life with their eyes upon him. Yet they kept their distance. He was an enigma to these creatures as they had no natural instincts on where he sat on the food chain. Be he predator or prey? No creature seemed especially keen to find out. The Windshear was as he remembered it, though the detritus from his fight with the Princess now littered the clearing. A clear effect on what his presence on this world could do to it if left unchecked. Though the brilliant serenity of the moon above put such thoughts at ease and assured him that so long as he followed the will of the Force no harm would befall this planet because of him. Yet he was still not at peace. Calmed, perhaps for now but his worries would not go away. Whatever shroud of the dark side he had felt earlier may have been to blame for the unease he felt. Regardless of these matters he had a fair bit of work to do to clean up and make the Windshear habitable again. Besides the mess inside and the damage to the hyperdrive the ship had held up surprisingly well. Jorcen cleared out the sleeping area rather quickly and within minutes he was in bed and off to sleep.

Jorcen sat quietly in a calm meditation, the soft trickling of the water in the room of a thousand fountains always helped him when he would contemplate the deeper aspects of the Force.

“W-what is this place?” A clearly entranced voice asked from beside him.

“This is the greenhouse of my home. The Jedi Temple.”

“This is a greenhouse?”

“Indeed, and perhaps the most tranquil place on the planet. Now I must ask, what brings you to my dreams Princess Luna?”

“I…I needed to be sure that were not deceiving us. Forgive us, we did not know what you were. I see now that you spoke the truth before.”

“Thank you, Princess. Would you care to join me?”

“J-join you?”

“Yes, take my hand.” Jorcen opened his eyes and met Luna’s with a gaze of an understanding mentor. Luna was glad to have been wrong about this man. She tentatively reached for his outstretched hand and once he had her hoof everything she saw shifted radically. It was like she wasn’t even in her body anymore. Yet like looking through a thick fog the things she did see were unclear. She saw the expansive greenery of the room, heard the roar of the waterfall near its center. She saw an endless city that went on to the horizon and beyond. Luna couldn’t believe what was happening to her, images and feelings kept coming of events she had witnessed and scenes that had yet to be. However, the enlightening experience would not last as soon the smell of smoke and the heat of flames overwhelmed her senses. The room in which she sat was now engulfed in fire. There were shadowy figures standing amongst several bodies. Before she could see anything else her perspective was pushed to the black void of space, overlooking a peaceful looking planet. Then, in an instant, the planet was reduced to rubble by a weapon of unimaginable power. Luna let go of Jorcen’s hand and fell back, panting and exhausted from the experience.

“W-what did you do to me?” Luna whispered in revulsion before disappearing in a blue flash of light. Jorcen surmised that she had seen a vision of something that shocked her. In hindsight it may have not been the greatest idea to let her glimpse the Force through him. After all everyone experiences the Force differently the first time, there was no telling how their species would react to it. Though she did react to it, that meant that their species could touch the Force. Something to be looked into in the future. For now, Jorcen returned to his own thoughts until the dawn would rouse him from slumber.

The morning came and marked the start of day two on this planet. Jorcen was greeted by the rumblings of his stomach, remining him that it had been some time since he had eaten. With that thought in mind he started to make his way back into Ponyville. Before he made it out of the clearing however he was stopped when he sensed the presence of others. He stopped and turned around just in time to see three small tails disappear into a bush.

“You can come out. I know you’re there.” Jorcen smiled as the heads of three pony children popped out of the bush.

“You can speak our language?” an orange filly with short purple mane asked.

“I can. Now what are you three young ones doing out here? I was told that this forest is very dangerous.”

“Only at night, b’sides we had a really big path t’ follow.” A pale-yellow filly with bright red mane with an equally bright bow and some kind of accent added.

“Oh my gosh I can’t believe it! A real live alien!” The last of them, a white filly with pink and purple mane squeaked. Jorcen was pleasantly surprised at the way the trio had sought him out. Though he may have been but a spectacle to them, to him they were something more. The older Jedi Master had always had a soft spot for children and not just the younglings of the Jedi Temple.

“Yes I suppose I am.” Jorcen allowed himself a small laugh. “Go on then, I imagine you didn’t come here just to gawk at me. Surely you must have questions.” With how many Twilight had asked him he may come to regret the offer to the three.

“Do you eat ponies!?” The orange one blurted out as if she could contain the words no longer.

“If I did then we wouldn’t be having this conversation, would we?” He gave them a devious smile, albeit one that faded into a teasing one. “Now I have one for you three, what are your names? Its quite rude to ask if I eat ponies without introducing yourselves.” Again Jorcen teased the three, doing his best to keep them at ease.

“Oh right, my names Scootaloo!” The orange declared proudly, puffing out her chest as she did.

“Muh names Applebloom.” The one with the bow said, looking quite proud of herself.

“And I’m Sweetie Belle.” The white one finished, doing a little hop for emphasis. The whole affair was undeniably cute to the older Jedi Master. Doing a best to stifle a chuckle Jorcen bowed and introduced himself.

“Jedi Master Jorcen Alketses at your service.” Resuming his full height he held out a hand towards the three. “I am heading back to Ponyville to get something to eat, whould you three like to join me?”

There was no question in their young eyes, they entered the forest to see an alien and just might walk out with a friend. They all nodded their affirmation and fell in step behind the taller biped.

“So, what do you eat then?” Scootaloo asked, cocking an eyebrow expectantly.

“Fruit, vegetables…meat. Humans are quite versatile in their diet.” Jorcen seriously doubted there would be any meat to be had in Ponyville based on what little he knew about ponies.

“Can ya eat apples?” Applebloom asked, a slight twinkle in her eyes.

“Perhaps. Did you have something in mind?”

“Ah do! Ah can take ya back t’ the farm! Applejack’s the one who told us ‘bout ya and Ah bet Granny and Big Mac would get a hoot out of meetin’ ya.” Applebloom sped ahead of the group, turned and began walking backwards to look at Jorcen. “You aint lived ‘till you had one of Granny’s Apple pies!”

Before Jorcen could respond he felt a chill run down his back, robbing him of his smile. He came to a stop, body tensing as the three fillies around him grew frightened expressions.

“J-Jorcen? What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle inched closer to Jorcen, hiding behind his legs.

A shadowed figure leapt out of the brush to their left and was homing in on Applebloom, all alone at the front of the group.

“Applebloom, DROP!” Jorcen yelled. Applebloom’s eyes shrunk in fear and without hesitation she dove into the dirt just in time to dodge a claw swipe from a brown four-legged beast. As soon as Applebloom was clear Jorcen sent a wave of Force energy at the creature, lifting it up on an invisible breeze and sending it careening back into the forest where it struck a tree trunk and broke into pieces. Jorcen reached out and felt the presence of at least four more of the creatures and then all at once the fifth that had broken apart was back on its feet.

“Timber wolves!” Applebloom shouted, having recovered enough to label the attackers. She too ran to hide behind Jorcen.

“Stay close.” He ordered them, his orange lightsaber snap-hissing into existence before him to defend the children. Another of the wolves leapt straight at Jorcen, angry that such easy prey was being denied them. The orange blade of the Jedi went right through it, the remnants of its wooden body smoldering under the morning sun.

The next attack was harder to defend against. Three of the wolves jumped the Jedi from three different directions. The first two were deflected by a barrier of Force energy while the third was bisected by the Jedi’s weapon. A panicked squeal pulled Jorcen’s attention away as he turned around to see the fourth wolf dragging Sweetie Belle away by her tail. One of the wolves he deflected was already sprinting towards the helpless filly, poised to land a fatal bite.

“NO!” Jorcen shouted, gathering his power and leaping to intercept the charging monster. He landed beside Sweetie Belle and threw his arm out to protect her, taking the bite meant for her on his left forearm. The jagged teeth of the beast shredded through his robes and flesh alike. Jorcen grit his teeth as he flipped his arm around and threw the wolf to the ground, slicing a burning line across its back. With both his arms free he extended a hand to the one dragging Sweetie Belle and clenched his fist aggressively, reducing the offending wolf to splinters. The lone surviving wolf turned tail and disappeared back into the forest. Jorcen extinguished his lightsaber and moved to comfort the young unicorn.

“Are you alright Sweetie Belle?” He asked, his voice as calm as ever.

“Y-you saved our lives…” Sweetie Belle was having trouble catching her breath, her chest rising and falling so fast that words were hard to form.

“I did what any of my order would do. Defend the innocent with my life.” Jorcen helped the frightened filly to her hooves and brought her back to the comfort of her friends.

“Jorcen yer…yer hurt.” Applebloom’s eyes were wide with concern. Jorcen was able to hide the worst of the damage under his robes but the darkening splotch where his blood was seeping through made his injury clear as day.

“My injury is inconsequential compared to your safety.” He would not have these children worrying themselves over a small sacrifice he gladly made. “All that matters is that you three are safe.” Jorcen had already focused his power on healing the bite on his arm and was ready to continue to Applebloom’s farm.

“That was so cool! I thought only unicorns could use magic.” Scootaloo pointed out, motioning towards her forehead where a horn would be.

“That wasn’t magic.” Sweetie Belle observed, her breathing finally slowing down “He had no aura.”

“And what the hay was that fire stick ya had?” Applebloom asked, curious about the metal rod that now hung on the Jedi’s belt.

Jorcen had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time he explained the Jedi Order or his powers to someone. So he told them everything he had told Twilight the day before, about everything except his Lightsaber.

“So yer like a wizard?” Applebloom pondered, trying her best to wrap her head around what she just heard.

“Somewhat. Peacekeeper, wizard, sorcerer. All of these labels have been applied to the Jedi. Though in truth we are closer to diplomats and scholars…well we were.” Jorcen hesitated to bring up the war in front of ones so young.

“Can you use your powers to make me fly?” Scootaloo’s tiny wings were buzzing with excitement, her eyes carrying an innocent hope that reminded Jorcen of better times. He simply smiled and lifted Scootaloo into the air on an unseen current. Scootaloo’s face lit up like the morning sun and began to test the power of her wings. Jorcen focused on keeping her weightless, allowing the young pegasus to control her own path and direction. She zipped through the air at a fair speed, stopping every so often to perform a small trick or attempt a more complicated one. This went on for as long as Scootaloo had energy. As soon as Jorcen noticed her wings flapping with less energy and her speed dropped by more than half he safely floated her back to the ground. Scootaloo was beyond happy. Words couldn’t describe the joy she felt at that moment. With tears in her eyes she did the only thing that felt right and threw her hooves around Jorcen’s leg and hugged with all her heart.

“Thank you.” She whispered. “You have no idea what that meant to me.” She squeezed his leg harder, unconsciously wiping her tears on him. Jorcen didn’t know what to make of this reaction to what he thought was simple curiosity. Though in keeping with the mood he placed a hand on top of her head and stroked her mane tenderly.

“You’re very welcome Scootaloo.”

“Could you show me how to do that?” Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed weakly then fizzled out, showing the experienced Jedi that her magic was weak.

“I don’t think so. As I said my command of the world is not through magic.” A thought did occur to him, something he learned last night in his dream with Princess Luna. “Sweetie would come a bit closer?”

Sweetie Belle obeyed and stepped up next to her orange friend still wrapped around one of Jorcen’s legs. “What is it?”

Jorcen took his hand from Scootaloo and placed it on Sweetie’s head. Though this was not a soothing touch as it had been with the elated pegasus but rather a probing one. Jorcen reached out with his senses into the depths of Sweetie Belle’s being. He ignored surface thoughts, deeper thoughts and even what he assumed to be her untapped well of magic until he found what he was looking for. Sweetie Belle shuddered away from the mental invasion, looking up at Jorcen with a confused expression.

"What did you just do?"

It was faint but it was there and with time it could be refined and utilized. Sweetie Belle was force sensitive.