• Published 12th Sep 2017
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Across the Stars - SonnyStar

Amidst the Galaxy spanning Clone Wars, Jedi Master Jorcen Alketses' fleet is ambushed. During the retreat his hyperdrive is damaged and takes him to unkown space above a colorful planet. A planet that will soon know war. Will Equestria be ready?

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The rest of the walk to this farm Apple Bloom mentioned seemed like it took forever. The three fillies pestered the poor Jedi about his wound so much that eventually he lost patience and had to explain to them why it wasn’t a big deal.

“That’s enough you three.” He said sternly, silencing them immediately. “I was careless. I let my fear for your safety cloud my judgment. I got hurt because I acted rashly, there were many ways I could have prevented this minor injury. And it is minor. Look.” Jorcen rolled up the sleeves of his robe to show them that the wound had mostly stitched itself back together, leaving only faint scratches that would soon disappear themselves.

“Oh…” The three of them looked momentarily abashed which quickly warped into fascination. “How did ya heal so fast?” Appleblom opened up a new round of pestering.

“The same way I did everything else.”

“The same power you used to make me fly? And pulverize that timber wolf What did you call it again…the Force?” Scootaloo asked, curiosity an unfortunate vice of the young.

“Yes and the Force is my ally. Especially so here, your planet is strong with the Force.”

Jorcen continued to follow the three until the forest gave way to rolling green hills and meadows. Off a decent distance from the tree line was an orchard of identical trees, all of them bearing red fruit.

“We’re almost there. C’mon ya’ll!” Apple Bloom picked up her pace and sped over the small hills towards her farm. Soon they had crossed through a wooden arch that led to a lot that held a bright red barn off to the right and an equally bright red farmhouse in the center.

“Applejack! Granny! Big Mac! Look who Ah brought fer dinner!” Apple Bloom cried joyfully, darting into the house through the open door. Jorcen waited outside with Sweetie and Scootaloo, wondering just what kind of reaction he’d get this time.

“Let me guess.” An older voice with an accent like Apple Bloom’s came from inside. “Is it Sweetie Belle and Scoo-” A tan colored mare with blonde mane and a light brown hat appeared in the doorway and froze once she saw the bearded human.

Applejack remembered seeing his battered body when Twilight had found his crash site. It was her who had spoken caution and questioned if helping it was the right thing to do. Now that she saw it with her little sister and friends that primal fear she felt at the crash site returned.

“Girls get inside now!” Applejack yelled, ushering the other two fillies to her side. They briefly shared a confused glance at each other but obeyed her nonetheless. They scampered across the threshold and Applejack slammed the door behind them. Jorcen had received colder greetings but she was the first on this planet to act like he was some kind of monster. He could hear the sounds of arguing coming from the other side of the door. Closing his eyes and honing his senses he reached out with the Force and all at once could hear them clearly.

“What the hay were you three even doin’ in the Everfree Forest?” The mare from before asked.

“We wanted to see the alien, his name is Jorcen by the way.” Sweetie Belle said timidly.

“Ya’ll know ya aint supposed t’ go in there alone!” The mare continued. “Especially t’ look fer aliens. Ah should have never told ya about it.”

“Applejack stop it!” Apple Bloom yelled back. “Ya’ll don’t know nothing ‘bout him, he saved our lives!”

“Listen Sugarcube Ah know what ya think happened but Ah’m tellin’ ya can’t just-”

“How would you know? Ya haven’t even talked to him. Remember how ya’ll treated Zecora? Now she’s your friend. Why won’t ya give him a chance?”

“Apple Bloom…the situations aint the same, we’re talkin’ bout-”

“How?! How aint they the same!?”

The mare called Applejack said nothing more. Jorcen could feel the confliction in her as well as her suspicion and love for her sister. After a moment’s deliberation Applejack sighed and relented.

“All right Apple Bloom, you win.” The door opened slowly and she stepped out. Jorcen opened his eyes and gave her his full attention. “Muh sister says ya saved her and her friends lives. If that’s true ya have my honest gratitude.” Applejack closed her own eyes and removed her hat, placing it on her chest above her heart.

“Thank you for giving me a chance.” Jorcen bowed and smiled at her reaction to knowing their language. “I promise you won’t regret it.”

Applejack seemed to regard him a moment before placing her hat back on her head and stepping aside.

“Ya’ll might as well come in.” She relented, much to the delight of the three young fillies.

Jorcen felt odd seated at the small kitchen table. The silent glares from the three adults in the room didn’t serve to help matters. Jorcen just bowed his head and gratefully ate the food they reluctantly provided him.

“So…what is you? Sum kinda mutant minotaur?” The eldest know as Granny Smith asked.

“Granny!” Apple Bloom admonished. “That’s no way t’ speak t’ a guest.”

“Hush now Apple Bloom.”

“Oh, its fine” Jorcen said, joining the conversation. “My species are called humans. Most species of the galaxy are like me, bipedal that is.”

The ponies at the table tilted their heads and blinked in confusion. “That means they stand on two legs.” Jorcen clarified.

“Ah see…” Applejack mumbled. “Can ah ask ya somethin’?”

“Of course.”

“Why are ya here?” Applejack, despite sounding serious, didn’t seem to harbor any particular dislike for the displaced Jedi. She was scared, plain and simple. She wanted to make absolute sure that this bizarre creature from the stars was who it said it was.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom interrupted again.

“Hush, the big ponies are talkin’” Applejack countered, silencing her younger sibling.

“Do you want the whole truth?” Jorcen asked as if he were daring her.

“Y-yes.” Applejack hesitated briefly but knew better than to pass up an opportunity for the honest truth.

“My fleet was ambushed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. I lost many men and ships before we could even evacuate. I bought my troops as much time as I could to get clear of the fight and in the process, when it was my time to flee, my ship was damaged. Your planet is in an area of space that is not fully mapped. I had no intention arrive on your world and I’m lucky I even found it. The damage done to my ship forced it to the ground, as I know you saw.” Jorcen declared, getting a glimpse of Applejack on the scene through the Force. “If you must fear me or be suspicious then so be it. Just know that I am here by accident and I am no threat to your world.”

“Ah’m not so sure about that.” The big one said, his voice deep and forceful. “Ya’ll sound like yer at war. Who’s t’ say that war won’t follow you here?”

Jorcen hadn’t considered that. Jedi were high value targets to the Separatists. Though even with that in mind he seriously doubted the Confederacy would commit forces into the unknown regions to hunt for one Jedi.

“No one can say for sure but like I said, your planet is uncharted and with the war still raging it is very unlikely any retribution will befall you. It is more likely that no one will hear my distress call and I will die on this planet If that is to be the case then I’d like it to be peaceful.” That seemed to be enough for them as all of their expressions softened at the mention of his likely death on their world.

“Ah’m sorry t’ hear that…” Applejack added, uncertain what to say to that all too likely eventuality. After that, nopony felt particularly like talking and ate in silence.

Jorcen, feeling more alien to them than usual, stood up to the table and bowed. “Thank you for the food, I’ll take my leave now.” Jorcen ignored the pleading of the children to stay and walked out the door. Hospitality only went so far and he could tell when he wasn’t wanted. He simply walked the path that led away from Sweet Apple Acres and followed it to reach Ponyville.

Jorcen had to admit that there was an undeniable beauty to this planet. Lush and green like Ithor and it radiated an aura of calm and peace like Alderaan. As he mused, he felt the presence of another join him, this one just slightly above him.

“Sup Jorcen.”

“Hello Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey are you alright? You look a little down and…are you bleeding?” Rainbow caught a glance of the torn and bloody robes around Jorcen’s arm, concern taking over her expression.

“I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” Jorcen rolled up the sleeve and showed her that he was not harmed. “Though I should do something about my robe. I can’t imagine how the other ponies may react. They are wary of me as it is.”

“Well if its clothes you need fixed, you’d better go see Rarity.” Rainbow landed next to the Jedi, trotting alongside him.

Jorcen remembered the white unicorn from the day before and since he had no clear destination in mind, a quick detour to repair his robes might be just what he needed.

“Very well. Where might I find her?”

“She’ll be at Carousel Boutique.”

“And where is that?”

“I’ll show you…on one condition.”

Jorcen didn’t like the sly grin Rainbow was giving him but he sensed that her intentions were mischievous at worst.

“Name it.”

“You have to beat me in a race.” Rainbow flared her wings out, placing a hoof on her chest at taking a prideful stance. “Don’t worry if you lose, nopony beats Equestria’s finest flyer.”

“Therein lies the problem I would think. I can’t fly.”

“Oh…right. I guess I could take it easy on you and go on hoof.”

“In that case, I accept your wager. Where shall we race to?”

“There is a stone bridge that goes over the river on the edge of Ponyville, I think that’ll be a good finish line. Just know that I won’t be holding back and that means you shouldn’t either got it?”

Jorcen nodded and took a position beside Rainbow. “Call it.”

“Ready…” Rainbow gave her wings a flap in excitement. “Set…”

Jorcen took a deep breath and readied himself.


Rainbow shot off with an impressive amount of speed gaining the early lead but Jorcen’s longer strides helped him catch up rather quickly and just as soon as she had it, Rainbow’s lead was gone.

“Not bad for whatever you are, but we’re just getting started!” Rainbow smiled as she put on more speed, taking the lead back and running away with it, leaving Jorcen no choice but to kick it into high gear. Jorcen shed his heavy brown robe, leaving him in his gray tunic and pants as he pushed his body to its limit, blowing past Rainbow and taking the lead for himself.

“What!?” Rainbow yelled, astonished that she had been outdone again. “I won’t lose to you! I never lose!” Rainbow snorted through her nostrils and gave every last ounce of speed she had to just barely eek ahead of the older Jedi.

“You move quick.” Jorcen said, finding it hard to suppress a smile himself. “But you have much to learn.” With a knowing smirk, he allowed the Force to flow into him and give him everything he needed to end this race once and for all. Jorcen blended into a gray blur as he shot off and left Rainbow Dash behind, leaving her to gawk with mouth agape. Jorcen came to a stop at the bridge and turned to watch as Rainbow had given up and trotted the remaining distance to him. She scowled for a moment before her expression softened and she looked up at him curiously.

“How the hay did you that?”

“A great many things are possible with the Force as your ally.” Jorcen extended his arm, hand open and called his fallen robe back to him where he promptly put it back on.

“That. Is so…Awesome!” Rainbow leapt into the air and did a quick loop before landing back in front of the Jedi. “What else can you do? Is it like magic? You don’t have a horn so can it be taught? *gasp* Can you teach me!?” Rainbow couldn’t hold still and the stars in her eyes nearly blinded her but she couldn’t help it, her excitement was through the clouds.

Jorcen stroked his beard, wondering himself if anyone else on the planet had the potential to wield the Force.

“Perhaps.” He said, to which Rainbow pressed both her hooves to her face and squished it into a silly smile. “Step forward.”

Rainbow managed to hold still long enough to step up to him where he placed his open palm on her forehead.

“Hey! What’re you-”

“Quiet.” Something about his voice made her obey as she plopped her rump firmly on the ground and did as she was told.

Jorcen explored the depths of her being, ignoring past events and powerful memories. He was careful to avoid pulling anything to the surface when he found what he was looking for. Just like with Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash had a connection to the force, one that was stronger than the young filly’s. Rainbow had likely been drawing on this power her whole life and probably never realized it but with a proper teacher, she could be taught to use it the way it was meant to be used.

“I sense potential in you.” He said, withdrawing his hand. “In time I could teach you to wield the powers that I command.” Rainbow Dash was about to explode into the air for more stunts of joy but, before she could get very far, Jorcen said something that took the wind right out of her sails. “But I won’t”

“What!?” Rainbow slumped so hard she fell out of the sky and landed on her rump. “Why not!?”

“It’s not my place. I am not some wandering wizard here to teach you tricks Rainbow Dash, I am a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order. I will not teach to use this power without everything that would come with it. Commitment to the Jedi Order is not something that should be taken lightly.”

“So if I want to learn from you I’d have to become a Jedi…whatever that is.”

“Correct. That way you have the mindset to use your powers properly. But before you go and say something rash, I will tell you that even should you wish to commit, I still will not teach you.”

“Oh come on! Why would you even tell me that if you aren’t serious?”

“As I said, it is not my place.”

“And what does that mean exactly?” A new voice added, watching from the bridge. Twilight Sparkle was standing in front of the bridge, book suspended in front of her whereupon she placed it in the saddlebags she was wearing.

“It means that the Jedi Order demands much from those who would join it. It is not as simple as joining an army or a club. It takes a lifetime of study and dedication. You must forego all worldly attachments and relationships. It is for these reasons that the Order usually takes in children, to start their training before such attachments can form.”

“That…that’s awful.” Twilight looked a little shocked by this revelation. “W-were you taken as a child too?”


“So…you never knew your parents?”

“Not in the sense that you think. When I got older, I was permitted to know their names and the planet of my birth but beyond that I have never met them. This is precisely what I’m talking about, that is the level of commitment the Order expects. That is the kind of commitment I don’t believe you can give.”

Twilight had no idea what kind of sacrifices Jorcen must have made in his life to stay true to his order. This man before her was no ordinary warrior.

“But that still doesn’t explain what you said before about it not being your place.”

“By that I meant that even if there are some among your kind that would accept that price, it would be wrong of me to do so. It would be asking you to give your loyalties to the Republic, the Jedi and the Force. It would be asking you to give up your life here. I couldn’t ask such a thing when this world is all you know. It is a shame that I am a Jedi and must ask this of my students. I would rather like teaching again.”

“What if we got permission?” Twilight suddenly looked very serious, the voracity of her own thirst for knowledge forcing her to ask.


“What if Princess Celestia agreed to release us from her charge? What if she gave you her blessing to begin teaching ponies the way of the Force?”

“Twilight you can’t be serious?” Rainbow Dash zoomed over to her friend. “You’d give up everything you have, your friends, your family, for this?”

The hunger in Twilight’s eyes seemed to vanish as she was brought back down to earth. “I…I don’t know.” She wasn’t able to convince herself and therefore convinced nopony else.

“I fear I may have been too blunt.” Jorcen said, joining the two ponies. “The code does not forbid friendships, it forbids attachments.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Let me tell you what my Master told me; you must train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. That is the difference.”

“I don’t know, it still seems like asking a lot.” Rainbow Dash added, unsatisfied with the finer rules of the Jedi.

“Oh it is, but no one is forcing you. The choice will ultimately be yours, should Princess Celestia allow it.”

“So if she agrees…?” Twilight almost whispered.

“I will consider it.” It wasn’t an answer that Twilight liked but she felt it was the best she could hope from the displaced Jedi. “Now I think this has been enough excitement for one day, I’d very much like to find Rarity and have my robes repaired.”

“Oh yeah! Well, a deal’s a deal.” Rainbow flapped her wings and flew into the air above them. “C’mon, keep up and follow me!” She flew off so fast that she left a rainbow-colored blur in her wake.

“Until we meet again Twilight.” Jorcen nodded his head and took off after the speedster pegasus. Twilight was left standing on the stone bridge, her book completely forgotten as she stood and stared into the calm water below her. What had she just gotten herself into? Jorcen had been on their planet for almost a week now, counting his time in the hospital, and all of a sudden she was considering joining a galactic force of peacekeepers? What was going on with her? It was as if the Jedi’s very presence had shifted the path Equestria was to walk, turning it towards a path that led to places Twilight couldn’t even fathom.