• Published 30th Mar 2017
  • 558 Views, 46 Comments

Dragon's Descent - Compendium of Steve

When you think you have already done enough, that the worst was behind you... You invariably get pulled back into the thick of it.

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Act 1 Verse 1

Act 1 Verse 1

Another Day

A pattering of little paws filled the empty space of the alleyways. Nothing around to provide obstruction, giving him free reign to run to his heart’s content. Barely older than a pup, with a ragged vest and collar to his name. Looked frantic, despite there being no one in sight. Good to stay cautious, though: the back alleys don’t provide safety for very long. I know them far too well.

Kept pace with him from above, quietly and out of sight. An approach I’ve gone over a few times in the past. Eventually he made it to an archway, going for the intersection beyond. As he ran through the shadows he suddenly came to an abrupt halt, going stock still and wide-eyed. Typical reaction whenever I pop up out of (seemingly) nowhere like that.

I looked down the scrawny Diamond Dog as he stood there and shivered. No doubt struck cold to the bone by the deathly sharp dragon eyes cutting through the darkness. The exchange of predator and prey; Mother Nature’s eternal dance.

“You seem to be scampering about in a hurry.”

No response, save for a pitiful whimper almost too low to hear. Not low enough for me, pal.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re looking for a bad time.” Flashed my cold steel to drive the point home. “Well, I’ve got plenty of that to offer.”

The pup yipped and jumped before running the other way, only to collide with two larger armored Diamond Dogs. Their meaty paws took hold he struggled to get past them and, more importantly, away from me, dropping the bundle he had been carrying up to that point to the cobblestones.

“What’s your hurry, runt?” one of them asked gruffly, unfazed by the little paw slapping at his face and shoulders.

“No! Let me go! He’ll kill us all! He’ll kill us ALL!”

“You’re coming with us.” As the two finally got a firm grip of the panicking pup, the second guard looked to me. “Thanks for the help, Spike.”

I gave them a two finger salute. “Sure thing, fellas.”

The guard (Mutton be his name) gave me a grin and nod before hauling the pup off in the other direction, his partner picking up the sack of pilfered goods. A swell dog, that guy. Real muscular, but had a soft spot for fluffy things, sheep in particular (hence the silly name). But so yeah, soon enough I was left alone in the alley, putting away my sword and deciding to get out someplace a little less dreary. Only took me a minute to get back into the open, sun-bathed streets and rejoin the bustling sphere that was Canterlot’s populace.

The capital hadn’t changed that much these past four years, aside from the noticeable lack of a grandiose castle and the suffocating amounts of military banners. It’s now every other street corner instead of all of them that you might find a guard, but even then they’re often mingling around in a very casual approach to keeping the peace. The lack of rigidity implemented by Twilight also meant more lax recruitment standards, so rather than a pony-exclusive army, any species willing and capable could join up. This proved rather smart as it gave Diamond Dogs something better to do than work for crime lords, and they were imposing enough to deter possible mischief (and can usually handle whatever mischief does arise). Which was especially comforting given how busy things were that day.

It was the first day of the Grand Equestria Pony Summit, and the city couldn’t have been more lively. For one, there hadn’t been one in the past four years, given the whole power shift and upheaval and what have you. But this year Twilight felt confident and well-rested enough to tackle such an event by her lonesome, and anticipation couldn’t have been any higher. A chance to congregate and deliberate in one place rather than in disparate meetings around the country, while also enjoying the lofty lodgings and catering the capital had to offer. Who wouldn’t be down for that?

The first day had gone off without a hitch: no riots, no squabbling, and everything running in good order. Twilight kept things lowkey compared to previous summits, which made it easier for her to mingle with the reps. I had done security detail for the morning assemblies, mainly walking around the halls of the fairly new, smaller castle (a third the size of the original. Still has a fair amount of pointy towers, mind). My presence made some uneasy, but they more or less tolerated me like any of the other guards.

A little past twelve Twilight gave me the rest of the afternoon off, to report back for the evening delegations. Figured I’d walk around the streets, maybe grab a snack and chill in a park before heading back home, until I happened upon the furry miscreant running by with some guardsmen on his stubby tail. So I thought, “What the heck?”, and decided to help out. Run across rooftops, be stealthy, all that good stuff.

I often do those kinds of things when I’m off-duty; all this peacetime can make me a bit restless, so anything to get me active was much welcomed. Intimidating unruly drunks, stopping muggers, even helping old ladies cross the street. I know, right? The menace of Equestria, a ruthless executioner, performing random good deeds. Although the reputation does help sort out some troubles, as you’ve just seen.

Having gotten my exercise for the afternoon, I decided some relaxation time at the apartment would do fine. Maybe freshen up for the evening, change of clothes, a light snack. Turned out the alleyway where I stopped the pup was just a few blocks from my place, past one of the local market streets.

As expected the streets were bustling with tourists and locals alike, of all sizes and shapes, too busy to mind the suited dragon walking in their midst. It's worth noting that I grew a few more inches the past few years, making me taller than most stallions. Nowadays the only things that can top me are Diamond Dogs and griffons, which makes navigating crowds a lot easier. I stick out like a sore purple thumb, though. Not the best color for camouflage.

Didn't take long to get through the bustle and make it to the front of the apartment complex. Rather nice if a bit on the ritzy side, almost like a condo (plus glaringly white). Stepped through the doors, waved to Cursive at the desk (a real crossword and Scrabble fiend), and took to the stairs. It was only up to the sixth floor, and a guy like me needs the cardio (not really, but whatever). The hall was empty when I arrived, so I headed straight to my door, whipping out the keys on the way for speedy entry.

Turn of the lock and I stepped into my humble abode. A little sparse in furnishings, or perhaps there was just so much space that it seemed that way. A lounge chair, some lamps, random art and pictures on the walls, fancy coffee table and one of those posh rectangular couches for me to lay down on, hardwood flooring that leads right for the kitchen, all bathed in the radiant afternoon sun from the big-ass landscape window. I placed my keys into the bowl by the door (amusing set-up) and put my sword and sheath on its place on the coat rack before making for the window.

When Twilight decided to move to Canterlot to better serve her country, I came along as well, first staying in the castle. After a time (and a distinct lack of threats), we figured independent living was up my alley once more. Didn't take long to find a place pretty close by, and rather nice at that. Pays to work for royalty at times.

I still recall the warm feel of the rays hitting my scaly face as I looked over the glistening skyline of the lower city, with the vast plains far beyond making for a stunning backdrop. The kind of sensations that makes you alive, on top of everything, almost unthinkable given everything I’ve done. How someone like me could deserve waking up to such a grand view everyday: a thought I’ve been able to digest over time, so that instead of just unease I feel revitalized everytime I look out there.

My city gazing/reverie got cut short by the sound of the front door opening. The dainty clip clops upon the floor told me who it was before the first word came out.

“Spike? What are you doing back so soon?” Sound of the closing door as I turned around.

“Twi let me off for the afternoon. Gotta head back by six, though.”

And there she stood: darling Sweetie Belle. I know, right? We managed to stay as a couple after all this time. Ever faithful and caring, and I've done my part to reciprocate as years of hardened stoicism faded away. Her singing career took off sometime after the… events, of four years ago, with concerts and recordings and the like. That meant an income that would allow her to put up with a bum like me (plus she still totally digs me. Crazy mare).

It was Sweetie who suggested we share the apartment, to serve as home base between her tours and to keep me close when she was on break. Real practical of her (and cunning). She also got practical with her fashion, tossing aside the fishnets for more respectable (though no less tantalizing) skirts and blouses. And that’s what she was wearing that time, only with more subdued colors befitting regular day clothes. Her off-white fur was still as spotless as ever, and her two-toned mane had gotten a little fuller over the years, practically rivaling her sister’s.

“That was nice of her,” she resumed, plopping her own set of keys into the key bowl. “You’ll be off in time for dinner, right?”

“Yeah, around eight or so. Just some private meetings, so it shouldn’t be long.”

“That’s good.” Sweetie lifted off the saddle bags on her back before continuing. “Don’t want to give Rarity cause to fuss about the food she slaved over going cold.”

“Heh, yeah. So how is she?”

“Her usual self. Keeping the boutique running, taking forever to pick out the ‘perfect’ fabric.”

I chuckled at that. For having been a mare of the night for several years, it was amusing and a dang comforting to hear her being the perfectionist I remembered as a kid. Sweetie used her magic to pull out some lengths of clothing from one of the bags, bringing it up for me to see.

“I had wanted something in a lime green for a refreshing look, but Rarity insisted I go with auburn because fall’s coming up. Which do you prefer?”

I shrugged. “You’d look great in either one, to be honest. Maybe switch them up every gig or so?”

“Gee, you’re a lot of help,” she teased with a playful tone, scrunching up her face in that cutesy manner of hers. I just smiled while she laid out the clothes on the couch. “Georgie happened to stop by the shop while I was there.”

“Oh really? On a nice day like this?”

“Yeah, running errands for his mom. He asked about you, of course. He also not-so-subtly hinted about being in the park on Saturday looking after his sister.”

“I see. Guess I’ll keep that in mind.”

I've been bumping into Georgie a lot since moving to Canterlot (to his endless delight, no doubt). He's grown from a snot-beaked kid into more of a respectable young griffon, having taken on the responsibilities of an older sibling. Sometimes we hang out, but more often than not we just say a few things in passing. Though given how much bigger he's gotten, I'm sure he'll start pestering me for sparring lessons pretty soon. Not that he gave any indication of that yet, but when you're growing into a teenager, you're gonna want to put that extra energy to some use (preferably not towards cutting down helpless civilians).

Back to the scene at hand, I grabbed myself one of the cookies Sweetie baked the other day, and whilst munching on it I made for the hall leading to the bedroom.

“So what will you be doing with this free time, Spike?”

“Just chill,” I plainly answered while taking off my dress jacket. “I did some running earlier, so I'm not looking for any extra exercise.”


“Yeah: helped stop a thief. Just a kid; no harm done.” I made it to the bedroom, where I tossed my jacket onto the bed. I'm working on my shirt as I said, “Made me a bit grimy though, so I'll be taking a quick shower.”

“Really? So early in the day?”

“Water conservation’s never been an issue with us, babe. Or is it? Is this something new we’re doing now?”

“Hee hee, no. But mind if I join you?”

“What for? You’re not grimy.”

I had my shirt off and in my arms when she sidled up to me. “How would you know? I’ve done my own bit of exercising: walking around in all that sun, carrying those saddlebags, having to shove my way through the busy streets, all because of the summit going on. The kind of thing that can make a girl like me work up a sweat.”

“And not as a flimsy excuse to be in a wet, confined space with me?”

The sound of magic and discarded clothes was the immediate response, quickly followed by Sweetie’s head and bare shoulder pressing against my bare torso. I recall picking up the smallest hint of feminine perspiration. Not so flimsy after all.

“Well now that…” Looked up to me with those big, cutesy, lascivious eyes. “Is just a bonus.”

I just planted a palm right above her horn. “Still the blatant flirt.”

“And you still love it.”

“I suppose I do.” I bent down to kiss her brow as she gave one of her knowing giggles before turning up her head to reciprocate. It's something she often does out of the blue, whether she's wanting to be playful or is just outright in the mood, dropping hints on my thick head. Despite being older and a bit more refined, she can still be the naughty tease. And much to her delight, I've steadily opened up to her advances and acted more like a, you know, loving boyfriend over the past few years.

Eventually we get off each other long enough to hit the shower and get cleaned up. Sometimes these shared cleanings escalate into something steamier, and sometimes it's just a regular old shower, just like with that day’s (sorry my fellow horndogs). Some scrubbing, lather and rinsing of the mane, gentle caresses on both sides, and a little deep-claw back massage. I've gotten real good at it (so Sweetie’s told me), and she's also been practicing doing claw massages with me on some of our days together. Steadily getting to Twilight's former level of mastery… Huh, you know, I barely remember what that entailed. Meh.

And that's how my days have usually gone for the past year and a half. You might think it’d get boring after a while, given what I used to do on a regular basis. But having to do that kind of stuff for almost a decade, this came as an unexpected but much welcomed vacation. With Twilight back to her old self, and a gal like Sweetie Belle keeping things warm and tender at home, it had started to seem like the vacation was here to stay.

But of course, as you saw, that wasn't going to be the case for long. And what took place that evening would be the first sign of that unfortunate turn.