• Published 30th Mar 2017
  • 558 Views, 46 Comments

Dragon's Descent - Compendium of Steve

When you think you have already done enough, that the worst was behind you... You invariably get pulled back into the thick of it.

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Act 1 Verse 3

Act 1 Verse 3

Marching Orders

I had hopped the next train to Canterlot only minutes after reading the message. I didn’t give details to Sweetie and the others; I only said it was important. And really, something like an invasion is not the kind of thing you just lay out before your good friends. Old me might have done that, embittered asshole that I was, but me at present just needed to get back to Twilight and find out more of what the hell was happening.

It was close to evening when I got back into the castle. No time to stop and chat or rest, instead hurrying up to the throne room. No time to stop there either as I got to escorting Twilight hurriedly to one of the central conference rooms. Whispers aplenty, but no certainties from any of bystanders. Good sign, Twi.

A few more minutes later and we had settled into the conference room, as did the others called to assembly. There was Gilded Quill, Head Representative of Canterlot Political Affairs (specifically that of its elite) as well as Twilight’s Chief Advisor. There was also Parcel Wind of Communication and Trade, a surly sort but damn good at his job and everyone involved. And there was Fair Deliberation of Foreign Affairs, a savvy old bird (unicorn).

But the other three in attendance was what made this extra worrisome. General Stonewall of Equestrian Land Forces and Gruffness Personified (my own title); Captain Stalwart Will of the Royal Guard; and last but far from least, Commander Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts and—as of four years ago—Overseer of Equestrian Air Forces, in her spiffy uniform. That sort of lineup effectively made the place into a war room, as you’d imagine.

Everyone was looking tense before we got things started. A feeling suitably expressed by our old chum Stonewall.

“Can you tell us what the hell is going on, princess? What sort of invasion are we talking here?”

“Take it easy, Stony,” said Rainbow, with an unwavering no-nonsense look. “We’re all here to find out and that’s what’s gonna happen. Right, Twilight?”

“Indeed, Rainbow Dash,” our princess nodded. “No doubt you all had your own engagements for today, so I’ll be upfront with what we know is going on. As stated by General Stonewall, this concerns an invasion taking place within our borders. But I’ll turn it over to Gilded Quill to elaborate.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” the old unicorn bowed, then looking to the round table, he lit up his horn. The wood-paneled surface flashed in magical light before shapes arose all around it, forming an astral map of Equestria. Once fully-formed, he shifted it over toward the east before continuing.

“We received a message from a courier that the Griffonstone Station Trading Post had been attacked, possibly decimated by a considerable military force. And given its size, we’re to believe that they’re making a march toward our eastern border.”

“Was it the griffons?” Stalwart asked, only for his elder officer to snort loudly.

“Of course it was the griffons. How long ago was this, if I might ask?”


That got a rise from the soldier boys, with Stonewall yelling, “And you’re just telling us now?”

“My courier only arrived this morning, covered in wounds and nearly dead from exhaustion,” snapped Parcel. “He flew the whole way here; we had to stabilize him and make sure what he was saying was true. From what he explained, he may very well be the only survivor of the attack.”

“So where does this put us? Why would the griffons attack?”

“I would suspect it had to do with some disagreements regarding land talks, Stalwart,” Deliberation spoke up. “My agents haven’t heard anything from the griffons ever since the summit. It was worrying to say the least, and it would appear those worries were justified.”

“But attacking a trading outpost—that they agreed to let us build—don’t you think that’s way excessive, Debby?” Parcel asked.

“Not by much, Percy. Griffons are naturally aggressive and have a history of going to war over similar impasses. To be frank, we’ve been able to have good relations with them because there had been nothing of significant worth for them until just recently. It is rather surprising how abrupt this particular attack is, though; no early warnings whatsoever, either from my aids or the rumor mill.”

“I have to agree on that,” Stonewall assented. “Aggressive as they are, they like to announce themselves to bring out their opponent’s full strength and readiness. Makes for more of a challenge.”

“But it seems they felt like they could just come on in and take what they want. I’m not all that surprised,” Rainbow sighed with a shake of her head, then looking hard at Quill she asked, “So what kind of invasion force are we looking at?”

Rainbow had really made much of herself since being made Wondercolt Commander by the grace of her dear royal friend. Mainly due to Discord’s influence, she focused on running a tight ship of her childhood heroes, staying on top of matters and being the first to throw her weight into any major military conflict, like with the war on the Changelings. It tempered her attitude considerably, and when you don’t have the freedom to goof off, play pranks and hang out with your oldest pals, you may as well commit yourself to doing a damn fine job. Her edge had softened a bit over the past four years, so some of her brash charm may shine through when she’s not wrapped up in her work. Speaking of which, her faithful aid Scootaloo was also in attendance, trailing her like a shadow. She also shaped up respectably like her idol. Had to admit, her secretary outfit made her look especially cute.

“As I mentioned earlier: considerable,” Quill answered. “The courier’s account wasn’t very precise—understandable given the circumstances—but definitely massive, with a fleet of aerial warships.”

“Those things are nasty,” Stonewall remarked. “Aerial gun platforms, both ground and anti-air. Only things my forces have that are effective against those behemoths are long-range artillery and spells.”

“Which is why you have us, Stony,” Dash said with a wink.

“Please stop calling me that, Commander…”

“They should be making their way to the border,” Parcel said to get things back on track. “One of our couriers can make the trip at top speed from there to here in one day without rest. However, with so many troops lugging all those weapons, it would take the griffons considerably longer. By my staff’s estimates, I would put them right about here at present.”

Parcel leaned forward and tapped a hoof by the edge of a set of mountains northwest of Trottingham and east of the Crystal Mountain range. My eye moved a little westward to a patch of barren ground surrounded by the razor peaks, remembering a certain assignment I did in that area in my early years as Vanguard. Not one of my fondest memories.

“Our control of the railroad over that stretch of water would normally be an effective deterrent in this kind of scenario, but with how griffons are ‘equipped’, that’s obviously not gonna cut it,” Parcel continued. “The mountains, however, are pretty narrow, and the most we’ve been able to do in that region is build small trading routes for overland deliveries. That should slow them down considerably.”

“And I take it that’s where we’re gonna take action,” Dash stated, to which Twi nodded in the affirmative.

“Correct. Now that you have been briefed, we need to begin formation of a defensive force to halt their advance, maybe even hopefully deter them into a retreat.”

“Fat chance on the last one.”

“Duly noted, General. For the defensive force, I have roles that I need each of you to fulfill based on Gilded Quill’s advice and my own understanding of military engagement. And before any of you say anything, I’ve done my fair share of combat theory and military planning, both as part of my station as ruler of Equestria… and for particularly thrilling downtime studying.”

Plus in being a beast at Risk and Stratego.

“General Stonewall, we’ll need a suitably-sized force to counteract the approaching griffons. Given the narrowness of the mountain passes as mentioned by Parcel, we should be able to hold them back with far less numbers than theirs. How many do you think we’ll need for this?”

“Hmm… Sound idea, Your Highness. The mountains are too high for them to fly over entirely, so they’ll be bottle-necked in those passes, them and their airships. I say two battalions of our army will suffice, just to be on the safe side. And we can place them here.” To this the general tapped a spot deep in the mountains. “I think that’s where one of our outlying border checkpoints is stationed. A little worn down, but with enough horsepower and fortifications it’ll be a hell of a blockade. Gotta be quick if we’re to meet those griffons proper.”

“Excellent. I want you to assemble your two battalions and send them out there right away, plus whatever staff and materials you need to make those fortifications.”

“Aye, I’ll have ‘em rounded up by dinnertime. And what about a counterattack?”

“We’ll discuss that after we’ve averted this invasion force, and doing that will require ample transport ships and enough escorts for them. Rainbow Dash, I’ll leave that in your capable hooves.”

“You can count on me, princess,” the cyan trooper affirmed with a playful salute. See? Just a little gleam there.

“I will want Parcel Wind to be in charge of communications for the operation. Your knowledge of the best shipping flight routes should keep messengers coming and going swiftly.”

“That it will, ma’am,” the weathered pegasus nodded.

“Fair, I want you to get in touch with any and all diplomats, liaisons and even couriers that have and have had ties with the Griffon Kingdom. See if we can get some way of contacting their king and settling this diplomatically.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Debbie bowed.

“Dunno why you’d bother at this point, but as Her Highness decrees,” Stonewall grouched, to which Parcel nodded.

“Have to say we share the same doubts.”

“Quill will see to attaining the extra funds and resources needed to support this from the local merchants and our more prosperous patrons,” Twi kept on going unimpeded. “Government financing may be a tough sell, but the threat of griffons should make the negotiations a little more agreeable. And Stalwart Will?”

“Oh uh yes Your Majesty, ma’am, Your Majesty?”

“Hmhm, sorry I’ve ignored you thus far. I would like you to increase patrols and security around the city. Discreetly, at that. Also, I want you to send some of your most promising cadets and mages to join the defense force. Those that are combat-ready, of course.”

“Uh, m-ma’am?”

“Relax, Will; they won't be put on the frontlines. I want them as reserves at the opening into the mountains.” She pointed out the location. “It will be far from any possible combat, and they can perform support for supplies and intelligence gathering if needed by the main force. Seems an appropriate time for some field experience, wouldn’t you say?”

“Y-Yeah, definitely. But, what if the griffons break through?”

That got the room silent real quick. But gotta love Stony in keeping our backs straight.

“That’s only if they can break through, soldier. Earth pony engineering and mettle is thick enough to make minotaurs fold.”

“Ah, right, of course. Nevermind.” Will coughed himself back into the game. “Consider it done, Your Majesty.”

“That’s excellent to hear.” She took a good look around the room, over a handful out of her most loyal and dependable subjects. “Those are your assignments. It goes without saying I want them carried out as quickly as possible; if possible, have the first troops flown out by sunset. For the moment the citizens are unaware of what’s happened, and I want it to stay that way until we’ve had it properly addressed. I have the utmost confidence we’ll get through this before it becomes a devastating crisis. In Harmony’s Name…”

“We Defend Order.”

That little creed. Neat little addition when making the new government official. Dash of course is the first to get up, waving to her aid.

“Come on, Scoots. We have a fleet and some fly boys to rustle up.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Scootaloo snapped before following after her. The rest leave more soberly, with Quill staying around to no doubt do some more discussing on the plans our princess had just laid out. Almost as clinical as a tax review.


Little past dinnertime, and true to Stonewall’s and Twilight’s expectations, the first ship full of troops had flown out eastward. As the night began creeping in, the part of the castle close to the barracks was lively with the machinations of the war effort. Messengers, mechanics, armorers, inventory detail, and soldiers of all kinds scrambling about to do their assigned tasks or get to their assigned posts, a seemingly chaotic mess to the untrained eye. Undoubtedly ponies on the outside will be talking about all this noise going on, but that could be easily be dismissed as combat drills.

As though getting into the spirit of that excuse, Twilight had come down to oversee and do her own bit of inspecting, and I got to tag along with her. We were just walking through the corridors on our way to the airport and a talk with the port authorities. Possibly lend her presence to ease the worries going through all these ponies’ minds. Grace of the goddess and all that malarkey.

While navigating the currents of hurrying personnel, she decided to make small talk.

“Everything seems to be going along smoothly.”

“Hard to be the best, most well-equipped army in the world if they were stumbling. That’s one good thing that came out of the old way things were run.”

I try not to bring up Celestia whenever I can, at least not in a negative bitter way. It’s mostly out of habit nowadays, with it being four years later and all, but that doesn’t stop the sense of caution in bringing it up.

“I agree. Makes mobilization a whole lot easier for these kinds of situations. Certainly compensates for my personal lack of military experience.”

“You got the basics down: give instructions and let the experts do the rest.”

“Your confidence is very assuring.”

“Heck yeah it is. Speaking of, you know the military council is gonna give ya hell for staging all this without their go-ahead. They’ll say you overstepped your authority.”

“I know, Spike, but this is a serious matter and I couldn’t just wait around for some thirty ponies to convene before making a plan of action. What’s important is that the ones with highest authority are willing to work with me. But even if they had caught wind and stopped me I could still enact Emergency Royal Control, because let me tell you this can definitely be considered an emergency.”

She stopped and gave a huff in frustration before continuing. “I’m at my wits end here, Spike. The griffons attacking us like this and worrying that word will get out and there’ll be panic in the streets and, *groan*, I cannot believe he’d take it that far. King Gladius is a strict but fair ruler, so it doesn’t make sense he’d just go war on us over the Crystal Empire. First Grand Equestria Pony Summit in years and war gets declared right after. Could’ve offered part of the land; why’d I have to be so stubborn when he was clearly making a valid threat.”

Good thing she kept her voice (mostly) low and not that many ponies were around to hear that. Personally, I always feel relieved anytime I see her let out her anxieties like that. It serves as a reminder that she is still capable of expressing herself like any truly living being: that the old her, always proper and reserved and cold, was as dead and gone as her wings. Once she finished venting, I gave her a few pats on the shoulder.

“Too late to be worrying about those kinds of things now, Twi. Shit like this happens, and the guy was being an ass about the whole thing anyway. And if anyone should be blamed for instigating this, I was the one who threatened to serve him as cutlets to the Dogs. But those guys have been doing lots of good hard work and I thought they deserved something special without it having to be a holiday, y’know?”

She giggled at that, and after taking some calming breaths she went trotting along, with me following. “I guess that would be a rather provoking gesture. But you’re right: what’s done is done. I’ve just never done anything like this before, and I’m all anxious and frazzled and wound up. I just responded with how I felt we should act in an invasion scenario like this.”

“And I say you did a swell job. You certainly played it extra cool in the meeting, so at least they think you got things in order.”

“Well you know I have over a decade of repressing my emotions and giving the impression that I’m on top of things.”

And boy do I know. As we near the end of the corridor to the exit outside, she took us aside and turned to give me the look of someone that really needed a favor done.

“You always know the right things to do or say to keep me level, Spike. So there’s something I really want you to do to help me more in dealing with all this.”

“Sure, Twi. Shoot.”

“I want you to go out there with the defense force.” Color me unsurprised. “Not right away; on one of the last supply ships to fly out. My plan may seem sound, but there’s no telling what could happen. If something unexpected occurs, or there’s some kind of change to those mountains we’re unaware of, I’d like to know immediately. Parcel’s couriers are some of the fastest in the world, but I’d feel more assured having my most trusted dragon fire messenger there.”

Huh, intel gathering. Hadn’t expected my specific set of skills to be put to that discrete aspect of war. But whatever was needed to make her feel comfortable.

“I understand perfectly. Dragon fire is definitely quicker than pegasi. Plus I can help them out however I can so I’m not a waste of space.”

She nodded gratefully, her posture easing a good bit. “Thank you again, Spike. I’ll make sure to tell Sweetie Belle that you’re off on royal assignment. For now, go back to the castle and rest however you see fit while I make the necessary arrangements. Someone will come to get you when it’s all set.”

She turned and trotted for the exit.

“Uh hey, shouldn’t I come along for this?”

Looking back with a confident smirk she said, “I may not be the most powerful princess, but I can hold my own against some airport officials. Just go get your rest: that’s an order.”


I waved after her leaving form, and after a moment I turned around and headed back to the castle proper. Might as well stop by the kitchen and get some grub on the way, I thought, then chill out in my reserved guest room. Do some stretches, take a shower, maybe get some zzz’s. No telling how long it’d be before I was to be shipped out to do my part.


Turned out not to be very long at all. About one or two in the morning, I was awoken from a light slumber by a knock at the door. That someone Twilight had mentioned had come to get my ass into gear. To my surprise, that someone happened to be Scootaloo.

“Whuh? Hey, Scoots. What’s going on?” was the half-drowsy greeting I gave to her, just a shirt on compared to her sharply-dressed and primed self.

“Get yourself ready, Spike. You’re shipping out,” was her straight, though friendly response.

“Huh? It’s time now?”

“Yep. Get a move on; you know how Dash is a stickler for punctuality.”

“Yeah yeah. Just… give me a minute to get my stuff. Be right back.”

After some fumbling in the dark and a hasty dress-up (shades and sword included), I was being led swiftly through the empty halls by my orange escort. Never took her for someone who’d pull off the whole military secretary type, especially a well-groomed one. Gotta say, though, it’s a nice look on her (plus that skirt. Just love a lady in uniform).

“You been doing alright, Scoots?”

“I have. I’d be doing better if you picked up the slack.”

“I just wanna catch up with you—”

“Then hurry it up.”

“I don’t mean that. It’s been awhile since we last hung out, so I figured we’d have a little chat.”

“I know, Spike. But being the personal aid of one of Equestria’s great military leaders—not to mention my lifelong hero—keeps me pretty busy. If it’ll make you feel better, we can go out for coffee or something when I’m available after you get back.”

“Sure, probably bring Sweetie Belle too. Also hot cocoa.”

“You still don’t do coffee? I guess you still are a kid at heart.”

Plus the last time I had coffee I lost my home and killed my mentor. “Yeah, maybe. How’re your wings holding up?”

“You’re seen me fly plenty of times, Spike. I haven’t had a problem with them since I was a kid.”

“I know. But always important to look after them, you know?”

“Which I do very well.”

Admittedly her wings did look pretty sleek, with not a feather out of place. But you can’t blame a guy for making small talk, right?

No further discussion between us for the long, long walk out of the castle and toward the cliffside airship docks. Much of the area was lit up with flood lights, which made for a striking contrast against the dark lands and sky beyond. The early morning air was really crisp, but that didn’t stop the formations of soldiers and other personnel running about, moving equipment and the like. Scootaloo expertly maneuvered us around the chaos, eventually getting us to the departures area.

“That’s the one you’re getting on,” she gestured after coming to a stop. Half bathed in the glow of the docking stations was a medium-sized troop airship, girthier than most other craft and sporting a larger set of balloons as a result. Designed more for carrying payloads than anything else, as was made apparent by the two separate lines formed outside of it: a line of crates being moved into the rear hull of the vessel, and a long column of armored troops through a side hatch.

“We’ve begun loading as you can see,” Scoots continued. “It’ll be part of the last batch of ships to be sent to the mountains. You’ll want to get aboard while there’s still room to move around in.”

“Thanks, Scootaloo. I’ll be seeing ya for that cocoa.”

“Heheh, yeah, sure thing, slowpoke. Have a nice flight.”

And like that she cantered away to what other task she had to do in her busy schedule. The pace she went at, you could have sworn she was born an Earth pony. All by my lonesome again, I looked to the ship that’d be carrying me out of Canterlot and strode for it, looking to find my quarters before everything got packed with supplies and sweaty stallions. Halfway across the loading zone I saw a group of pegasi talking amongst themselves, no doubt the escorts wrangled up by Dash. And to my immediate chagrin, among them was Mr. Distant Gazer, who was doing just that in my direction. That look of his bored into me like a spotlight during a hangover.

As though flying to a war zone wasn’t dandy enough, I was probably gonna end up bunking with one of the few unsettling elements in my life. I didn’t show my dismay for long as I kept on walking, ignoring him. No point getting hung up when I had places to be. Besides, given that I was gonna be confined in a flying wooden box for a day, I was sure he’d find the time to make things ugly for me, if he really wanted to. Now or never, as the saying goes.

Author's Note:

Off to war we go, dum-dee-dum-dee-dum...