• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 3,046 Views, 41 Comments

Backed Up Feelings - Star Reacher

Twilight's feelings come to a head while nursing a sick Fluttershy

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Chapter 1

“Just one more second, Angel. I’m almost finished.”

A cross look on his face, the rabbit impatiently tapped his foot as Fluttershy busied herself with making lunch.

Everything had been gathered, and everyone but Angel’s meal was ready to go. Once the carrots were fetched from their place atop the cabinet, they could all eat.

Glancing up, she winced slightly at the thought of using her wings. For some reason, the past few days she had been suffering from waves of pain. Perhaps she had slept in a bad position? Regardless, she couldn’t let on to her animal friends. They were the important ones, and she couldn’t let them worry about a little discomfort. Ok Fluttershy. You can do this. Even for me, this height is nothing. Just a few wing flaps, and you can sit down and rest.

Steeling herself, she hovered off the ground toward the carrots. Instantly, sharp spikes of pain flooded her body. Keep it up, it isn’t far. Deep breaths. In, out. In, out. A gasp of pain escaped her lips, despite her best efforts. Finally reaching the carrots, she took them in her mouth and immediately lowered herself down to a very worried Angel.

“I’m alright Angel. Just a little—Ack!—muscle cramp,” She responded to his silent inquiry. Bearing a distinctly unconvinced look, he emphatically pointed first at Fluttershy, then at the nearby couch.

“Oh, no. I couldn’t yet. I have to make sure that everyone gets their lunch before I can let myself rest. Now, just let me wash these off…”

Turning around, she was overcome by another wave of piercing pain. Tears filling her eyes, she managed to raise a hoof and catch herself on the counter. Glancing back, she saw Angel jumping toward her before suddenly everything went black.

Fluttershy’s in the hospital. We need to go, now.

No sooner had Rainbow delivered the message than Twilight bolted out the door and into flight. Even at top speed the trip to the hospital lasted about five minutes, and the message repeated in her head the whole way. Rainbow had long outpaced her, but she was too worried to even notice.

Is it serious? Will she be alright? How long has she been there? Oh Celestia, what if it’s some new disease we’ve never seen before? What if we can’t help her get better? What do I DO?

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she tried to calm herself down. Easy there, girl. Don’t jump to any conclusions. I’ll be there soon, and then I can find out what’s wrong. Stay calm, don’t get too worked up, and you’ll be able to help Fluttershy through whatever’s wrong.

Wrapped up in making sure she didn’t have a freak-out, she failed to notice the hospital until she was right on top of it. Snapping back to her senses, she landed right outside the door and immediately trotted up to the reception desk.

“Twilight Sparkle, here to see Fluttershy. She should be a new patient, admitted earlier today.”

Glancing at her charts, the Nurse began searching for her form. “Fluttershy… Fluttershy… Ah! There we are. She’s been cleared for visitors, but I need you to sign in here.”

Twilight frantically filled the form, worry driving her to read them less thoroughly than she normally would. After accepting the form with a sympathetic nod, the nurse directed her to head to room 217.

Seeing her friends clustered around the farthest bed, Twilight made her way across the room. She seemed to be one of the last to arrive, Pinkie Pie being the only one unaccounted for. At the sight of Fluttershy awake and weakly smiling, she felt an enormous weight fall from her shoulders.

“Fluttershy! Are you alright?”

Glancing up sheepishly, Fluttershy replied, “Oh, yes. I’m so sorry for troubling everyone. It was just a little fainting spell. I must have overworked myself.”

Her wince of pain halfway through, however, lent doubt to her words. Applejack immediately spoke up.

“That was no fainting spell sugarcube. As soon as Angel brought me by your house, I could tell something was up. The way you were quivering on the floor like a fish out of water, it looked like someone was pressin’ a brand into your flank.”

Rarity sniffed slightly. “Distasteful metaphor aside, I concur with Applejack. A simple bought of exhaustion would not have prompted your animal friends to panic as they did. Those ducks that alerted me looked like they were simply beside themselves with worry.”

Under the weight of everyone’s concern, Fluttershy appeared to sink into the bed. “Oh, well, I suppose it did hurt rather badly… I’m just sorry to have worried everyone this much”

Applejack sighed to herself. “T’aint nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone gets sick sometimes. You just lie there and rest. The doctor said he’d be done with your tests soon.”

As if on cue, doctor Chestnut entered the room, staring at a levitated chart. A look of perplexity on his face, he approached the group.

“So doc, any idea what’s wrong? Tell me she just needs some pills and she’ll be good to go.” Rainbow quipped hopefully.

“If medicine were so simple, there’d be no need for beds in hospitals.” He replied laconically. “Miss Fluttershy, your results are in, and I must say that they are highly unusual. Physically, there appears to be nothing wrong with you. The only test with an atypical result was your MFI. I believe I have some idea what’s wrong, but I need to conduct a couple more tests in order to make sure. Is that alright?”

After a quiet nod from Fluttershy, Chestnut continued. “All right then, first I need you to answer a few questions. First, may I ask what your occupation is?”

“Oh, um, I work with animals.”

“I see. Does this mean your work in no way relates to weather management?”

“Oh, no. Not unless the weather team needs every Pegasus to help.”

“And when was the last time such an event occurred?”

“Well, the last time I remember was when we siphoned all that water to Cloudsdale.”

“Hmm… now that you mention it, do you visit Cloudsdale often?”

Caught off guard, it took Fluttershy a moment to respond. “Yes. Every couple of months, usually. I go back to visit my parents for a week.”

Losing patience, Rainbow interjected, “Hey, uh, Doc, if you don’t mind my asking, is there a point to all these questions?”

Twilight spoke up, “Rainbow, hush. He wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.”

Shooting Rainbow a withering look, Chestnut replied “Thank you, your highness. She is quite right Miss Dash. I’m sure you’re worried about your friend, but these questions are critical for my diagnosis. Now, if you don’t mind, may I please continue?”

Shuffling slightly, Rainbow timidly responded, “Yeah, sorry for interrupting.”

Returning his attention to Fluttershy, the doctor continued, “You say you visit Cloudsdale often. Has something prevent your trips recently?”

Surprised by his insight, Fluttershy responded, “Yes, actually. There’s been an awful outbreak of Feather Flu. My parents didn’t want me to get sick, so we decided to reschedule. But I’ve been so busy here I haven’t been able to make it.”

“So, your work keeps you relatively ground-bound, and you have not visited Cloudsdale in over a year. Have you at any time during that period come into contact with a cloud of any size?” He asked while nodding to himself.

“No, not that I can remember. It’s embarrassing, but the truth is, I’m kind of… well…” She trailed off, unable to complete the sentence.

“It’s alright dear. Please go on.”

“All right. The truth is… I’m afraid of heights.” She finally managed to squeak out the words, although the doctor had to strain to listen.

“I see. Don’t worry, it’s not an uncommon fear, even among Pegasi. However, it does help explain your symptoms. I have one more test to run, if you’re ready.”

At her nod, he levitated a small crystal out of his pocket. Twilight cocked her head, confused on what that could be used for. Noticing her confusion, the doctor addressed her.

“I understand your confusion. I admit that this is not exactly an orthodox test, but this isn’t a common condition either.” Turning to Fluttershy, “I’m going to touch this crystal to your skin. If it begins to glow, then we’ll have our answer.”

The five ponies leaned in, watching the crystal as it was levitated against Fluttershy’s forehead. Dimly but surely, a glow began to suffuse the crystal.

Withdrawing the crystal with a sigh, the doctor spoke up. “As I suspected. Magic Retention Disorder. Although I’ve never heard of a case this severe.”

This elicited remarks of confusion from Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity, and simultaneous questions of “Wait, are you sure?” from Twilight and Applejack. Almost instantly, five pairs of eyes stared at Applejack in surprise.

“Now what are y’all starin’ at?” She asked defensively.

Rainbow gave voice to the collective confusion. “Well, no offense AJ, but you aren’t exactly the one who usually recognizes this kind of stuff. I mean, we’re used to it from Twilight. No surprise that she can recognize some rare disease by name. You, not so much.”

Applejack rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Well I should hope I know what it is, considering I’ve got it.”

This statement elicited even more exclamations of surprise, taking Applejack aback. “What? Runs in the family. All us Apples get tested when we’re born. What’s so surprising?”

“Well, it’s just that we’ve never seen you have an attack like this darling.” Rarity said, gazing at Applejack in concern.

“Oh, she wouldn’t have one unless she spent an extended period of time without touching the ground.” Twilight interjected. The doctor nodded in affirmation.

“Yes, she’s quite correct. And I think you’re misunderstanding something Miss Dash. While the condition is not common by any means, it is far from unheard of. Usually, it’s completely benign. At worst, it causes small lifestyle inconveniences. That’s why this case is so peculiar. I’ve never heard of anypony suffering from feedback this severe before.”

“Ok, whoa, whoa, whoa. Everyone just slow down for a second.” Rainbow requested while frantically trying to keep up. “So, it looks like only half the ponies here know what the hay’s going on. How about helping the rest of us out? Just what is this Magic Retinal Whatever?”

“Magical Retention Disorder.” He corrected. “An abnormality in the ability of the body to shunt excess magic. Princess, you seem to be familiar with the condition. Would you like to explain?”

Sensing that he was deferring to her experience with her friends, Twilight accepted. “Ok, let’s start at the beginning. You’re all familiar with what magic is, correct?” A round of nods followed. “Ok, and are you all familiar with where magic comes from?” Sensing some hesitation, she continued. “Alright then. Think of magic as a form of energy that is constantly being created by your body. Every kind of pony has a unique way in which they are able to express their magic. Unicorns have the most visible, using it to fuel telekinesis and other such abilities. Earth Ponies express it in bursts of strength, along with limited communion with the earth. Lastly, Pegasi use their magic to enable cloud-walking and weather manipulation.”

“All right Twilight, this is interesting and all, but how does it relate to Fluttershy being in pain?” Rainbow impatiently asked.

“I’m getting there. As stated before, all ponies create magic naturally within their bodies. However, sometimes a pony doesn’t need to use their magic. Any magic that is left over without being expended has to go somewhere. Normally, it just bleeds out of the pony into the environment without them noticing. However, this isn’t the case in ponies with Magical Retention Disorder. Magic can’t passively bleed out of their bodies. Unless it is used up in their daily lives, it will begin to build up in their body. If too much accumulates, it begins to overload the pony’s system, causing a variety of side effects.”

Finishing her explanation, Twilight turned to the doctor “So, how’d I do?”

“A bit pedestrian, but you nicely summed up all the major elements of the affliction.” He replied approvingly. “This condition has always been poorly studied. As you said, it is only ever symptomatic in ponies who go for extended periods of time without expending their magic. Most carriers go their whole lives without any indication that they suffer from the disorder.”

“So, if I understand, Fluttershy’s attack was brought on by prolonged lack of magic use?” Rarity chimed in.

The doctor nodded, “Precisely. From the sound of it she’s gone for several months without contact with any form of cloud for the first time, and with nowhere to go that magic has built up within her body.”

Rainbow Dash perked up, “Alright, great! So all she needs is to get better is buck a cloud apart! Be right back!”

“NO!” Twilight and the doctor shouted in unison. Rainbow dash was brought up short of the window, her tail held in place by purple and hazel magic.

“What’s the big deal?! Every moment we wait’s another moment another attack might happen!”

The doctor shook his head. “It isn’t that simple Miss Dash. Like I said, I’ve never heard of anypony suffering from buildup this severe. Miss Fluttershy must have a truly immense magical potential for this much to have accumulated in her system this rapidly. If she suddenly gave it a release it could all come flooding out at once.”

Applejack interjected “Uh, doc, isn’t that exactly what we want here?”

“No, No!” he denied. “I doubt her body could handle that much raw magic being released at once. There’s a very real chance of system overload. If we aren’t careful to leach off the magic a bit at a time, she could wind up seriously injured or even disabled. And that, Princess, is why I need your help.”

Taken aback by the sudden attention, it took Twilight a second to respond. “Wait, me?”

He nodded. “Indeed. Forgive me if I’m being presumptuous, but you are one of the foremost magical experts in all of Equestria. My specialty is in physical disorders, and to treat Miss Fluttershy we’re going to need someone more versed in arcane conditions.”

“Uh, alright. Of course I’ll help! What do you need me to do?”

“Well, Miss Applejack wasn’t too far off on her proscribed treatment. Put simply, we need to shunt all of the magic from Miss Fluttershy’s system into the environment, but we need to do so slowly in order to avoid an overload. Are you familiar with techniques for transfer of magical power involving animate beings?”

Twilight nodded. “Excellent. In that case, our path forward is clear. We’ll need your help to regularly draw magic away from Miss Fluttershy and release it. Is that alright with you?”

“Of course. I’d do anything to help Fluttershy.” Anything, she quietly added to herself.

“Thank you. Now, the real danger is that she suffer another attack. These bouts are brought on by the pent up magic finding a small release, like a small crack in a dam. It tries to force its way out, leading to pain, fatigue and other symptoms. For her sake, it is imperative that you be on hand to draw out the magic safely whenever it starts to leak out. For this reason, I’d like Miss Fluttershy to remain in your vicinity until the situation is resolved.”

Twilight fought to control a blush. “Wait, so I need to stay next to Fluttershy at all times?”

“Oh no, the timing isn’t that critical. Within the same building should be fine. Is that alright with you?” He asked, looking at Fluttershy.

“Oh, well, it’s alright with me, but I don’t want to be any more of a burden on anyone. Are you sure this is OK Twilight?”

Twilight shot her friend a reassuring smile. “Of course! No trouble at all. Like I said, anything I can do to help.”

“Excellent. Then in that case, I’ll let you two…” The doctor began, before the door opening interrupted him. In trotted Starlight Glimmer, bearing a magical bubble containing a wildly gesticulating Pinkie Pie.

“Twilight! I came as soon as I could find Pinkie Pie. Is Fluttershy alright?” She asked, catching her breath.

“She’ll be fine. I’ll fill you in after we get her back to the castle. Why is Pinkie Pie in a bubble?”

Starlight glanced at her hooves sheepishly. “Well, when I told her Fluttershy was in the hospital, she began panicking and bouncing all over the place. I didn’t want her to rush over here and start causing chaos so I… er… contained her? Was that wrong?”

“Honestly, I understand the sentiment, but Pinkie would never do anything to make things worse. You can let her out now.”

“Oh, uh, alright then.” She began to lower the field.

“…and whatever you do, don’t go into the light! Everyone! Is Fluttershy OK? Starlight poofed me over here in this super fun bubble, but I couldn’t hear anything! WHAT IS GOING ON!?”

Twilight cut in, “It’s fine, Pinkie! She’s going to be alright, she’s just a little sick right now. I’ll fill you in in a second, but I need you to do me a favor. Can you get Fluttershy’s stuff from her house and meet me at my castle?”

Pinkie brightened on hearing that Fluttershy wasn’t in imminent danger. “Absadoodleutley! I’ll be over there lickity split!” She declared as she bolted out of the room.

After everyone took a second to recover from Pinkie’s unique brand of energy, Twilight turned to Fluttershy. “OK, Fluttershy, looks like you’re going to be staying with me for a bit. You ready to go?”

“Um, I suppose. Is that OK doctor?” She asked the still reeling stallion.

Shaking his head he replied, “Oh, yes. Honestly, staying in the hospital wouldn’t do you much good right now. You need the attention of a mage, not a doctor.”

“And there we have it.” Twilight turned to her other friends. “Can I ask all of you to help out? There’s a lot to do.”

Rarity and the others smiled. “Darling, you have but to ask. We’ll do everything we can to help Fluttershy through her time of need.”

A relieved smile came to Twilight’s face. “Thank you so much. Rarity, go tell everyone in town that Fluttershy’s going to be indisposed for a while. Applejack, I need you to make sure that all of Fluttershy’s animals are squared away on food and such. Rainbow, I need you to fly to Cloudsdale as fast as possible and let her family know. Can all of you handle that?”

All of them fervently nodded before leaving to begin their assigned tasks. Starlight glanced around before asking “Uh, what about me Twilight?”

“I need you to help me get her to the castle. Fluttershy, can you walk if we help support you?”

“I, uh, I think so?”

“Alright then, we’ll help you walk. I don’t want to risk teleporting you with that much magic built up. One second.”

The doctor helped her out of bed and to her hooves, where she immediately began to lean on Twilight. Starlight flanked her other side, and the three began the trek to Twilight’s Castle.