• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 3,047 Views, 41 Comments

Backed Up Feelings - Star Reacher

Twilight's feelings come to a head while nursing a sick Fluttershy

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Chapter 4

Fluttershy set aside her newly novel, contentedly. Patchwork Heart had always been one of her favorite stories, and it had been just what she needed to boost her mood. Likely due to her circumstances, she’d found herself noting details she’d never caught before. In particular, she’d found herself empathizing more than ever with Stronghoof, and cheering for his burgeoning love with his doctor Sweetmint as if it had been her first reading again.

Stretching slightly, she reached over for the next book in her pile. Her strength was slowly returning, but she remained incapable of anything more than essential trips out of bed. As such, she was determined to enjoy her books to the fullest. Let’s see, what do we have next? Ah, From Feather to Hoof! She smiled to herself. She’d have to thank Discord later for his selection, picking out two of her favorites (she was sure) at random. Something about the story of a mild-mannered mare taking in a hot-headed griffon with a broken wing had always struck her fancy. Maybe it was the brilliance behind the romantic writing, or maybe it was simply the attraction between opposites, but she’d always loved this story.

Still, with a bit of regret, she set the book aside. It was just too similar to Patchwork Heart. She wanted something a little bit different, though she resolved to read it after one more story. Examining her pile, a look of surprise overtook her features before slowly shifting to one of confusion. It wasn’t that she disliked the books, far from it; every single one was among her most beloved tomes. The problem is that they were all similar to Patchwork Heart. To a one, every story was a romance revolving around a patient and their caretaker.

Huh. Almost like me and Twilight… She shook her head at the bizarre errant thought.

Still, it’s odd. I could have sworn I didn’t file these together. Besides, knowing Discord he probably just grabbed whatever books he came across first. The odds of him grabbing such similar works at random were truly staggering. That said, she did enjoy every book in the pile, and she couldn’t ask Discord to bring her new ones, not after he’d gone out of his way to gather these for her. Determining that she was in for enjoyable (though somewhat repetitive) reading, Fluttershy cracked open From Hoof to Feather and snuggled into a more comfortable position in the sheets, shivering slightly at a damp blast of air from the window.

“Ok, Twilight! We’re heading out!” Starlight declared, holding the door for Spike. Twilight entered the hall to see them out, a worried look on her face.

“Are you sure I shouldn’t come with you? From what I’ve heard this fire’s on the large size.”

Starlight shook her head. “It’s alright Twilight, we’ll be fine. After all, Celestia just wants the town on watch duty. You stay here, Fluttershy might need you while we’re away.

Twilight’s wings fluttered in a clear display of discontent. “I wish we could just open a cloud up over it and put it right out.”

Starlight shrugged, “It’s in the Everfree Forest, so what can you do? It’ll burn itself out before long in this weather, anyway.” She squinted in the thickening gloom. “To be honest, I’m not sure we’ll be able to do much. The weather ponies said tonight’s going to be incredibly foggy. Still, better to have us there and not need us I suppose.”

Twilight started slightly at Starlight’s comment. Fog… and fire… now why does that sound so familiar? Puzzling over the half-memory, she waved goodbye as Starlight disappeared down the road. The sense of discontent and worry grew within her, and she made her way to the library’s selection of meteorology texts. Grabbing every book that seemed like a possible resource, she sat down at the table and began to skim.

Tome after tome she examined, her feelings of dread growing with each completed book. She still couldn’t place the reason, but she was convinced that not only was the weather this evening important; it was also incredibly dangerous. Why? Why is it so important? Where have I seen this before?!”

Found it! In Meterological Oddities: A Guide to Unusual Weather Formations Twilight discovered the relevant passage:

Cumulofeather’s Convergence: this unusual condition arises under a very specific set of circumstances. When large fires occur under conditions conducive to fog condensation, the combination of expelled water vapor and soot particulates leads to the formation of exceedingly dense fog banks. Often nicknamed “Superfog,” this formation is of minor interest to those engaged in the study of weather manipulation. In contrast to its less opaque cousin, superfog responds to Pegasus magic in a manner identical to clouds. The exact mechanism behind this distinction has never been identified, but it is hypothesized that…

Twilight put the book down, her brain rapidly making connections. Foggy weather… and a large fire… fog that responds to magic like a cloud… and Fluttershy likes to sleep with a window open!

As if in response to her realization, Twilight heard a scream of raw anguish pealing from upstairs. Oh no. Fluttershy! Losing no time, she teleported into what could only be described as a scene of pure pandemonium. Within the fog-filled room, Fluttershy floated over her bed, writhing in agony within a cloud of magical energy. Random tongues of discharge sporadically broke through the field, leaving scorch marks wherever they struck.

“Hold on Fluttershy, I’m coming!” Twilight bellowed over the loud roar of the wild magic. Forcing her way through the arcing sparks, she succeeded in winning herself to Fluttershy’s side, quickly tapping into the stricken mare’s magical field. What she found was a system in chaos: magical energy swirled throughout her system in undirected surges, chasing after every point of escape provided by contact with the encroaching fog.

This is bad! If I don’t provide a safe outlet immediately, her entire body may overload! Sorry Fluttershy; this is going to hurt, but I am NOT losing you! Gritting her teeth, Twilight began the by now familiar energy transfer. The raw tidal wave of magic nearly overwhelmed her, but through sheer stubbornness she squashed the energy from a wild flood into a controlled torrent.

No time for finesse! Where’s that window?! Finding the portal, she let the restrained magic loose. An immense blast of energy burst forth from her horn through the window. Bit by bit, the energy rampaging through Fluttershy’s body was stripped away. Her screams of agony continued unabated, and Twilight shuddered to think what siphoning this much energy out of her body so quickly would do to her.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity of the most intense exertion she’d ever undertaken in her life, the last of the roiling magic had been removed. Slamming the window shut, Twilight realized that the shockwave from her blast had cleared the fog from the room. They were safe for the moment. Horror replacing her relief, she rushed to Fluttershy’s side to check on her conditions. Her screams having settled into exhausted whimpers, the yellow mare lay twitching on her sheets, a pool of sweat surrounding her from the ordeal. Running a quick scan, Twilight discovered that while her entire system had been overworked, nothing had broken. Thank Celestia…

Her adrenaline wearing off, Twilight found the full extent of what she’d just been through crashing over her. Combined with her severe lack of sleep, it took everything she had not to keel over instantly. Staggering, she turned to leave the room, only to find an insistent hoof in her mane. “No!”

Huh? She turned to see a terrified Fluttershy looking up at her with tear-filled eyes.

“Please, don’t go! Twilight, I, I just can’t be alone right now. Please, just stay here tonight. I need someone beside me right now.”

“Okay, Fluttershy. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” She assured her, fighting the black wave of exhaustion drowning her brain. Not processing her actions, she climbed onto the bed, levitating the covers over the both of them. Fluttershy caught her in a strong embrace, burrowing her head into Twilight’s chest as she sobbed. Twilight rubbed her back soothingly, her sleep-addled voice repeating her assurances that she wouldn’t leave. Eventually, the two sank into a deep, dreamless sleep.