• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 3,224 Views, 112 Comments

To Turn a Life Around - TheEngineer

Our pathetic hero Matthew Anderson has found himself in a very odd situation as he stumbles upon

  • ...

Not without a troubled past

Chapter 4: Not without a troubled past


"So Matt, what do you wanna do when you graduate?"

"Me? I guess something in management. This school is offering us FAA licenses,so I might as well put those to use and get myself a temporary job as an AMT to pay for college tuition and stuff."

"Good for you, having everything planned out for yourself."

"What about you, Ted?"

"Me? I guess I will follow my dad's footsteps, work in the CIA. Nothing hardcore, maybe the archives or surveillance."

"Sounds exciting."

"I wouldn't count on it, but it should pay well."

"Yeah, what we all look for in a job huh?"

"Totally, so when do you want to meet up after your visit up in New York?"

"Soon after, how's Tuesday two weeks from now? I'm planning to make this summer very exciting."

"Sounds good to me, can't wait to see what you have in store when you come back."

"Heh, see you later man."


*Heavy rain* *thunder*

*knock* *knock*

"Hello? Matt! Are you in there? It's me, Ted!"

*Door opens*

"What... Do you want?"

"Jeez, man, are you okay? I heard what hap-"

"If you heard what happened then why did you just ask you most stupid question know to man kind? I lost my entire family, I'm all alone now! What could you possibly want from a man like me!?"

"What? No, dude, you are not alone, I'm here for you man. I don't want to take anything from you, I just want to make sure that you are going to be okay.... It's hard, losing someone."

"I... Did not just lose someone, I lost everyone! Can't you see that I am going through enough suffering just thinking about it? And then you come and make me talk over my loved ones like they are just a memory?"

"I don't see it like that I.... Just... You haven't been answering your calls, I'm worried for you is all."

*Matthew takes out his phone, shows it to a soaked Ted, and crushes it on the floor*

"I need to be alone."

*Door slams shut*



"You okay Matt? You seem to be having a little trouble sleeping." asked a concerned mare in the shadows. I glanced at my alarm clock, three o'clock am. I then tried my best to make out the features of the pony laying down next to my bed, a small glint of rainbow gave away this pony's identity in an instant.

"Rainbow?" I asked, startled by her presence, "What are you doing here?"

"I uh, I wanted to ask you if you could teach me how to skate when you woke up" Rainbow said humbly, "I guess you woke up a lot earlier than I planned on."

This brought a small smile to my face, I gave a glance at the nose of my skateboard, barely protruding from my closet's door and barely lit by the soft moon light. I have enough spare parts to make two more whole boards, I guess I could take in a protégé. "Sure, I could give you a few lessons. I guess it'll give you something to do while you're here", I responded.

"Thanks, that means a lot to me you know. Being here means I can't fly, I just need something that would give me a similar freedom, heh, otherwise I wouldn't have this lightning bolt as my cutie mark." Rainbow said, in one of the most thankful tones I have yet to hear.

"Um, you are very welcome", I beamed quietly, "We could start in the morning, around seven in the AM should be fine. Until then, how about you stop sleeping on the floor and come into a comfy bed?"

She seemed to get the invitation and quietly thanked me once more as she climbed into my bed..

So many thank yous, it's getting hard to keep tabs on all of them.

Rainbow and I quickly dosed off, backs facing each other. I slept soundly from then on, time piece in hand, no nightmares.


I shot my eyes open as a bit of yellow hair landed on my face, I stared at it for a while before trying to blow it away. After several failed attempts, I simply resorted to sitting upright. Rainbow was still sleeping soundly, but the clock said 7:14am and I said we would be up at seven in the morning, so I gently poked Rainbow on her ears in a futile attempt to wake her up (partially so I could leave my bed).

"Mmmffm, not now Soarin" Rainbow mumbled.

"Who's Soarin?" I asked with a mocking grin on my face. With that, Dash shot upright and stared at me in disbelief.

"Y...Y...You didn't hear that!" she begged in a harsh whisper.

"Fine, I heard nothing. But you need to get up because it's past seven and I promised you some lessons." I responded.

Rainbow quickly agreed and we climbed out of bed. I went down to the kitchen and made four very crude and hastily created sandwiches as breakfast for everyone and everypony whilst Rainbow made her way to the bathroom and used the mouthwash (I should get them tooth brushes eventually).

Pinkie Pie was snoring lightly in the living room and Twilight was presumably still asleep, so when Rainbow and I ate our hasty breakfast, I wrote a note telling Pinkie and Twilight that we are going outside for a bit. Then we went upstairs and got a hold of my spare skateboard stuff that I used and discarded (but soon will be reused once more) to build a board for Dashie. Hmm Dashie is a nice nickname... Nah, Rainbow is fine.

"Okay, here, hold this deck while I put the trucks on." I whispered to Rainbow in an attempt to not wake Twilight from her slumber.

"The what now?" Rainbow asked, obviously confused with my choice of words.

I sighed, "Here, hold this piece of wood while I bolt these two metallic T-shaped things onto the bottom."

"You don't have to be so mean about it.." Rainbow muttered.

The trucks were put on and I picked out a random set of wheels and bearings for add on. Installation was a breeze thanks to my handy-dandy tool box.

"Alright, just one problem." I said once we were done.

"And what would that be?" Rainbow said to me in a slightly surprised tone.

"You are still a pony" I pointed out. Dash looked at herself as if she hadn't realized that she was walking on all fours.

"Weird, wasn't I human when we went to bed?" Rainbow asked.

"Um, at first, but not when I found you lying next to my bed. I just assumed that Twilight reversed the spell." I responded.

Rainbow went into deep thought for a while, "Hmm, I guess she did.... Why am I still wearing socks?"

I smirked, somehow, all of her clothing from before fell off except for the socks. I tried not telling her until she realized because it looked so damn funny.

"Hey, they look good on you." I remarked.

"Yeah yeah, I get it, it looks hilarious." Rainbow retorted, only slightly annoyed.

"I guess we could ask Twilight to turn you human now. " I suggested. The hairs on the back of Rainbow's neck stood straight all of a sudden.

"Uh, yeah, you go do that. I'm going to pick out my clothes while you're at it." Rainbow said with a degree of uncertainty.

I just shrugged and made my way across the hall to Twilight's room. I didn't bother knocking since it's my house and I didn't really expect ponies to have dark secrets when they are alone. And I wasn't wrong about that last statement, Twilight was sleeping soundly in her bed, with a book on the floor. Huh, Brave New World.

Without giving it much thought, I prodded Twilight a few times. "Hey Twilight, wakey wakey.".

I was suddenly punched with a hoof that came out of nowhere, right in the chest. I staggered back, and regained focus just in time to see a very pissed off Twilight growl a frightening set of words, "Nopony wakes me up like that".

I stood there in awe, I didn't think the nerd had it in her! And that managed to really, legitimately scare me. That's when I saw a cautious looking cyan blur in my peripheral. I shifted my head and saw Rainbow peeking inside with a bunch of clothes in her mouth and a bra on her head.

The sight seemed to confuse Twilight enough to shake her out of her madness. "What is going on? Why do you need me at.... Almost eight o'clock?" Twilight asked.

"We need you to turn Rainbow human again, I'm teaching her how to skate and that's not going to be easy if she's a pony." I said quickly. Twilight looked at her own body and looked a bit surprised too, only to shake her head a bit and began to cast the spell as I left the room.

There was a flash from under the door, and a few minutes later, Rainbow came out human and Twilight flopped back into bed. Rainbow put on some flat soled shoes, they were a really old pair of mine that I still had for some odd reason, they fit her perfectly. A few minutes later, we had made our way out of the house in an orderly and quiet fashion (skateboards in hand of course).

We got in my car because there is nothing worth doing near my house, and headed towards a small village that I know that has nicely paved roads that no one ever uses. Perfect for learning on.


"Hey, Matt?" Rainbow asked, almost cautiously.

"Yeah?" I responded, eyes still on the road.

"I, um, I wanted to ask if you were... Well, if you were feeling okay." she said, stumbling over her words. This surprised me, I didn't expect that from Rainbow. Then again, in retrospect, Rainbow tends to do a lot of things I didn't actually expect, like ask all of the right questions.

"Um, why do you ask that?" I asked back.

"Well, it's really because of last night. The way you woke up, you looked really startled. I dunno why, but I feel that this wasn't because of any old nightmare." Rainbow said, the sadness in her eyes beginning to pour into me.

"Well." I began.

"You don't have to say anything to me right now Matt, but I want you to know that I am your friend. And that I'm here for you when you need me." She said in those impossible-to-argue-with hazel eyes.

I paused for what felt like the longest time before saying, "I'm fine, no need to worry about me.".

The rest of the conversation died at that point, so I turned on the radio. To my pleasure, the Foo Fighters were on and we listened to their music quietly the rest of the ride.

We parked near a small bank and made our way to a paved, secluded road for us to use.

"Okay, lesson zero. The first thing you need to know is what position you are most comfy when you are riding."

"What, like this?"

"Do you feel confident pushing like that?"


"Alright, you ride regular then!"

"Regular? Then why are you riding the opposite way?"

"Because I'm goofy."

"What? Stop clowning around and teach me!"

"No, that's what they call it when you ride opposite! You silly filly."

"Oh, well why didn't you say so?"

"Alright, so remember, left leg stationary behind the bolts and right leg pushing and resting on the hind bolts."

"You mean like... This?"

"Wow, fast learner."

"Well, I'm known to be fast!"


Rainbow got the hang of riding pretty fast, I think she would be ready for long distance cruising in no time at all. I think I will teach her how to ollie soon.

We came home at noon, so I could get lunch going and so I could get the mares ready for the task ahead of them.It's Thursday and I get the graveyard shift today.

"Thanks Matt, that was really fun!" Rainbow said as I pulled into the driveway.

I smirked and then said, "Just wait until you start bruising your shins and ankles."

"What? Why is that?" Rainbow inquired.

"When you start learning tricks! You are going to get hurt alot, but it's all worth it in the end. There's a sort of reward, a sort of self-accomplishment when you learn and later master a new trick." I said with a witty grin.

"Can't wait." Rainbow said, to my surprise, with a hint of anticipation.

We got out of the car and into the house. Pinkie Pie figured out how to play video games all by herself and was now immersed in some intense multiplayer combat, and doing surprisingly well too. "Wow, Pinkie Pie, you are quite the gamer." I said with a low whistle.

"Sorry, what was that?" was the only response I got from the occupied fluff of pink.

I decided to ask another question, "Whatever, did you eat breakfast?"

Pinkie Pie was now sticking her tongue out in concentration, eventually she said "Yep! Yes I did, thanks for the sandwich Matty, but I could really go for some lunch right now."

"Well, maybe I could show you how to operate my kitchen so you can start using it too." I said slowly. This caught Pinkie Pie's attention, despite how close she was to winning another round.

"You would really really do that for me Matty?" Pinkie Pie asked in disbelief, eyes beginning to dilate.

"I don't see why not." I responded happily, "Come, it's lunch time, let me show you the ropes."

"I don't see any ropes in here, but I'm sure we'll manage without those!" Pinkie commented as she followed me into the kitchen. Rainbow stayed behind and started playing in Pinkie's place, but even with proper hands, she somehow couldn't play better than Pinkie did.


"So you were a baker, right?" I asked.

"I sure was! Ooooh but I can cook so many other things I can't really call myself just a baker you know. That's just what I do to make some bits, I go more along the lines of: Allaroundsuperfantasticironchefmareden!" She responded.... In one breath.

"Wow, you sure give yourself a lot of credit." I said folding my arms, "Prove it."

A smile began to grow on Pinkie Pie's face as she turned towards the counter and began to work her magic. No, really, magic, she's holding stuff with her hooves right now and the fact that they can do that still claws at my brain.

...1:04 pm....

"Lunch is ready!" I called. Rainbow quickly vaulted over the couch to get to the table and Twilight came down the stairs soon enough.

"Did you two have fun?" Twilight asked Rainbow and I.

"Oh boy, I sure did. Those boards make so much noise, it's awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Yeah, she's a very fast learner. I was actually surprised that it came to her almost naturally." I commented.

"I'm glad you two had fun, and uh, sorry about my reaction to you waking me up this morning. It was a little over the top of me." Twilight commented with an added apology, "So, whats for lunch?"

"Apology accepted and Pinkie Pie made a delicious looking spinach casserole (I could never get those right) and theres salad and lentils. You all have a plate, so it's self serve for today." I announced.

Twilight and Rainbow made their share of comments and compliments and we ate quietly for a while. Two humans and two ponies sitting opposite from each other, I have no idea why, but that strikes me as odd. Not just the pony part but the forma- ahhhhh forget it...

"Anyway, today I have work. I get the graveyard shift, are you all going to be okay while I'm away?" I began. Everypony looked around the room awkwardly.

"Wow, this is awkward. We never asked you what you do for a living." Twilight said, "Oh! If you don't mind us asking that is."

Wow, I somehow missed that point too. How on Earth did that happen? "Well, I'm an AMT. That stands for Aviation Maintenance Technician".........

"That's fascinating." Twilight said after I finished explaining my line of work.

"Are you kidding? That's awesome!" Rainbow added.

"It's pudding!" Pinkie Pie said, putting the pudding desert on the table.

"Pinkie Pie, we're talking about Matt's job... That pudding does look pretty awesome though." Rainbow said, defending both teams.

"Wow, when did you make that?" I asked Pinkie Pie.

"Oh you know, between all of the when-hows and the what-nows." Pinkie Pie said, as is that was a perfectly reasonable answer. Rainbow's advice really helps, that's just Pinkie being Pinkie, my brain is saved.

"Oookay, anyways... Twilight, I take it that you browsed through my library already?" I moved on. Twilight seemed to shrink a little.

"Yeah, I did. Are you okay with that?" she asked cautiously.

"Heh, yeah it's fine. I doubt that you used my laptop though. I guess you could use it to keep you entertained while I'm gone tonight." I said.

"I don't really need much more entertainment, really! I took out that novel you mentioned and a text on world history, well, Earth history." Twilight responded. Rainbow and Pinkie were nice enough to make their own conversations quiet, a few giggles now and then.

"Well, that would keep you occupied for quite some time, but I guess teaching you now would be better than never." I said. With that, we stood up from the table and began making our way to the study.

"Wait! What about your pudding?" Pinkie asked with the most adorable pouting face... D'awwwww.

Twilight and I walked back awkwardly, took our servings of pudding, gave Pinkie a pair of sheepish smiles, and as we walked away, I told Rainbow that she is doing the dishes today.

"Awwww... Fine." Rainbow said, muttering under her breath.


"Alright, so to turn it on you open the screen-"

"Like this?"

"Yeah, like that. And you push that button to turn it on."

"This one?"

"No, the big one."

"Oh, this one!"

"No, that's called the space bar.... Here, that's the button you push."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be, you're learning."


"Try using your magic here, I want to see if you can use the touch pad."


"hmm, that doesn't work.. Wait a sec."

*rummaging* "Aha, wireless mouse!"

"Eeep! where?"

"No, silly, this is called a mouse. You move it around to give commands to the computer."

"How does it work?"

"I fix airplanes Twilight, not computers."



"And this is called a web browser. It let's you surf the Internet."

"What's the Internet?"

"The biggest virtual library in existence."

*Massive squee* "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Why didn't you mention this before?"

"Because I was afraid of a reaction like that..."

"Oh, sorry."


I finished acquainting Twilight to the use of the computer, and also kept a few tabs open (things like Netflix, and Google) So that she doesn't get 'lost' or trapped in the dark side of the Interwebs.

"Well, here is a list of my favorite movies and shows. I recommend that you watch Doctor Who, it's amazing." I said after I made sure Twilight was confident to go on by her lonesome.

"Thanks! I'll look into it" Twilight responded. Did I just make a mistake by getting her involved with computers? Nah.

It's currently 5:32 pm and my shift starts at 8:00 pm. But I decided to go anyway, there was someone that I needed to talk to. Someone who I haven't spoken to in some time. I said my farewells to the three mares, Rainbow had asked Twilight to turn her back to pony form to see if that was the secret to being better than Pinkie Pie at playing video games. I stifled a laugh as I left when I saw Rainbow's frustration, one form of frustration that I know way too well.


The drive to Ted's office was killing me on the inside, it's relatively close to where I work, and yet I haven't spoken to him in....? It's been almost five months. Five months of me being completely alone. Five months that I now feel have been wasted.

Is he going to hate me? I hope not, he was my best friend after all. I wouldn't be shocked if he resented me for what I did to him, cutting him off like that. Maybe there's room for forgiveness, maybe there isn't. Arrg, but I need him! But, is that the only reason I'm going to him now? To use him? What kind of person does that make me? Or maybe that nightmare was a wakeup call, maybe it was a sign that I can't be alone anymore. At least not without ending up hurting myself, or worse yet, someone else.....

This drive really felt like it was going to be the end of me.


I stopped in front of a gray office building, it did not look inviting at all. With a deep sigh, I got out of my car and into that building, the building my old friend Ted works in. I stopped in front of the secretary that was sitting at the center or a rather lavish lobby. I just stood there, the words caught in my mouth.

"Ahem, sir? Can I be of assistance?" The secretary asked. She looked like a terrible person, the kind of lady with glasses and a bun for hair that would betray you at the mention of a dollar. Nevertheless, her question slapped me out of my stupor and into reality.

"Um, well, you see.... I'm looking for Mister Ted Kimell." I finally said. The secretary had gone back to her business, and without even looking at me continued her 'conversation' with me.

"Well, do you have an appointment?" she inquired, I was sure that she knew the answer to that.

"Um, no bu-" I began but was very rudely interrupted.

"Well then, I don't see why you have any reason to be here. Move along now." She said, with a cold stare pointed at nothing in particular.

"If you could just-" I tried to begin again.

"Ep, what did I just say?" she rudely inquired, her soul-less stare now pointed at me.

"If you would let me finish!" I began once more, "I would like you to call him for me, I am sure that he would want to see me." I said with a sigh, relieved that I could finally get that message through to this woman. She simply stared daggers into me, as if I'm the one who just did something rude! How rude of her!

"Fine." she said at last. She didn't even look at the call list, she apparently had it memorized, and called Ted.

"Mister Kimell, there is someone here to see you." she began.

"Yes, I understand that you don't have any appointments and that you are busy at the moment." she responded as I listened to a one sided conversation.

"He insisted." she said with another glare.

She paused, and looked at me, "Can I have a name?" she asked.

"Oh, Anderson, Matthew Anderson." I replied.

"A mister Anderson wants to speak to you sir." she continued.

"Oh, I see. Well not to worry sir. Yes, I understand." she said before hanging up.

"Well?" I asked.

"Mister Kimell wishes you to leave the building, so if you please." she said, motioning towards the door.

"Oh. Well, have a nice day." I ended that part with sarcasm so thick you would need to water it down before you could try cutting it.

As I was walking towards to door, I heard a ringing from the secretary's phone. I didn't pay it any attention, I just wanted to leave this failure behind.

"Yes? Oh really? Changing your mind so soon, sir? Yes sir." I heard the evil secretary behind me say before she called to me. "Mister Anderson! If you would come back please?".

I froze in my tracks. What? Did Ted really change his mind after ten seconds? Well, I'm not one to complain!

"Yes?" I asked expectantly.

"Mister Kimell would actually like to see you right now. Take elevator four to the sixteenth floor, room 1619." the secretary said with a hint of resentment.

"Thank you very much." I said in an honestly pleased tone, and walked past her triumphantly.


I walked down the hall of the sixteenth floor looking for room 1619. hmm, 1613, 1615, 1617... Where the hell is 1619? I thought to myself before turning the corner and sure enough, there was office 1619. You are a genius I thought sarcastically to myself before walking towards my goal.

I opened the door slowly, walking in just as hesitantly. There he was, "Ted?" I asked. He was looking out his window, but quickly turned around at the sound of his name.

"Matt? Is that really you? Shit, it's been five months!" he began before taking on a more sorrowful expression, "Are you feeling better?" he asked.

"Yeah, a whole lot better." I responded. I saw a quirk of a smile appear on his face, it wasn't one of happiness, it was one of relief.

"I'm really sorry about what happened, I shouldn't-" he began apologizing before It interrupted him. (Is that evil secretary getting to me?!)

"No, I'm the one that's sorry. I... I shouldn't have pushed you away like that when you were only trying to help me." I apologized back. Ted's expression softened and we went in for a brief man-hug.

"It's been too long Matt." Ted said sorrowfully.

"Way too long." I agreed.

"So what brings you here?" He asked while motioning to a quarter of whiskey he had on his desk, "Care for a drink?"

"No thanks, I have work today." I rejected.

"Ah, the good ol' machinist is back huh? Did you get better hours like you asked?" Ted began for nostalgia's sake.

"Yep, and pay too. My foreman finally pulled through with that seniority bonus. How about you man?" I replied.

"I got upgraded to the sixteenth floor, I am doing s'well my friend... So, I'll ask again. What brings you here?" he said, cutting right back to the chase.

I looked around the room, "Your office isn't bugged is it?" I asked.

"Nope, they stop that stuff after the thirteenth floor. So what even you say is private." Ted announced before darkening his expression, "What is this about?"

"Look," I began," I have these friends that aren't really from here, and I was wondering if you could sneak into the archives and add a few entries... I know that's asking for a lot here, but I really need this.". There was a silence in the room, Ted was examining my expression.

"What do you mean by 'aren't really from here' exactly?" he asked, "They aren't criminals, are they?"

"No, they are not criminals." I retorted in a somewhat bashful tone, "And, they aren't exactly human either". Oh man, I'm starting to melt here.

Ted just burst into laughter, "Oh man! Good one! You come back after all this time and you still have that sense of humor.." he trailed off, paused to look at the seriousness of my face, "Oh god, you're serious."

"Ted, do you still trust me?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah. I also owe you as well." he replied simply.

"You owe me? for what?" I asked in shock.

"You are the one who helped me in all of my classes in highschool when I really needed it... If it weren't for you, I would not have made it into my dream career. This office here? I can only thank you for it." Ted said.

"That's what you owe me for? But that's what friends do, I don't need thanking for that." I responded, still surprised.

"Don't waste your favor, I'm saying that I'm going to do this for you just this once you numb skull." Ted spat out, "But first: aliens, what do they look like?" he asked quickly afterward.

I gave him a coy grin, "Ponies, bright and colorful ponies."

He sat there, blinking a few times before asking the big question,"How are they going to fit into society? Proper ID and paper work only helps so long as the person looks human you know."

I gave him the simplest answer I could give him, one that wouldn't strain his frontal lobe like it did to mine. "Magic." I said simply. He kept staring, "Dude, if you want to go through the same headaches I went through, all you have to do is ask." I added.

"Okay, I'm asking." he said.

"Fine. " I said, preparing myself for a long and hasty explanation.




"Dual monarchy.."

"That's what I said."

"Over 1000 years of peace and counting?"

"I wish it were over 9000, but yeah."

"And the purple one can do magic?"


"And one of her spells transforms the three into humans?"

"Courtesy of my nail clippings, yeah."


"Nothing. Anyway, can you help?"

"I will get you three sets of full paperwork back grounds, from birth certificates, work applications, to passports."

"Wow, thanks."

"Thank me later, when the tables are turned and you owe me Matt."

"Well, it's been great seeing you again man, see you later, I gotta go to work."

"Likewise, see you later."


I clocked in and the foreman was in the locker room giving everyone a speech.

"Welcome back everyone, everyone had a nice Wednesday I presume?" Said the foreman before continuing. "Well, here's the sit-rep on the grounded 777. The port-side wing has been successfully removed and taken to a composites shop for repairs two shifts ago, and now we have to strip the bird of it's skin covering. I want a quarter of the crew working on removing the engine cowls, get that done as soon a humanly possible. The rest of you, I need you all to start removing every skin cover from station zero to station six. The FAA is on our asses for what happened here on Monday and unfortunately for you, you all have to work harder because of an idiot in another shift! Go, and no pencil pushing!"

With that, I was assigned to work on removing the engine cowls. One of the easiest jobs to do on this beautiful bird because it's actually designed to come off, just loosen the hinges and get one of the trucks to drag it away for inspection.

The rest of my shift was tiring and relatively boring. I left work at three in the morning and made my way home a quickly as I could without being reckless.


I got home at four o'clock sharp, somehow cutting an entire half hour from my commute. I quietly made my way into the house, through the living room and into the kitchen. I then served myself a glass of some whiskey I had hidden in the kitchen and went to the back yard to unwind for a few minutes before going to bed.

To my surprise, Pinkie Pie was laying in the grass outside, she was just staring at the sky.

"Hey there." I greeted Pinkie Pie as I sat down next to her, much to Pinkie's own surprise.

"Oh, you're back!" she said quietly.

"So, what are you doing staring at the sky all by yourself?" I asked.

"What are you doing staring at the sky with somepony staring at the sky by her self?" Pinkie asked back.

"I just.... I need to lay down and think." I said, now laying on my back.

"Well, I'm just thinking." Pinkie said, and then laid down on he back as well.

"It's just so hard to believe that I'm so far away from home. The moon is so small, the clouds are so high and the weather in this world is like one big Everfree forest." Pinkie said serenely, "Oh, and Gummy, my poor, poor Gummy. I sure hope Fluttershy is taking good care of him, I miss him so much." she added with a pang of sadness.

"It's just so hard.... To live." I said, sipping from my glass. Pinkie pretended not to notice.

"Matty?" Pinkie asked after a long moment of silence.

"Yes, Pinkie?" I replied, almost lost in the zen of the night sky.

"Do you think I weill ever see my home again?" Pinkie inquired. That made me look at her. She looked back, with big, sad blue eyes.

"I don't think it's impossible Pinkie," I finally replied, "But you are going to have to keep hope that one day you will, or it may never happen."

"Oh." Pinkie commented, as if my word was the only truth.

"Pinkie Pie?"


"We should go to bed."

"We should... Hey, Matty?"


"This morning, I woke up and Rainbow wasn't there. Where was she?"

"Oh, she was sleeping with me."

"You what? Isn't it a little weird to do that with a different species? I mean, not that I'm judging or anything, but, really?"

"What? No! Gross! I think that counts as bestiality, no! I meant that she slept in the same bed that I was in, no funny stuff involved."

"Ohhh." *giggle* "Well, now that that's answered I can sleep okay."

"Glad, er, to have cleared that up."

We made our way back inside. I set glass down on the counter, I still had some drink left, but before I could think about drinking it, Pinkie Pie took it.

"Cheers to going home some day." she said quietly before drinking the last of my whiskey.

"Alrighty, sleep well." I said before we parted ways and drifted to sleep...
