• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 3,224 Views, 112 Comments

To Turn a Life Around - TheEngineer

Our pathetic hero Matthew Anderson has found himself in a very odd situation as he stumbles upon

  • ...

Saving for a rainy day

Chapter 6: Saving for a rainy day

Well, I was resting, but I wasn't doing a whole lot of sleeping. Staring at my window into the darkness was the only thing worth my time while I tried my best to sleep, drifting deeply into my thoughts:

So, my new friends can actually go home in the foreseeable future. That is great news for pretty much everyone, I just hope that everything goes soothly till then. Ah, who am I kidding? Nothing can go wrong, Ted is helping us out by making the mares legal citizens and no one else knows a thing about them. Take that negativity and throw it somewhere that you wont see, negative thoughts are just going to limit you and those around you. Hmm, I wonder whats for breakfast tomorrow? Meh, I guess I'll look inside my fridge and improvise. Is that some rain I see outside? I hope not, at least it only seems like a drizzle. Why wouldn't I hope for rain though? It keeps me alive and hydrated in a way, in a very *yawn* indirect kind of way.....

Finally some actual, tangible sleep..


"Matty You're back! How was the exam?"

"It went well, sis. I think the FAA will be taking me in the moment they see the results."

"Thats great, so, what now?"

"What now? Now we wait for that blue envelope to come in the mail. Until then, whats for lunch?"

"I went ahead and made your favorite, I think it would be a great morale boost after taking a three hour long test."

"Four hours.."

"Whatever, are you going to sit and eat or what?"

"Yes, yes I am. Uh, where are mom and dad?"

"They went out, I don't know where, but they said that they would be back soon."


"Mom, dad, welcome back!"

"Hey Matthew, how was the exam?"

"I aced it, plain and simple."

"Wonderful, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to return this."

"Dad... How much did you pay for this?"

"Shhh, don't ask. I knew that you broke your phone in that little fall you took, so your mom and I decided to buy you a new one."

"Do you like it? Oh, I don't think he likes it."

"Mom, I love it. I just didn't expect..... You left the price tag on."

"Oh, really? Don't look at it, just lemme take it off."

"Dad, it's a little late for me to not look at it, six-hundred dollars? Are you two out of your minds? I mean, in this economy, it just doesn't seem like a good idea."

"No, we are not mad. We thought that rewarding you for going so far in life would be nice considering all of our poor gifts to you in the past."

"You guys really didn't need to do this, I'm only becoming an AMT."

"Oh, stop being so modest and accept a gift from your parents."


What the hell? Where am I? I thought as I looked at my surroundings, except there weren't any. Everything around me was pure white, no features or textures that I could see. I soon realized that I was laying down, I instinctively got up and started walking around cautiously. I couldn't feel a floor, and yet I knew I was walking on something.

I must be dreaming, I thought. I mean, that's the only reasonable explanation to.... Whatever this is.

Oh wait! I must be having a lucid dream, which means... I thought to myself as I began constructing my surroundings for myself. I started with sand, check. I added a body of water to my right, now I have a beach, with no end. I then started creating buildings to my left to make this area seem less... Boundless.

Huh, I'm in Miami. I guess I sub-consciously wanted a vacation. I thought as I made a lawn chair rise from the sands along with a nice palm tree to create some shade from the sun I created.

Well, this is nice. I continued thinking as I laid myself down on my new lawn chair. I sat around on that chair drawing things in the sky with clouds for what felt like an eternity, but I stopped at the sound of... Something.

What is that sound? I thought as I began looking around, it was a dull, white noise. I eventually found the source of the disturbance, far away from me on the shoreline. It was a large, black stain in my world. Though I couldn't make out any of the details of said stain, I knew that I felt one thing, one feeling, when I set my eyes on the blackness. I felt fear, pure, instinctual fear.

I stood up quickly once I saw the black shroud racing towards me. I began my attempt to flee, but the black shroud was spreading too quickly. Two shadows grabbed my legs from under the sand, the body of the shroud still twenty or so feet, towering above me.

My frightened self stared at the darkness, instinct screaming at me to run, but my legs seemingly glued to the ground. And then, two small, glowing orange lights became visible inside of the shroud. I don't know how, but I knew that those were eyes, familiar eyes.

"No." I uttered, the shroud's response gave the two glowing eyes a body, one that I couldn't mistake.

"No!" I shouted at the figure that was slowly approaching me. The figure was a she, I knew it somehow. I knew her identity.

She slowly rose her slender hand and pointed her index finger at me, and spoke with the voice of five souls, "Matty, why weren't you able to save us?"

"I couldn't! I didn't know what was happening!" I shouted at the shrouded figure of my sister, wind seemed to be coming from nowhere.

Suddenly, the figure began speaking in one solitary voice, "Why weren't you able to be with us Matty? I miss you so much." It was the voice of my younger sister when she was very little.

"I... I'm sorry I wasn't there! You never told me where you all were going!"

Now it was the voice of my father, "You can still join us Matthew, Join us!"

The shroud suddenly lunged at me and everything went black, I felt myself falling and screaming.

There was nothing I could do, there was nothing I could do, There was nothing I could do, there was nothing I could do, There was nothing I could do, there was nothing I could do, There was nothing I could do, there was nothing I could do, There was nothing I could do, there was nothing I could do....!



"Gah!" I shouted, sitting up from my bed. Once I knew for sure that I wasn't asleep, I managed to calm myself down a little. I was panting lightly, I felt the cold sweat on my brow, and I saw the lightning outside my window. It was absolutely pouring outside.

Once my heartbeat slowed down enough for me to be considered calm, I stepped out of bed and made my way across the room to my bathroom. I turned the light on and hastily began washing my face. When I felt I was done, I simply stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at myself. That was a really bad nightmare.

Eventually, I dried my face and went back to bed, timepiece in hand. I listened to the calming sound of the clockwork until I drifted back to sleep.


"Hey, you awake?" Asked an ignorant voice, clearly I wasn't awake.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I said as I slowly sat up from my very comfortable bed, "Rainbow? What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go skate today, Twilight is awake now, I thought that starting early would be better than in the afternoon heat." Rainbow responded.

Did I dream all of that rain? It must be really wet outside! "Uh, Rainbow? Did it rain last night?" I asked.

"Yeah it did. It's annoying you know, I would never have my weather team make a storm on a weekend. Why do you ask?" Rainbow huffed.

"Well, if you can avoid skateboarding on a wet surface, you should." I said matter-of-factually.

"Oh." Rainbow began in a disappointed tone, "Well, in that case, you can go back to sleep."

"Well, now that you woke me up, I can't. How about some breakfast?" I responded in my tired voice.

"Yeah, I could sure go for something to munch on." Rainbow said as she headed downstairs. I hopped out of bed and followed suit. I'll get dressed later, it's Saturday and my pajamas feel very welcoming right now.

I landed at the bottom of the stairs and saw that everypony in the house was awake, "What time is it?" I asked slightly surprised, since I normally wake up early. Then again, my situation right now isn't what one would call 'normal'.

"Uhhh, it's about eight o'clock." Twilight said, looking at a clock on the wall.

"Well," I began with a yawn, "Let's get breakfast done and over with, shall we?" As if on cue, Pinkie Pie trotted slowly out of the kitchen, holding a pan with her mouth. She set the pan down on the table of which I only now realize was already set along with glasses filled with orange juice that I didn't even know I had.

"Breakfast is ready!" Pinkie called out from across the room.

"I didn't know I had OJ." I commented, to which Pinkie Pie tilted her head in confusion.

"You don't have OJ in your house, this is carrot juice!" Pinkie said, perking up with her own exclamation.

"Okay then. Whats for food? I'm starving." I asked.

"I made eggs and I cut up some fruit and put it in that bowl over there." Pinkie Pie answered. Rainbow then dashed out from behind the couch and quickly sat down at the table, tongue hanging out of her mouth.

"Rainbow, what the heck were you doing behind the couch?" I asked, only now noticing that I lost sight of the pony I was following to begin with.

"I was taking a nap." Rainbow responded simply.

"A nap? In the few minutes that you were down here?" I questioned incredulously.

"Well, obviously you haven't known me long enough. I am the nap master, I can take a nap anywhere, anytime." Rainbow retorted, ego readings off the roof.

"Ookayyy." I said slowly as Twilight and I made our way to the table.


"Wow, Pinkie Pie! These must be the greatest eggs I have ever tasted!" I complemented as I munched down on a piece of toast covered in an egg-paste the Pinkie made.

"Thanks! you know what the special ingredient is?" Pinkie asked.

"Umm, no?" I said, slowing down my chewing. Pinkie had a growing smile on her face, how does she not hurt herself with that massive smile?

"Eggs!" Pinkie responded, now laughing hysterically. We all just stared at her, exchanging expressions of confusion. Eventually Pinkie Pie managed to calm down and continued after a few short breaths, "But seriously, just eggs and salt, nothing fancy."

"Well, okay then. They're still great though." I commented. Everypony else nodded in agreement as we continued eating our meals.


"So, what are we doing today, Matt?" Rainbow asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Well." I began, looking towards a window, "It has been raining pretty hard so far, I guess we could stay in for today. We do, however, have one thing to do though."

"Oh? And what would that be?" Twilight jumped in.

"Well, Ted asked me to get a bunch of photographs of you guys, in human form, that he could use to put in your new 'records'. He needs several, and they need to look like they were taken in different years." I stated.

"Just how are we going to do the last part?" Rainbow questioned.

"Well, for starters, I was thinking hair dye..." I trailed off, I then saw Rainbow's eyes widen.

"Oh no, nononono. I will not dye my mane! That's the second worst thing I could do next to a hoofacure!" Rainbow protested.

"Well, sorry, but this has to be done. And I do not want to run the risk of you guys getting caught because we took half-measures." I said.

"Or maybe we don't have to use hair dye." Twilight said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean Twilight?" I asked, catching the hint of a plan coming from the lavender mare.

"I remember learning an illusion spell that appears to change the colors of another pony. Of course, it's just an illusion and the spell would break once anypony touches the subject's hairs, but it would be perfect for a photograph!" Twilight said, thinking out loud.

"Twilight, your spells always come in really handy." I commented as Pinkie walked out of the bathroom, "Oh, there you are Pinkie. We should get this over with quickly, I'll go get my camera."

Pinkie Pie was clearly very confused, "Uhh, what did I miss while I was gone?" she asked. Twilight and Rainbow began to explain to her as I went upstairs to look for my camera.


About two hours later, we had enough photographs that all of the three mares seemed happy with. Photo after photo was discarded because "It wasn't just right." And Twilight seemed to be the main suspect of the act. Sure, this wouldn't have been much of an issue if I were using a digital camera, but I wanted to make sure that everything we put into this effort seemed legitimate in other people's eyes. With that said, I was using a film camera from 1994, the kind that develops instantly.

"Okay, that should be more than enough." I announced. Everypony seemed to relax at the news. As the three mares made their way to the couches to rest from two hours of rigorous photo shooting, I realized one small flaw in our plan.

"Baby pictures.." I muttered.

"What was that?" Twilight asked, not quite catching what I said.

"Baby pictures! Twilight, can your illusion spells make you guys look like infants?" I said, realizing that someone might question why there is no photographic evidence that these three ever existed as infants.

"I... Guess, I really don't know though." Twilight responded slowly, it seemed like she caught my drift though.

"Well, that means we need to take a few more pictures then." I stated. Rainbow was just a hop away from the couch when I said that, the look of disappointment on her face almost killed me.

"Awww, c'mon! It's not like anypony is ever going to realize a tiny detail like that!" Rainbow protested once more.

"No, Rainbow. Matthew has a point, we have to make sure that there are no loose ends in our stories. This is something we have to do." Twilight responded, thankfully on my side.

"Okay then. Twilight, can you test out the spell first?" I asked.

"Sure, Rainbow?" Twilight responded and commanded at once.

"Fine.. This is harmless, right?" Rainbow questioned while slowly trotting into position.

"Absolutely harmless, if anything goes wrong, all we have to do is touch you and the spell would be broken." Twilight responded, Rainbow blushed at the poor choice of words.

Twilight closed her eyes in focus, her horn glowing a soft lavender hue. The same hue soon engulfed Rainbow for a good three seconds before a flash of white consumed the room. I managed to covered my eyes before the flash, I got used to unicorn magic apparently. Once I knew it was safe to open my eyes again, I saw a small infant human Rainbow Dash with soft brown hair.

"Ha, seems like it worked Twi, isn't that right my little Dashie?" I teased. Rainbow, despite her infant self, managed to look very cross with me, but either could not or would not say anything. I choose the foremost.

"Huh, that went surprisingly well." Twilight commented on her own craftsmanship, innocently looking away and avoiding eye contact with anyone.


The same was done with Pinkie Pie and Twilight and another hour later, we were finally finished with this tedious task.

"That... Took too long." Pinkie breathed out.

"You can say that again." Rainbow commented.

"That took too long." Pinkie said that again.

"Wow, that spell really did a number on my energy. I didn't expect that from such a simple spell." Twilight announced.

"Didn't you mention something before about Earth having less leylines than Equestria, therefore making simple magic like levitation more difficult than before?" I questioned.

"Yeah, yes I did." Twilight responded wearily as she flopped down on one of the couches. I took the time to look outside, it was still raining.

I walked over to my TV to check out the weather forecast. The television flicked to life and after a few minutes of useless news information, the weather lady finally showed up to give me the information I wanted.

"Well, this was certainly a surprise for this week. We are facing heavy rain showers from Saturday to Sunday night, which is just a shame since the entire week was sunny and now our weekend is ruined by this kind of weather." The weather lady announced. Only half of that sentence was useful to me, I only needed the facts from her, not her personal take on what mother nature had planned for me today.

"Yeah, that kind of stuff would never happen if you had some weather ponies tending to this freaky weather." Rainbow huffed. Everypony ignored her as the lady on TV continued.

"The rest of the week seems pretty decent, with only a fifteen percent chance of rain on Monday from five o'clock to midnight. And the rest of the week will be sunny, Wednesday and Thursday being partly cloudy." The weather lady continued.

"How do they get such precise measurements?" Twilight asked, to which I simply shrugged.

"I fix airplanes Twilight, I don't do weather forecasting. I do know however, that they do their measurements with a weather vane." I responded.

"Oh." Twilight commented. After a few minutes of junk on television, I decided to take action.

"Alright, TV isn't going to show anything worth my time today. Who wants to watch a movie?" I asked. With several nods of approval, I turned on my gaming console and went right to netflix.

"You can access that site on this too?" Twilight asked.

"Eeyup." I replied. This somehow made Pinkie Pie giggle.

"What is it?" I asked Pinkie.

"Oh, it's nothing." She said in response, I just shrugged it off as Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. That was actually a lot easier to do than I expected.

"Alright, time for some oldies. Did any of you watch V for Vendetta?" I asked, mostly looking at Twilight for a response since she was the most likely to have done so.

"What?" Twilight asked when she caught my stare, "I was going to watch it, but I never got around to it."

"Oh good, so we can all enjoy it."


We spent most of our day just watching movies, it wasn't until around 3:30 pm that I got a phone call. What? Who could that be? I asked myself. I picked up my cellphone from the table nearby and answered the call, everypony was looking at me.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey Matt, it's me, Ted." Ted greeted back.

"How... How did you get this number? I mean, the other was destroyed, remember?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I remember. But I do work in the archives, I have access to your files and therefore I have a frequently updated list of your phone numbers." Ted responded. I chose not to pursue the ethical issues that had been dug up from that.

"Anyways, whats the call for?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you were up for a drink, I leave work in about an hour, I could meet you at the old place we used to go to." Ted offered.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." I responded.

"Great, see you there. I could also give you an update on the thing we discussed." Ted mentioned. I picked up on his hint right away, I guess I could give the photos to him now.

"Sure, sounds like a plan, see you there." I said right before hanging up. I looked up from my phone to see the three mare staring at me like some weirdo.

"What?" I asked.

"Who was that?" Rainbow demanded.

"It was a friend." I replied simply.

"Was it Ted?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah it was, I was thinking about giving these photographs to him now since I'm going to have a few drinks with him." I responded. I thought for a moment that Pinkie and Rainbow would have been lost in the conversation right now, but then I thought, why would they volunteer to be photographed without know why or for who? I guess Twilight filled them in before.

"Well, have fun!" Pinkie cheered.

"Yeah, just don't come back too tipsy." Rainbow commented.

"Okay I won't, I still have to be able to drive back, so I'm limiting myself." I said, only briefly realizing that I was going to be driving under the influence.

"Be careful." Twilight added.

"I will." I replied before adding, "Twilight, you know how to navigate netflix, right?"

Twilight swiftly nodded, "Yes, we won't be bored anytime soon."

With that, I left and went on my way to the city, photographs on hand.


I parked in front of the bar, Ted was standing on the sidewalk in front of it. I got out of my car and we greeted each other quickly before going inside. We grabbed a seat in one of the far corners of the bar.

"So, pick your poison." Ted began.

"I'm just going to grab a beer, I still need to be able to drive home." I replied.

"How are things there anyway? With your new guests I mean." Ted asked, wanting to get a better understanding of my new friends.

"Pretty well, they are getting used to the American way of life. Whether or not thats a good thing, I really can't say." I said.

"Thats great. Anyways, down to business." Ted began, he looked around for a bit before taking out his phone and removing the battery. "Any electronics you have on you, just take out the batteries for now. I'm not taking any risks when I'm sticking my ass to a bonfire." Ted commanded.

"Sure." I said as I took out my phone and removed the battery.

"good, I just want to make sure no one but us knows about this conversation. Okay, I found three different family trees that died off in 2018. That is what we want, I can just stick the new profiles at the end of them and make it look like there is one more person to the family name, I will probably set the years of birth as 1996. We are mostly good to go with this, all I need is seven or eight photographs of the three, each one should be different. I also want to meet the three souls I'm saving before I go through the risk." Ted continued.

"Well, awesome news. I already have the photographs." I said as I pulled thirty photos from a pocket in my jacket. Ted took them and scanned over them quickly.

"That.. That is some good work. I see that you used your old camera, nice.... How the hell did you get them to look younger and younger? And.. Baby pictures?" Ted said questioningly. "Damn, this will do very, very nicely." He added.

"Thanks, how long would it take?" I asked.

"Depends on how tight the security is. Say, that rainbow haired one is quite the looker ain't she?" Ted commented.

"Yeah, yeah, save it. I'm pretty sure thinking about that counts as bestiality. But, I digress, you can work with this right?" I said.

"Work with this? Dude, you just made my job twenty percent easier with this handy work. How did you pull off the baby pictures anyways? They look like the same people!" Ted replied.

"Magic." I said mystically with a hand motion. Ted gave me a strange look.

"Alright, we can continue this later. Put your battery back on, they get suspicious if you take it out for too long." Ted said.

"Sure. Wait, they do?" I asked, somewhat baffled.

"Uh, yeah. They do." He said as if it were common knowledge.


"So, how have you been hanging on?" Ted asked as he sipped from his drink.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What? You mean to tell me that after you've been off the grid for five months, you didn't expect me to ask you anything?" Ted complained.

"Sorry. Yeah, I'm starting to cope, I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't want me mourning him for every, ya know?" I replied.

"Thats good to know. I know I can't really understand what you've been through, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" Ted said with a concerned look.

"I'm fine now." I said sternly. I then softened my expression and finally asked, "So, whats the low-down on the rest of the gang?"

"Well, since you've been living under a proverbial rock, I guess it's only fair to bring you up to speed with the old crowd. Alex got hired by British Airways about two months ago, now he's in London for a year of training. Leslie managed to start her own business up in New York city, she's got a nice bakery going on in Manhattan. And Jess moved to California with her girlfriend about three months back, I hear that they have it going pretty well, maybe a wedding in a year or two." Ted announced.

"Wow, proverbial rock is right. So, you're the only one that stayed here?" I asked, he just nodded.

"Well, I guess there are some visits I'm going to have to plan later." I replied.

"I'll leave it up to you to tell them that you recovered from your mental breakdown, make the feel special." Ted offered.

"Thanks, I'll be doing that soon." I responded.


Some friendly chatter and banter later, mostly revolving around video games, zombies and twizlers, we went on our separate ways home.


The drive home was very quiet. The radio was off and the only sounds to accompany my thoughts was the steady hum of the car's engine going at a steady fifty-five mph. We were approaching a milestone, I just know it. Once my friends have their paperwork in there, they would appear to be completely normal and completely legal citizens. That will give us the time we need for Twilight to ready her spell and bring the mares back home. That thought just made me smile, for the first time in what felt like ages, I was helping others out in their time of need, it wouldn't be me that needs saving this time.

I suddenly felt the urge to drown out my thoughts, so I reached for the radio and tunes it to my favorite station. Whoever was running the station had great timing, I turned on the radio just as Big me by Foo Fighters came on. I smiled and continued my drive home.


I pulled into my driveway at around ten o'clock, 10:13 pm to be precise. I hopped out of my car and made a calm pace towards the door. Once inside, I was greeted by two asleep ponies on the couches. Rainbow and Pinkie Pie were snoring lightly as I walked quietly past them and into my library where Twilight currently resided.

"Hey, what's up?" I greeted quietly, but paused once I saw the concerned look on Twilight's face, "Erm, what's wrong Twi?" I asked.

"Look." Twilight said, pointing at the laptop screen before her. I took a look at the screen, it was one of the weeping angels from the show Doctor Who.

"It's a weeping angel, what of it?" I asked, still confused at Twilight's reaction.

"Those are the things we were looking for back in Equestria right before we got sent to Earth, I watched this episode four times now and it makes sense to me! They are assassins that send their targets far away to other parts of the universe, maybe even on a different time line, and let time kill their targets for them. These are the things local ponies were spreading rumors about, these are the creatures we were looking for inside the Everfree forest, and I'm willing to bet that these are the creatures that sent us here." Twilight explained.

"What? You're telling me that the weeping angels are real? This is just some TV show, how could they be real? How could a living thing turn to stone the moment any other living thing looks at it?" I questioned.

"I don't know, but that's the only thing that actually explains how we got here." Twilight responded.

I paused, "Do the others know?" I asked.

"I haven't told them yet." Twilight replied.

"Should we tell them, or keep it a secret?" I asked again. This made Twilight freeze, I knew this was a heavy question to ask, but I felt like it had to be asked one way, or another.

"We can't keep it a secret forever, I showed them the first few episodes already. Rainbow doesn't seem very interested, but Pinkie Pie seems to have claimed a new favorite show to watch." Twilight answered, "We will have to tell them eventually."

"This we will discuss later, I'm too tired to think clearly." I said, later noticing the books that Twilight had stacked next to the computer, "Doing some reading Twi?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah." Twilight began sheepishly, "I was looking for a few academic books, but I got lost in the way you organize things."

"Heh, sorry about that. My books are organized slightly differently, alphabetical order and what I use the books for as well. Recreational books there, the notes and texts I used during high school there, classics over yonder, etcetera." I informed.

"Oh, that makes some sense." Twilight said, lighting up a bit. She made her way to where I keep my high school material. "Wow, your education went pretty far." Twilight commented.

"What? No, not really. But I was a good note taker, so you're free to read my books if you want to refresh your mind on these subjects for some odd reason." I said. Twilight gave me a small smile before puling out two notebooks, one said 'Calculus' and the other said 'Chemistry'.

"You know, Calculus is a very rare subject in Equestria. I've only read three or four books on the subject, and only a handful of ponies have mastered it." Twilight commented.

I nodded, "I can see why it's so rare, it is a very rigorous course to take. I almost failed a few times and more than half of my class dropped out. I honestly hated that class more than any other." I responded as Twilight skimmed through the notes with surprisingly focused eyes.

"But it seems to me that you understood the class." Twilight complemented.

"I'm very rusty in my math now, but I used to understand what is in that book." I replied.

"Well, I personally used to really understand chemistry, but I got very rusty at it as well." Twilight said in an attempt to stay even with me. I smirked.

"That was the second hardest class I took, you know. You really have an eye for the complicated, picking those two particular books from the rest." I commented.

"Well.." Twilight trailed off.

"Just... try to get some sleep, I'm going to bed now."

"Oh, okay. Good night!" Twilight called as she sat herself down with more reading material to keep her mind off from the weeping angels. Could they be here on Earth too?
