• Published 23rd Mar 2017
  • 2,151 Views, 79 Comments

Compass Rose - enigmaMystere

A PWNY-Verse like story involving Daring Do and RWBY.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Qrow sighs, sitting on a bench outside the school as he looks out at the empty tracks. "...school starts too early, I think."

A familiar face walks over, having changed into something more appropriate for gym after having watched over lunch. "You sure you don't just stay up too late?"

"No, I don't." He shrugs and takes a swig from his bottle, turning and placing it on the bench next to him. "So, when do you expect the first ones will show up?"

"When they realize they don't know if they need to change or not." She replied with a smile. "So, maybe five minutes."

"And what about my niece?" He points at a spot just behind her and to the left, where said filly is standing, an excited grin on her face.

River turns and spots her, laughing. "You know, I've been seeing you everywhere today."

"Except in math." She grins cheekily. "That was your sister."

"Sister-in-law." Qrow quickly corrects.

She smiles. "Yes... though it's understandable you wouldn't get that since we do have the same last name."

She tilts her head, frowning a bit. "...does that mean Miss Night Song joined your family?"

She nods. "She married my brother."

Before Daring can say anything else, Qrow interjects once more. "Yes, she's still single. No, I won't date her, despite how cute she looks."

River gives him a look. "Now now, at least let her speak so you know f that's what she was going to say."

"...that was pretty much my question." She gives her uncle a look. "Just the first one. Then I was going to ask if my sisters needed to change."

"Hmm... everyone should have their uniforms by now, right?" She checks with the man.

He shrugs. "As far as I know, Ruby and Daring don't have theirs. Not that she seems to wear pants, anyways." He smirks at the sheepish pony.

"Yeah... I had been wondering about that. I would have thought she at least wear combat skirts or something." The other teacher comments.

The filly puffs out her cheeks briefly before answering. "Skirts feel weird on me. And a vest is all I need anyways, right?"

River scratches her head. "I don't know... maybe? You might be fine when it comes to decency laws because of your tail."

The man beside her starts to reply but suddenly stops, turning to look at his fellow teacher for a long moment. Then he chuckles and grins cheekily.

She gives him a long look before finally asking. "What are you thinking?"

"Something not suitable for the current audience." He chuckles, reaching over and gently petting Daring's head, enjoying her happy sigh.

"Well, alright then." She nods before looking up as other students filter in, some uniformed, others not. "Maybe the first thing we should do is assign uniforms so everyone has them."

"Good idea." He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "You help the girls, I help the boys?"

"Perfect." She smiles at him, before clapping her hands to get the attention of the students. "Alright, it looks like that's almost everyone. Girls, follow me and we'll get you your uniforms. Boys do the same for Mister Qrow."

They nod and do as told - all but Daring, who just sits by the bench and pokes the bottle sitting on it. "...why does this water smell weird?"

Seeing the filly hanging back, a familiar face from math calls to her. "Come on, Daring! You'll miss it!"

She blinks, turning to look at her in confusion. "Miss what?"

"Getting your uniform!" The girl actually stops, hands on her hips as she shows that she already has her on, though she seems to have made a modification to make hers sleeveless to show off her muscular arms.

Daring blinks, looks down at her vest, then back up at her, whining softly. "But I like what I'm wearing..."

"Do you want it to get sweaty?" Jade asks, crossing her arms.

"...no..." She pouts at her, slowly making her way over.

Keeping an eye on them, River motions them into into a doorway. "Come along into the locker room and we'll get you all sorted. Those of you who don't have uniforms or need bigger sizes let me know."

As they all head inside, the filly sticks close to her favorite non-familial teacher. This proves to be troublesome when the lion girl from before steps up, scowls a bit at her, then turns to Miss Song, who is barely half a head taller than her. "I need a bigger outfit."

"Alright, what size do you need?" She asks, walking to a collection of boxes with folded clothes in them.

She groans, crossing her arms in front of her as she blushes. "C-can't you just measure me and not make me say my size out loud? Please?"

Smiling, she nods and grabs a tape measure. "Sure. Just come over here and I'll do that. You'll just need to be still for me." Many of the other girls who already have uniforms chatter amongst themselves.

Daring smiles and waves at the friends she remembers making earlier, completely missing how the tall girl brushes past her.

As Miss Song works with the bigger girl, Yang walks over in her own uniform. "Yeah, they do this every year, but at least it's only the first day."

The filly can only tilt her head to one side, confused. "...so... you look a little odd when you're not wearing your normal clothes..."

She looks down at herself. "Yeah, red and white aren't really my colors, but they're the school ones so we don't really get a choice."

Her sister stands beside her, looking quite put out. "I happen to like red, Yang."

The blonde rubs the brunette's head. "Well yeah, but that's why I said they weren't my colors. Red definitely works on you. I'm more of a yellow girl."

An uncertain voice speaks up from nearby. "Is it because you're blonde?"

"Well, yeah, that helps." She turns to see who it is who spoke.

She sees Sky waving at them, standing next to Daring's other friend, both of them wearing uniforms.

The three sisters walk over, Yang speaking up. "Well, at least not everybody has to get new uniforms. We should still be able to have fun this class."

Daring's gaze wanders to the clothes nearby. "...any chance I can just go with the shirt?"

Yang shrugs. "I don't know. You sure you don't want a pair of shorts or something? they usually have versions with tail holes for faunus."

She frowns, pointing at her backside. "I really don't think they have clothes that work with my body."

"You never know until you try." Her oldest sister says.

"...then one of you four pick out something..." She mutters to herself, moving over and picking up one of the smaller tops.

Pointing to Ruby, Yang says simply. "You should probably pick out yours, too. They don't offer skirts for gym though, sorry."

"...aww..." She walks over to where the filly is, sorting through the clothes together.

Meanwhile, the teacher offers a set of clothes to the lion girl. "Here you go. These should fit nicely. Let me know if you feel you need different ones."

"Yeah, sure, thanks..." She takes them and hurries off to an isolated stall to change.

With that done, she looks around to the rest of the girls. "Does anyone else need help?"

Sky raises her hand, then points to the two still digging through clothes.

Walking over, River watches them for a moment before talking. "What seems to be the problem?"

They both jump, then look at her, then at each other. Ruby decides to speak up. "We... need our uniforms?"

"Are you having trouble finding sizes?" She asks, looking at them curiously.

The filly nods, but Ruby shakes her head. "I was hoping for a skirt..."

Sifting through the shirts and holding one out for the filly, Miss Song looks to Ruby. "I'm sorry, but the code is pants or shorts to avoid students tripping, keep things aerodynamic, and make sure your clothes don't get caught on things."

She pouts, but after getting no reaction, she sighs and moves to go get a pair of shorts.

"How's the shirt fit, Daring?" The teacher asks as she looks back at the filly.

She looks uncomfortable. "...it's... pinching a little in the shoulders..."

The tall lion girl passes by, scoffing quietly. "The word is either biting or cutting into. Pinching is for armors and fingers."

"Here, take it off and we'll try one size up." She pulls out another shirt, not deterred in the slightest.

She just nods, struggling to take the clothes off.

Meanwhile, Sky watches with no small amount of curiosity. "...do you think she should have her uniform tailored for her wings?"

River helps the filly get it off, getting the new one on after. "I'll cut some holes for them once we find a good size. It won't be pretty, but it'll work."

Daring moves around a little in the new shirt before nodding and smiling at her teacher. "It's a little loose, but it's comfortable, at least."

"Good, now I just need to see it a moment..." She takes this new one, heading to the desk to grab scissors.

Meanwhile, Jade speaks up, looking unsure. "So... are you naked right now?"

The filly looks at her, confused. "...yes?"

Sky sighs, crossing her arms as she mutters under her breath. "Don't make this weird..."

She flicks her eyes to Sky, hissing. "I was just asking! I don't know what the rules are for... people who walk on four legs."

Ruby taps her chin, thoughtful. "I think her tail covers her well enough..."

Jade shrugs. "If you say so."

At that moment, River comes back with the shirt. "Here, Daring, try this. Ruby, did you find some shorts?"

She suddenly looks very guilty. "...no..."

"... what's wrong?" River asks.

She bows her head, her answer quiet yet still clear. "...I miss my combat skirt..."

"It's just for one class, dear." She crouches down as she speaks softly. "You get to put it back on afterwards."

"...but it still feels weird."

Sighing, the teacher thinks. "What if I gave you a longer shirt and a little belt? It would hang down over your short just a bit to give you a skirt."

Ruby stands there in silence for a few moments. "...that's all I can hope for, isn't it?"

She nods. "I'm sorry, Ruby, but I do have rules to follow. We have shirts, shorts, and pants. That's it."

She whines before caving in, giving a small, reluctant nod. "Okay..."

With the sorted, the teacher offers her one of their skinny but longer shirts and a pair of shorts. "Here you go. Now..." she looks to the room at large. "Does anyone else need help?"

The lion girl raises her hand. "How come the pipsqueak gets to go without pants?"

Sighing, River rubs her head. "That's been a subject of discussion since her enrollment. Daring, let's at least try to get you into a pair of shorts and if they don't work, we'll just say your tail and stance is enough." She holds up another pair of red shorts like the ones she gave to Ruby.

She tries to protest. "But my tail-"

"Is enough?" Ruby ventures.

"Is surprisingly smooth?" Sky interjects.

Daring yanks her tail from the horse-girl's hands. "...might get in the way." She finally finishes.

"I'll just cut a hole like I did for your wings." River offers.

It's clear she wants to put up a fight, but she acquiesces, not wanting to make this take longer than necessary. She nods, stepping over to try it on.

Before she holds it out, River actually pulls her scissors out of her pocket, cutting the tail hole first. With the done, she opens and holds them out for her to step into.

Placing her forehooves on her shoulders, she carefully steps into the clothes, not quite used to standing on two limbs like everyone else.

River helps her put them, on, even popping her tail out for her. "There you go. It looks like it fits fine."

She looks back, shaking her rear. "It feels weird..."

There's a rapid knock at the door, and Qrow's voice filters through. "Hey, you through playing dress-up? We have to get going; the time for changing is up!"

River claps her hands. "Alright girls, you should all be set now. Starting tomorrow you'll be required to change into your gym clothes at the start of class, you'll change out at the end. Now come on, time to see how the boys look in theirs." There's a few giggles as she leads them out.

Daring rushes out the front, excited to see her other friend. Sky can't help but giggle a little at this.