• Published 23rd Mar 2017
  • 2,151 Views, 79 Comments

Compass Rose - enigmaMystere

A PWNY-Verse like story involving Daring Do and RWBY.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The morning comes, the man not having moved during the night. When he opens his eyes, he looks down to check on the foal he had found.

He finds an empty space, instead.

Blinking, he lifts up his arm, doing the same ot the covers as he looks around. "Daring?"

"Dada!" Her voice is a little distant, coming from the direction of the living room.

"Huh?" He slips on a shirt, moving through the house as he hears light barking as well.

When he gets to the living room, he finds Daring petting Zwei, both of them wearing the oversized hat.

He chuckles, pulling out his scroll and taking a picture. "Adorable. I see you're both happy this morning."

Zwei barks, stubby tail wagging.

She turns to look at the man, beaming brightly as she holds the puppy close.

"I see you and your possible sparring partner are getting along well." He walks over, rubbing both of them on the head fondly.

Daring happily nods, pulling off the hat and holding it in front of her. "Wook, dada!" She takes it in her mouth and tosses it over Zwei's head, much like a frisbee.

The puppy barks, jumping up and chasing after it. He leaps, catching it and flipping to throw it back to land on her head. Unfortunately, he ends up on his back after the jump, wiggling.

The man claps his hands, smiling. "Very nice. Still need to work on the landings though, Zwei."


Daring giggles, toddling over to the puppy and nuzzling his belly. "Good 'Wei!"

He wags his tail happily as the man follows the two. "Yeah, he's definitely a good dog. He's smart too, though I think you have him beat there."

She giggles brightly, sitting down so she can use both hooves to rub over his belly, even as she looks up at the man.

He sits next to her, smiling. "What should we do with you today... I suppose we start with breakfast and seeing if your sisters are up."

Her stomach growls at the word breakfast, and she raises both forelegs up to him.

He chuckles, picking her up. "Alright, so, milk again?" He pauses. "Actually, do you need to empty out last night's? Do you even know what that means? Oh boy... I'm pretty sure I don't have diapers."

She tilts her head at his question, her smile turning to a bit of a worried frown from his tone. "Dada?"

"Well, one way to check that." As the puppy tags along, he walks into the bathroom, clicking the light on. "Anything in here look familiar?"

She blinks, looking around before she points at the sink, then at the bathtub, then the toilet.

"Oh, good, and you seem to understand plenty, even if you can't say it yet." He smiles kneeling next to the toilet. "Do you... need this?"

She seems to think for a moment before nodding, squirming in his grip.

"Okay, don't fall in." He warns, setting her softly onto the ground. "Come on Zwei, let's give the little lady some privacy."

Before he can leave, he hears the squeaking of hooves on ceramic followed by a splash. "Dada!"

"Well, should have seen that coming." He turns, neatly fishing her out of the water. Grabbing a towel, he starts drying her off. "I guess these aren't really sized for you."

She sniffles, pouting up at him through the wet mane clinging to her face.

He dries her off, kissing her head afterwards. "I'm sorry, Daring. I think I have some training toilets that are more your size."

She looks up at him, bafflement making her look more cute than usual.

He gives her a gentle hug before reaching under the bathroom cabinet and pulling out a colorful red plastic training toilet, shorter than even the foal is. "Here we go, and no water to fall in."

Daring sniffs at it a bit, then moves to sit on it, the sound of liquid hitting plastic following soon after.

"Wow... you were ready to go." He rubs the back of his head, looking away for privacy as he scratches Zwei's head.

She finishes up, then starts to squirm, whimpering a bit.

He picks her up once more. "What's wrong, Daring?"

She looks back at her rump just as a certain pair of siblings appears in the doorway. The shorter of the two is the one who speaks up. "Daddy? What's going on?"

He puts the filly on her back in the sink, pulling out some wet wipes and cleaning her up a bit. "Just reliving when you girls were younger."

Daring babbles happily, reaching up for the man cleaning her.

Ruby tilts her head to the side, curious. "You mean when mom was here?"

He pauses for a moment before continuing. "Yeah, something like that. There, all better?" He gently grabs each of Daring's hooves.

She babbles happily, moving her hooves, and his hands, in circles as she looks up at him.

Laughing, he plays with her a little longer before picking her up once more and turning to the other girls. "So, who wants breakfast?"

Ruby quickly raises her hand, then grabs Yang's and makes her raise it too, if only to chest height. Daring promptly sits up and copies her motions, her other hoof taking hold of Taiyang's to mimic the other part.

He chuckles. "Alright, alright, I see how this vote is going. Who wants eggs, toast and whatever else I end up making?"

Ruby blinks, looking at the filly and back to him. "...can Daring eat that?"

He shrugs. "I'm not really sure. I'll going to give it a shot with something bland like grits and see. If not, we just go back to the bottle."

"What if she doesn't like bland food?" The girl points out. "What do ponies eat?"

"Grass, hay, flowers, sugar cubes, carrots..." He lists off what he can think of off the top of his head.

Ruby taps her chin, thoughtful. "...pancakes?"

"Waffles are better." Yang says with a smirk.

She looks up at her defiantly. "Eggs and bacon!"

"Bacon and waffles!" She touches her nose to Ruby's.

Daring's babbling snaps the two of them out of it, and they turn to see the filly sucking on their father's shirt.

The younger sister looks to the other, lips pursed in thought. "...everything?"

Their father rolls his eyes. "A little bit of everything, sure, I can do that." He shoos them all out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. "Think you can wait a bit, Daring? Or do you want something now?"

She just looks up at him, still sucking on his shirt.

"Yeah... I think a small bottle to keep you occupied might be good." He strokes her head a bit as he fetches the bottle, filling it up just a bit and getting it ready. "Alright girls, I'm thinking toast, eggs, waffles, pancakes, bacon, milk, and juice. I'm sure I'll think of something to make you, too." He grins and winks at them.

"You'd better!" Ruby cries out, giving another pout from just beside him.

He smiles, rubbing her head. "Don't worry. I was just kidding. The food's for all of us. It just might take me a little longer at first while Daring's eating since I'll have to do it one handed." He offers the foal the bottle.

She quickly latches on, happily suckling at it as the girls watch.

The man chuckles. "Cute, isn't she?" His other hand start getting out things from the fridge.

Ruby follows after him, gently tugging on his shirt. "Can I help?"

He crouches down, smiling at her. "Sure, Ruby. Do you want to hold her?"

She frowns a bit. "...can Yang do that? I don't wanna drop her..."

The other girl blinks from her seat. "Wait, what? But how do I-"

Coming over, her father kneels down. "Just hold her against your chest so she won't fall. Let me know if you want me to come get her again."

"Okay..." She takes the filly, eyes wide as she looks down at her.

Those rose eyes look back up at her, just as wide, as the pony drinks, one golden wing extending to touch her nose.

Yang giggles, nuzzling the wing since she's worried about moving her hands. "I hope you can fly with those."

On the other side of the kitchen, the noise and blur of her father making breakfast is completely normal.

Next to him, the younger daughter is happily stirring the mix for the pancakes, glad she can help in some way.

Daring, meanwhile, giggles happily, moving her wing back and forth as though trying to dust the blonde girl's face.

As Ruby's dad asks said girl what jelly she thinks they should put on the toast, Yang puts the foal's bottle on the table so she can play with her properly. "I bet you're gonna be awesome. Some kind of cute, flying, kick butt pony sister."

Daring smiles at her, both hooves raised up towards the girl and babbling happily.

"Boysenberry? Oh, grape!" Ruby grins at him and holds out the spoon. "Did I do good?"

He smiles, nodding. "You did great, Ruby. Nice and smooth. Want me to make yours in a fun shape or just go normal?"

Yang laughs more, taking a finger and tapping on each of the filly's hooves.

She tilts her head to one side. "...can you make a beowolf?"

As Yang plays with the pony, she can feel the hooves she's tapping try and grip her fingers, as though molding briefly at her touch.

"Hmm... I could make the mask." He offers that, knowing the whole body would be huge.

Yang tilts her head, pressing lightly again. "Huh... I bet you could grip things like that..."

Daring grabs her fingers and starts swinging her forelegs back and forth. "Ababababa."

Ruby pouts at her dad a bit, wanting the big pancake.

Yang goes along with the game, gently resting the foal in her lap soe she can swing her arms with her.

"Oh, fine, just stop with the face." He grins at her. "You know there's plenty of other things to eat, too, right?"

She's distracted from answering by Daring jumping up and landing on top of Yang's shoulder, squealing happily and pointing forward.

"Hey!" Yang laughs, hands moving up to hold her. "Since when can you jump high?"

The filly simply nuzzles the hands, her hooves too busy holding herself still.

Ruby, having watched this, turns to look at her father, confused.

He shrugs, working on the pancake. "I don't know. We're really just sort of guessing most things about her."

They hear the sound of a bird flapping, causing Ruby to turn and stare as her new pony sister flies over and lands on Taiyang's shoulder. "...she can fly?"

He stares at the foal before nuzzling her and making sure she doesn't fall. "Apparently. Which means she's all the more capable for both good and mischief."

She babbles happily, pressing her cheek against his. "Dada..."

The smaller girl looks up at him, curious. "What do you mean?" She gasps, eyes wide and a hand covering her mouth. "She won't steal my cookies, will she?"

He looks up on top of the fridge where the jar sits as he flips the pancake. "...maybe I'll move them just in case."

Daring's gaze follows his glance, and she tilts her head a bit.

Ruby crosses her arms, pouting at the pony. "Don't even think about it!"

"I'm not sure she can even eat cookies, Ruby." He says placatingly. "We're still trying to see if she can have solids."

"What should she try to eat first?" Yang asks, coming over as her waffle is almost done in the iron.

Taking a moment to point two fingers at her eyes and turn them towards the filly, Ruby turns and looks over the food being prepared. "...eggs, maybe? That might be easy enough..."

"That should be nice and soft." He nods, putting the pancake on one plate and the waffle on the other along with a piece of toast. "What do you girls wants to drink?"

Ruby smiles up at him, hopeful. "Do we have any milk?"

"You just saw me give her a bottle of that." He says, chuckling.

She glances at her sister, blushing a bit. "...I thought it was baby milk..."

He chuckles. "Milk is never just for babies." He puts bacon in the pan now, it sizzling almost immediately as he goes over to the fridge. "You and I can have milk, Ruby, and I'm guessing Yang wants orange juice?" He sees the blonde nod.

He feels a shifting on his shoulder, and Daring's weight suddenly vanishes.

He quickly looks over with both huntsman and dad reflexes to check if she's falling.

Instead of a falling filly, he finds the golden pony flying up towards the jar above the fridge.

"Daddy, stop her!" Ruby rushes over, trying to jump up and grab Daring.

He reaches up, gently grabbing the filly around her middle. "Hey now, no sweets before breakfast."

Yang nods sagely. "Yeah, no matter how you ask."

That's when the filly turns and gives him one of the cutest pouts he's ever seen, eyes begging him for a cookie.

He brings her down. "Now now, between, you, the girls, and the puppy, there's plenty of cute. You can have a sugarcube after breakfast if you have room."

She turns her head, quietly sulking.

Ruby, not quite as immune to cute as he is, steps up beside him and starts petting her head. "Don't worry, you can have one after dinner." She raises a hand when the filly starts looking excited. "Just one. And only if you're good."

Daring nods, leaning into the hand with a big smile.

A little put out by the filly reacting better to Ruby saying almost the same thing he did, the man shakes his head, setting the filly down on the counter as he takes the bacon out of the pans and starts on the eggs.

He then sees her reaching for Yang's waffle, having toddled over to her plate.

Yang smiles at this. "Hey, at least let me add syrup before you ask for a piece."

She stops at the words, sitting down and looking hopefully at the blonde girl.

"Start with a small one." Her dad warns.

Yang nods, looking excited to try it. She puts syrup on her waffle before cutting a small piece and carefully offering it to the foal on a fork.

The tiny pony promptly takes hold of the implement in both forehooves, holding it up to her mouth with her tongue extended... only for the piece to fall off.

Daring stares at it a moment before turning the fork around, spearing the morsel, and bringing it back up to happily lap away at it.

Yang blinks at this. "Wait... you know how to use a fork?"

The pony pauses and points to where Ruby had a piece of bacon on a fork.

"Wow... you certainly learn fast." The dad comments, now putting a pile of scrambled eggs on a different plate. "So, did you like it?"

Even as the filly nods, Ruby feels the need to speak up. "Daddy, she's only licking it. It'll get mushy before she actually eats it."

"Well, time for my part, then." He turns off the stove, going over to the foal and gently putting his fingers on the fork. "Daring? Can I have this?"

She seems reluctant, but she does give it to him.

He points the food part back at her, opening his mouth wide. "Say 'ahhh'."

She does as he does, mouth wide and tongue out. "Ahhhhh."

The man gently pops the waffle bite into her mouth.

She closes her mouth, looking a bit like a chipmunk with her rose eyes focused on him.

His youngest daughter moves over, watching curiously. "...does she even have teeth?"

"...right." He opens his mouth once more and takes it out when she does. "Tiny amounts of eggs then. It's so much easier once you get teeth..."

While he's distracted, she starts gumming one of his fingers.

He laughs at this while Yang is eating the rest of her waffle. "Well, at least you want to try." He gets a tiny piece of soft egg, offering it to her now. "Want to try this?"

She takes it, and the fingers holding it, into her mouth, swallowing the food and beaming brightly once she's done so.

"So, you like that?" He asks.

She nods, then looks at the bacon beside her. One sniff and her muzzle scrunches up in disgust.

"...I'm gonna guess she doesn't like meat?" Ruby speaks up, eating another piece of bacon.

"Probably." He nods, divvying up all of the food onto plates and taking them, and Daring, to the table. "At least it seems like she can have soft foods."

"And milk. Can't forget the milk!" The young girl beams up at him.

"Of course." He chuckles, getting up and making all their drinks.

As he does, Daring moves over and tries to bite Yang's waffle, only succeeding in gumming the softened pastry.

The girl laughs, trying to lightly pull it away. "Hey, didn't you already try to eat this?"

Ruby grins playfully. "I think she likes it, Yang. Maybe she wants to keep your waffle?"

"But it's my waffle." She argues. "Try giving her a piece of your pancake, it's softer."

One of said pancakes is tossed and lands perfectly on the back of the blonde girl's hand. Daring stops trying to eat the waffle to laugh and clap her hooves together.

Yang snorts before smiling and tearing off a tiny piece, dipping it a bit in syrup before offering it to the foal. "Here, maybe you'll decide to try and get Ruby's next."

She promptly chomps down on her fingers and the food, though she lacks teeth.

Yang giggles. "Hey... that tickles!"

The filly continues to gum her fingers, whining softly.

"I think she wants you to let go, sis." Ruby snickers.

"Oh, right." She withdraws her fingers.

Daring promptly swallows, smiling in bliss.

"I think she likes it." The man says as he returns with drinks.

"Yep!" Ruby beams brightly, then gestured towards the pancake her sister is holding. "You want to feed her some?"

He chuckles, "Sure." He reaches over, taking the pancake and breaking it into tiny chunks before speaking. "Daring? Can you come over here please?"

She couldn't move and faster if she tried, quickly tottering across the table and around each dish that was laid out, all so she could sit in front of him with excitement in her eyes and a smile on her face.

He smiles dotingly, putting a piece on a spoon he brought and offering it to her.

She opens her mouth, leaning forward and accepting the tiny morsel happily. Then, after swallowing, she starts to try biting the spoon.

He chuckles, taking it away and putting another piece on it. "I feel like you're teething... We'll need to find something for you to gum on."

She does so with his finger, much to his daughters' amusement.

He smiles, letting her do so. "I didn't mean me."

"Too late, she picked you." Yang teases.

"...is it odd that I want her to do that to me?" Ruby pouts a bit, eating another bite of her own pancakes.

"Not at all, it's adorable." Her dad says, giving her another bite of pancake. "I bet it would help you bond."

"...bonding by being a teething toy?" She grins. "Sounds great!"

Chuckling, he feels the foal's stomach. "Once she's full, you're free to do that."

It seems he presses a bit too hard, because she burps.

"...I thought she was past needing to be burped?" The brunette rubs her head in confusion.

"These things can sneak up on you." He offers her another bite. "Want more?"

Daring promptly lets go of his finger and lunges for the food, her hat falling off and revealing her monochromatic mane.

"I'll take that as you're still hungry." He smiles, putting her hat a little tot he side but still on the table.

Right when he lets go, she hits it with her hindleg, sending it spinning through the air and onto Yang's head.

Smirking, Yang straightens it and does a pose. "How do I look?"

"Like an adventurer!" Ruby grins, flinging her arms wide. "Getting ready to take on the world!"

"Yeah!" Yang raises a fist in the air as her dad just continues to feed Daring.

It only takes a few more bites before she's whining and bringing a hoof to her belly.

He gently picks her up, cradling her in his arms. "All full?" He rubs her stomach gently with one finger.

She nods, still looking a little uncomfortable.

"Maybe that was a bit too much..." he puts her on his shoulder, patting her back gently.

She burps, her body slumping over his shoulder afterwards in visible relief.

He smiles, bringing her to his face and rubbing his nose against hers. "You're never too old to have gas problems."

Daring just taps his nose with a hoof, blowing a raspberry.

He laughs, looking at Ruby as he brings Daring to his chest. "Did you want to have her gumming you while I eat?"

She taps her chin, thoughtful. "Did Yang get gummed, yet? I want her to have a turn, first." A finger points at the older girl. "Having her bite trying to get food doesn't count."

"Hey, how come I have to be chewed on?" Yang asks indignantly, munching on bacon.

"Because you can take it." She sticks her tongue out at her.

She snorts. "Well, I'm still eating."

Ruby throws her hands up, not noticing how Daring copies her by their father. "So am I!"

He chuckles as he watches this. "Well, we all have to eat, so maybe we let her decide?"

The filly walks to the center of the table, poking at the plate of eggs by Yang. She tilts her head. "Aren't you full?" The tiny pony just continues poking, as though unaware that she was even asked a question.

Ruby giggles a bit. "I think she likes watching it jiggle a bit. I didn't know eggs did that, myself."

"Teething toys, jiggling toys..." Her dad nods to himself. "I'll need to make sure to get those."

"Yep." Ruby nods, trying to suppress laughter when she sees the filly approach and gum on Yang's free hand.

Sighing and using her other hand to eat, Yang wiggles her fingers a bit. "There, you like that?"

Daring squeals happily, hugging her hand as she nuzzles and gums on her digits.

Yang laughs. "That tickles!"

Ruby's mouth twitches a bit, and she hurries to eat her food as fast as possible, wanting to play with their new sister. Her dad calmly does the same, though more for reasons of just having the chance to eat while he can. Yang is the least fortunate as having only one hand to eat slows her down, as does the distracting filly.

Daring turns her head to look at Zwei, allowing the girl to feel something sharper than gums in the back of her mouth.

Yang tilts her head, looking thoughtful. "Huh? Dad, I thought you said she didn't have any teeth."

That's when she gums once more- or, rather, bites.

Yang winces. "Okay... this is starting to feel like when we first got Zwei and he chewed on us."

Finished eating, her dad reaches over and picks up the pony. "Easy now, Daring, no biting your sisters."

Ruby, having watched on with a case of the giggles, speaks up, pointing at the confused filly. "Maybe you should check what teeth she has!"

He looks at the foal curiously, opening his mouth so she'll copy. "Say 'ahh'."

She eagerly does so, even copying his pointing to mouth gesture.

Looking inside, he hums. "Well, she only has the tips of a few molars... no wonder she wants to chew things."

She promptly starts gumming on his finger, humming to herself as she does.

He checks on Ruby. "Ready to be gummed yet?"

Daring once more turns her head to look where he's looking and accidentally bites him.

He flinches a bit, but doesn't yank his hand from her. "Yep... getting baby flashbacks."

"Really?" Ruby, distracted enough to forget her response, leans forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Did we both bite you, or was it just Yang?"

"You nibbled for long periods, she would occasionally bite." He answers.

"...poo." She rests her head on her palm, poking her plate with a fork. "I was hoping I could hold that over her..."

He looks up, grinning. "Well, you were the one who used to nibble her pacifier while she slept..."

She looks up at him, eyes wide and lips pouting.

"What? It was cute." He offers her the foal to apologize.

She accepts her adopted sister, nuzzling her and smiling when the affection is returned in kind.

Yang, meanwhile, has finished scarfing down her food. "Good stuff, Dad!"

The younger girl smiles and nods in agreement, laughing a bit when Daring does the same.

"Any idea what you girls want to do after I clean up the kitchen?" He asks.

Ruby raises a hand, the filly following suit. "Can we play in the forest?"


"You can play at the edge, and I'll be there to make sure nothing happens that's dangerous."

The girl, and the pony in her arms, happily hug him. "Thanks, daddy!"


As Yang joins in, he hugs all of them. "You're welcome, girls. Daring, we'll have to try teaching you new words later on. I think you want to learn."

She nods, reaching up for him and nuzzling his chest. "Pwease, dada!"

He blinks at this, petting her head. "I think you're too smart for your own good."

She just sticks her tongue out, much like her sister did earlier.

"Yeah, see? Already figured that out." He kisses each of their heads." Now, how about you all go play, inside, while I clean up?"

"Sure!" Ruby rushes off, followed by her sister.

The little filly, however, clings to the front of his shirt. "Dada pway?"

He strokes her mane, putting an arm under her so she doesn't fall. "I'll play with you, but I need to clean first."

She pouts, but nods, climbing up onto his shoulder to watch while he works.

He gathers up all the plates and pans, bringing them over to the sink. Turning it on, he begins to scrub.

The young pony watches in rapt attention, her hindlegs lightly kicking his back, draped over his shoulder as she is.

As he gets past the big stuff, he chuckles, reaching a up hand and putting a little bit of soap bubbles on top of her muzzle.

Her eyes cross as she tries to look at it, and she tries to blow up at it, rather unsuccessfully.

He chuckles, scooping it off for her.

She reaches out for the bubbles, babbling happily as her wings flap a few more times.

He chuckles, continuing to wash. He puts the bubbles on one of her hooves.

Bubbles which are quickly applied to his face, all while the filly blows another raspberry.

He laughs, sticking his tongue out at her while he continues washing.

Daring watches in silence before a crash from the other room startles her off his shoulder and into flying beside him.

He shakes his head, finishing up and looking over his shoulder as the barking of a puppy starts. "Let's see what happened, hmm?" He gently takes Daring into his arms, walking into the other room.

They find the girls standing by a broken lamp, eyes wide as they see him. Ruby quickly points at her sister. "She did it!"

As Yang quickly shakes her head, he sighs, shaking his own. "Okay, neither of you would have done this on purpose, right?"

They both shake their head, clearly nervous.

"So... how did it break? You don't need to name names." He asks, crossing his arms but not frowning.

Ruby rubs her arm, his kind expression not exactly helping her feel calmer. "We were tossing a ball back and forth, then Zwei joined in and... we knocked it over..."

He nods at this, picking up the broken bits. "Alright. If it was an accident, I'm not mad. Just try to play away from breakable stuff in the future, and don't cut yourself on the pieces."

He's promptly hugged by the brunette, who grins happily at him. "Thank you, daddy!"

He pats her head. "You're welcome, Ruby. Just be careful, okay?"

She nods and turns to hurry off... if not for what her adopted sister says next.

Daring pokes his cheek to get his attention, then points down at the glass in his hands. "Nah cuh, dada?"

He chuckles. "No, I'm not cutting myself, I'm being careful. Thanks for being sweet."

She nods once, stretching from where he's holding her to poke the piece with its edge pressed to his palm.

He gently moves it to on it's flat side. "There, better?"

The filly nods, picking up a piece in her hoof and looking at a flower on it. Then she brings it up to her mouth.

"Whoa, hey!" He quickly but gently takes it from her. "No biting on that, Daring. I don't want you cutting your mouth."

She just stares at him in confusion.

Ruby taps his arm. "Daddy, I don't think she knows what it means to be cut."

"Well, I'm not going to show her by cutting myself." He says, putting the pieces away in a trash can nearby. Taking the filly, he nuzzles her. "How about we all go play now?"

"Yay!" Ruby and Daring cheer together, hugging him happily.

Yang stand by the door, having changed into short and a tank top. "I'm ready, too!"

The pony stops cheering, looking at Yang for a moment before flying past her, emerging from the room a moment later with her hat in her hooves.

Yang laughs. "Can't forget that, huh?"

She shakes her head, smiling warmly as she puts it on. Sadly, it gets in the way of her wings, and she starts to falter in her flying.

Yang catches her on her head. "You'll grow into it."

Daring giggles from under her hat, patting the girl on her forehead. "'Ank you, Yan."

She laughs as she pats her back. "We need to get you to practice certain letters."

"'Kay!" She sits up and tosses her hat perfectly onto Taiyang's head. "Pway!"

He laughs, picking up Ruby and looking down at her. "You heard the other two. Are you set to play like this?"

"Let me get dressed!" She tries to get away, but his embrace prevents her from doing so.

He laughs setting her down. "There you go."

She hurries past her sisters, closing the door as the filly takes flight once more. Daring hovers in front of the man, tilting her head to one side as she regards him in her hat.

He straightens it, looking at her. "How's it look?"

She just smiles at him, hugging his face briefly. "'Wei'!"

The puppy barks questioningly.

"She meant great!" The younger girl calls from within the room.

"How can you tell?" He calls back, offering the hat to the filly.


He chuckles, playfully scooping the fly filly up inside her own hat.

Daring peeks up out of her hat, her forehooves resting on the inside edge as she smiles at him.

He chuckles, rubbing her head as they wait for Ruby. "You are adorable. I hope you'll enjoy playing so that maybe I can work it into theirs or Zwei's training."

She blinks, tilting her head adorably. "'Wainin'?"

"Making sure they can protect themselves when they're older." He clarifies.

"And become huntresses." Yang adds quietly.

Daring's ear twitches, and she turns to the older girl, interested. "Hun'wess?"

She grins. "They're awesome fighters who hunt monsters and protect people!"

The filly seems to consider this for a moment as she turns to her adoptive father. She points at herself, rose eyes full of hope. "Hun'wess?"

He blinks at this before chuckling. "If that's what you want to do, you can, though I'd prefer if you waited until you knew what that all meant."

She cheers, falling on her back in her hat just as Ruby emerges from her room. The skirt she put on flutters as she comes to a halt, trying not to squeal at how adorable that was.

Her dad looks down at her, smiling. "You look cute, Ruby."

"Thanks, daddy!" She hurries over and hugs him tight.

"Still loving your skirts?" He asks as he hugs her back, still holding the filly in her hat.

She raises her hand in the air. "Combat skirt! And yes!"

"Atta girl." He picks her up, walking to the door with her and Daring. "Everyone ready?"

Everyone nods from where they are, Daring flying up so he is just holding the hat.

Nodding, he opens the door, releasing the little ones. "Then let's go!"

They all cheer as they rush outside.

Author's Note:

Here is the next chapter, and where I ask the unspeakable: is there anyone out there willing to help with descriptions? I try, but things sometimes end up falling flat. :twilightblush: I'd also accept a place to find people who would be willing to help with descriptions, if only so the story doesn't get confusing for everyone.

On another note, I have at least three other chapters waiting to be edited, so yeah. :derpytongue2:

Have a nice day!