• Published 24th Mar 2017
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The Perilous Gestation of Swans - kudzuhaiku

Princess Celestia struggles to be the princess that Equestria believes her to be.

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Chapter 14

There was a very pretty pony in the mirror, yes indeed. Gosling admired himself in the somewhat fogged over bathroom mirror, adoring his own reflection, and admiring his own perfect wings. Turning them at the joint, he angled them forwards, revealing the topside of his feathers to the mirror, and then turning them at the joint once more, he angled them backwards, revealing their downy undersides. Back and forth he turned his wings, reveling in their perfection.

There was no pegasus more pretty or perfect, not one.

It was too bad that this wasn’t real. Gosling knew that when he awoke from this pleasant dream, his wings would be hideous and naked again. Still, there was no reason why he couldn’t enjoy this for what it was, and so he did. Wolf-whistling at himself, he then began to make kissy-noises at his own reflection, as one might do with a beloved parrot or pet bird. It was ridiculous, but Gosling was a ridiculous pony. What he did in his dreams was his own business. He was free to be himself, and he had no shame for his self-love.

Sure, vain ponies were annoying, and Gosling knew this, even accepted it, but he also knew that he was the real deal. When he announced that he was pretty, Gosling wasn’t being vain—no, he was stating a fact. Surely, stating an undeniable, established fact couldn’t possibly be considered vanity. His self-adoration was interrupted by the bathroom door opening, and Luna entering the bathroom.

She snorted, because of course she did, and then stood there, shaking her head while rolling her eyes. Gosling gave her something to look at, swaying his head from side to side while waving his extended wings about. Pegasus ponies had their own language of love, an avian one—it was showy, expressive, and sultry. And Gosling? He might just be the most expressive avian orator who had ever lived. At least, he liked to think so. Tilting his head back, he let out a warbling cry to attract the attention of his mate, hoping she would answer him in kind.

“We leave you to your own devices in Our dream realm, and this is what you do.”

“Well, yeah.” Gosling grinned and nodded, then gestured at the water faucet over the sink. “Wanna turn on the water and make this dream a little damp? I’ve been working on a new plumage display. I bet I could get your juices flowing—”

“No!” Luna’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “No, saucy cockrel, We have come to you seeking your help.”

“Do you have a sexy problem that requires my sexy services?” Gosling asked.

“Yes, actually.” The corner of Luna’s right eye had a slight tic to it, and she appeared nervous. “Your… unique abilities will be an asset. We need the prettiest pegasus in all the realm.”

“Ooooh, recognised.” Gosling swayed from side to side. “Mmm, mmm, mmm! Good looking!”

“There is a young pegasus in Cloudsdale that needs your help, Gosling—”

Ears perking, Gosling gave Luna his full attention, because this sounded serious.

“—for We are very worried about him. It has come to Our attention that he is suicidal and filled with despair.” Luna now had her composure, and her eye had stopped twitching. She took a step closer to Gosling, who was now holding still, and then stood there with her muzzle inches away from his own. “He is a little younger than you, a member of the First Tribes, and comes from an ancient bloodline.”

“So what’s the problem, exactly?” Gosling asked. “And how can I help?”

“The problem is, he’s gay,” Luna responded, looking Gosling in the eye. “He thinks there is something wrong with how he is, when there isn’t. He feels much pressure to continue the family bloodline. In a few weeks, he’ll be celebrating his bit mitzvah and will be seen as an adult. This terrifies him.”

“Okay, what can I do?” Gosling asked, wondering how this was a sexy problem that required his sexy services, his ever-so-valuable sexpertise, as it was.

“We require your help to craft an erotic dream,” Luna deadpanned, her voice heavy and flat as a cast iron comal. “We doth require the Confessor for the Pegasus Pony Tribe to put on a saucy plumage display for this young pegasus. We need for you to convince him that it is alright to feel this way and that he is not doing anything wrong. More so, We need for you to convince him to seek help for how he feels.”

“I see.” Gosling stood there, unmoving, and realised that he couldn’t feel Luna breathing on him, which was disconcerting. The dream realm had its own rules and peculiarities. “So, what am I supposed to do, exactly?”

“Your dream aspect need not molest him in his sleep.” Luna’s voice was a flat, controlled monotone, revealing no emotion, no amusement, there was nothing. “Flirt with him. Make him feel special, appreciated, the way you flirt with Us, mine sister and I. Just be thyself.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Gosling’s eyes narrowed and he studied Luna’s face, hoping for some slip, some revealed detail that might tell him the truth. She nodded, and somehow, for some reason, Gosling was not reassured. He drew in a deep breath, then remembered that he didn’t need to breathe in this realm. The sooner he remembered all of the little details about this place and its quirks, the sooner he would be able to assert more control here. “Okay, fine. I’ll do as you ask. Just tell me whatever it is that you have planned.”

Stepping away, Luna opened the bathroom door, and beyond it, there was an endless expanse of beautiful, twinkling stars. The entire universe awaited beyond the yawning door, a beautiful, perfect, inviting place that stretched out forever in all directions. She blinked once, revealing a moment of annoyance, slammed the door shut with an ear flattening bang, and then opened it once more. This time, it opened into a blank, bare, gleaming white featureless hallway filled with more doors.

“Yous was distracted by my sexiness, wasn’t yous?” Gosling asked.

“Only for a fraction of a second,” Luna admitted in the faintest of whispers. “Now We intend to use it as a weapon in our arsenal. Come, let Us slay a dragon known as Despair.”

“Fine.” Gosling snorted. “I can do a sexy dance to save a life and I am secure enough in my masculinity to do this. Let’s go and kick this dragon’s ass.” Folding his wings to his sides, he cast one final glance at the pretty pony in the mirror, knowing that he would miss his wings in the waking world.

Luna stepped through the door and Gosling followed after his best friend.

Weird memories of going shopping lingered in Gosling’s mind. Shopping and fabulous clothing. Not quite awake, he lingered in the nebulous expanse that existed between the dream realm and the waking world. Oh, and closets… changing rooms? His eyelids flickered as his brain tried to process what had taken place. So much had happened that it all felt like days had passed.

He and Luna had taken a troubled colt shopping and got him to try on new things. But every time the colt would disappear into the changing room to try something on, he wouldn’t want to come out again, because he was afraid to reveal himself. So Gosling had to talk him out, he had to be lured out of the closet, the changing rooms, over and over again, each time that something new, something bolder, something more flamboyant was tried. Reassurances had to be made, kind, soothing words, along with everything that had happened, filtering through a surreal experience that could only seem to happen in dreams.

At some point, it broke into a song and dance number, where Gosling had to fall back on his extensive knowledge of show tunes, with him and Luna wearing magnificent feather boas and sequined dancing shoes, explaining that if the colt was gay, that would be okay. Gosling could feel himself rising into the waking world, but he fought to remain asleep, to sort out these jumbled memories.

He himself, had faced accusations of being gay, accusations which had troubled him, made him feel guilty, confused, and ashamed. Because of his love of culture, of music, of art, of theatre, of show tunes, and with Skyfire’s accusations, pretty much everypony that was anypony thought he was gay, as all of the available evidence seemed to suggest. Gosling realised that he was still living under the burden of this, beneath this shadow, that he still had troubling feelings about everything that had happened.

The barriers, the walls he had built because of these issues, they broke. Shattered. Every brick that had been added to the walls he had constructed gave way—the thorn left in his own mind was expelled, along with all of the anguish and the angst. As he hovered on the edge of consciousness, he saw a dark blue shadow drifting away through the flashes of colour that danced on the inside of his eyelids.

As Gosling began to rise to the surface, his mind made the realisation that Luna hadn’t saved just one troubled mind this night, but two, being the clever, knowledgeable, and experienced mare that she was. With the sudden flood of relief and joy, his consciousness surged, demanding release into the waking world. His eyelids fluttered, and the shackles of sleep tore free from him one by one…

With a powerful, trumpeting snort, Gosling awoke, sandwiched between two heavy mares. He lay on his side, warm, toasty, and his head sunk deep into the pillow. Luna was pressed up against his back, she clung to him and had one foreleg around his neck. The other was digging into his back, because where else could it go?

His belly was pressed up against Celestia’s back, and it was like lying on a sun-heated rock. A radiant, almost searing warmth came from the big white alicorn whose sides rose and fell like a blacksmith’s bellows. She was still asleep, still dreaming, and Gosling could hear faint murmurs coming from her trembling, sometimes flapping lips.

“Of course I want an apple…”

One ear of Gosling’s flickered, the other was buried into the pillow. He blinked a few times, thankful that the room was dark. The dawn would be soon, and the dawns of winter were some of the most glorious of them all. His mouth was dry and he needed a drink. The last precious memories of the dream began to recede into the depths of his waking mind.

“Little Apples and Oranges should not fight,” Celestia murmured in a soft, worried voice. “Brothers and sisters should behave, or else, the wooden spoon it shall be.” Her sleep-spoken words were punctuated with a snort.

Celestia’s mane passed through his body and something crackled just inside of Gosling’s nostril. He didn’t even flinch, knowing that it was harmless. Extracting a foreleg, he ran it down Celestia’s side, slipped it beneath her rumpled wing, and allowed it to come to rest on her stomach.

There was life in there—she had assured him of that—and the very idea of it terrified Gosling, but also intrigued him, it left him filled him with an almost foalish sense of wonder. When Celestia’s mane passed through his skull and wavered through his eyeball, there was a most peculiar tingling sensation that almost felt like a tickle—it was what he imagined flying through the aurora borealis might feel like.

“No, Twilight, world domination is not permissible as a school project, stop that… don’t make me tell you a second time.”

Hearing this made Gosling lift his head and he squirmed between the two solid bodies pressed up against either side of him. He needed to get up, he had to get up, and he didn’t want to squash Celestia, so he chose to clamber over Luna instead. While crawling over, he kissed her on her cheek and thought about saying ‘thank you’ to her for what she had done.

“I am Sleipnir of the Sassgardians,” Celestia moaned, “and I challenge you to a battle of wits.”

That made Gosling pause and he did so beside the bed. Sassgardians?

Author's Note:

Again, a callback to The Sun Also Surprises, chapter three.

Expect a lot of callbacks. You're welcome.