• Member Since 29th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday




This story is a sequel to Caverns & Cutie Marks

With Discord’s game behind them, the former Colts find themselves trapped in yet another world filled with pastel-colored pony people. This time, their mights and magics are traded in for pencils and papers as the take on the most dangerous dungeon crawl of all: high school

However, the game is not as finished as they expect. New friends and old enemies are waiting around every corner. After all, in Canterlot High you could be killed; or worse, expelled.

10 teenagers in play, with forces working in both the shadows and in the classroom towards their own ends. Is the world even in danger? I mean, it’s just high school, right?


Chapters (37)
Comments ( 65 )

And so begins another adventure. I'd do some cheese anime 'next time' reference but I'll save that for...

And so, our heroes set off on the start of a new adventure! What mysteries await them? What challenges will face them? Do Purple and Wit have their own local counterparts? The answers to these questions and more will come next time, on Caverns and Cutie Marks! *cue catchy theme*

More seriously though, nice to see you all back. Looking forward to the twists and turns this story will take.

At least others get their references now. Hope they meet their former game partners, the pony versions that is.

Nice to see you back, I did really like your previous story, and I hope this will be as good. I think it'S interesting to see a story where the HIE starts out in EqG, I am guessing that the first thing they will try to find out if they could convince or cohesion Sunset to get them to reach the Mane 6 or just twilight. I am guessing, if Suntset is still bad and not cooperating they could use her diary connected to Celestia, explaining everything to would sound very convoluted for her. I wonder what Just Duty meant Purple Heart about being like his parents. I wonder if they could also meet their Equestrian counterpart. I wonder why Just Duty is EqG world sense he was created by Discord powers, could there be he was originally plucked form Equestria or some time in it's distant past, or did he just came into existence after the game? Looking forward to the next chapter.

By the way if you are interested for a cover art you can PM me for commission, the link to my DA


All jokes aside. I ready for more.

My yearly intake of puns is now complete.

Thanks for the nod, now I wonder how much time it will take for them to get the lay of the land so to say and determent what is the chronology of event. Though, I think it could be a simple matter of just asking Vice Principle Luna about if anything unusual happened at the last school formal or at the last Friendship Games to know. Still, I wonder if this is still a game like last time or they are in fact in EqG, the shadowing figures seems to need them for something, despite being what most in their world call losers. I wonder if their previous cutie marks reflect their profession or passion in anyway and how it could manifest itself in Equestria, or in EqG sense their were already exposed to equestrian magic. I take it as a natural affinity for specific domains that their 'Pony Magic' guides them. Thought, I don't think it could in anyway manifests itself in anything as latent like the last movie in the Everfree sense they aren't in tune to any of the Elements, thought I wonder how the M5 got their power from Twilight and the Element of Magic in the first movie. So I take it they could still somehow grow horse earn and get a ponytail, punt intended, if they could trigger equestrian magic.

They really can get their act together if they can't even focused long enough to explain their situation to the EqG Mane sSix seven. I wonder what is Just Duty doing around and what part he is playing in all of this and if the others are hanging around somewhere somewhere, I wonder if they where just somehow added into that universe and that world adjusted the whole world to make them fit into that world to actually be part of it and sense they are also linked to the Colt Trio in their resistance they were also part of a package deal so they have to drag their counterpart in whatever world they visit in order to even exist. So there might just not be Equestrian counterpart unless these three antagonists come to Equestria, or the real Colt Trio count as their link and fill in that role of Equestrian equivalent.

Hmm. I'm not sure what type of challenge Duty will represent, but he's gonna be one.

“I got a splinter.”


Wonder why they don't just go to Equestria and get the princess or Twilight to help out, having those three displaced again could be worrying signs if discord is not behind it that is worth their concern in some way.

Nice, now we only have to wait to see Bale and we have a connect three.

That was some pro level trolling (and technically extortion.) But Pinkie's got that insight going for her.

How come they still can't swear?

And I would hope they stay in Equestria instead


I'm guessing that because EQG is still a show meant for little girls, the swear filter continues even when they have humanoid forms.

Someone's gotta bucking think of the goshdang children. :raritywink: [Wits End]

Wonder if Wits is related to Lyra?

Well then. That's not a good sign at all.

Well, I wonder What the Equestria colt trio would be like and I wonder if they are supposed to be EQG's replacements?

That bit at the end was interesting.

So Heart Burn noticed huh? Considering he's a fan of fiction, picking up on the cues and differences might have been easier. What's interesting is he didn't leap to the normally top-of-the-pile Evil Twin/Duplicate conclusion.

Ah. It's the other elements from the game world. I wonder if the spiders still remember...

“Wait,” Spike piped in, “you get paid to complain about somepony else’s story? What, do you not like novels or something?”

Wits’ gaze moved slowly to the dragon. “I don’t like novels. I. Love. Novels. And if I don’t love it, I don’t. Finish.”

I see what you did there.

What the heck Discord did in creating that other world and the ponies who existed there? Will we see the other Alicorns we saw then too?

Are you just following my previous comments I did on this?

Well isn't this just a complicated mess... And still no closer to know who's responsible for the copy-pasting.

All these head games are leaving me confused at times.

So Discord was working behind the scenes, I take it that he doesn't to wonder or care that his own creations of for whimsical game seems to have counterparts, I blame his AAD for that, and only seems to solely concern with Bale escaping and is wholly unaware of what's actually happening; interesting build up of stakes of the story, I wonder why they need the original Colt Trio to stay there? I wonder what Flash Sentry is up to on his end? So it really seems that the RPG world is being copy and paste in the EqG world, I wonder why they didn't try Equestria in the first place?

Interesting to see Bale seeking help from Purple Heart

Well three former villains fighting over nothing. I wonder if the Hydra feels left out for not teaming up with them before. I take it that its basic programming required him to have heroes to destroy him and had never questioned why? I really like Holdfast in this one so much fun to see him frustrated like that.

Uncle Coltson, huh?

I’ll bet a fiver his first name is Agent.

Ever been to Canterlot High? It’s a magical place...

I was happy with the Princess Bride reference.

I wonder of EqG Wits has a twin sister at Crystal Prep, like when Human Wits had the doppelganger, unless he has a transvestite alternate persona?
Nice to see that the get their weapons back, but I wonder how they will use it without going to prison after killing their foes? Also what was Sunselt weapon in this case?
I wonder how the Spider people Queen will make a cameo?

Well this was interesting to see old foes, where Sol Eater an alicorn along with the others or just a multicolored humans?

Well, the boss rush is over, and now for the most terrifying challenge yet. The Ex's....

Scitwi does realize that they just said this only happened because of the friendship games?

Princess Bridle and the Teens Allons-y'ing Rarity Damsels In Scapes.

I'm out of jokes and puns to make atm so have this mustache spike. :moustache:

ROFL! You did NOT just give him the Wabbajack! :rainbowlaugh:

“Q'all couldn’t have at least kept one eye on the big lizard?” Applejack snapped.

Rofl. That sneaky "Q". :rainbowlaugh:

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