• Published 3rd Apr 2017
  • 585 Views, 8 Comments

The Showmare and her Bouquet - DerpiusHoovicus2

Trixie gets evicted from her shambling show carriage, only to move into Roseluck's apartment

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A Chapter In Which There Are Words

The Great and Powerful Trixie awoke from her Great and Powerful slumber to get on with her Great and Powerful morning. She opened her eyes and looked around the small carriage. It was dark, no surprises there. She shifted and slithered until her hooves found the corner of the mattress, she pulled herself forward and her hooves found the ground with a rather large thud. She reached over to the window and pulled it open, letting in the bright day’s sin. Trixie made her way over to the petite kitchen in her rather small “home” and turned the far left knob to heat the stovetop.

As she made her way over to the fridge her hooves clacked against the creaky floor, causing a rather large ruckus for the calm and serene morning. She was slightly disheartened that she could not hear the tweeting and songs of the birds that danced in the trees outside her hovel.

She stood at the icebox, looking for anything to eat inside and eventually landed her eyes upon a box of eggs. The cardboard prison for the few eggs she still had sat silently, unmoving like it was just waiting, until The Great and Powerful Trixie released it from it’s, oh so awful, position in the cold chamber. Lifting the box in her magic she moved over to the stove again, creakily as ever.

The Great and Powerful Trixie opened the case with her magic, revealing three eggs sitting in a strange, unorganized pattern. She let out a small ‘humph’ at her insufficient breakfast. To only eat three eggs is unheard of! The Great and Powerful Trixie needed a Great and Powerful breakfast to be Great and powerful. She reached over to the stove knobs and turned the one on the far left to the off position. She reached up with a hoof and closed the cardboard egg carton and lifted it to the icebox with magic, for she had no reason to go all the way over to her fridge and put it back.

The Great and Powerful Trixie made a Great and Powerful decision to go to the (not so great and powerful) market to get ingredients for a more Great and Powerful breakfast, for a Great and Powerful pony.

She stood over near her door and reached up to the rack, of which held her cloak and hat. She removed them and donned each with careful precision, placing them at just the right positions, so that she would look as Great and Powerful as she was.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is ready for her day, is she not?” She looked around for a moment, as to make sure she had everything she needed. With a small nod to herself, she turned back toward the door. “Then let her get started!” And with that she pushed open the creaky door, revealing a rather large squeak that was peculiar, not one of the usual sounds her Great and Powerful Carriage made. She just simply shrugged it off, as she did most things, she was so Great and Powerful, what was there to harm her fantastic and wonderful self? She moved down the steps, as each one creaked and wobbled, she tread with careful ease.

Her carriage was getting old, and perhaps not the Great and Powerful Carriage it once was. But it was still under ownership of The Great and Powerful Trixie, and by the transitive property, that meant it was still Great and Powerful.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a snap crashed against her ears, and she soon was falling. Her leg caught on the broken step, but soon freed itself, she fell to the ground flailing and trying to gain balance on something that wasn’t there. She tumbled in the air for a good two seconds before she thud against the ground, causing dust to stir up in the air around her. She quickly got to her hooves and with a few polite coughs she was standing just as she was before her fall, on the ground this time however.

“Another Great and Powerful Recovery, by the Great and Powerful Trixie,” She said to herself and anypony who was listening. She did make a rather astounding recovery after all, and greatness deserves recognition.

“Oh Gosh, are you okay? I saw you fall, and… oh, your leg is bleeding,” a voice from somewhere to her left spoke, their voice broad and full of emotion. Like they particularly cared about her situation, which was strange. No pony liked the Great and Powerful Trixie, even though she was Great and Powerful, everypony seemed to avoid her if at all possible, and often talked behind her back.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will be fine, and to whom does she owe the acquaintance? She would like to know who it is that cares about her well being,” A small ruffling from the bushes nearby caught The Great and Powerful Trixie’s attention. “What are you doing in those bushes?” Trixie said in her imperious tone, like she was on top of the world.

“Oh, I was, um… looking at your… flowers?” The shy voice called, still enraptured by the embrace of the bushes, Trixie could not decipher the owner of said voice, not that she knew many ponies to attach it to.

“From the bushes?” Trixie raised her eyebrow, knowing that it was rather pointless due to the hidden pony she was talking to, she quickly returned it to it’s natural position. “And, wait. The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t have flowers.” She turned and looked at her Carriage, and sure enough, there was a beautiful arrangement of flowers on her windowsill.

“GottaGoBye!” Shouted the voice as it scurried through the bushes and left toward a building at a gallop, evading Trixie’s sight.

“How peculiar,” Trixie said to herself, and turned toward the market. She had Great and Powerful errands to run, and this kerfuffle was just going to be in the way of her Great and powerful activities.

Trixie walked through the dirt street, each hoofstep causing a small scuff of dirt to rise from the crater she created. It had been a few minutes before something registered in Trixie’s Great and Powerful mind, “Your leg is bleeding,” The voice had said. The magician took a second to lift her leg that had been caught on the splintered step, and to no surprise, it was slightly discolored. Red mixed with brown, showed on her luxurious light blue coat.

The Great and Powerful Trixie was upset, she rarely got scathed, and for it to be from a wooden step, was just embarrassing. She figured it would be fine for now, she would tend to it later. For the moment she dropped her cloak to fall down past her legs again and went on her way.

After walking for a while, The Great and Powerful Trixie found herself in the Ponyville Market. Ponies of all shapes colors, forms, and race, littered the area. Talking or purchasing things from vendors. The large amount of ponies, conversing, gave Trixie a rather large headache. She was used to serene mornings, and this was certainly not very serene. Everything about this morning was the least serene she could imagine.

She had missed her breakfast, had a strange encounter with a mysterious pony, broken her steps, and gotten a headache. Why couldn’t she just sit and eat her breakfast listening to the birds, Was that too much to ask?

She let out a small groan and made her way over to the stand that had the items she was in search of. The pony behind the stand was leaning on a hoof, in wait of a customer. As Trixie approached they straightened up and put on a large smile.

“Welcome! We sell eggs, and eggs, and… well, eggs! That’s about it, if you don’t need eggs you’re better off somewhere else.” The Pony behind the stand wasn't much older than a colt, and his enthusiasm was an obvious sign that he hadn’t been working there long.

“Right, The Great and Powerful Trixie requests that you supply her with two dozen eggs, for an exchange of seven bits,” Her bold and imperious voice confused the young worker and he looked at her funny.

“O...kay… Well then, the Vigilant and Bold Rooster accepts your offer, and will exchange two dozen eggs for a total of seven bits,” The pony, apparently Rooster, said, mocking Trixie’s powerful voice. He did what was agreed upon and found two cases filled with eggs, he closed them and scoot them over to Trixie.

“It was truly a pleasure to convene here, and decide upon a fair trade of monetary for product here with you, Rooster,” Trixie put the cartons into a pocket on either side of her cloak that worked as saddlebags for lighter objects.

“Uh.. huh… Surely,” he said awkwardly, leaning back into his hoof on the counter. Trixie left him to do his job and made her way back toward her carriage.

Although on her path through the market, she saw a rather peculiar stand of flowers. No pony stood behind them, they just sat upon the counter, seemingly dancing in the gentle breeze, waving with the pull of the wind. They were arranged rather similarly to the strange, and suddenly appearing, flowers now on her windowsill.

The Great and Powerful Trixie took it upon herself to go to the stand and get a closer look, they were rather pretty after all. She shuffled her hooves toward the small stand, pulling waves of dirt with her as she took step after step closer to the stand.

As she made it to the stand, she looked it over, left to right, there was certainly no pony here. Yet the flowers were nearly identical to the ones she had apparently gotten recently. With an almost sad huff, she walked past and toward her home again. She turned hoping the worker magically appeared, and to her surprise there was a pony laying on their stomach behind the stand.

Rather curious, she made her way to the cowering pony. “Are you alright? You seem troubled,” Trixie said, and the pony just cowered more into her hooves.

“I’m not here right now, if you would, you can leave a message,” The voice was muffled and pointed into the dirt, eliciting a cough or two from the pony who was on the ground.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie does not have time for these shenanigans,” and with that she left to her mobile home, to finally get breakfast.

As she approached the carriage, she saw the broken step. With magic, she repaired the damage, The wood swirled around each splinter as it pulled itself together. Each piece fitting to the other like a perfect puzzle. After the show of floating debris becoming a wooden step was over, and the stair was replaced, she delicately climbed up into her home.

She pulled off her dusty cloak, removed said dust with magic, and did the same with her hat. The dust she pulled off was tossed out the door, followed by a slam of said door. The clothing items found their way onto the rack near the door, and she found herself at the stove again.

She turned the knob and set an oiled pan onto the heated coil. She cooked up her eggs and seasoned them with a delicate amount of salt and pepper. Perfectly to her liking, she sat all of the eggs on a plate and made her way to the small dining table in her small home. The creaking of the floors as obvious as ever ringing through the small “house” as she sat at the table. A thought came to her as she sat, and just as quickly she stood again.

She made her way over to the window and looked at the flowers on it’s sill. A beautiful arrangement of red and white roses, just like at the stand. Maybe the worker could know the strange bush pony that she met earlier.

But for the moment The Great and Powerful Trixie returned to her table and meal. Savoring every last molecule of the eggs. And listening to the birds chirp in joy.

Her breakfast was ever delightful, and she licked the plate clean. She put the dish into the sink, which she would need to clear out later, and made her way back towards the door. Since she was done with her breakfast, she could get to practising magic, her favorite pastime activity.

With her clothes on her back and her hat upon her head, she stepped out again into the fresh morning air, taking a deep whiff of the wonderful smells of nature. Smells of wet grass and flowers filled her nostrils as she made her way over to an open field.

The field was empty and there was no pony around to see if she failed, which even The Great and Powerful Trixie was apt to do. She practised many different spells, which most nomies were unable to do. One pony was usually good at one spell, but Trixie was an illusionist. Any spell involving the deceit of others, she could learn. She had picked up a few other spell, such as carpentry along the way as well.

An hour or so later of hard work and focusing intently on spells, The Great and Powerful Trixie, was more of a Worn and Tired Trixie. The magician wiped sweat away from her brow and let a hefty sigh leave her lips. She trudged herself toward her home, dragging her hooves tiredly, using the last bit of energy to just get through the door.

She didn’t bother taking her cloak and hat off, as she plopped down onto her bed, taking in the scent of clean sheets and pillow cases. A rather pleasant smell, if she said so herself. As she lay on her bed, still breathing heavily from exertion to her near limits, she caught eye of the roses in the window.

“Well if the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t water them, they will wilt…” she thought to herself. ”I suppose when she has all of her energy she will tend to them,”

Her eyes drift shut slowly, her eyelids collapsing upon each other and blacking out the world from Trixie’s view. Now was a good a time as any for a nap. She often found herself in a nap after hard work, she took it as a sign that she was working hard, enough to put her mind to rest from trying so hard to master her spells.

A knock on her door awoke her from her slumber. Another rather loud knock instructed her to leave the confines of her cozy bed and investigate the sound. She moved lacking elegance and poise like usual, dragging across the creaky wood. Her fatigue and her just having awoken playing a rather large part in her indolent movement.

She pulled the door open and saw a rather large, imposing, pony in front of her door.

“Trixie Lulamoon?” The pony was obviously of power and so she decided it best to lose the arrogance for a change.

“Yes sir, why are you disturbing Trixie at this time of slumber?” So much for that. The pony in question looked at her quizzically, turned toward the sun, and back, slowly cocking his head as he did so.

“It’s barely noon, ma’am.” He deadpanned, still looking at her like she was crazy. “Anyway, I’ve been sent here under the Ponyville Health Department, your shack is extremely unfit for living, anypony would be lucky to survive a week living in this deathtrap. If you don’t stop living here we’re going to have to evict you from your, “home” with force.” Trixie’s mind was running with seventy questions at once.

“Unfit? Trixie has lived in this abode for the most of her sentience, How could you decide to remove her from said premises!” She exclaimed her anger as best she could, with yelling.

“I’m sorry, but in Ponyville, them’s the rules. You have a week,” he hooved her a slip of government-y paper that said things along the lines of, ‘Seven days to vacate’. She was enraged, her lifetime home was being ripped from her and she had nowhere else to go.

“GrrrrAH,” She growled, into her empty home. She was in a furious fit of rage, tossing things and breaking several objects in her abode, soon to be… not. When she finally calmed down, she found it easier to just cry. She sat in her bed with her face in the pillow, crying. With no pony to see her, she let the streams of tears run like rivers down her cheeks and pool into small ponds on the fabric of her pillow.

Another knock rapped on the door and she was mad again. She thumped over to the door, slamming her hooves into the innocent woodwork that made up her floor. She ripped the door open and shouted at the pony behind it, “WHAT NOW!? CAN’T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!!?? Oh, sorry…” the poor mailmare sat and let her mane settle from the unruly wind of the magician’s voice.

She sniffed and smiled, “‘S’allright ma’am, times are tough, I get it. Got some mail for ya!” She reached into her bag and pulled out a newspaper and a few bills, “That’s it today ma’am, see ya soon!” And with that the wall eyed pegasus made her way off into the sky.

Trixie sat, dumbfounded. What just happened?

She moved her attention to the slips of paper that were handed to her and opened the letters first. Bills, no surprise there. She looked at the newspaper next and finned through the headlines, one stood out in particular.


She read through the advertisement and felt she met the qualifications asked of said roommate. She found information that would put her into contact with the advertiser and wrote it down in a small notebook that had been near her, due to the whirlwind she caused earlier.

Things were really starting to look up for Trixie, other than the fact they sucked in the first place, at least they were correcting themselves; all in a day’s time everything was looking up.

She set everything down, and looked around her carriage. She had really done a number on the poor mobile home. Everything was tattered and ruined, a few holes were punched in the woodwork, she wouldn’t be able to keep it, the repairs would be costs even The Great and Powerful Trixie couldn’t cover.

She gave a sad scuff against the floor and turned to the door.

“Trixie is sorry, she will never forget the good times we shared,” With that, she pushed open the door, only for it to fall off soon after. She grimaced and recoiled at the sight of her home literally falling apart, but stepped out all the same.

Bearing the notebook with the residence in it, she made her way slowly to the street it said in the paper. Maybe, just maybe things would turn out okay for Trixie.

More than she could ever know...