• Published 3rd Apr 2017
  • 586 Views, 8 Comments

The Showmare and her Bouquet - DerpiusHoovicus2

Trixie gets evicted from her shambling show carriage, only to move into Roseluck's apartment

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<Insert Quirky Title Here>

Trixie’s hooves pat against the warm dirt as she trailed her way toward the address printed upon the newspaper she had read earlier. Maybe things would finally go well for once, maybe she would finally make enough bits to move to a richer town and perform more expensive shows.

But then again, maybe not…

As she walked she let her thoughts wander, letting the breeze blow her cape and the sun warm her hide. The evening was very peaceful, everything on the path toward the apartment was calm and quiet, other than the occasional bird that chirped by, swaying back and forth as it flapped it’s wings, carrying it on the wind as it dart by within seconds.

Everything seemed to be in a slowed state while she was entranced in nature, the flowing wind and the swaying of everything in perfect rhythm, she could almost follow along if she tried hard enough, that was how she tapped into her magic. Using the serenity of nature and following the rhythm everything seemed to know by simply existing, to focus completely on her own source of power. Co-existence.

The distance to the abode went from miles to yards to feet, before she finally realized she was standing upon the doorstep of the small apartment complex.

It was a very quaint and delicate place, everything was simple but not displeasing, it gave off a very homely feeling that was rather calming. The building was no taller than two stories, and had several windows interspersed evenly upon it's face. The brickwork was no different than any other she had seen, although it did appear fairly uneven. The door she was drawn to was a simple wooden door, engraved with four rectangles that sat upon each corner, chamfered into the structure of the woodwork.

As she stood in front of the door she hesitated for a moment, trying to decide if she should remove her hat or not; first impressions were the most important after all. After a few moments of deciding, she pulled off her hat and magically set it into her pocket.

Her hoof approached the door slowly, leaning ever closer until it found purchase with a thud. Again and again this happened until a shout was heard from inside, it was rather far away so it was hardly audible.

As Trixie stood, she could hear pounding. It sounded like it was getting progressively louder as it thud immensely against her eardrums, hitting with more intensity as it slammed into her, barely allowing her to hear anything but the timely tick… of the clock. She was hearing the tick of a nearby clock, the second hand slowly inching it's way around the face covered in numbers.

Trixie would never admit it, but she was nervous, nervous of rejection, of having to live on the streets until she could plan a gig to give her the bits to be allowed a morsel of oats. Ok, so maybe she was a little scared. (Definitely not scared [Don’t interrupt, Trixie.])

Hoof steps approached calmly, falling into a rhythm Trixie knew well, the rhythm of nature. When the door finally creaked open, in it stood a mare with a soft cream coat and red and pink hair strewn into settled waves. Her olive eyes looked into Trixie’s purple with what looked like fear, or maybe it was surprise, whatever it was it was definitely not a happy grin to see a visitor.

“Uh-hm, H-Hello T-ergh, I mean stranger… What brings you here?” Her inability to string together even the simplest of greetings was kinda cute (definitely cute[*smack* no interrupting] sorry…) [Ahem]

“I saw an advertisement in the local media paper, this is the residence seeking a roommate?” Trixie spoke clearly, as if in an interview, because she practically was.

When Trixie had asked about the roommate situation the mare’s eyes popped and her cheeks flushed for a moment before situating back to normal, “OH!... ah- I mean uh… Yes of course, newspaper... you saw huh? Well, come in, feel free to take a look around, it’s not much but... it’s home.”

“I concur,” Trixie said blatantly, she was used to small homes and this would work fine. As she stepped in, the light smell of flowers met her nose. It was an elegant smell and very pleasing, something she could get used to.

The inside started with the living room, a fair sized room with a lounging couch and a lamp on a nightstand near it. A table with magazines sat in front, they scattered across the small table in an sporadic fashion, laying separated from each other. Some touched only by corners and others, not at all.

There was a small counter to the right where a kitchen fit, utensils and dishes lay strewn about, not too differently from the magazines. There was an oven, a sink, and an ice box that sat in a triangle from each other. The fridge and oven on one side with the sink separated. The sink sat instead in the counter.

Not far from the front door, on the other side of the room, was an open doorway to the bedrooms and bath. The bathrooms weren’t anything splendorous, so Trixie went on to the bedrooms. The resident followed her as she analyzed everything in turn, with a face that would put a professional gambler to shame.

The first bedroom was simple enough, it had a white bed in the middle (without its covers) and a dresser on the left of the doorway, the wallpaper was a simple cross hatch pattern of several shades of blue. There was a closet to the right and Trixie made her way toward it slowly, inspecting the lush carpet with her hooves as she walked. The closet had sliding doors that revealed a medium sized cavity in the wall with a beam across the middle near the top, it was nothing special but it would fit everything she needed. Which wasn’t much.

The second room was a whole different story however. When the door opened a much stronger smell of flowers burst through the air like a tornado through an open window. It was a pleasant smell however, and Trixie rather enjoyed it. The walls were lined with images of roses falling, several petals fell alongside them as well, creating a lovely tapestry of falling flowers. (although it was only simple wallpaper, Trixie found beauty in it.) There was a dresser on the far wall in the corner and a bed parallel on the other side. The dresser had images of the mare who must have lived in the room and, presumably, her friends. Upon the fall wall was a window that held a bouquet of flowers upon the edge, they sat and hung delicately on the frame like they were awaiting attention.

She didn’t intrude however, that would be rude. She instead let the door close as she stepped out. Trixie had made her analysis and was quite content with what she had found. The only problem would be price, Trixie wasn’t very well funded after all.

“Well it is very nice, what would be my rent?”

The mare fidget slightly, swaying side to side in faux thought, trying to put the harsh price into words. “Well it’s about 95 depending on facilities, I figure half is fair?”

Trixie was hit hard with the price, she had expected it to be around there but hearing it was just a little much. Trixie would have to work extra hard putting on a grand show at least twice a week to make that. It would all play out fine in the end, after all, for this mare to have to pay 190 bits a month to live without a person to fill a room was heartbreaking.

“Yes I suppose that is fair, what questions do you have for Trixie? I should not think you would just let me in without knowing me better.” Trixie was becoming more comfortable with the mare, they would be living together soon enough.

“Well I was wondering your… occupation?” The mare said, trying to think of something that didn’t sound like she was sta- err, paying close attention to the magician.

“Ah! Trixie is a traveling magician! The best in all of Equestria, although I’m stuck in Ponyville due to… Financial issues…” She kept her fanatic expression solid although she was mourning the loss of her home, now it really was just a traveling magic stand.

“Well that is certainly intriguing, is that your primary source of income? You will be able to keep your rent with such?” Although she was excited to have her as a roommate, she did need to keep up her end of the deal. She ran a flower stand and that wasn’t making nearly enough with winter coming up.

“Yes, I should think so! Trixie performs amazing feats for all to see! For a fair price of course, everypony wants to witness the amazing Trixie perform feats of splendor.”

“Yes of course-” she deadpanned, “-well I would like to continue, but my lunch break is almost up, I’ve gotta get back to my stand. Oh, silly me… I’m Roseluck, nice to formally meet you Trixie!” she said extending her hoof to the magic mare.

“A pleasure to you as well, Roseluck,” and she took her hoof and shook it. “Formally? We have just met…”

“Sorry, I really should get going! Meet me here at 4:00 and I’ll continue our interview!” Rose pushed Trixie out the door and locked it behind her, then darted off to the flower stand she normally occupied.

”What a strange mare” Trixie thought to herself. She made her way back to her cart, confident she would be allowed to the apartment, she would need her textiles and objects of standard living if she were to move in. She made a plan to move her cart to the building, that way, if she was given the position she could move everything much easier.

She had plenty of time to kill, and shows to plan, so she made her way toward the market. She would need a designated place for a show tomorrow, after all she was going to need to start making bits to pay off the rent.

As she walked she could feel the afternoon breeze wafting through the air, ever so calmly pulling on her cloak, this gave way to a new thought. Roseluck would see her without her clothing, and that just felt... unusual to Trixie, not that it was strange in day to day life, but she normally wore clothing in the company of others.

This was going to take some adjusting.

Trixie stood in an open area in the middle of town, the buildings formed a sort of square around it. There would be plenty of room for a show here, yet she would need to advertise. She thought it would be perfect to go into town and give the information to sales ponies. They could relay it to their customers and she would get the crowd she deserved!

This was perfect! And so she turned toward the market, the distance was not far as she could see it from the plaza. That could work for her as well, ponies would see the commotion and come by, but then how would she charge? This would work itself out, for now Trixie would make her way to the market. ”One step at a time Trixie…”

The day was getting warmer and Trixie was beginning to sweat under her cloak, by now she had put her hat back on, for everyone should know of the magician in their presence, it also helped with the beating rays of the sun from getting in her eyes. The warm rays of the evening sun pushed through the fine cloth and gave Trixie a delicate warmth that wasn’t unpleasant but slightly bothersome.

When she came upon the first stand she spoke to the pony behind it with her regal voice, “Fine establishment worker, would you mind carrying out a message to your customers?”

The stallion behind the stand gave an unsure nod and let her continue.

“Thank you. Please, do tell them of the magic show going on at 6:00 in the plaza not far from here, and the entry is five bits per pony.”

“No problem,” the stallion said and waved a hoof as Trixie began her retreat to the next stand. Each conversation went practically the same, with Trixie being imposing and the workers listening. That was until she came upon the flower stand with the elegant bouquets.

Whence she came upon it she noticed something about the mare standing behind it with a smile that just brought joy to any who gave witness to it. It was the mare from earlier who happened to be the one is search of a roommate.

Trixie had some questions, and Rose had some explaining to do.

Trixie moved to the front of the stand with a resolve to ask why she had been hiding earlier, but it was nearly broken as she looked into the pools of green that looked back at her. They were so wonderfully shimmering in the daylight, Trixie broke stride for a moment before steeling her resolve and shaking her head to rid of the thoughts.

She stood in front of the flower mare, who just cocked her head slightly at Trixie’s approach. She had the most delicate smile and tender caring look in her eyes, one that Trixie had seen only her mother look at her with before. She stood just staring for a moment before remembering why she was there. (Must’ve been hypnosis)

“Why is it that you were cowering the last time Trixie was here, did I scare you?”

Rose’s face took on the color of her roses and she looked from side to side in search of an explanation. “I was simply resting, yes that was it. Little old me sleeping on the job, how indolent of me,” She gave a nervous smile that wasn’t very convincing, and chuckled lightly.

Trixie raised an eyebrow in suspicion but didn’t say anything further. She figured, in time, she would be told of the real reason, but for now, she relayed her information to Rose, who graciously took it and said she would be sure to spread the word.

With everything nearly set up all there was, was to set up a play by play of what her show would entail. And for that she was going to need her cart.

Hours of practice and perfection later, it was time to continue with the interview with Roseluck. Trixie was rather sweaty and exhausted, yet she didn’t really have a shower to wash up with. She didn’t want to appear dirty to her flatmate, so she performed a simple spell that rid of the sweat and smell, although it wasn’t a permanent solution she kept it handy for situations such as this.

As Trixie stood outside her cart in wait of Rose to come, she thought over answers for possible questions. ”What do you do in your free time?” “Do you make much noise?” “How often would you cook? “Mares or stallions?” “Could you help with a last minute project if need be?” You know, the regular stuff.

When she finally saw Rose approaching, she straightened up slightly and made sure her cloak wasn’t all wrinkly. She wanted to look her best, for business reasons and business alone. When Rose made it to the door Trixie popped up behind and watched as the earth pony unlocked the door.

When Rose noticed Trixie,, she started and was on the floor in moments. There definitely wasn't a scream or anything, not at all…

“Trixie! Don’t do that! You really scared me,” Rose was on her hooves and wiping the dirt off as she scolded Trixie.

“S-sorry, I- I didn’t mean-” she was quickly cut off by Rose.

“It’s okay, I’m fine, but don’t do that in the future. Okay?”

This gave Trixie a spark of hope. She had said “in the future,” that was a good sign, right? “Yes of course. Trixie will refrain from doing as such in reference of the future,” She was smiling, but not enough to be clearly mirthful.

“Okay. Now that's settled, why don’t you make yourself at home? I’m going to make some tea, do you want some?” Rose pulled the door closed behind the both of them, pulling in one last gust of cool air before it was covered with the warm humidity of the small home, of which they resided on the bottom floor.

“Yes, that would be lovely. What kind, If I may ask?” Trixie wasn’t particularly fond of tea, but figured it was polite to humor the hostess.

“I usually have green tea with a sugar cube, sound good to you?” When she turned a glance to Trixie she was smiling more fondly.

“Absolutely, one of my favorites!” She said with more excitement than she had purposed. She quickly changed her demeanor back to a more serious one, she was not very fond of showing any emotion (other than cockiness. HEY!) to anypony.

Rose retreat behind the small counter and filled a kettle with water, the kettle soon found it’s way to the stove top. After she had the tea started, she made her way back over to the couch, which Trixie was now sitting upon, and sat next to her.

“So what should we start with? I suppose I should ask how often you will be in or out. I don’t particularly mind but I am just curious. I spend Saturdays and Wednesdays at home, so if you ever need me that’s when you can find me free. Other times I’ll be in the market or in the garden,” Rose tilted her head in curiosity and looked to the ceiling like she was trying to find something before finally speaking up again, “I have shown you the garden, right?”

Trixie would answer one question at a time, it was difficult when ponies put several questions into their speakings before awaiting an answer. “Well, I’ll probably spend most of my time in a field practicing magic, The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot refrain from practice or she will be a poor magician. As for the garden, no you have not. But I would be quite inclined to view it if asked.”

Rose smiled brightly. “Okay! Would you like to come and see my sisters and my garden? It’s rather small, but we grow everything we can with the limited space. Daisy and Lily sure are the best sisters a gal could ask for. Would you like to meet them?” After her fast paced and rarely spaced out utterance she finally took a breath.

Trixie furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips for a moment before she finally found the set of words she could use properly.

“I would like to just see the garden for now, I’m not too fond of conversing with others,-” she stopped for a moment before whispering under her breath sadly, “-nor them, me…”

Trixie took a moment to look back on her words. That wasn’t what she had meant to say, it wasn’t like her to express emotions very often to others, she usually just cried to herself and let the bad feelings leave in privacy. For some reason it felt… nice, to have somepony listen, even if they didn’t care. But Rose did, she cared what Trixie felt and she showed it.

Rose stopped for a moment and looked at the usually cocky and full of herself mare sitting sadly on the couch with a frown upon her lips. She gave a mental ‘harumph’ and leaned toward her and gave her a calming hug. This was quickly found to be a mistake.

“GAH!” Trixie flopped off of the couch with a yell. As she waved her hooves in the air, creating a small zephyr that blew from the whirling limbs, she found that the floor wasn’t all that comfortable to land on. She stopped for a moment to let out a small “ow’ before flipping back onto her hooves and glaring at Rose with a look she rarely wore. Displeasure.

“Please do refrain from touching Trixie, I really am not used to it. At best, a warning first,” There she went again, expressing her feelings. What was happening to her?

“Omigosh, I am sosososo sorry, are you okay? Do you want ice? Please forgive me, it won’t happen again!” Roses words were quick and filled with worry.

Strangely enough that made Trixie feel better.

“No, no. it’s quite alright, but really a warning would be required in future endeavors,” Trixie spoke calmly, losing her look completely she smiled at Roseluck, in hope of mitigating her worry. Which was really an odd thing for Trixie, for she had never needed to do as such with ponies whom showed their distaste of the showmare.

A loud whistle gave each of them a start as the kettle boiled and the steam erupted from the spout like an erupting geyser. Rose went pale for a moment but when she realized it was an inanimate object she made her way over to the stove and removed the pot carefully with a mouth pad.

As Trixie watched she reveled in the strange thoughts of earth ponies and their ability to do things. If she was honest with herself, Trixie was useless without her horn. Everyday activities relied on her ability to do magic. And here was a magnificent example of earth ponies overcoming an obstacle. They used resources to allow them easier access to feats impressive for even a unicorn. She couldn’t say much for pegasi, as she barely knew any; and even the ones she knew were known with brevity.

When Rose was done putting the tea-bags in cups and filling them, placing a cube of sugar in each, she made her back to the couch and sat next to the magician who occupied it.

She set the plate with the cups on the table and let them cool, then turned to Trixie.

“So… where were we?”

Author's Note:

I'm not sure about the whole "Trixie interrupting" thing, what do you think?