• Published 3rd Apr 2017
  • 6,086 Views, 364 Comments

Spike Pie - Silver Butcher

Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz find Spikes egg and raise him as their son. He and the Pie sisters have Sibling related Misadventures

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Pinkie was making a card castle while Spike was playing poker with Wallace. After a second Spike threw his cards down. "How do you keep winning!?" Spike yelled. There was silence and Spike gasped. "I knew it! You cheater!" Spike began but was interrupted when the alarm clock beeped.

"Oh, Spike"

"Yes, Pinkie?”

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Why yes, I think it's time,"

"To go to work!" they both yelled and ran downstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Cake baking.

"Wow," Pinkie said as she and Spike looked at the many treats. "What's the occasion?"

"Princess Celestia is coming!" Mrs.Cake said, "We have to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow!" Pinkie and Spike looked around and after a while Pinkie grabbed a cookie and ate it.

"Pinkie!" Spike yelled, "You Pinkie Promised not to–."

"We promised not to eat anything for a customer, but Celestia will be here tomorrow, meaning a lot of this food won't be fresh enough, and besides, we have to make sure it's worthy to touch her royal tongue." There was silence for a second then Spike ate an entire cake in one bite.

"Hmm. Not sweet enough for royalty." Spike said he and Pinkie spent the next hour running around eating all the sweets until Twilight came into Sugarcube corner.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake, how's the banquet coming?"

"uh...It would be coming a little better if uh...." Mrs.Cake started, but her point was shown when Pinkie popped up and ate the entirety of a cake, and looked up with a frosty beard, licking it off herself when Twilight came to her.

"Pinkie! What are you doing!? Those sweets are supposed to be for the Princess!"

"I know that's why I'm tasting them, Somepony needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue."

Spike popped out from behind the counter across the room and said in an impersonation of a royal voice, "And I, Spike Boulder Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a King, or a Queen, or a Princess!" Spike said as he grabbed a tray of freshly cooked cookies though before he could eat any of them Fluttershy ran through the door.

"Twilight, Pinkie you won't believe....." she started but slid to a stop looking around the room and hiding behind her mane, "oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"

"No, not at all." Pinkie said as Spike ate his snack, cookies, tray, and all. "Make yourself at home." As Pinkie and Twilight went to Fluttershy, Spike was going to join them but was stopped by Mr. Cake, who was attempting to find his cookie tray.

"Spike, have you seen that tray of cookies I just pulled out of the oven."


"So they’re all gone then?"


"Well......where's the tray?"

"Um....." Spike looked around for a second. "I think I may have eaten it." He said with a frown.

"You what!?"

"Wait let me just..." Spike put his hand in his mouth and after a second pulled out the tray, though it now had a huge bite taken out of it. Mr. Cake and Spike looked at each other for a second. "I'll buy you a new one," Spike said.

"Yeah....yeah, you do that." Mr.Cake said. Spike started walking over to Fluttershy to see what she had brought, but Pinkie walked to him instead.

"Come on Spike. Parasprites."

"Oh, a...wait what?" Spike asked, not sure he had heard her right until he saw the three Parasprites, then ran past both Fluttershy and Twilight saying, "We'll need a trombone."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"You know," Pinkie said mimicking a trombone. then turned and ran after Spike. "Ok!" Pinkie said "If we're gonna save the town we'll need a lot of stuff, Spike go ask around and see if you can find an accordion!”

"I'm on it," Spike said as they split up, Pinkie going to Rarity's and Spike going to ask around. Spike ran into the town square, jumped up, swirled, and started floating around with balloons holding a megaphone." Hey!" he yelled, getting everyponies attention. He pulled out a bag of bits and continued, "This bag of bits for an accordion!" The ponies all started whispering to each other.

"How many bits?" a mare yelled up at him.

"About three hundred." Within thirty seconds, Spike had an accordion, and off he went to Sugarcube Corner to check and see what else he needed. By the end of the day they had almost everything they needed.

"Ok Spike, we’ll go to bed and get the rest of the instruments in the morning," Pinkie declared.

Spike yawned, "Good idea."

Pinkie woke up when Spike threw his pillow at her, "Hey what’s the.....oh no." Their room was full of Parasprites. Spike had a broom in his hand and was swatting at them.

"We should not have gone to bed!" Spike said as swatted at them. "We need more instruments now!" Pinkie jumped out of bed.

"I'll go ask the girls if they can help me find some maracas! You go look for the still missing trombone!" With that Spike flew out the window, only to be flocked with Parasprites.

"Hey, bug off." Spike was swatting the broom he was still holding around, as he flew directly to the market "Hey!" he yelled in a megaphone he produced from nowhere, "Anypony got a Trombone!?"

"I've got some cymbals," one of the vendors called.

"Better than nothing!" Spike said, floating down to him and paying for the cymbals. After floating back up he saw a commotion down by Fluttershy's. "Oh, maybe they had the maracas!" Spike flew to the cottage and found the others with a huge tornado, "Hey guys!" he yelled to them "Did Pinkie ask you for the maracas?"

"Spike," Applejack called, "now is not the time to be random, come help us with th–" but before she could finish Rainbows tornado got a little too close to Spike.

"Whoa!" Spike yelped as he was sucked in and caught by Rainbow, "Oh hey Rainbow.....where'd my Cymbals go?"

"Cymbals?" Rainbow asked, looking up and finding them closer than she’d like. "Yipe!" she yelped as she moved out of the way, only for Spikes balloons to tie them both together.

"Uh-oh," they both said, immediately caught in the spinning of the tornado, until they were thrown out, and collided with a nearby tree "Ow," they both said as they slid down to the ground.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled, "what have you done?"

"Gotten tied up with Rainbow and lost a new pair of cymbals!"

"Oh, we don't have time for this!” Twilight said using her magic to free Rainbow, and running off to go stop the Parasprites.

"Hey!" Spike yelled, "I thought you wanted to help stop them too!"

"I know right!?" Pinkie said, appearing out of nowhere. After a second, Spike was back in the air. "Let’s go!"

"Wait!" Spike said as he flew into Fluttershy's cottage and came back with a tambourine. "We’ll give this back after we've saved the day." And they ran/flew into town, passing the other Elements.

"Look," Pinkie said "We got the tambourines… Gah, forget it."

"Oh!" Spike said, "I'll go check Cloudsdale for the next to last thing we need, a flute!" Spike started flying up but was soon met with Parasprites. "Bug off!" Spike said, swinging his broom at them, only for it to be eaten out of his hands. "What the!?" In an instant, the Parasprites swarmed his back and ate his balloons. " Ah!" Spike yelped for a second, only to be caught by a diving Rainbow.

"We've got to stop meeting like this," she said as she lowered him to the ground.

"Thanks for the save." Spike cheered, showing his appreciation with a quick hug.

"Spike!" Pinkie yelled, "I got the flute, let’s do this!" Spike rushed to Pinkie's side and the two siblings turned into a pink and green twister for half a moment. Once the dust cleared they stood proudly, covered in a mess of instruments. Without another word spoken to each other, they both began playing a polka tune and bouncing through the streets of Ponyville. Pinkie took the main road while Spike flew through the side streets then, with Spike floating above Pinkie, the two began their march from Ponyville straight to the Everfree. Spike and Pinkie kept playing until the very last Parasprite had left.

"Good riddance to bad pests," Spike cheered before sadly holding up the slim chunk of broom handle that had survived the ordeal. "Farewell, dear broom, you served well, time for you to return to your home." Spike tossed the twig into the forest and Pinkie patted him on the back, hitting the drum and cymbal on his back as she did so, before noticing her friends gathering round.

"Oh hey guys," she said merrily. "Is the Princess arriving soon?"

"She actually just left," Twilight said. "Something about a pest problem in Philadelphia."

"Oh no," Pinkie gasped "Do they have Parasprites too!?" Pinkie shook her head before merrily declaring. "Welp, have tuba, will travel. Spike go grab a ghost pepper, we're gonna need you to go turbo if we're gonna make it to Philly before nightfall."

"Pinkie, I think the Princess has this once covered," Twilight said confidently.

"You didn't have this one covered," Spike noted bluntly. "And option A means I get a ghost pepper, to Philly!" Spike and Pinkie bounded away at top speed and their friends laughed as they went.

"Welp, better get to organizing the restorations," Twilight groaned. "Winter is scheduled to begin this time next week and we have a lot of cleaning up to do."

"Hey, I wanna see Spike go turbo," Rainbow decided at the realization she was about to be asked to help clean. "Later guys," Rainbow blasted off to Sugarcube Corner without another word, and with a sigh, Twilight made her way back to Ponyville to begin cleanup

Author's Note:

I had to watch "Swarm of the Century" 27 29 34 times to get this right, I'm never watching that episode again

Edit - I had to watch the episode again cause after many a year of not reading this chapter, I came back and realized I never actually ended it, I just got fed up with the episode and gave half a sentence of an ending. So now it actually ends.

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