• Published 3rd Apr 2017
  • 6,072 Views, 364 Comments

Spike Pie - Silver Butcher

Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz find Spikes egg and raise him as their son. He and the Pie sisters have Sibling related Misadventures

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The Gala Part 3

Twilight felt like her hoof was about to fall off when a saving grace appeared before her, a white colt with a blue mane who looked overjoyed to see her.

"Twilly!" He called from the line, waving to get her attention.

"Shining!" Twilight cheered teleporting away from Celestia who was smiling as her student left, Twilight hugged her brother, who happily returned the favor. "What are you doing here?" She asked with glee.

"Well we weren't going to originally, but Owlicious sent us a letter saying you and him were going to be here and there was no way we were going to miss the opportunity to see you again,"

"We?" Twilight asked, Shining moved and Princess Cadance extended her wings in greeting.

"Cadance!" Twilight jumped for joy, the line watched in stunned silence as the two greeted each other with their secret hoof shake, Shining laughing at the looks of some of the nobles.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy tonight," he said with a chuckle before looking around "So where's Owlicious?"

"He's around," Twilight replied "He went ahead with the girls and Spike,"

"Spike?" Cadance asked the name sounding familiar to her.

"He came here with us, Spike Is a Dragon that...." Shining looked at Twilight in shock as soon as she said the word dragon and cut her off.

"I'm sorry there's a Dragon here?" Shining looked to the castle, a look of suspicion on his face "Why would a dragon be here?"

"Oh well, Spike is...um," Twilight tried to think of a good way to describe Spike. "-like the physical incarnation of an out of control party," Twilight nodded. "Yeah, that's the best I can do to describe him, he's harmless, mostly, save for that one time he went on a rampage, and that time he and Pinkie tried to kill each other, and that time he turned into a living Twister, altho that last one wasn't really his fault it was more Rainbows, but-" Twilight turned and found Shining armor was gone, she looked back to Cadance who was shaking her head.

"We better go get him before he does something stupid," Cadance said with a sigh.

Shining looked around the nobles enjoying the party, at first he saw nothing out of the ordinary, save some Pink mare singing the Pony Pokey on the stage.

"-You stomp your whole self in, you stomp your whole self out-" as the Mare continued singing Shining looked to the snake table where a group of ponies was laughing around an exotic looking mare and a colt with the king of all mustaches, just as the mare on stage finished singing her song the Exotic Mare call out.

"Encore Pinkie! Encore!" On stage, the Pink pony started Singing the Pony Pokey again and Shining made his way to the Wonderbolt meet and greet in search of the Dragon in question, he ducked out of the way when he saw Blueblood coming down the hall, the angriest mare he'd ever seen following after him.

"Oh that poor lady," Shining said with a sigh, "to be here with Blueblood of all ponies," Shining continued to where the Wonderbolts were and found the Dragon talking with Owlisious of all creatures.

"...And know I don't know where any of them are," Owlisious said with a groan, "I can't believe they all ditched me,"

"Rainbow's here," Spike said pointing to the Rainbow mare who was arguing with Soarin about a backpack or something.

"Yeah, but I don't think she knows I'm here," Owlisious replied as he took a drink off of the snack table present in this room, Owlisious had just stuffed his beak when he saw Shining and smiled. He greeted him with unintelligible words before swallowing his food and trying again.

"Shining!" He said as he gave his elder brother a hug. "You got my letter, thank Celestia everyone else ditched me, How have you been?"

"Things have been doing good, thinking of popping the question soon," Owlisious smiled before Shining cleared his throat. "Anyway, I'm looking into a Dragon being at this party, the one you were just talking to, his name is Spike correct?"

"Oh Yeah, Spikes somewhere," Owlisious and Shining turned to where Spike had just been and found a noticeable lack of Dragon in the room.

"Where'd he-?" Shining started asking when Owlisious patted his back

"Oh, he's somewhere around here, just call out for him, he'll pop out of something eventually," Owlisous went back to stuffing himself as Shining looked around the room, Rainbow was walking away from Soarin in irritation and Shining took his moment.

"Excuse me," He asked politely.

"What's up, pal?" She asked barely noticing him as she grabbed a snack off the table.

"Have you seen the Dragon named Spike," Rainbow stopped moving just as the snack was about to enter her mouth and looked to Shining with suspicion in her eyes.

"The Dragon named Spike?" She asked "That's a pretty odd way to say his name? You actually know him?"

"No, I just have a few questions for him,"

"Well, I know the guy pretty well so any question you have I can probably answer,"

"Alright, where did he come from and why is he in Equestria?"

"Ponyville, and he lives in Equestria, born and raised by the Pie Family," Rainbow replied simply before biting into her food. Shining frowned before turning to Owlioius.

"There's a Dragon living in Ponyville? You didn't think to mention that in your letter?"

"He was in a few of Twilight's letters," Owlisious said before blinking "Wait...I don't think I ever specified him by name," Owlisious tapped his chin and muttered to himself "Hope Celestia didn't freak out when she saw him,"

Shining was about to continue his search when Twilight and Cadance entered the room.

"Oh thank Celestia," Twilight groaned earning an odd look from Cadance.

"Wait Celestia's an expression...am I one too?" Before Twilight could answer she felt a weight on her back and Spike put his hands on her head.

"I don't think you are," He said with a smile as Cadance's eyes lit up.

"Oh my goodness! Spike!" Cadance pulled the small Dragon into a hug and earned a confused look from Twilight, Shining, and Spike himself,"

"I'm sorry you have me at a very rare disadvantage," Spike said once the hug was over "How do you know me?"

"Oh Celestia let me take over Day court for training, and my very first court meeting was the legal adoption of one Spike Pie to Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz," She grinned ear to ear as she somehow pinched his cheek with her hoof, "It was the first official thing I ever did as a Princess, I even got to hold you when your parents signed the legal paperwork officially making you their son," There was a second of Silent before Spike held his hands up and demanded to the world.

"Why was I never told this?" he demanded, "I would have so thrown you a thank you for holding me while my parents signed the legal paperwork that made me their son party!" Cadance thought it was a joke before Maud, Owisious, Rainbow, and Twilight all said in perfect unison.

"I'm not helping you make the banner for that," Spike deflated a little.

"I'll just go ask Pinkie," He said sticking his tongue out at Twilight before walking behind a pillar and seemingly vanishing from existence, much to Shinings Confusion.

"How did he do that?" He demanded.

"Don't ask and Don't look for an answer," Twilight said instantly "You'll burn yourself out as I did,"

Pinkie was just joining in the chat with Bellow and Lotus when Aloe appeared next to them out of nowhere.

"What the?" Aloe asked in confusion before Spike's hand came out of Bellows hat and grabbed the top of it before flopping to the floor, with a tug Spike removed himself from it and with a bow placed it back on Bellows hat, who belted out a laugh of joy.

"He did it, he pulled himself out of my hat!" as an impressed murmur went over the crowd around them Spike whispered into Pinkie's ear, who grinned ear to ear.

"Oh no," Lotus and Aloe said in unison as they looked at the Duo's 'where gonna throw a massive party' Smiles, a look Bellow remembered seeing after asking they plan his birthday, Seeing the look on the two mare's faces, Lotus having been entertaining him with stories and Aloe looking like a perfect mirror match he decided to help the two out.

"Now, now," Bellow said getting all four of them to look at him "I know that look, you two are planning something amazing, but before you can do that you have to follow the oldest of Gala traditions," The two gave him a confused look and he started "One must slow dance with their date before exiting the Gala, or bad luck will befall both parties,"

"Bad luck?" Pinkie demanded before jumping to Lotus's side "Come on Lotus, you and I are gonna slow dance all around this room, even if it takes up all night!" Lotus had a sparkle in her eye and just managed to give Bellow a Grateful look before being taken to the dance floor, They both lifted up a hoof and placed it onto each other before putting the other around the other's shoulder and supporting each other with their back legs before dancing slowly. Aloe looked at them in silence and sighed, the idea of Slow dancing with Spike was like a dream, but the differences in their bodies would almost certainly prevent that. She turned to thank Bellow for trying before her front hooves were swiped out from under her, she blinked when she found herself staring deep into Spike's eyes, her muzzle inches from his. Both of her hooves were on his shoulders and his hands were around her waist.

"Alright Aloe, it's gonna take us longer to Dance around the entire room due to how clunky we're gonna be, but don't worry, if you fall over we can just start over from the beginning until we get it right," The Crowd split as the Two started slowing be surely swaying to the music and making their way to the actual dance floor. Once they were far enough away Bellow gave a soft chuckle before saying to the crowd.

"Who wants to bet she 'accidentally' falls over just before they complete a lap around the room?"

Author's Note:

I've been listening to the Pony Pokey on a loop for the last 5 hours, and even after posting this chapter...I'm still listening to it.

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