• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 262 )

I would ask what goes through your mind when it comes to writing these fics, but I'm honestly afraid of what sort of answers I might get!

Majin Syeekoh

...the picture doesn’t work. Try uploading it to imgur, then reposting it.

knighty fixed imgur.

8161000 Well what was going through my mind when I wrote this was "I can't believe someone is paying me over a thousand dollars to write such fucked up shit."

8161015 Fixed! Sorry, I assumed that if it worked in Chrome, it'd work in Firefox and IE. In hindsight, that was a pretty stupid assumption to make.

Majin Syeekoh

8161025 Yeah, cross-platform stuff can get super wonky.

I figured it was that post, though. I just had a feeling.:rainbowkiss:

8161029 It's just so perfect! I may start posting that on every story description. I'm sure Meester will appreciate it if it lowers the number of idiots whining to him about my stuff.

Majin Syeekoh

8161031 I mean, I have to admit that reading some of your stuff makes me feel like I’m losing pieces of my soul, but it doesn’t break rules.

Mods really shouldn’t have to deal with people reporting stuff they find personally and violently offensive that’s within FimFiction’s allowed content, and it’s nice to see you doing your part to alleviate their workload by a tiny bit.:twilightsmile:

8161036 How do you think I feel after writing it? :rainbowderp:

Majin Syeekoh

8161056 I hadn’t considered that.:rainbowlaugh:


Really? Well then all I have to say on that is HOLY FUCK!

I read the description and I and i'm disappointed....... someone tried to report your stories I think we all learned a valuable lesson today.

Meester's profile picture is perfect for that comment.

8161351 Poor Meester has commented in several of my stories now to tell people to lay off. I figured I may as well preemptively let people know that it won't work.

8161406 It is! And Sweetie Belle is easily the most fuckable foal in the show.

I love it when my favorite authors share my opinions.

It may be fun to imagine rarity forcing her to please her clients but Nothing beats the pure betrayal of Rainbow on
scootaloo and the apple like her sister is best background foal hole

8161553 Sweetie is the best because she would sound the hottest when crying. :pinkiecrazy:

8161582 Did you just cream yourself? :rainbowkiss:

8161664 Scootaloo is hottest orphan rape victim.

8161025 A thousand bucks? Are you serious?

8164729 Yes, but it's going to be a very long story.

8198877 Don't worry. Applejack was just a dirty mud pony, so no big loss.

8199553 Clearly, she is the most evil character in this story.

uh oh, shes gonna find the leftover dragon jizz!

8209348 Nah if anyone keeps bottles of dragon jizz laying around, it'd be Rarity.

I meant when they dig up Applejack to have fun with her, since Spike secretly had his way with her.

(Me will fuck-fuck-fuck-die for Mama) Now that is not what i was expecting to read today.

Foals are so adorable when the fuck-fuck-fuck-die. :heart:

It's so weird that I was, I just woke up and said "some fucked up shit is going to happen today".

 Celestia magically grasped Filly-1, literally tossing her to Spike

also I hate the spike abuse this story is practically begging me to read Spikey Wikey just to even things out... oh god that was your diabolical plan all along wasn't it.

Is it bad that the thing in this story that fazes and puts me off the most is Twilight's rampant racism?

It's not easy for Twilight, being a member of the master race surrounded by inferiors!

Ah, this is the return of Twilight "Sparkle" Mengele from MAGIC.MO...
I just realized how many similarities you could draw between this and MAGIC.MOV
(except, of course, MAGIC.MOV is just barely appropriate to appear on youtube, however this is literally almost too fucked up for the deep web. Man, we need a deep web version of Fimfiction that's just fucked up clop and horror)

On an unrelated note, two things that might make this story even "better" (read: so FUBAR beyond FUBAR its not even sane)
1. Some Crime and Punishment-esque castration. Maybe once Colt-1 impregnates everyone, since his testicles are unnecessary after that, cause he's already lived out his usefulness
2. Hoo, man. Honestly in my opinion, this might be even worse than anything else in this story but...
oh my goodness, i'm just going to type it, post the comment, and never look back
*deep breath*
gay sex


Holy shit, man.

Someone told me that you got paid to write this, but still, holy shit.

How can you sleep at night with ideas like this rattling around in your head?

How do I sleep knowing that I murdered innocent fictional characters? :rainbowkiss:
And yes, I did get paid for this one, though the reason I get extreme commissions is because of the similarly extreme stuff I've done on my own. Also I lucid dream, which means the worst my dreams ever get is annoying.

Y'know, there are very few times where I'll admit that I never thought of shit. I never thought of half this shit. Good work.

Finally a happy ending I didn't think you had it in you.

Well it's a happy ending for this chapter at least!

I'm always trying to find new ways to do 'stuff', else writing would get pretty repetitive! Do feel free to tell me if you think of something I didn't too, I can always use new ideas.

I'd love a story where the CMC abuse Scootaloo. Scootabuse is best abuse.

You can look forward to Scootaloo not being treated well then!

8257651 Sadly Diamond Tiara is best waifu, so I'm hoping she doesn't die....painfully at least.

do you get paid then upload the story, or get paid after the story is made(the chapters i mean)

I'm paid in advance. I don't want to risk having a story that I can't show anyone because it wasn't paid for :rainbowwild: I've not yet had anyone regret paying me, so it works.

Best shockfic ever. I'm glad I picked this up!

I guess this one kinda is a shock fic, since it's the sequel to the only story I wrote with the intention of making a shock fic. Though I think my favorite to write at this point is still Celestia's Relaxing Vacation. Regardless, if you like this one, you'll like a lot of my others!

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