• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 53 )

Ah, we missed you headless

I am interested in the living eggsacks part, especially if the said eggs require added nutrition besides the body heat and thus imply mild acidic compounds being poured along with the eggs as a lubricant! The said acidic mix can then start eating through the soft and tender inner flesh and the nearby entrance to the private areas and gradually turn them into a nutritious soup that will be absorbed through the egg shell and spark the growth process in the changeling larvae! Bonus points if the said larvae hatch inside and consume the host as their first ever prey, starting from the inside out and then maybe even from the outside!

I have a question though, will this only feature fillies? I kind of have the only filly I care about - Scootaloo - and the rest won't really bother me when they die :/
Mane 6 ponies on the other hand, especially Dash, are a different topic...

7693979 Your avatar definitely looks ready; armor was a good idea. :rainbowdetermined2:

7694442 I missed me too :raritystarry:

7695161 You're almost right! I'll explain what I've done in spoiler tags just in case, not that spoilers matter for most with a story like this.
Right now I have it where the female fucks some nutritious goo into them every now and then to feed the eggs, but I think I'll alter it so that it's acidic goo that turns their non-vital organs into soup. Also, while changeling eggs do not require living egg sacks, having one makes them be born more developed, like developed enough to rape the victim after having burrowed their way out.
As to who will die: The filly scout massacre is mostly foals obviously, and all the crusaders are included in that. Scootaloo is one casualty, though another crusader dies in a far worse way, and another filly has a worst fate even being left alive. For adults we have Rarity and Applejack with the fillies so they'll either die or be left as a witness, then other adults that will die in the aftermath of the massacre. Rainbow dies too in the aftermath, though I'm not sure from your statement if you liked that or not. I hope you'd like it, since it would offset poor Scootaloo :rainbowwild:


Of course I would LOVE that, silly! I have so many delightfully fucked-up ideas about RD and Scoots (but mostly RD). If I remember correctly, once I even suggested some of the ideas to you and asked if we could co-write some of them, so of course I wouldn't mind if you kill RD in the most humiliating and painful way imaginable :D
I love what you do, keep it up!

Someone watches he'll sing abridged almost as much as me. Fuck the fear turkey my friend

Man, these are getting more and more fucked up. I love it!

Weird, it seems like despite having this on tracking, chapters only count as unread for tracking if I unmark them as read, new chapters aren't adding to the number...

It's just so lovely that you got to upload a new chapter on Christmas day.:heart:
Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!:scootangel:

7819127 It's Christmas? Oh right, it is. :rainbowderp:

When they got home though, they found the Applebloom box still there, but there was also Granny Smith. She wasn’t quite all there though, as she was crumpled on the ground in a fetal position. Mac tapped her with a hoof and yep, she was dead. She probably had a heart attack when she found the box. They probably should have thought to put it somewhere else.
“Oops,” Applejack chuckled nervously.

Seinfeld music starts playing as credits roll by screen

Lovely fanfic, especially that castration scene. I haven't read it all, just two chapters but are there more of castration scenes like these in this fanfic?

8075239 I don't even remember where that scene is in this story! The whole show is sort of a pussy party, so sadly not very many males to hack and slash.

8075695 awww shame, but still, it was also an enjoybale part. It's in this chapter by the way, somewhere at the start, AJ ties up big mac and says these specific words: "Say goodbye to your favourite toy"

for me long chapters with the same rape over and over is stale

The commissioner loved it, but I can see why it might feel like it drags to someone. I'll take it as good advice for my non-commissions.

8228178 thanks at least you weren't rude about it

Did you expect me to be? :rainbowwild:
I like getting well-reasoned criticism. Most of what I get is people whining because they have moral objections to the content.

8228577 WELLLL I guess a child getting fucked against their will is KINDA gross....maybe...😏

g-r-o-s-s is not how you spell hot. :rainbowdetermined2:

you have mental problems

Everyone does! :rainbowwild:
For instance, some people take time out of their day to read something they know they will hate and then complain about it. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for making that comment though. Some of my fans were complaining that I don't get as many amusing comments as I used to. I was starting to worry that people gave up.

I read the description.
Why would I read something I know I would dislike.

That was a disappointingly predictable reply, but here we go...
You have certainly put me in my place and displayed your formidable intelligence by admitting that you took the time to whine about something you'd never even read. Thanks to your masterful debate skills and truly creative reply, which I have certainly not seen several dozen times in my story comments, I have now decided that I shall immediately seek professional help and never write another naughty thing. :scootangel:

If you would actually read your own description, you'll be able to tell that you listed things such as " rape, death, foalcon, gore, and necrophilia " where you then list the contents of every chapter.
Because of your ᵈᵉᵗᵃᶦˡᵉᵈ description, I know what this fic contains and thus, I can safely say that I don't like this "story."
If you actually enjoy the type of content within this fic, you are indeed need of immediate help.
Or you can just be a troll who likes to make shockfics.

Yep. I definitely haven't read the description that I wrote myself. Thanks for describing the reason why your comments make so little sense. Perhaps you believe it more logical that I should not clearly label my stories? Perhaps I should rope you into it, post in big bold letters "Danger: Story is not offensive at all" to trick you into reading it.
So explain to me, in your own words, if you have any (because so far you may as well be copying and pasting other comments from my stories), how my courtesy of making sure you know not to read my story is offensive.
Next, explain why you think that a lady that thinks fetus rape is an appropriate subject matter for fanfics is going to be reasonable, offended, or convinced by anything you say. Perhaps with an estimate of about how much time you've wasted amusing me.
But let's see. Let's see how deeply ingrained your white-knight entitled stop-liking-what-I-don't-like attitude goes. Will you reply to me again? If you do, I may be forced to not read what you said and post my favorite meme instead.

1. I'm not saying that it's wrong for you to post the contents of you're story in the description. All I'm saying is that now I know what's in your story because of it, that now I can assume you need mental help.
2. Nice one. "Hahaha, he assumes I'm reasonable! Got him there!" So basically you just admitted that you need help.
Replace retard with demented.

Exactly, no one is forcing me to spend 10 seconds to read a description, write and post a comment.

You see, that's exactly what I did.
It doesn't take much time to make a comment either.

Well I guess me mentioning memes and then you posting one adds evidence to you not having any thoughts of your own.
And you've posted three times since I looked at this? Really? Let me explain why I look down on you.
What you don't understand: You don't know me, but I know that I have a degree and a cushie desk job, and that people are willing to pay me sometimes over $1000 to write them a fanfic, and the admins here on fimfiction accept me to the point that 1) I'm not even required to submit my stories to moderation anymore and 2) They've personally showed up in my comments to tell people to knock it off without me even asking them to.
The best part is, if you knew me in real life, you'd never know that I write this shit. In fact, I'd be the last person you'd think was into it, which means...
Have you noticed how there are more people that normal non-sentient beings like you consider 'weird' online? That's because people aren't normal by your 'normal' standards; they just don't admit it out loud. Chances are, you know at least half a dozen people, probably more, into things that would make you absolutely despise them if you knew. In fact, I've found that many people that scream the loudest, like you, aren't really angry at the people they're screaming at. They're angry at themselves because they're trying to scream loud enough to flush something they hate from their own mind. It's like one of those anti-gay politicians that give a speech about how much he hates gay people, then next week gets caught snorting crack with a gay hooker.
And that was the end of my amusement: You're boring me now. I cease real replies when I feel like the conversation has become this, so don't expect more than 'too long didn't read' if you continue:


I find it funny you call me a white night, but yet you block my alt account because you can't handle any criticism and so I can't reply to any of yours. This will be my last reply because I guarantee you're going to block this one as well.
1. I was responding to other person.
2. I don't care that you're friends with the people on this website, as do I, nor do I care you get paid to make this snuff. I also have a degree and a good, job but does that matter for this conversation? No, and yours doesn't either. It also doesn't matter that you're good at hiding your demented side to the real world, you're still demented because of all this shit you write.
Unless you're guilty of writing this stuff or to survive, I don't see any other explanation for a non-demented person to write about children getting savagely raped and tortured.

TL;DR. Well, as soon as I realized it was you at least.
Creating a new account specifically to avoid a block when I made it clear that I no longer wish to speak to you (though flattering) is against the rules. I will be reporting it.
Nice of you to fall into that trap. Once again, you = PREDICTABLE.

To be fair, though. You do have mental problems. *squirts lube into left hand* I mean, this shit is clearly the product of a disturbed mind. *rubs palms vigorously* Pretty disturbing stuff. *lights some candles, sets out some Bad Dragon toys* And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do.

I prefer to think of them as psychological gifts, not problems :rainbowdetermined2:
Also be careful with a name like that, someone might mistake you for Mercury Shine, lop off your head, and do 'things' to it. Though I don't know... maybe that's your goal.

Hmm... I must say the thought crossed my mind (and then I got sticky and sleepy after it was done crossing my mind), but I think being turned into a gory fleshlight wouldn't really be my cup of tea.

Now I want to write about someone casually sipping tea with one hoof as they reverse-blowjob someone's head with the other.

Something something fiction isn't reality...

Mac had Applejack pinned to the ground, holding her front legs outward with her own, as her hind legs kicked on either side of his hips as they rammed into her upturned fuck hole. Applejack herself was now crying, but somehow it turned her on at the same time, especially when Mac licked tears from her face.


She was lay sprawled out


the later after


was delightfully sex, like only


relaxing with a bit grin on his face

either "big" or "bit of a"

Silver was tried to help

Either "tried" or "was trying"

and her tip punctued the


needing swallowed.

either "to be swallowed" or "swallowing"

Applejack more fight left in her

Applebloom had

dozen, then child’s little womb


“And you’re tenth birthday is


Yes... It's getting a bit bloated...
But obviously the commissioner has the final say...

Yay for rape!
Also thanks for all the corrections in comments and stuff.

I read the whole thing in one sitting.

I'm still not sure just what I read, but it seems grimdark mcedgy edge.

To me it seems like a commission from someone that paid me to write about a fetish they really like, but if your kink is kink-shaming, I won't kink shame that. :rainbowwild:
Or maybe your kink is self-torture if you read such a long fic that isn't targeted at you. Or maybe it is? I don't know; it's hard to tell from that comment.

Not gonna lie, I've read my fair share of grimdark, but I've never read something aa ridiculous as this :rainbowlaugh:
Aside from the rape scenes, my other complaint is that AJ and Rarity are extremely OOC, especially AJ.Why you made her such a degenerate, I will never understand...

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