• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 3,800 Views, 117 Comments

Zoroark in Ponyville - Viper Pit

after a storm things on the apple farm get weird with weird claw marks and other phenomenon

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chapter 5 nightmare

The two mighty dragons clashed. With every blow, as space and time destabilized. The town below them was in flames with purple fire as space and time were warped. People and Pokemon alike cowered in a park as the flames slowly surrounded them.

"This is it we are going to die." a women said as she fell to her knees crying.

"LOOK OUT." Someone yelled as the dragons that controlled time summoned meteors at its rival who ate one or two of them but a majority missed and were coming in fast at the remaining citizens. The Pokemon tried their best to destroy as many as they could but it wasn't enough as the few meteors that did land caused the fire to burn faster.

A figure black as shadows shouted in a deep raspy voice "THIS GARDEN IS EVERYONE'S." the dark figure floew up in between the two dragons as they attacked once more only for the figure to absorb the attacks and used the energy to create a giant black bubble that temporally trapped the two dragons, which slowed the fires rate of progress. Trainers sent out their Pokemon to help try and stop the fire and buy as much time as they could this included a young blond trainer named Lydia.

"Zoroark, Milotic, Braixen, come on out and help out." Lydia said as she called out her friends from their pokeballs. With a flash of white light the three came out ready to help anyway they could."Alright we need to stop this place from falling apart. Darkrai has bought us time so we better use it wisely and try and help as many people as we can understand." The three pokemon nodded and went to help.

Milotic went to work on the fires trying to put them out, Braixen went to help the injured, and Zoroark went to help escort people and Pokemon to safer areas. The black Bubble slowly began to decrease in size and the effects could be felt immediately with a violent shock wave being released that rocked the city knocking everyone down.

Zoroark quickly recovered from the effects and saw a little girl about to be engulfed in the purple fire, He quickly moved to save her before it was too late only for the fire to consume him as he knocked the little girl away, only the fire didn't hurt it wasn't pleasant either sort of a numb sensation like when your foot goes to sleep.As the fire consumed Zoroark he could hear his trainer calling his name along with his friends and that would be the last he would see of his trainer.

"Zoroark it is only a dream you need to calm down." a calm gentle voice said as the world froze and the fires on Zoroark were put out. As he looked around really confused to what was happening and he became really confused when the voice revealed itself as a dark blue alicorn came walking down from a moon that was not there before.

"Whats going on? who are you?"

"I'm princess luna and you my friend are having a nightmare." The alicorn stated as she walked closer to Zoroark who was a little weary about the situation.

"Wait you can understand me even though I'm not using my power?"

"But of course you see I can understand the langue of all who dream so that I may help them in their time of need." Luna explained as she cast a spell to help calm Zoroark down some.

"So why are you here then I made my choice and I paid the price." Zoroark huffed the spell had worked but a spell can only help so much after all.

"I saw what you did and it was very amerable, But that's not why I'm here, well not completely anyway."

"Then why are you here then?"

"I'm here to help you get over your fears my friend." she explained as a light blue bubble encased the two."shall we get started then Zoroark?" The bubble then lifted into the air and they flew over to the giant black bubble that held the dragons."so is this how you ended up here Zoroark?" He simple nodded as they flew into the bubble to get a closer look at the dragons and the creature holding the bubble together. One dragon was blue with no wings and walked on four legs with diamonds along it side going all the way to the tip of the tail, and in the center of a chest peace with what looked like a fin across its hips. The other dragon was pink, bipedal with a set of wings pearls in its shoulders and a long tail with darker pink markings across its underside.

"my word in all my years i have never seen any dragons like these do know anything about them Zoroark." Luna asked while in aww of the size of the dragons

"The blue one is Dialga master of time and the pink one is Palkia ruler of space and dimensions." Zoroark informed Luna.

" Forgive me for having some disbelief but that seems a little ridiculous Zoroark."

"I didn't believe it either at least until the town got sucked into another dimension that is."

"fair enough. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity Zoroark now lets move on to the source of this night."Zoroark nodded as they moved away from the black bubble and headed back to the park where they landed in front of Lydia and Braxien."Are these two your family part of your family because I noticed two more when I was watching."

"Yes they are i just hope i they are alright because not to long ago I was with miss Rarity when I got sucked into a crystal."

"I see is that how those devices work with crystals?"Luna asked Zoroark just nodded as a loud cracking sound appeared."It appears we are out of time my friend but I do hope that we meat again under better circumstances." and with that Luna faded away and Zoroark woke up to a very annoyed draconequs.

Author's Note:

does this feel like a good chapter i think it does whos with me oh is it just me oh ok then ill just be over here by myself

side note does anyone know how to add pictures because describing palkia and dailga is not easy.
I found this video which I think helps in case mt descriptions where bad

im back baby