• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 3,809 Views, 117 Comments

Zoroark in Ponyville - Viper Pit

after a storm things on the apple farm get weird with weird claw marks and other phenomenon

  • ...

a contest of emotions part 2

The next morning Scootaloo and Zoroark where just finishing up a big breakfast before they went on their pokemon expedition to find there own pokemon. That was the plan at least But with Zoroark being the only pokemon he seen so far. Baring the bathroom incident they would be on a wild swanna chase.

"Come on Hurry up Zoro." Scootaloo was bouncing around the place.

"Calm down will you They wont be going anywhere. Mostly cause they aren't here."Zoroark mutter that last bit so Scoots wouldn't hear him. Shortly after they head into town to pick up the other two crusaders to try and get there pokemon cutie marks. Their first stop would be the Castle of friendship to pick up sweetie belle. Sweetie belle did beg for her to stay with spike while Rarity was away.

"Sweetie belle you here!"Scootaloo shouts as they enter the castle. After about a minute of walking and shouting They find Sweetie belle helping Spike clean up there breakfast.

"Oh hey Scoots, Zoro whats up?" Spike says as he puts a freshly washed plate in the strainer to dry.

"We been calling though out the castle didn't you hear us?" Scoots says as Zoro yawns as it is still pretty early in the morning.

"Oh that's what that noise was we thought there was a mouse in the vents." Spike teased."Oh who are you? Did you just move here?"Spike points his mixing spoon at Zoro.

"You could say that."He Drops his illusion. That catches spike off guard but he quickly recovers.

"Aww okay so you made your own disguise then? I like it."That gets a Smile from the pokemon. Soon after the group leaves spike to do his thing. What ever his thing was when he was alone.

They soon made it too Sweet Apple Acres Some of the trees still bare the claw marks from when Zoroark first arrived. Applejack still doesn't like him all to much after that and Big Mac isn't much of a fan either. So He stays at the entrance while Scootaloo and Sweetie belle go get Applebloom. It doesn't take long before the fillies come back and they head to the white tail woods to start their search for pokemon.

Meanwhile in the distortion world A couple of fillies are running from a giant ghostly serpent like dragon.

"What is that Thing." One of them says as the Dragon screeches.

"I Don't know just keep running." the other one yells as The dragon unleashes a vortex from its mouth that opens a portal in front of the fillies Sending them Though. They both scream for their mother's as they appear in a lake the portal closing behind them. Where they swim to the shore.

"Huh? Starlight is that you?"

"Yeah. Where are we Sugar?"

"I have no idea."

"What a minute isn't that your mom, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom?" -

"It is. Maybe she knows where we are."

"Come on then. Let's go ask then!"

The cmc and Zoro where taking a break from there search for pokemon. It had been several hours of non-stop searching so they decide to stop for some rest at a near by lake.

"Man this is gonna be harder then I thought." Scootaloo said as she took a drink from the lake.

"I did try and warn you that I was the only one here." Zoro explained and before they could continue there conversation they where interrupted by two fillies one was black as night with light blue mane and tail. The other one was a brown with a white mane and tail.

" who are you?" Sweetie belle asked. That seemed to catch the fillies off gaurd for a moment.

"What do you mean who am I? I'm Sugar Belle your daughter. Are you feeling okay?" The brown Filly now known as Sugar Belle said. But was met with looks of confusion with a slight hint that they might be crazy.

Stunned at the Fillies words the Group look at each other for a moment before Sweetie belle answers.

" I'm to young to be a mom I'm like twenty."The other two fillies began to look worried.

"Yea she does look a little like ya."Applebloom pointed out reviving nodes of agreement from the group."Maybe she's your cousin or somethin."

"Cousin?" the Brown filly asks with a confused tilt of her head.

"Come on Auntie Sweetie and Auntie Bloom. I don't like jokes like this, you know I don't." the Black one says with a pout.

Sugar Belle looks at Sweetie Belle with a look on contemplation. the thoughts that are going thought Sugar belle's head range from What is going on here and I hope Mom remember's me, Too I hope they have my favorite desert.. Zoro is also thinking at this point their is only one question on his mind tho. What if Palkia and Dialga did this or maybe was Giratina responseable.

Umm, I think you are confusing us for somepony else." Scootaloo said taking a step closer to Zoro.

"Yea we don't even know who you are." Sweetie belle confirms.

"I already said I don't like these jokes. Why do you keep saying them?" Starlight says with a sniffle.

Sugar Belle takes a second to look at Sweetie Belle.

"Something's not right Starlight"The brown filly says to the black one. "Mom. I have one question for you. One that will help me figure something out. Who's Adrian?" She asks with a serious tone of voice. The Cmc take a group huddle to see if any of them knew the answer. After about thirty seconds they give there answer.

"We don't know who that is. Why should we know?" Sweetie says while shrugging her shoulders.

"Just as I thought." The brown filly then goes on to say. "You looked a bit too young to be honest."

"What does it mean Suggie? The black filly now known as starlight says.

"Well.... We've either been sent back in time or worst case scenario, we're in a different dimension. I remember Auntie Twi saying something about different dimentions existing.... But I didn't think we'd end up in one." Sugar Belle explains.

"Wait. Another Dimension? That means Mom's here! I wonder where she is." Starlight thought as she rubbed her chin with her hoof.

"Yep. Somewhere in this place Auntie Luna's probably sleeping since it's daytime." Sugar Belle says with a look of hope.

Zoro finally decides to make his voice heard. "If i may ask what happened before you saw us?"

"Yea if your'e from the future or somthin." says the red maned filly

" A large group of us where stood in the living room of our house when the windows started being to glow white, everyone was scared and backed away from the windows. Me being the curious pony I am decided to take a closer look, Sweetie Belle tried her hardest to stop me from going near the windows but I just felt so drawn to them. A few seconds later Starlight followed me. Luna was so paniced that she tried to use her magic to pull Starlight away.... But instead of pulling her away.... When she grabbed Starlight a small magical explosion happened, sending both of us through the windows. Turns out that the windows turned into portals." Sugar Belle explains.

"Interesting." Zoro says while the cmc are sitting down eating some popcorn that Pinkie handed to them some how.

"I miss everyone Suggie. Where's Adrian?" Starlight asks with a sad look on her face.

"It looks like it's just you and me Li. (Lie)" Sugar Belle says as she brings Starlight into a hug.

"I... I don't want to be here Suggie. I wan't to see everyone again." Starlight sniffles. Sugar Belle gently pats Starlight on the back.

"It looks like no one has followed us through. I'm guessing that the portals closed as soon as we went through. I hope we can get back at some point." Sugar Belle sighs.

The cmc and Zoro share a look before Zoroark speaks."I'm sorry about what happened to you but their is nothing we can do to send you home if there was I would be with my trainer in Alamos town right now."

"Trainer? I didn't know that ponies had trainers. Well.... Ones that can talk anyway." Sugar Belle questions.

"So.... There's no way to get back?" Starlight asks with a sniffle.

"It doesn't sound like it Li. It looks like we're here to stay." Sugar Belle mumbles as a tear starts to form in her eyes.

"Oh I'm not a Pony I'm just helping to watch theses guys until There families get back from some mission." Zoroark explained as he dropped his disguise and the looks on the little fillies faces go from sad to confused to happy.

"Wow! You're a Zoroark! I remember something about Auntie Luna talking about a large black and red fox. Something about Pokemon or something. I can't remember much but you look like one." Sugar Belle asks as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Now its the cmc's turn to be confused.

"Ah'm surprised that you heard about him." Applebloom says.

"Yea no pony heard about Pokemon until Zoro shown up." Scootaloo says as she jumps into Zoroark's mane. When Scoot's pokes her head out and see's the looks on her friends face's " What? its comfy up here." Everyone lets out a small giggle.

"They're popular where we're from. I don't know much about them but from what I've heard your where one of Auntie Luna's favorite. I remember something about a ball and an owner something like that. Does that remind you of anything Zoroark?" Sugar Belle asks.

Zoro then reapplies his illusion "A pokeball yea but mine probably got destroyed when I was sent here tho I currently live in a Crystal now over at Fluttershy's place." He explained. "Why does it matter?

"I was just interested. Like I said I don't remember hearing anything about a crystal but I do remember something about a ball." Sugar Belle explains as she lets go of Starlight. Starlight then wipes her face and sniffles.

What can you guys tell us about this place?" Starlight asks once she recover's some more.

"Well there's Sweet apple acres, The castle of Friendship, Sugarcube corner, the school house."Zoro replies as Scootaloo gets off his back. "But I also practice my old Contest routine

"But ah Wouldn't get on his bad side If it wasn't for twilight ah would be in the loony bin." Applebloom said as she shivered at the memory.

"Yea I remember when he trapped the whole town in some sort of black ice." Sweetie belle continued.

"And then there was last night when he scared off a couple of robber's who where stealing." Scootaloo wrapped up.

"School? I remember being taught about one of those. I never got to go to one due to.... certain circumstances. Which is a shame to be honest. There was knowledge on other creatures that could've been useful." Sugar Belle says with a pout.

"Why did you bring up School Zoroark I thought we where cool." Scootaloo groaned with her face in her hooves.

"Because that's payback for last night."Zoroark replied with a smirk on his face. Which causes Scoot's to groan louder

"What school isn't that bad Scoots."Sweetie tries to cheer up her friend.

"School is incredibly useful Scootaloo. The knowledge you can get from it can help stop you from getting into a situation where understaning anything can be veeeeery bad. I don't know much about this place so I can't compare what useful things I've learnt to what is on this world. But the knowledge of dimensions and time travel helped me have an idea what had happened." Sugar Belle pointed out.

"I wonder how mom's doing." Starlight mumbles.

"She'll be fine Starlight. Sad, worried and confused. But she'll be fine, she has everyone there to help her." Sugar Belle says as she pats Starlight on the head.

Starlight smiles at Sugar Belle and pets her back.

"This is weird.... Double petting is an odd thing to have been involved in...." Starlight says with a giggle.

"Where did you learn that stuff at?" Applebloom asked while rubin her chin.

"That is a good question where did you learn that." says Sweetie while Zoroark tries to pry Scootaloo out of her hooves to some success .

"Well. I say dimensions, it's more of a multi-universe or 'multiverse'. This is a universe, where we came from is a different universe and Zoroark came from another universe. It could take an hour to explain it and even then nobody knows everything about it." Sugar Belle explains.

"Nerd." Starlight mumbles with a giggle. Sugar Belle just rolls her eyes.

"My head hurts."Scootaloo stated as she rubbed her temples.

"Lets just get going I need to Drop the cmc off so I can figure out where you two are gonna stay until the other's get back." Zoro then starts walking away followed shortly and reluctantly by the cmc and the fillies. If anypony where to look at them at the moment you would think Zoro was either a good foal sitter or a great teacher.

"Okay. Maybe we'll meet some of the others here. Just.... Younger...." Sugar Belle says with a smile.

"It's gonna be weird if we run into Fluttershy and not seing her surrounded by fillies." Starlight points out.

"Your right. It's gonna be weird seeing any of them without their fillies." Sugar Belle says as she rubs her chin in thought.

"You won't be seeing those guys for a while they left for a mission to the edge of equestria." He explained as they kept walking.

"Well, we'll just have to meet them when they get back. It'll be nice to see them again even if they don't know us." Sugar Belle says with an excited smile.

"Is Mom urm Luna anywhere nearby?" Starlight asks with a hopeful twinkle in her eye.

"Princess Luna is in canterlot per my understanding." Sweetie belle says as she jumps over a pot hole.

"She is nice she helped me realize its okay to be afraid." Scootaloo admitted.
"Yeah, mom is great like that." Starlight says with a smile.

"How's Celestsia? I'm guessing she's doing quite well." Sugar Belle asks

"I Think she is doing the same I haven't met her in person." Zoro explained As the make it too a massive crystal castle." Okay Sweetie bell Scoots, Applebloom this is your stop. Spike will over see things from here." Sweetie belle barley hide her blush as they went in the Castle." Now you two come with me." He started walking again.

"What was that place? It looks very pretty." Sugar Belle asks.

"Its the friendship castle that's where Twilight stays." Zoroark explains.

"She never told us about a friendship castle.... It must've been awkward to build, it being made of crystals and all." Sugar Belle says with a hint of intrigue.

"I like the crystals. They look very pretty. I wouldn't mind having a necklace with some in it!" Starlight says with a twinkle in her eye.

Zoro chuckles a little before he speaks. "I don't know the hole story behind it but apparently it just grew from the ground after a magical explosion or something like that."

"That's weird that it just grew from the ground." Starlight says a bit confused. After about of minute of walking in silence Zoroark speaks up again.

"We are going to Fluttershy's house for the time being tho I must warn you she has a lot of animals."

"Have you been to Fluttershy's house?" Sugar Belle asks.

"I have been considering that she is my new trainer." The fillies eyes went wide.

"So what does a trainer do exactly?" Starlight asks.

depends really. Some train to win battles some train to help other's my old trainer was a pokemon coordinator."Zoro explained.

"What's one of those?" Sugar Belle asks.

"I don't really wanna explain it again that would be like the 20th time I had to explain it Ask twilight when she gets back."He let out a huff of anger." No more questions you will just have to hold on to them as I don't know all that much." He really didn't know all that much as he rarely participated in contest himself. His pack members where more eager then he was about the idea, but he still did participate in a couple he won them both.

"You know I never got your names. "Zoro said before finishing it with."Or I did and I just missed it."

"My names Sugar Belle." Sugar Belle says with a wave.

"I'm Starlight!" Starlight says excitedly.

"Nice to meet you my nickname is Zoro."He says with a light smile."While you are at my place you are too behave your selves other wise the rabbit will get you."He gave a light chuckle.

"Rabbit? I remember that Fluttershy said something about a Rabbit. Angle or Angel. Something like that." Sugar Belle murmurs as she tries to remember about the rabbit.

"Angel Bunny. Sounds like a nice little Rabbit." Starlight says with a smile.

"Oh, yea Nicest bunny around."Zoro can barley say that with a straight face as he remembers the time Angel tried to try and pull a prank on Zoro only for him to use his illusion ability to trick the rabbit that he pranked Fluttershy by mistake. Oh If he had a camera at the time.

"Ah. Should he be called Devil Bunny?" Sugar Belle asks with a smirk.

"Naa he is a good bunny just spoiled rotten." As soon as he finishes he is it in the face by a half eaten carrot thrown by said bunny. They had been talking so long that Zoro didn't noticed they had arrived and Angel over heard their conversation.

"Ah. I think I see what you mean." Sugar Belle awkwardly chuckles.

"Make your selves at home while I see that Angle wants"

Okay. Thanks." Sugar Belle says as her and Starlight go to explore the house. The rest of the days pretty smooth all things considered. Rarity would probably let Sugar belle stay with her while Starlight would more then likely stay either at the castle or move to cantorlot.

Author's Note:

I been wanting to do a cross over for a while so when AppleScoot excepted the offer i jumped at the chance you don't have to read his story as it is not for the young( I.E lots of adult stuff))
I would recomend it if only just to get some background info behind the Two new fillies in the story I'll leave a link for you to go and read it if you want

What happened to being normal
Yes I do ship Sweetie belle and spike mostly just cause I can Next chapter will be with the mane six over at our town:rainbowwild: