• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 1,045 Views, 6 Comments

Mechanical Masterpiece - HeartfireFirebrand

Sweetie Belle discovers a secret about herself. I hope you enjoy it this is my first story on this site.

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Revelation

Sweetie woke up and jumped out of her bed. She quietly walked into the bathroom trying not to disturb her sister. She brushed her teeth, knowing her sister will be upset if she didn’t. She ran down the stairs quietly to see her sister, Rarity, sleeping on her work table.
Her friend shouted as she opened the door “Sweetie, something big is happening!!!” Rarity moaned slightly in response.
She whispered “Scootaloo, lower you voice.”
Scootaloo replied “Come on, Applebloom is waiting. The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived in town.”

Sweetie asked as they run out “Who is Trixie?”
Scootaloo shouted shocked “You don’t know, The Great and Powerful Trixie, she is said to be one of the most powerful mages out there.
”She replied “Oh.” They arrived to see Applebloom looking at the huge float go by.
They shout in unison “Applebloom.” The pair almost crash into their friend. Applebloom told her 2 friends to look at the top.The pair turn to to see The Great and Powerful Trixie standing at the top of a huge float. Sweetie realised she looked aged as if her body was failing.
A stallion shouts “I heard that most of your work is made-up.” The Great and Powerful Trixie looked at the Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie and smiles.

The Great and Powerful Trixie looks around at the crowd. She thought (My last show is going to be fantastic. It won’t be long before I can start.)A stallion shouts “I heard most of you work is made up.” She looks around and sees Sweetie with her 2 friends.
The Great and Powerful Trixie whispered smiling “Sweetie, The Great and Powerful Trixie will show you what your mother can really do today.” The Great and Powerful Trixie throws her hat and cane into the air.
Another Stallion shouts “Is that all.” The crowd watched as her hat enlarged to enormous size. The Great and Powerful Trixie dives into her hat and then land on her cane, 1 hundred hooves in the air.
Several ponies shout “How did she end up there?” The Great and Powerful Trixie starts walking across the air, causing her audience to gasp. 2 large fire dragons pour out of her horn, scaring many of the audience.The 2 fire dragons suddenly fly towards and then many look in shock and horror as they follow her as she falls to the ground.

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at the ash as do many other ponies.Sweetie Belle jumped as the ash glowed. Then in a huge burst flame, The Great and Powerful Trixie soared on flaming wings. She landed in the middle of the crowd. Everypony clapped as she walked through the crowd. She turns around and smiled at Sweetie Belle as she walked past. Her features had changed looking younger and more vibrant. The CMC left after the crowd died down. Scootaloo said “She seems to like you Sweetie.”
Sweetie Belle asked “Who does?”
Applebloom answered “Trixie.”
Sweetie Belle asked “How do you know?”
Applebloom and Scootaloo said “She looks at you, specifically.”
Sweetie Belle said irritated “It’s not important, we’ve got crusading to do.”
Applebloom responded “Ah, agree.”
Scootaloo said “Let’s do it.” They run over to Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash was sleeping in one of the trees as they headed over to their hideout.

Rainbow flew over to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack shouted from behind her “come here.” Rainbow gasped as Applejack bolted towards me.Rainbow stares at her for several minutes.
Applejack said “Ah love you.”
Rainbow replied “I love everything about you from you beautiful blond mane to your...”Rainbow suddenly slammed into the ground. Applejack asked “I didn’t know you knew the word beautiful?” Rainbow opens her eyes to see Applejack standing there, looking at her. She started to panic.
Rainbow said “I have something important to attend too, I will see ya later.” Applejack watches as Rainbow flies away from the farm.

Rainbow arrived at Sweet Cube Corner. She entered only to hear “RAINBOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!” Rainbow scrambled off the floor as Pinkie bounced around.
Rainbow said calmly “Pinkie, please stop. I have something important to tell you.”
Pinkie runs up to her excitedly “What is it?”
Rainbow whispered “I have a crush on Applejack and I don’t what to do about it.”
Pinkie whispered back “I think you should tell her.”
Rainbow replied “I don’t think I can but thanks for the listening.”
Pinkie replied loudly “No problem, I understand the struggle.” Rainbow walked out wondering what she meant by the last part “I understand the struggle.”

Sweetie pulls out a checklist with a list of things they had tried.Scootaloo said “Come on Sweetie, we should do something.”Sweetie said pulling out another checklist “It seem the next on the list is demolition.”
Applebloom asked “Why do you, suddenly, have checklists?”
Sweetie said “Twilight said it will help keep activities in order, no point redoing the same things over and over.”
Scootaloo asked “Well, how are we going Demolition?”
Applebloom said “Scootaloo’s right, we have been banned from all fireworks and explosive stores after last time.”
Sweetie smiled “I got it covered, there is a cave that need to sealed. They have the explosives all there, we just need to blow up the cave.”

The bolted out of their hideout, running to the demolition site. It was dark by the time they arrived. Scootaloo asked “I’m all for doing crazy things but can’t it wait till morning?”
Sweetie replied “The demolition is scheduled for tomorrow. It is now or never.”
Applebloom asked “Are you sure this is safe?”
Sweetie replied “I think so as long as we are careful.” The 3 fillies put the explosives into a cart and push it into the cave. They push down on the detonator but it doesn’t work.
She frowned as she said “They must have turned it off to prevent it from being set off by someone.” A few moments of silence later. Scootaloo asked “So what do we do now?”
Applebloom said “We should go home.”
Sweetie said “I have a way, one of us must light one and put it in there ourselves.”
Scootaloo asked “Can I do it?”
Applebloom shouted “This is too dangerous, you know what happened last time.”
Sweetie said “Yeah, I got hit with a firework. I’m going to do it myself.”
Scootaloo whined “Awww.”
Applebloom said as she put a hoof on her shoulder “Come on, let’s go home this is too dangerous.”
Sweetie said “I know what I’m doing.”Sweetie walked in and lit of one of the explosives.Scootaloo read the box they took them out of. It read in big read letters warning(Short Fuse). Scootaloo was about to call out, when the explosive exploded in the cart.
Scootaloo was temporarily blinded by the flash of light from the blast. When she got up she looked at Applebloom. Scootaloo ran over to Applebloom, she was crying. Scootaloo looked at the cave and realised what happened. Scootaloo started to cry as well.

Pinkie was watching the store when she had felt a overwhelming feeling of sadness wash over her.Pinkie slowly walked up to her room as she cried. She quickly laid in her bed and let sleep take her.She sits there crying in a black room.
A voice called out “Pinkie, what’s wrong. Your dreams are usually so over the top, even mine pale in comparison.”
Pinkie cried “Discord, I’m feeling so upset, I felt like something bad happened and I can’t explain it.”
Discord picked her up and hugged her.She clung to his fur.
Discord said “It is possible these feelings are coming from your Pinkie Sense.” She looked at him and asked “Why does it hurt so much? It never hurt like this before.”
Discord replied “Remember how I said your abilities are enhanced by a small amount of chaos magic in you body enhancing your natural abilities.”
She managed to say “Yeah.”
He replied “I have been increasing that amount at you request, remember.”
She smiled slightly “Yeah, I do.”
He said “It is is possible that, the pain your experience is coming from your enhanced abilities.”
She asked “Do you know what is causing me to be upset?”
Discord replied “No, I don’t Pinkie. All I know is I love you and it pains me to see you this way.”
Pinkie said “I love you too.”
Discord said “It feels like day is coming, I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

Sweetie wakes up and looks around the cave. She tries to stand but feels a immense pain from one of her hooves.
She looks at it, she shouts “Horseappleeeeeesssssss!”
Her right, front leg, has wires sticking out and gears turning inside it.