• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 1,045 Views, 6 Comments

Mechanical Masterpiece - HeartfireFirebrand

Sweetie Belle discovers a secret about herself. I hope you enjoy it this is my first story on this site.

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Chapter 7:The wedding

Melanie was patrolling, checking all of the guard squadrons before reporting to the acting captain and her squad leader.
She knows how important this day is. Appleeye bumps into her as he heads toward the captains office.
He sneered “Why are you not at the captain’s office?

Melanie replied “I was making sure the guards are ready.”

She then followed him to the Captain’s office. Veren was sitting there, he was deep in thought. Melanie asked
“Do you have orders for us captain?”

Veren responded “Appleeye, you will gather your squad and then get them patrolling? Melanie you will escort the
Elements of Harmony to the castle then take charge of your squad.”

Melanie froze “My own squad but I’m a little filly who has only been a guard for 2 months.”

Veren replied “I understand your misgivings but you have more practical combat experience then most of the guards you command. Years of peace and prosperity have left them soft. I want to spread the best we have leading the squads in
order to protect them, your squad is the most important and I need my strongest soldier there.” Melanie nodded though
she didn’t quite understand what most important meant.

Melanie galloped as fast as she could in order to get to the station. She saw the ponies she was meant to escort. When she got close Pinkie jumped over her head smiling. Melanie said “I’m here to escort you all to the Castle.”

Applejack said pointing to Rarity “Ah’m sorry but our friend needs to be taken to the castle immediately she started
vomiting on the train.” Melanie stares at her sister for a few seconds while being grateful her identity is concealed under
her helmet.

Melanie escorted Rarity to the Castle leaving the other to look around. Rarity smiled as she felt herself feeling a little
better. Melanie asked “You needed some love, didn’t you?”

Rarity responded “Yes, that barrier drained out quite a bit of my power and I almost couldn’t hold my disguise.”

Melanie said “Well, let's go in and then I will meet with the rest of my squad.” Rarity simply smiled at her sister growing up so fast.

Veren walked up to her and asked “Where are the others?”

Melanie replied “Rarity was sick earlier and was of utmost importance to get her here quickly.”

Veren said “As you were.”

Melanie escorted Rarity to her room. Rarity smiled as she entered. They avoided interacting too much as they both had
important work ahead of them. Melanie approached her squad. She looked at the table of her squad, it had her in the
ceremony hall much to her confusion. She knew she had an important job but protecting the bride and groom, that was
too much. Still she shook her head and said “Private Sharpshoot, Lasersight and Swiftstrike, we are going to our post.”

Sharpshoot said “We shouldn’t be...”

Melanie shouted “I have given you an order, follow it. We don’t have time to waste we have the most important job,
we should be ready for anything. This means a full inspection of the area, to make sure there are no infiltrators.”

After checking the entire area for infiltrators Melanie told the guards to take their posts, Her and Sharpshoot at the door.
Lasersight and Swiftstrike at the windows.

Rarity was busy with Cadence’s dress. She was appalled by the princesses behaviour. She had insulted her friends, still she said nothing about all of it trying to be polite as she prepared the dress. Cadence entered for the fitting.
She snarled “Let’s get this over with.”

Rarity smelt something off and realised where it was coming from, Cadence herself. Rarity new this smell all too well, it was a smell her own body naturally emitted, but she had learned to conceal it with her disguise when she was a young
hatchling. She realised Cadence was a Changeling Queen in disguise, still she thought maybe Cadence was always a queenlike she was and this identity was her own.

She continued with the dress fitting, despite Cadence’s consistent complaining. After the dress making she went to her
room and slept for a little while. 1 hour later she heard a loud knocking. A servant of the castle said “Cadence wishes you
to be one of her bridesmaids. The ones that were supposed to be her bridesmaids have disappeared mysteriously.”

Rarity replied “Tell her I accept her offer.” She had a dress already made. She arrived at the wedding rehearsal and she
was smiling this meant she could keep a close eye on Cadence.

She then notices Twilight burst in. She watches carefully as her friend backs Cadence into a corner, she then shouts “She’s evil.” All of the other ponies were shocked leaving Cadence to run out of the room, crying.

Rarity said “I'll go to find her.” She searches all over the castle but couldn’t find her. She then returns to see her crying. She puts her hoof on her head and said “It will be alright.” Cadence smiles slightly, Rarity leaves as she gets herself prepared
for the ceremony.

She arrived at the ceremony and quickly took her position only to be surprised by the fact, Twilight was nowhere to be
found. Rarity smiled as the pair made their vows, until Twilight burst in with another Cadence. Rarity frowned realising this was an invasion. The Changeling Queen revealed herself as she spoke “This has been too easy, you are completely
defenseless.” She then made Shining drop the barrier letting thousand of changelings course through the Castle.
The Guard was doing their best to hold back the onslaught.

Celestia shouted to us “Get the elements, now. I will deal with this.” Rarity ran down to her friends and they rushed off
only for Celestia to be easily defeated by the Changeling Queen. The Changeling Queen, faster then anypony could blink
teleported in front of them and blasted them all towards the walls. She boasted “I Chrysalis, Queen of Changelings have
defeated the Princess of the Sun.”

Melanie was fighting and tearing through multiple changelings but their numbers kept increasing. Melanie noticed all the guards had started to panic as they heard that the acting captain had been captured and rushed into the room causing
more confusion. Melanie shouted “Stop everypony and form ranks, we will turn the tide we may die today but all of
Equestria will know we fought to out last breath to protect our home. Close ranks.”

Her order was quickly implemented as her speech renewed the guards fighting spirit and they formed a tight nit wall of
shields and magic bolts turning back the invaders.

Chrysalis realised this and, even more changelings poured in to try and overwhelm them. The elements however had started to fight against the invaders as well. Pinkie rushed the Changeling Queen, avoiding her spells. Chrysalis then threw one of her own soldiers down allowing her to hit the pink mare with a spell. Chrysalis then started to beat the pink mare with
her hooves.

Meanwhile outside of the Castle, Discord’s statue who Celestia ordered to be placed in her private vault was left lying there in the castle garden cracked open from the chaos caused around it. Discord stood up and looked around before
shouting “I’m free.” He then heard Pinkie screaming, he roared “Pinkie.”

Chrysalis was laughing until she felt the hive mind go completely quiet. She looked around to see unconscious changelings all around her. She then heard a voice seething with rage shout “Let go of my mare.” She instantly dropped the mare and backed away, the sound of the voice scared her. She stepped back to give the Lord of Chaos space, hoping to receive what little mercy he was capable of giving. Discord picked up Pinkie and asked “Are you okay?”

Pinkie coughed crying “No, sorry Discord but as much as I hate to say this, I probably won’t make it.”

Discord carried the bloodied mare in his arms and said “I won’t let you die. It’s time for me to complete the spell I began
months ago.” Before Pinkie could say anything, he forced his magic into her body rapidly until she glowed with a pink light.He panted as he smiled. The pink mare's small disguise spell faded revealing the small lump on her forehead and the
small stumps on her back. The lump burst forth revealing a marvelous pink horn. The stumps grew into two beautiful pink wings. She jumped on Discord and smiled “I love you" kissing his cheek. Twilight's eyes went wide as her analytical mind
processed what was going on.

Then she and Discord turned to Chrysalis as she tried to back away only for Rarity to say “Pinkie is not the only one with a secret.” Rarity in a burst of white light revealing her changeling form for all to see. Twilight eyes grew wider. The 3 of them started approaching Chrysalis who tried to back away.

Twilight trying to distract herself went to check on Rainbow Dash and Applejack. When she approached Applejack, she saw a hole in her chest. She looked in only to find that there were mechanical parts moving around instead of flesh and blood.

Twilight snapped to the point that Chrysalis and those who were approaching her stopped “ I’ve had about enough of
today, first my former foal-sitter who is marrying my brother without me knowing, might I add, is replaced by a evil
changeling queen. Then one of my friends is turned into an Alicorn by the Lord of Chaos who is also her coltfriend. Then I discover Rarity is a Changeling Queen and Applejack is a robot. If one more thing weird happens I’m going to lose it."

Applejack looked at her insides and cried “Ah’m not real, Ah’m just a living toaster.”
Rainbow Dash smiled and gave a kiss to her mechanical friend. Applejack’s eyes went wide a she stuttered “Rainb-ow.”

Rainbow said “I love you Applejack, I just didn’t have guts to say it but the look in your eyes made me realise just important you were to me.” Applejack cried on Rainbow’s shoulder. Chrysalis used the opportunity to escape only for Melanie to
knock her back.

Chrysalis then realised she was only a guard, she could escape. She fired a super powerful spell at Melanie. Rarity, Discord and Pinkie only just saw it as the spell hit. Rarity cried “My precious little sister, why, WHYYYYYYYY!?!” Chrysalis tried to run through the smoke only to dart back into the group as she was cut by something sharp.

A voice said “Do you think that a filly would get into the guard unless they were something more.” Melanie stepped out,
her fur and mane were gone. Her mechanical eyes stared at Chrysalis, her Ilumium body shined in the light. Twilight then collapsed on the ground, her brain overloaded. Chrysalis realising she was surrounded with no way out, casts a spell,
teleporting herself and all of the changelings somewhere.

A mare burst in through the window. Only to see the mess. Melanie shouted “Mother.” Much to the confusion of many.
Trixie replied “Sorry I was late, seems you all did well today.” Melanie smiled as she introduced her mother to the others.

Melanie then said “Also I think you need to help one of your projects get repaired.” Trixie looked confused. Melanie said “Urghh, remember your last project. The one that went missing.”

Trixie said “You mean Project Applejack?. I lost her around Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack’s eyes widened as she heard
every word. She couldn’t believe it. Melanie pointed at Applejack. Trixie cried as she hugged the confused orange mare “I shouldn’t have left you there, I thought you were destroyed after I lost you.” She let go of Applejack and said “I’ll fix you up good and proper, I have plenty of high end spare parts.” Melanie nodded to Applejack.

Applejack was uncertain until Rainbow smiled “I will be with you all the way, I love you, don’t forget that.”

Applejack replied smiling “I love you too, sugarcube. I just never told you because I was too stubborn.” The pair with their
tails intertwined in the shape of a love heart followed Melanie and Trixie.

Fluttershy asked in her usual quiet voice to Discord, Pinkie and Rarity “Umm, how are we going to wake her up.” They all looked at Twilight before she sighed. They knew getting Twilight to accept this without fainting would be a nightmare.

Author's Note:

I hope this chapter is okay I got my editor too edit it but still it may be a bit rushed sorry about that.