• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 6,959 Views, 629 Comments

Happy Adventuring, Twilight! - Pennington Inkwell

When Twilight Sparkle tries to befriend a local author, she gets far more than she bargained for!

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Sixty Bits

It was another beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining brightly, and there was hardly a cloud in the sky as Twilight Sparkle walked down Main Street. Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early, for once! She grinned as she reached into her saddlebag and crossed the last item off of her checklist.

"Okay! My shopping's all done, I better get back home. Spike will be waiting!" She turned back towards the library, but stopped as something caught her eye on one of the small side streets leading off of Main Street. It looked like it could have been any ordinary house, but there was a large sign between the first and second stories that read "Inkwell Commissions" in large letters. Instantly, the curiosity that made Twilight Sparkle a good student was piqued, but her saddlebags were beginning to feel heavy with all of the groceries and other assorted items that she had purchased. Reluctantly, she turned back and began trotting towards home. I'm sure that I can investigate after I get these home! At the brisk pace that she had set, it didn't take long for the lavender unicorn to reach the door to her home.

"Spike! I'm back!" She shouted, pushing the door open and trotting inside. "Come and help me put these away, I have one more errand I want to run!"

The small green and purple dragon came down the stairs, licking the last few shards of a ruby from his mouth. "Did you pick up more gems from Rarity?"

"Were they on the list?" Twilight winked as she pulled a small bag out of her saddlebags and placed it in Spike's claws. "Those don't come cheap, you know! That's the rest for this month, so make them last!" She quickly placed the rest of the items from her bags on the table, then levitated every item to its appointed spot. The entire task took only a few minutes, and was even easier with Spike's help.

"So, what's this other errand, Twi?" Spike asked as he sucked on an opal, trying to savor the flavor while he worked.

"Well, I spotted this store that I've never seen before, or at least I never noticed it..." Twilight explained as she placed a few food items in the refrigerator. "It's called 'Inkwell Commissions,' and I want to see what exactly they sell there!"

"Oh, you mean that lonely little shop off of main street? You don't have to bother." Spike shrugged. "The pony there is a writer-for-hire. You pay him, and he writes whatever you want, from greeting cards to book reports!"

"Really? A writer-for-hire... Sounds interesting!" Twilight smiled at the thought of a pony who could write about whatever he was asked for. A few ideas began to form in her mind.

"Not really. I heard that his work is good, but that he's really just a hermit. He doesn't even leave the store, he lives right upstairs!" Spike shook his head as he put a jar of peanut butter up on a shelf. "He keeps to himself about as much as YOU used to, Twilight!"

"Well, I'm still going to go and see for myself." Twilight smiled as she remembered her days in Canterlot, keeping to her studies and avoiding making friends. "Besides, if he's like I used to be, maybe he just needs some friends, too!"

"Not to mention... Half the time, his store is closed for no good reason!" Spike shook his head. "He just leaves a sign that says 'Gone Adventuring!' Twi, my guess would be that if you don't have any business for him, then he's not going to be very open to you."

"Well, then I'll give him some business!" Twilight reached into her saddlebag and pulled out some of her remaining bits. "You said that he writes anything?"

"Well, yeah..." Spike rolled his eyes. Once Twilight gets an idea into her head, there's really not much that's going to stop her... I feel sorry for this guy.

As she walked down Main Street, Twilight felt confident in her plan. She had learned a lot about making new friends from Pinkie Pie and, though she wasn't planning on singing any random songs, she felt that making friends with this lonely pony was going to be a piece of cake!

"First, I'll offer him a commission, we'll start chatting, and I can convince him to come out and meet a few ponies! He'll see how great friendship is, and make new friends in no time!" She was so caught up in her plan, she didn't even notice a rainbow-colored streak flying towards her until it was too late. For what must have been the hundredth time, Rainbow Dash tackled Twilight to the ground.

"Look ou- OOF!" The pegasus was moving so fast, she didn't even have time to finish her warning. The two landed on the ground in a heap, and Twilight groaned as a dull throbbing emanated from her side, where Rainbow Dash had hit her. "Sorry, Twilight... I was moving too fast to stop."

Twilight tried to avoid the obvious question of why Rainbow always aimed for her when she was crashing. "Ugh... Why are you in such a rush, Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh!" The pegasus quickly recovered, jumping back to her hooves. "The newest Daring Do book comes out today! Pennington always has them in stock before ANY other stores, so I always go to him to buy it! Gotta go!" She took off again, not even taking the time to say goodbye as she vanished.

Twilight rubbed her side, trying not to think about how sore she would be later. "Well, it was nice seeing you, too!" She muttered as she started walking again, albeit a bit more slowly. I don't know any "Pennington," but I know every book store in town! I wish she had stuck around a little longer... Twilight shook her head, finally turning into the side street where the strange shop stood. It really was a shock to her that she had never noticed it before, but it really did blend in well next to the homes and other shops nearby.

The front room seemed like a lobby of sorts, with a few chairs lining the wall, several bookshelves sporting books of many kinds, and a counter that could be manned by a single pony. When she pushed open the glass doors, a small bell rang. Twilight sneezed as a small amount of dust fell from it, showing that it hadn't been rung much very recently.

As she walked into the store, she was shocked to see Rainbow Dash chatting with the pony who was apparently the owner. Twilight tried to get a better look at him, but she couldn't see much behind the pegasus, whose wings were flared in excitement.

"So, you're telling me that in this book, Daring Do is placed into a trap with a group of cockatrices?" Rainbow Dash's wings fluttered in excitement. "But, how does she get out? She would be turned to stone if she looked into their eyes!"

"Well, I can't give any spoilers, but it involves much more description of the sounds of the room than how it looks..." The owner hinted in a mischievous tone.

"She escapes with her eyes closed?" Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped and she looked down at the book in astonishment. "No way! I gotta get this one! How much do I owe you for it?"

"It's so great to see another one of Scorching Quill's fans, and such an enthusiastic one, it's free of charge, Rainbow Dash."

"No WAY!" Rainbow Dash looked as if she was about to tackle him with joy. "Thanks, Pennington! I'm going to go home and read it right now!" She took to the air and sped towards the door, making the small bell mounted on top of the door nearly fall off. "See ya when the next book comes out!"

"Don't forget!" The owner tried to call out to her, but she was gone too fast. "To... tell your friends we have it..." He looked a bit dejected for a moment.

Now that her friend was gone, Twilight could get a better look at the mysterious pony. He was a dark-coated, blue unicorn. His mane was a darker shade of blue, along with his muzzle, but also held occasional streaks of violet. It fell down to his shoulders, a little longer than most stallions would wear it, but it somehow fit. He was staring at the door with a pair of dark lavender eyes, but they quickly swiveled over to her. As he made eye contact, his entire demeanor changed, brightening up and looking more chipper.

"Oh, hello! You're Twilight Sparkle, right? The Element of Magic, if I remember correctly!" He gave her a huge, sparkling smile and a small bow.

Twilight smiled, trying to hide her surprise at being so easily recognized. "Well, yes, I am! How did you know?"

"Oh, after defeating Nightmare Moon AND Discord? I'm surprised that you're not recognized by everypony!" His horn began to glow, and Twilight could hear things moving in the room behind the counter. "I must say that it's an honor to have you visit!"

Twilight blushed a little, trying to keep track of why she had come to the unfamiliar shop in the first place. "Well, thank you, Mister..."

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm the one from the sign out front! Inkwell! Pennington Inkwell!" He laughed and stepped out from behind the counter. "Commissionaire writer, and the only one who does so for a living!" He looked around at the empty room. "Well, somewhat of a living... Honestly, I only get any kind of business when the new Daring Do books come out, and even that is only a small income..." He shrugged off the depressive statement. "Anyway, you probably already know what I do, don't you? You wouldn't be here otherwise!"

Twilight eyed the pony suspiciously. This was nothing like the reclusive hermit that Spike had described. I guess that this is another case of gossip about somepony getting out of hoof! "Well, I had a general idea. Honestly, I've never seen you around Ponyville before! How long have you been here?"

"Oh, seven or eight years..." He smiled as Twilight's jaw dropped. "Yeah, I really just don't get out much... Not many ponies know me, and I don't know many of them, either."

"Eight years, and you don't know anypony in town?" Twilight shook her head. "You've got to be kidding me! Pinkie Pie didn't let me go a single day before she threw me a welcome party to meet every pony in town!"

"Pinkie Pie? The Element of Laughter?" The unicorn raised an eyebrow, then shook his head. "It doesn't matter, anyway. Unless she needs a poem written or a story transcribed, I'll probably never meet her." He turned away as a timer in the next room went off. "Ah! Lunch is ready! I hope that you don't mind me eating while we talk..." He disappeared into the next room, returning seconds later with a styrofoam cup reading "Microwave Ramen" on the side. He soon sat back down again behind the counter, quietly slurping noodles.

"Oh! Well, I can come back later, if I'm interrupting-"

"No!" His eyes widened in a moment of panic, and he dropped his spoon back into the cup. "I mean, no, it's perfectly alright. Customers are few and far between, so I wouldn't want to drive you away. Would you like a cup of ramen? I have plenty..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, seeing his desperation shining through. "No, thanks. I really don't like ramen that much. I was wondering if you could write a commission for me."

His eyes widened and glistened like two lavender pools, eager for an opportunity. His eyes locked with hers, as if trying to decide what it was that she wanted before she could tell him. "I'm listening... intently..."

Twilight tried not to be offset by the peculiarity of his stare, but did her best to stare straight back. "Well..." She was cut off as she came to a startling realization: I completely forgot! "I want you... to write..." Her words came to a halt. She was trying to rake her brain for an answer, but couldn't focus while still trying to keep eye contact.

"Yes. Writing is what I do..." He whispered back, still searching in her eyes.

"I want you to write..." Twilight finally looked away, looking over to the side to try and focus. "A short story! I've had a few ideas for stories that I've wanted to write, but I was never very good at writing fiction."

"Well, I'm sure that I can oblige, but the longer you want it, the more expensive it will be..." He leaned back in his seat, lifting the cup of ramen to his lips. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I think that it would be really cool to read a story where a pony invades the changeling hive and discovers some kind of conspiracy..." She grinned as her train of thought got back on track, and she finally looked back to the author.

"And the ending?" As the now-empty cup floated into the trash can, Pennington's eyes slowly shut. If it weren't for his precarious position between the chair and the wall, Twilight would have thought that he was asleep.

"Spooky! A 'To be continued' sort of ending!"

"Ah, a cliffhanger! Our protagonist will be whom?" His words remained crisp and clear, but his body was becoming more and more relaxed.

"Any pony, really..." Twilight shrugged. "It's more about the situation than the character."

"The conspiracy?"

"A plan to swap out the real princesses for changelings!" Twilight quickly remembered the most important part of the story.

"Well..." He finally leaned forward again, opening his eyes. "I can give you a thirty-page story for two bits a page... If I get carried away and write more than thirty pages, the extra won't cost you anything..."

Twilight was a bit shocked at the cost that he was proposing. "S-Sixty bits? Isn't that a bit much?"

"Well, thirty pages of writing, along with the fact that I'm going to have to go and do research on changelings to write convincingly, is a good amount of work for me, too." He grimaced at her reaction, obviously not enjoying giving the high price. "But..." He gave the mare a sly smile. "What do you say I give you an 'Element of Harmony' discount? Half off!"

"Thirty bits still seems like a lot for just a short story..." Twilight muttered, still feeling a bit put off by his price.

"Well..." Pennington's eyes looked around the store, searching for ideas. "I know that you live over in the library, right?"

Twilight nodded, remembering the fact that he admired the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

"So I suspect that you know a good story when you read one?" Another nod from Twilight encouraged him. "What do you say, if I write this story before you pay me, you read it and decide whether or not it's worth thirty bits?"

Twilight thought for a moment about the offer. "That seems fair. Pennington, you have a deal!"

"Wonderful! Swing by again in two or three weeks, and I'll have a story ready for you that's worth sixty bits! It will be like reading a Daring Do adventure!" He pulled a scroll out from under the counter and began scribbling down notes.

"Two or three weeks?"

"Well, yes. Writing well takes time, effort, and, in this case, lots of research on changelings!" He chuckled. "But, if the store is open, you can always come by to check on my progress, just to make sure I'm not laying around being lazy!"

"But- But-"

"Twilight, you may be a wonderful reader and a good student, but you said yourself that you don't know much about writing fiction." He looked up at her through the hair that had fallen over his face while he was writing. "And take it from me, it's harder than you think. Not as easy or simple as writing a letter at the end of the week..."

Twilight wanted to argue, say that his lack of customers would give him more than enough time to finish more quickly, but she knew that he was right. She knew very little about the process of writing fiction. "Fine... But I have high expectations, Mr. Inkwell!" She turned to leave, heading for the glass door.

"Ms. Sparkle!" He called out. "You forgot your receipt!" The scroll floated up from the counter in into her saddlebag. "That states the length, price, and subject of the commission, along with the date that it should be finished by!" He waved a friendly hoof. "I do hope that you'll come and check on it, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I don't have many visitors!"

"Yes, I'd like to see how the process of writing fiction works!" Twilight shouted back. "Or takes so long..." Her second comment was muttered as she walked out the door. She was so preoccupied, she almost didn't notice the small colt in front of her until she had nearly bumped into him.

"Hello, Twilight!" Pipsqueak piped up, finally making her pay attention.

"Oh! Hello, Pip!" Twilight smiled at the sight of the spunky white-and-chocolate pony. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just coming to see Pennington! He helps me with writing poems for my mum!" He grinned up at Twilight. "He always knows a cool way to say what I'm trying to tell her, and he's teaching me to be a poet, too!"

Twilight looked down at him with a bit of confusion. "But, does your mother give you money to pay for it? His prices are kind of high..."

"Oh, he just says that!" Pip laughed. "He never really charges that much! Pennington loves to write, and he always give a much lower price at the end!" He happily trotted past Twilight and into the store. "He's really a nice guy! He just keeps to himself."

Before Twilight could ask him why, however, he was already gone. She shook her head in frustration and almost turned back around, but not before a new idea came to her.

Wait a minute... There was one pony who really pushed me into making friends. One pony who Pennington hasn't met! I'm sure that Pinkie Pie can get this pony to come out!