• Published 9th Jul 2012
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Happy Adventuring, Twilight! - Pennington Inkwell

When Twilight Sparkle tries to befriend a local author, she gets far more than she bargained for!

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"Worming" into the Heart of the Matter

When Twilight opened her eyes again, she was nearly blinded by the glaring light of the mid-afternoon sun. When she looked around for Pennington, she spotted him cooking something in a small pot over a tiny fire made from magic.

"Well, good afternoon, sleepyhead!" He chirped. "I hope that you like ramen and tortillas, they're the easiest foods to carry, so I stocked up on them before we left! There's granola, too, but I'm saving that for dinner..."

The menu was enough to make Twilight lay back down with a groan, pulling the blanket over her head. "My head hurts..."

"That's just the lack of sleep, it'll fade." Pennington tapped his own head, stirring the pot. "You'll have to eat, whether you like instant ramen or not. You can't keep up your strength on water alone..."

"Why do we have to travel at night?" Twilight tried to ignore how hot it was getting under the blanket, but she had to throw it off after a few seconds. "That's when ponies are supposed to sleep..."

"You already know that, Twilight. Now, quit acting like a filly, breakfast is ready." Pennington pulled out two bowls, pouring some soup from the pot into each, then placing a tortilla on top of each one, as if it were a lid.

"Fine..." Twilight grumbled as she rose to her hooves and took the bowl from him. She grudgingly ate the tortilla, then slurped up the ramen in a matter of seconds. "I would have preferred a hot bowl of soup last night, when it was cold..." She grumbled, a grouchy attitude beginning to settle on her mind.

"I'll take that into mind..." The dark blue unicorn responded from behind his own bowl. "Just don't collapse next time, and we'll have it then."

Twilight almost gave him a severe tongue-lashing for blaming her when he had been setting the pace, but she remembered that she had been trying not to fight with him ever since they had left Equestria. "Fine..." She grumbled.

As they both finished the last of their broth and noodles, Pennington pulled out his map, this time showing it to Twilight as well. On the edge of one end was Equestria, and the other held the Tigerous Forest. All between the two edges, there was a gigantic desert, The Plains of Lore. There were several places on the map that had been circled, indicating an oasis, and one had been checked off, the one that they had visited the night before.

"I'm guessing that we're about here..." Pennington pointed to a spot halfway between their first stop and a second oasis. "Perhaps we're farther, but it's hard to tell when the ground under your hooves is always moving..." He shrugged, connecting the oasis markers with his hoof, tracing out their route. "Now, if we continue at this rate, we should reach the other side of the desert in three days. But, there is also a slim chance that that time could be drastically cut if we can find one of my friends... They could give us a ride to here, and give us some fresh supplies." He pointed to the final oasis before the forest. "But, the chance is slim..."

"Your... friends?" Twilight looked around. "What kind of friends could you have out here?"

"Ones that are few and far between." Pennington replied, rolling up the map and tucking it away in his bag again. "They have ways of getting around the desert, but they're hard to find, so we'll have to plan as if we're going to travel on hoof the entire way." Pennington shrugged. "Which means that we have to get moving, again. It's about three o'clock, so we can travel until nightfall, break for lunch, and then travel into the night again."

"Keeping strictly to business, are we?" Twilight muttered, trying to brace herself against how sore her body had become.

"Would you like to fool around, Twilight?" Pennington raised a mischievous eyebrow. "Because the middle of the desert isn't the best place..."

"N-no! I didn't mean anything like- Would you just-" Twilight stuttered, caught off-guard.

"Sparky, I'm just kidding!" Pennington laughed. "Stop taking things so seriously! If it's about surviving out here, yes, I'll be serious. Aside from that, we can joke around and laugh! Come on..." He nodded his head to what must have been the East. "Let's get walking. There'll be plenty of time for jokes while we're on our way to the next oasis..."

"Right..." Twilight shook her head as she began to walk. "Pennington, I can't make heads or tails of you, sometimes..."

"Most mares can't..." Pennington laughed as he playfully kicked at the sand, creating a dent in the smooth landscape. "The only mare who understands me, even a little, would be Lily, and we don't see each other much."

"Lily..." Twilight thought back, trying to remember if she had met anypony named Lily. "You mean Callalily Curl? The mare from Canterlot who dyed your mane?"

"Yep!" Pennington chuckled. "And even she has no idea why I do what I do. She's always telling me that I should stay in Canterlot, set up a business as Scorching Quill, and make myself a home." He laughed again, but it was beginning to sound forced. "She even thinks that I should find a girlfriend! Can you believe it?"

"You mean, she isn't your girlfriend?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, no! Lily's like a sister to me! She cares, yes, but not romantically." Pennington shook his head. "She says that she wouldn't go out with me, even if I wanted to ask, because I'd probably take her on some kind of crazy trip instead of a dinner date."

"Like how you roped me into all of this..."

"You said that you wanted to come! It's no fault of mine... But yes. And Lily doesn't like the idea of leaving Canterlot, considering how hard she worked to get there." Pennington looked up at the blue sky. "Besides, having a girlfriend... It's not in my schedule. I have deadlines to meet, trips to take, and no time for a mare..." Pennington's voice fell as he spoke, finally stopping before he had fallen into an unintelligible mumble.

"But, most colts can find the time..." Twilight muttered, trying to see what was bothering him so much. He rarely seemed to lack confidence in his words, even in the short time that she had known him.

"Most colts aren't Scorching Quill." Pennington replied quickly, his voice once again rising in volume. "I just want to be left to my work... That's why I run so far from Ponyville, to the most barren and inhospitable places on the planet! I'm the only one who can, and it lets me focus! I can think clearly on the edge of death!" His tone gained a slight manic edge, and his pace began to pick up, forcing Twilight into a trot to keep up. "No mare wants a stallion who constantly flirts with death, anyway, it makes no sense! To see him leave and wonder if he's ever going to come back every time that he feels like he needs... adventure."

"So, you think that you can't have a girlfriend?" Twilight asked quietly, beginning to see the truth of the situation.

"I could if I wanted to!" Pennington argued. His pace slowed, but he didn't seem to become any calmer. "I just don't. I just don't want to..." His head tilted slightly to the side, and his left eye twitched slightly for a split moment, but he quickly snapped back to his normal self. "So... Lovely weather! At least it's a dry heat..."

Keep telling yourself that... Twilight thought, remembering the different books that she had read on psychology. I can see what it is... You think that you can't have a girlfriend because of your lifestyle, so you don't let yourself... "Yes, a dry heat is much better than a high humidity!" Twilight followed the subject change, seeing that he was on the verge of... something. Something that he was trying to hold back.

A couple of awkward minutes of silence followed, and Twilight could have cut the tension in the air with a knife. "I'm sorry, Twilight... I didn't mean to go nuts back there..." Pennington shook his head, knowing that Twilight was simply playing along. "Sometimes, I have some issues with myself..."

He's opening up... "What kind of issues?" Twilight asked, seizing upon the opportunity to learn what he may have been trying to hold back.

"I'm not always kind to myself. You know, in the way that a pony can be their own worst critic..." Pennington looked up at the sky again. "Sometimes I think that I'm compensating for not having a normal life, other times I think that I'm just insane, entirely..."

Twilight nodded, her mind flashing back to what she would always think of as "the want-it-need-it incident," when she had made all of Ponyville go crazy with a rogue spell, all because she was worried that he report would be tardy. "I can understand thinking that you might be going crazy when life gets hectic..."

"But it's not when life is hectic..." Pennington replied, shaking his head. "How many ponies do you know who go looking for an ursa major because they're bored? I feel like I can't be happy unless I'm living life on the edge of my seat, either writing an adventure or having one!" He shrugged. "I don't want to be in something as delicate and doomed as a relationship, it will just slow me down and mess with my head..."

"Delicate and doomed? I never had a boyfriend because I was too involved in my studies, but I would think that 'delicate and doomed' wouldn't be the words to describe that relationships that I've seen ponies having..."

"How many relationships work out the way that both partners would want them to? One. Only one in an entire lifetime, Twilight! Run the odds, it seems like a game that you can't win without losing more than a few times, and I don't want to be reduced to a sniveling, broken-hearted mess that I've seen left over after a breakup..." He shook his head.

"Well, have you seen the ones that do work out?" Twilight asked. "Don't you think that it might be worth it to find a mare who could make you truly happy?"

"You're saying I'm not happy?" Pennington asked quietly. "Because I was very happy until ponies started trying to get into my private study, started trying to force their way into being my friend, and started stalking me on my trip to Canterlot!
" He glared over at Twilight, then picked up his pace again.

"Wait, are you saying that you're miserable because of me? You're the one who's too greedy to spare any of your precious spare time for the rest of the world! You keep yourself prisoner in your little shop, that's why you constantly have to get away!" Twilight could hardly blame Pennington, but the fact that he was blaming her... just didn't sit right. She had to say something in return.

"I- I- I..." Twilight seemed to have stumped Pennington, who stamped his hoof in frustration. "I'm not a prisoner there! I leave any time I want!"

"Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." Twilight rattled off the famous poem's lines with hardly a thought. Her tone grew less cocky as she remembered that she wanted to help him, not argue with him. "What I'm trying to say is, you keep yourself imprisoned, whether you mean to or not, by your own attitude. You won't let yourself move away from your work and into a place where you think that you could really get hurt: being around other ponies in your own town and trying to open up your heart."

"You're one to talk. How many years did you spend in Canterlot before Princess Celestia threw you into Ponyville and practically force you to make friends?" Pennington replied, still acting defensive.

"Too many years. I didn't even learn how great it was to have friends until then, and I discovered that the Princess had been doing it for my own good..." Twilight put a friendly hoof on his shoulder. "Pennington, I'm not trying to attack your way of living, but I'm trying to tell you that it could be better!" She noticed that the moment that she touched him, Pennington stiffened, as if expecting some kind of attack. He quickly shook off her hoof and continued walking.

"I'm happy with the way things are. I love my life." He replied curtly, moving the pace back up. Twilight could tell that he was trying to convince them both.

"Penny... Where are we? We left the oasis hours ago!" Twilight moaned, looking up at the moon, which had already reached its apex. "How much farther are we going to walk? I'm exhausted!"

"Oh, quit acting like a filly." Pennington groaned in return, obviously too tired to notice the nickname. "I'm tired, too. This is the only way to travel without getting roasted to a crisp. Skip the majority of the day and walk all night."

"I'm cold. I'm hungry. I miss my library..." Twilight had a list of complaints a mile long. She was so wrapped up in her self-pity, she was nearly obvious to everything else. She nearly ran head-first into Pennington, who had stopped in mid-stride.

"Twilight... Do you hear that?" Suddenly, the unicorn was wide-awake, ears perked high on top of his head as he strained to hear. Twilight stopped moaning to listen, as well.

"We've missed too much sleep, now we're hearing things!" Twilight groaned, starting to walk again.

"Stop! Be quiet!" Pennington held out a hoof, stopping her short. "Don't even breathe..."

Twilight rolled her eyes, but decided that it would just be easier to humor the unicorn. She took a deep breath and held it.

The noise was nearly imperceptible among the quiet rustle of sand blowing over more sand, but when Twilight took care to try and find what was out of the ordinary, she finally heard it.

A low rumbling sound. Twilight would normally have dismissed it as somepony's stomach, but she could tell that it was different. The sound wasn't a gurgle or a moan, it was more like a sliding. It almost sounded like two pieces of paper being slid over one another. The sound was impossible to place as coming from a specific direction, but Twilight could tell that it was growing louder. When Twilight looked up at Pennington, she began to worry. Pennington was as still as a statue, but his eyes had grown wide and his mouth was hanging limply.



"Get ready to run. There's going to be an awful lot of running to do..."

A few dunes over, Twilight saw something huge emerge from the ground. It looked like a giant tree trunk, but instead of tapering to a point, it ended in an open stump, lined with fangs. The creature rose up, standing several stories high, displaying every grotesque bulge and every shining fang in the bright moonlight. Twilight let out a tiny squeal of fear. "Wha- what is that?"

"One of the few things that can thrive in this wasteland: a dune worm... They live by feeding on underground water, and can tunnel at extreme speeds." The blue unicorn whispered. "They eat whatever they can get, but they have on favorite food: unicorns high in magical energy..." He swallowed loudly. "I don't mean to flatter myself, but between the two of us..."

"We're a feast..." Twilight whispered, trying to swallow her panic. "What are we going to do?"

"If it found us all the way out here, it must know what it's looking for. They usually try attacking loners around an oasis..." He whispered. "First rule: don't use magic unless it finds us. They're completely blind, but they can sense an ounce of magic a mile away..." He began to tenderly tip-toe backwards, taking Twilight with him. "We're just going to have to be very quiet earth ponies until we make it to the next oasis. We can lose it there."

"Right..." Twilight walked with him, but almost screamed when the monster turned straight towards them. "C-can't we run? Now?"

"Only if it attacks. We have to try to keep a low profile..." Pennington whispered in return. "If it attacks, we split up, keep it confused, okay?" Pennington shook his head. "I can't believe it. This is the first time that one's gotten this close to finding me out here..."

Twilight nodded hastily, then watched the giant worm dive down into the sand, disappearing from sight. Somehow, not being able to see the hideous creature made her even more nervous. She looked up at Pennington, and his gaze was pointlessly aimed into empty space.

"You won't see it... You'll hear it coming up from below." He whispered. "You have to use your ears, not your eyes..."

Twilight nodded, but still inspected the ground for any signs of an oncoming attack. Without warning, the sand around them began to shake, and a loud sound like sandpaper being rubbed on concrete grated against Twilight's ears. She tried to look up at Pennington, but felt herself being lifted up and thrown by his magic.

"Get away!" Pennington dove in the other direction as the area where they had been standing exploded, and the dune worm was suddenly rearing up between them in all of its disgusting glory. Now that it was close, Twilight could experience it with an entirely new set of senses. It smelled putrid, like rotting meat that he been doused in what she could only imagine was the smell of hot mucus. The creature was enormous, and Twilight was immediately engulfed in its shadow, making the already chilly desert even colder. The entire monstrosity seemed to emit lurching sounds, making Twilight believe that its organs may have been floating free inside of its pulsating body. To her complete astonishment, the dune worm turned away from her, instead facing the writer, who seemed to be shouting something indistinguishable.

Of course! Pennington used his magic! Twilight jumped to her feet, trying to run around the worm to see what was happening on the other side.

"Come on, you overgrown inchworm! Don't make me wait!" Pennington, already in full armor, shouted, stamping his hoof. There was a glint of madness in his eyes as he challenged the worm, as if he truly wanted it to attack him. With another blinding flash from his horn, he had created a pair of Arabian scimitars that swung back and forth in front of him, prepared if the creature struck.

"What are you DOING?" Twilight shouted.

"Confusing it!" Pennington shouted back. "But I can't do it alone!" Taking advantage of his distraction, the dune worm struck, bearing down on Pennington faster than Twilight could have imagined it could move, striking like a snake. Immediately, Pennington jumped up into the air, but not soon enough to escape unscathed. The worm shot underneath him, but he hadn't jumped high enough, managing to strike his unprotected legs. As limp as a rag doll, Pennington flew through the air, spinning uncontrollably to the point where his body was simply a blue blur.

"Penny!" Twilight reached out with her magic, enclosing him in a protective bubble as he struck the ground, softening the blow as well as she could. The moment that her horn had flashed to life, the worm turned on Twilight. As it reared up again, Twilight braced herself, trying to imagine what to expect. It strikes like a snake, so there should be a moment right before it strikes where it can't stop, whether I'm here or not... She watched the worm with alert eyes, any traces of sleepiness completely gone. The worm rocked back and forth, trying to find the moment to strike, but Twilight refused to be caught off guard. It's bad enough that Pennington got hurt because of me... Now I have to repay him for that. In a split second, Twilight saw the worm stop rocking and brace itself against the sand. In that hair-splitting moment, Twilight summoned a burst of energy that teleported her away, just as the worm was bearing down on her. Just as she vanished, she could feel the worm's wretched hot breath against her face.

From her new location, it was only a few short steps to where Pennington had come to lay. He was laying on his side in the sand, teeth gritted in pain. He was pulling most of his legs inward, curling into a ball, but one of his hind legs stuck out awkwardly.

"Twilight! Get away! We're sitting ducks together!" He seethed from between his teeth. The lavender unicorn refused to listen, instead moving to his flank to inspect the injury. The had several large gashes that started just below his cutie mark and ran all of the way down his leg, most likely from the dune worm's huge teeth.

"Your hip is out of place. We'll have tset it back in just to get you moving again..." Twilight muttered. She could see the worm once again rising to its full height, and quickly teleported away from Pennington to stop him from being targeted. "Alright, you giant... meanie!" Twilight nearly slapped herself as she realized that she did not have Pennington's wit. "Come and get me!"

The worm once again began to rock back and forth, waiting for its opportunity again. Twilight watched with apprehension, realizing that the moon was behind the monster, making it more of a black silhouette than something that she could easily track with her eyes. This isn't good...

A giant burst of light erupted from behind the creature, a burst that Twilight could immediately tell had come from Pennington. A white orb of light flew up into the air like a firework, then exploded in a massive burst of light that knocked the creature back a bit, distracting it long enough to Twilight to teleport to a better viewpoint, making her line of sight perpendicular to the moonbeams. When she looked up, though, she noticed that something had changed: the moon had turned a bright, neon blue. What did Pennington just DO? The worm is going to turn on him!

As she had predicted, the dune worm was shifting its attention to Pennington, who was weakly trying to crawl on his three legs. Twilight's eyes narrowed, and her own horn flared to life. Thanks for the distraction, Penny... She immediately began spinning the air around them, creating a small tornado. The effort was taxing, expending huge amounts of energy, but the creature didn't seem to care. It was more interested in the injured prey, and refused to turn away for anything else.

"NO!" Twilight shouted, dropping the elemental wind spell and teleporting herself between Pennington and the monster. "You're not taking him! And you're not getting me, either!" She stared up at the five-story tall creature as it began to rock back and forth one final time, preparing for an attack that Twilight knew that she wouldn't allow herself to dodge. Teleporting Pennington in this state was absolutely hopeless, it could make his injury ten times worse if she was even the slightest bit rough. Instead, she began building a dome of magical energy around them and reinforced it as much as she could.

When the beast struck for the first time, Twilight felt the pounding in her skulls as it slammed into the barrier, riddling it with cracks. In a burst of effort that she knew she couldn't spare, Twilight reinforced it again, making it whole.

"Take the map and go..." Pennington mumbled as he pulled himself towards the edge of the barrier. "This isn't such a bad way to go... Dying on an adventure."

"I'm too tired to run, you made sure of that..." Twilight tried to laugh. Her words held a kind of finality that showed her own acceptance of the situation. As the beast struck again, tiny shards and flakes of energy fell, giving Twilight even more repair and an even more excruciating headache. She cried out in pain, but did her best to repair the dome, shrinking it around them until it was only two yards in diameter, large enough for the worm to fit its mouth around, if it decided to try biting through. "This could be it, Penny... For both of us." The worm reared back again, preparing for its final strike.

"Well, then, it was an honor, Sparky..." Pennington touched his horn to the side of the dome, adding his own strength to Twilight's. Twilight felt a sensation of a cool breeze passing over her body as their energy mixed and bonded. To share one another's energy was normally considered an intimate practice among only the closest unicorns, but Twilight accepted the help gladly and without pretense.

The entire dome shattered with the sound of breaking glass, but the ponies remained unharmed by some miracle, though both cried out in pain and grabbed their heads in unison. The monster backed off one more time and rocked back and forth longer than usual, as if pondering what final tricks the two unicorns could have up their sleeves. Twilight hesitantly opened one eye, watching it tense in a decision to strike again.

"YEEE-HAW!" An unfamiliar set of voices roared out over the desert in a rousing battle cry as some kind of vehicle came careening up from the dune behind them. Without waiting to reach the ground, three guns exploded to life, shooting off roped harpoons that stabbed through the dune worm in several places, hooking it as it writhed back and forth in pain.

"Reel 'er in, boys! Grab the 'arpoons!" One voice called above the rest. In a matter of seconds, a dozen more had been thrown into the beast, pulling it down to the ground in a writhing mess.

"Now, let's put 'er down!" The same voice cried. As Twilight watched, a large green pegasus flew up into the air, wielding a large crossbow and sporting a large quiver of arrows. It looked down on the worm, as if trying to spot something, took aim, and fired. As soon as the arrow struck the beast, it stopped moving. Giving one ear-grating screech, the worm fell to the ground, dead.

"Now, let's see what we've got 'ere!" The pegasus called as he floated down to Twilight. "If my peepers ain't lyin', that's Pennyton Inkwell!"

Twilight, seeing some hope, immediately nodded. "Yes! Do you know him? He's hurt, and we need help! Can you please help us?"

"Not until he answers one quest'in..." The pegasus flew over Twilight, crouching down to Pennington's eye level. "Tell me, from where does the moon rise in these parts?"

"Where the sun falls, the moon shall always rise..." Pennington whispered.

"And they will always be..."

"In eternal rounds of harmony..." Pennington grinned in spite of his pain. "Sure Shot... It's so good to see you..."

"The feelin's mutual, Penn! You just got us our best catch of the month! We've been tryin' to track down this sucker for a few weeks, now!"

"It has good taste... Came after us... as soon as... we..." Pennington's eyes closed, and he fell into a deep sleep. With a quick check for a pulse and a curt nod, the emerald pegasus turned to Twilight.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, but do you think that we can make introductions later? He needs help! Badly!" She pointed down at the unconscious unicorn, whose leg was quickly becoming drenched in blood from the gashes.

"I've seen worse, but we'll get our best pony on it..." Sure Shot muttered. "Do you think that you can lift him?"

"No, I'm too weak..." Twilight looked down at the ground.

"Drink this." The pegasus pulled a small vial out of his bag, filled to the brim with a clear liquid. "It ain't gonna taste like apple cider, but it'll give ya some strength..."

Twilight nodded, taking the vial in her hoof. As she pulled out the cork, a disgusting smell rose up into her nostrils, reminding her of the time she had accidentally stumbled on Rainbow Dash's unwashed sweatband, crossed with cough syrup. She hesitated for a moment, then closed her eyes and tossed the vial back, dumping the awful liquid into her mouth. She did her best not to vomit as she swallowed, and she felt an electric tingling travel through her body, culminating in a burst of energy at her horn. She nodded, not wanting to open her mouth for fear that she would vomit, and gingerly picked Pennington's limp body up, making sure to support his injured leg.

The pegasus wasted no time in leading her back to the strange vessel, claiming that she needed to hurry before the effects of the potion wore off. As Twilight drew closer, she tried to make sense of the vehicle. It was huge, large enough to support the crew that had been manning the catapults and were now dissecting the worm. It was mostly pod-shaped, tapering to a point on the rear and front to increase aerodynamics. The round shape flattened at the top, sporting a large array of harpoon guns and even larger coils of metal cord that had been mounted to the floor. The whole vessel was mounted steadily on four gigantic tires, each even larger than two ponies standing on one another's backs. Emblazoned on the side was a huge blue emblem of a crescent moon, with a spear-like structure rising from the center and wings flaring out majestically on either side. A blue moon... Pennington was signalling for help! If these are his friends, he must have friends in high places. Sure Shot led her up a ladder and onto the deck.

"HEY! We need medics up 'ere!" He barked, summoning two unicorns. One was white with a purple mane, and her cutie mark was a vitals readout from a hospital monitor. The second one's colors were inverted, and her cutie mark showed an array of vials and pills. The two of them immediately took Pennington out of Twilight's grip, exchanging worried glances, and brought him through a hatch and into the bowels of the ship. (Twilight was beginning to think of it as a ship, anyway. Sure Shot was obviously the Captain, and there were medics and enough room to support a full crew of ponies.)

"And you, Miss Sparkle, can accomp'ny 'im to the sick bay..." Sure Shot motioned to the hatch. "I didn't see much o' the fight, but I doubt you'll still be standin' once that elixir wears off..."

Twilight nodded and opened the hatch door, eager to follow the ponies and find a place to rest as her adrenalin finally began to subside. "Thank you, Sure Shot. If you hadn't come in time... We wouldn't be alive. You saved us!"

"Don' mention it!" The pegasus waved goodbye to her as he floated up into the air. "A member o' the Republic never leaves a brotha' hangin'!"

In that moment, the final connection clicked in Twilight's mind, igniting the circuit of clues that had been building. The emblem on the side, the signal being the blue moon, even the fact that they were outside of Equestria, all pointed towards one rumor that she had often dismissed as being too improbable, or utterly ridiculous. Her blood seemed to run cold as she realized that she may have fallen out of the proverbial frying pan and into something much worse... "Wait, do you mean... The New Lunar Republic?"

"The one an' only!" Sure Shot grinned. "So, you've 'eard of us?" He watched with a playful grin as his new guest fainted, obviously drained of the last of her energy. Princess Celestia's student stayin' with members of the Republic... This oughta be interestin'!

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