• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 1,462 Views, 22 Comments

The Barcolt - ThePizzaDeliveryPony

The road to opening the first bar in Ponyville is as interesting as the pony on the road.

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Chapter 3

Someponies assume things that should not be assumed.

Someponies judge me before they get to know me…

Alex Firewing. Apparently I had an ancestor who was a Pegasus; however, I am no such thing. I’m an average earth pony, stallion.

With a black fur and a silver mane however, I appear a little strange. Somehow I continue to be disliked. I wasn’t going out of my way to make enemies of ponies… I guess my cutie mark does affect how ponies look at me.

… At least I have friends who will help.


I wake up for the first time in my house…weird. At first, I though 'where am I', but then I realized 'that’s right I moved to Ponyville.'

Now that I knew where I was, I needed a plan. I need to start my day. I had breakfast, and then remembered I have to work at Sweet Apple Acres today. I look at the clock, and it is only eight. But I leave for the farm anyway. I think I might be late.

I get to the farm, and…I’m late. Aj isn’t mad because she didn’t tell me when to be here, but tomorrow she wants me there by sunrise. Simple enough.

She gets me straight to work. Thank Celestia for high endurance in earth ponies. I bucked apples until lunch, where I had a half hour for lunch. I got back to bucking… heheh

I also am developing a bruise on my for head because of the many face-hoofs I have done today. I face-hoof any time I laugh at … bucking…hahhahaha… thump … ow.


I didn’t quit until AJ said so. It was around three, so I went to the library. I was expecting organized, what I got was… everything I was not expecting. It was a mess.

A baby dragon answered the door and introduced himself as spike. I was so amazed by the baby dragon; I tripped over a book and fell on my face. Spike himself reminded me of a pony I once knew, but I don’t talk about that pony.

Twilight herself was sitting at a table deep in a book, and sporadically scribbling on a piece of paper with magic. When I got to the table, she looked at me, but she didn’t focus on me. When she finally did, she smiled and motioned for me to sit, moving books off a chair magically as I she did.

“Let’s get straight to it if you don’t mind. What do you want in the bar?” she asked.

“Well I really want a large stage. Need a back stage to go with it. I need the bar, probably opposite the stage, also with a storage area, or a room behind it. The tables and stuff off to the sides. And… I think that’s it; feels like there should be more.”

“Okay, well that’s what I have. Here,” she says as she passes me a piece of paper. On it is a rough sketch of what I just described. I look to her questioningly. She seems to understand because she simply says “great minds.” I just nod, and return to the sketch. She has even marked out lights, stage equipment, and individual tables. I am impressed, everything is exactly the way I wanted it.

“I want some colorful, stage lights and stuff for light shows.” She nods and begins scribbling again. “are we done? Is that it? That was easy!”

Twilight glares at me, “I spent all morning on it.”


She smiles at me. “You sound like Pinkie Pie.”

…Dear Celestia, that’s not good.

“Okay, if that’s all, do you want to get Applejack and meet me at the bar? And ask for Big Mac to come too!” I nod and thank her several more times. I leave and set off towards the farm.


As I walk through town I notice several ponies looking at me in disgust. I’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring the annoying ponies. Today, however, I was in good spirits, until somepony walked up to me and pushed.

I looked at him, and sighed. I didn’t want a fight, and I didn’t want a fight with this big white stallion. I tried to just brush it off and leave. When I did he stepped in front of me and pushed me back. Now I was getting pissed; he would be getting a black eye, if only I didn’t already have everyone in town hating me.

What I did next just made him angrier. I turned around and went the other direction. This time he pushed me harder, and that is when the anger broke out. I bucked him, which after a day of bucking, I can do pretty well. Undeterred, he came full force, until something blue hit him, and he disappeared. In his place was a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane. I looked to a nearby tree that was making a lot of noise, and out of the canopy fell a white pony.

I look back to Dash and start to trot along my path again, with a smile on my face. She came with me and like nothing ever happened asks “so … what cha up to?”

I laugh, “goin to get applejack and back to the bar, Twilight’s got a plan made for it.” I say this in a very excited and happy tone. She drops her smile for a second and hope I don’t notice, and I don’t say anything even though I did.

“Mind if I tag along, I don’t have anything to do and I don’t want to sleep or practice.” Dash not wanting to practice? Would never happen…unless something’s wrong.

“What’s wrong Rainbow, this isn’t like you.”

“Nothing, just want to do something productive.”

I stop, turn, and look straight at her. “No, something’s wrong. Tell. Me.” I never really looked at her until then. I had always avoided looking at her because I thought she was cute. Now that I really look at her, I don’t want to stop. I can feel my face heating up.

She stops and turns to me. “Why do they all have to be so mean and judge you before they know you? If they took the time they would find out your cool. Ponies judge me too; think I’m a fillyfooler because of my mane.”

“That’s just how some ponies are, and you can’t do anything to fix it. When they confront me, that’s different.” I smile to her, “Besides, you and all your friends are nice to me and that’s all that matters. Not everypony in town judges me, and I’m sure not everypony thinks you’re a fillyfooler.”

“What about the bar, you’ll have no customers”

“I’ll have at least six!”

“WE don’t count!” she says angrily.

“It will all work its self out.”

“You should talk to Pinkie, she might have some ideas on how to get the town to like you,” she says ignoring my last statement.

“Okay, get her and meet me at the bar. And get Fluttershy while you’re at it, might as well have all six there.”I turn to leave before remembering, “Oh yeah, thanks for helping me with that stallion earlier.”

I leave without hearing her response, egger to get everyone together. Today might still be great.


I’m randomly wandering through the apple orchard, trying to find Applejack. I’m not looking where I’m going and run into a tree. All the apples fall to the ground. Great now I have to pick these up, and I have no basket. I go back to the barn, and there she is. Great! Now I can get yelled at!

“Hi Aj. I came to get you and bring you and Mac to the bar. Now I have to clean some apples up though. You go ahead without me, and I’ll meet up with you all there later.” I said this while she was stacking crates of apples.

She turned to me with a confused look on her face. “Apples?”

“Yea, I need to clean some up. I did something embarrassing, and now I need to go fix my mistake.” Try not to look like an idiot in front of your boss!

“Okay, put them apples you spilled into this crate and stack it up top once you’re done, and ‘member to watch where you’re going!”

“How… but… okay.” And I grab a basket and cart, and head into the orchard. I could hear her laughing out to the tree line, as I mumbled in frustration. How did she know?


You know…the people here are not bad, it’s just a misunderstanding. I was walking to the bar from the orchard after cleaning up the apples, thinking about my new home. I reached the door and noticed all the lights off in my bar.

I open the door, and almost shit myself when there is a thundering “surprise!” yelled at me. When I regain the ability to think, I look around and realize most of the ponies from town are in my bar.

A pink pony suddenly appears in front of me. And suddenly I am being told about how funny I looked when I was surprised. I also learn about how and why there is a party in my house. Also that everypony now accepts me into the town and apologizes for the way they acted. The pink party pony also told me all of this in one breath. And again my neck hurt from nodding the whole time.

I looked around again and noticed that everyone was talking to one another, and I realized this was how it was supposed to be. I found my new six friends and went to talk to them.

“Hi guys, what’s up” is all I can say before I am bombarded with questions from other ponies about who I am, where I’m from, and all kinds of other stuff. They all smile and wave as I am carried away with the crowd.

A few hours into the party, there were fewer ponies asking me questions and not as many ponies around in general. I was able to get back to my group and talk to them. I found them talking about my bar.

“…so it’s decided. Tomorrow we start work on the bar!” says Twilight. Wait… shouldn’t I have some say in this? Oh well, at least their helping me.

“Well if that’s the case, I better get home and try to finish my project so I have time tomorrow. Lovely party Pinkie, and Alex? Do be careful.” What?

“Ah also need to be goin. Ah’m a farmer, and we go tuh bed early. C’mon Mac, lets git home”

Applejack was followed by the big red pony to the door. She turned around just before leaving, looked at me smiling, and said “Have fun.” With that, two were gone.

“I need to study and complete the checklists for tomorrow. I am going to go too. C’mon Spike.”

“But Twilight, I wanted to-“

“No, lets go!” and with a huff the small dragon followed Twilight through the door.

I noticed a lot of ponies were leaving. I saw Pinkie disappearing and reappearing around the room and in front of those who were leaving. She was being a good host.

Something touched me on the shoulder and when I turned around to look, there was a squeek and a yellow and pink thing quivering in front of me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Fluttershy, do you need help getting home?”

Her main shook from side to side. I guessed that was a no, and with that I sent her off.

Again fewer ponies were there, and the pink pony was slowly walking up to me. She looked up at me, with her hair deflated. “Sorry, I know you wanted a party later, but I thought you needed to be introduced to the town. I’m sorry that I threw one without permission.”

I laughed and she looked confused, but her hair regained some bounce. “This was perfect.” Poof! “I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction. Thank you Pinkie.”

She began to talk endlessly about how she was happy I was happy and blah, blah, blah. I stopped her.

“Hey Pinkie, I want you to throw the grand opening party for the bar.”

She smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. “OHMYGOSH. That will be so fun, and I have sooooooo many super-dooper-looper ideas. I have to start planning now. This is going to be amazing!”

With that she was gone, and I assume from the building.

I finally turn to the last friend present at the party. The blue Pegasus is sitting on the floor a cup between her hooves. I
am a bartender and I can recognize when a pony has had too many, and dash has had way too many.

I move up to her and her face brightens as she realizes the shadow that now covers her is me. “Why are you drunk?”I asked the smashed pony.

“There you go worryin ‘bout me again…hic. Why you worry ‘bout me? You like me or shomthin…hic”

Her eyes try to focus on me but she fails. “Come on, Dash. I’m not letting you go home in your condition.”

“HA…hic… sho ya dose like me. Well thatsh not okay because I don’t like you.” There was what could be considered an evil laugh. But then she got a bit serious, “I lied. I like you a lot.” Then she started laughing again.

I didn’t know how to react to this so I ignored it. I took her upstairs and put her in my room. And when she lay down on my bed she lost all consciousness. I looked at her sleeping and thought she was absolutely beautiful. One thought led to another but it all came full circle to a realization that I really have feelings for Dash.

But was she serious earlier? If she was, then what? I’ll have to find out in the morning.

I went down the hall to a spare bedroom laid down and was out like a light. After a day of partying, apple bucking, and contemplating my feelings for Dash, it is not surprising.