• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 1,462 Views, 22 Comments

The Barcolt - ThePizzaDeliveryPony

The road to opening the first bar in Ponyville is as interesting as the pony on the road.

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Chapter 4

Nopony loves the barcolt.

Nopony loves me…

Alex Firewing. Apparently I had an ancestor who was a Pegasus; however, I am no such thing. I’m an average earth pony, stallion.

With a black fur and a silver mane however, I appear a little strange. At least I’m no longer disliked and ignored. I wasn’t going out of my way to fall in love… the problem is I don’t know if she likes me.

… At least we’re friends.


“NO! STOP! DON’T TAKE HIM! HE ISN’T DEAD, HE CAN’T BE DEAD!” My mother screamed as the chariot is pulled away, a dark blue tail hanging out the back.

He was gone. He was gone before they took him. I knew he had problems at school, but he always had a smile. I just wish he hadn’t done that. The most irreversible thing anypony could ever do.

Dangling there when she walked through the door, traumatizing her. She would never be the same. Nor would he.

BANG! I look around for the source. BANG! BANG! Houses are on fire around me. Ponies are running. BANG! The house next to me and mom blows up. Mom doesn’t notice. I run, trying to get to our house before…



I sit straight up in bed. A cold sweat all over my body. I look around and remember I’m in the guest room. I get out of bed, trying to shake the sense of dread that comes with that dream.


Oh, they’re at work early. I walk down to the bar, and find all my friends, Big Mac, and three fillies in my bar… HEY there’s a bar!

I walk up to Twilight. “Hello sleepy head! We got started without you. I hope you don’t mind.”

I didn’t mind at all but the more important thing was, “what time is it?”

“Near midday.”

That sucks. “Well, okay. I have some stuff I need to do. Can you take care of everything here? I trust you with it.”

“Yea, I think I’ll do fine. It’s already been half a day,” she said then giggled.

“Do you need any bits; I’ll leave you some if you need them. I’ll be gone for two days, so I think you might need them for stuff.”

She looks at me confused. “where are you going,” she asked accusingly.

“What do you need for a bar?”

“…A building?” I laugh at her and she gets a little more confused.

“No, think most essential.”


I nod my head, “My suitcase wasn’t big enough, so I need to get some from… probably Manehattan, since Canterlot is
liquor free.”

“Okay, well we will have the bar done when you get back.”

“Cool. I’ll be back down in a few minutes; I need to go get my stuff together.” I went up to my room, to the safe in my closet. Dash was still asleep on my bed.

I tried to be quiet, but it didn’t work. She woke up, and started mumbling about a headache. If I had the bar stocked, I could give her something, but I didn’t, so I couldn’t.

I finally got the bag out as she was getting out of bed. When her feet hit the ground her eyes shot open. She started looking around until her eyes met mine.

It took her a second before drawing the wrong conclusion; however I was confused by it. She mumbled something so she thought I couldn’t hear. “So it worked?”

“Hey Dash, you want to come with me to Manehattan?” I ask her, because I need to talk to her about… stuff. She nods.

I pack a bag and she follows as I head down stairs. Everyponies’ looking at us when we get to the bottom. Being the stallion that always gets weird looks, I just ignore them. I walk up to Twilight who is stifling a giggle. “How much do you think you will need?”I ask her.

“How much were you planning for? We will work with that.”

“I was planning on fifty thousand bits. Also I’m taking Dash with me, and we will be back tomorrow.” I hand her the money, and start to walk to the door. I turn back and notice Dash is still at the bottom of the stairs, a pink tint to her face. “Dash, time to go,” I yell at her.

She takes to the air and is beside me a seconds. I leave the building full of giggling ponies and make my way to the train station.

I turn to dash, and say in a flat tone, “we will talk on the train.” With that, we set out to leave Ponyville.


We had been on the train for what felt like hours. No one had said anything.

Realistically it had been an hour at the most, however if this was how the whole trip would be, I would regret brining Dash along.

Deciding to start the conversation, I look towards Dash. “Do you like me?”

“What?” she said defensively. “Whatever happened last night was purely because I was drunk, so don’t think it’s because I like you.”

“Nothing happened, other than you hinting around the fact that you love me, and me putting you to sleep in my bed. I didn’t sleep with you, and don’t make assumptions about me, you know I don’t like it! But I need to know if what you said last night was true!” Why am I acting so strange with her, I’m not mad…

“Nope…wasn’t true at all”

“Okay, so why did you get smashed?”


“Dash, the reason I want to know is so I can make a proper response,” I say in a very calm and cool manner.

She looks at the floor and makes a quick nod.

I must have had a smile bigger than Pinkie’s, because I jump up from where I sit across from her and stand right in front of her. She looks up, with a confused face to find mine an inch from hers. Without any hesitation, I slam my lips into hers. Still confused, it takes her a second to respond but when she does, I have never had a more enjoyable kiss.

When I finally break the kiss, I kiss her jaw until I reach the ear. I whisper into it, “I’m glad, because that would have made it really awkward for me.”

I move back to my seat across from her and we both sit smiling at each other like a pair of foals. Then she flies (literally) across the aisle to me and we lock lips for a second time. This time it is much longer and we explore each other’s mouths.

After that one, we sit and cuddle on one bench. We talked about nothing, about everything. About her, our friends, her family, the bar, her dreams, mine. We pleasantly avoided me. I know that if this relationship is going to last more than today and tomorrow, then I will need to tell her, but not right now.

Neither of us moves until my stomach growls, and so does hers. We both laugh, and then realize it was dusk and neither of us had eaten all day. We went to the dining car and it was full. We ordered and took our food back to our cabin. When we got back, we ate and didn’t talk much, focusing on our food.

After that, we laid down on one of the bunks and just talked, but this time there were a few things that were important. “So what does this mean…me and you? What are we gonna do? How does this work? In all honesty… I haven’t been in a relationship before…so…uh…” I ramble, and she starts giggling half way through.

“I thought you would ask that sooner. Ha… well, I don’t really know either, so we are gonna take it one step at a time…whatever that means…” Okay, well as long as we are in the same boat, I guess it’s okay.

She looks up at me from how she is laying, “So are you happy?” I nod. “Good, then everything’s going fine. I guess that’s how a relationship is supposed to work, as long as everypony is happy, then we’re okay right?”

“When did you turn into the wise pony?” I ask jokingly.

She leans in for a deep kiss, and I return the favor. A few seconds in, she playfully bites my tongue, and stops. “That’s your punishment for making fun of me,” she whispers.

“I deserved every bit of that.” We both laugh. “So what about our friends? What do we tell them?”

“We tell them we’re dating. Nothing wrong with it. Now would you stop worrying, everything will work out.”

“Okay.” And we kiss again, but then she turns around and lies back down on my chest. “Goodnight, Dash,” I whisper.

“Goodnight, Alex”


Our house explodes in a raging torrent of fire. Through the flames I can see a red, unicorn stallion standing on top.

“What are you doing?!” I yell. “DAD! STOP!”

He doesn’t hear me and just stands there. I run into the house, I have to get it. I HAVE TO GET IT!

Then I hear it the crashing sound. It’s coming from above me. I look up to see one of the support beams falling down.


I hear my name being called, but I’m trapped in the dark confined space, unable to move, struggling to breathe.



I shoot straight up in bed, and hit my head on the top bunk. I lay back down and try to stop shaking from the mental trauma.

“Alex! Are you okay?” I look around trying to find who is talking to me.

I finally spot Dash sitting on the floor; a sad, confused, worried look on her face. “Sorry, what happened?”

“You were rolling in your sleep, and then you started screaming. You woke me up. Are you okay, you look like you had a really bad dream.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s just around three in the morning and we will be arriving around six. But why does that matter?”

“It’s a long story. One that you need to know, but I haven’t ever told anypony.”

She looks at me hesitantly. “Okay, so it had somthin to do with your dream?”

“Yea. It wasn’t a dream, it was a memory.”

“Well, I’m not goin anywhere, and you can trust me. I won’t tell anypony, not even our friends. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” As she does the motions I just get more confused. “It’s the Pinkie Pie promise. And it can NEVER be broken.”

“Okay well I’m going to start and go all the way through. No questions until the end. It’s hard enough as it is,” I say. I sit up in bed and get comfortable as she does the same on the bed across from me.

I wonder what she will think of me after this…

I start the story…