• Member Since 1st Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 9th, 2019

Plushie Penguin

I have entirely no idea what I'm doing...


When Twilight was asked to go to Ponyville, she didn't really care that much about her friends that she left behind. In fact she only remembered when Spike told her a few years later. An old friend of hers decides to write a letter, about all the things she wanted to say, but couldn't.

Before the events of "Amending Fences"

Disclaimer I want to say first of all that these ponies aren't my own creation. They fully belong to Hashbro and DHX Media. Also sorry if this sounds similar to any other stories. I came up with this idea on my own and I if it is then it's because I didn't read them at the time of submission.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Hmmm, question:

You were my everything.

That is a bit shippy. Was that the intent? If so, spot on, if not... might wanna make that another strike-through.

I was hoping it would end the way it did: with a letter never sent. That keeps it in line with the episode.

8097954 I guess I was leaving it up to the readers to decide if they wanted it to be a ship or not. :trollestia:

8099339 I do think making that line a strikethrough would serve that end better, though admittedly that's as a result of connotations I've attached to the phrase that I suppose others may not share.

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