• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 5,262 Views, 19 Comments

The Desperation Requests - The Dark Wolf

Some of the ponies have to pee very badly and hold it the entire day through.

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Vinyl Scratch's Desperation

Author's Note:

The second part of a two-part request.

It was sunset, and Vinyl Scratch was getting ready for a party that Pinkie Pie organized for tonight. Pinkie had asked Vinyl to be the DJ for the party. So, DJ was getting ready for the party, while Octavia was getting ready for a big event at Canterlot that she was going to play music at.

As night fell, Vinyl arrived at Sugarcube Corner, where the party was taking place.

"Hi!" said Pinkie Pie as soon as she came in the door. "I can't wait to hear the songs you'll play! Want some soda?"

Vinyl accepted the soda, and as soon as she was done, Pinkie offered her more. Vinyl drank about seven cups of soda.

It was about 9:00 when she started to feel the need to pee. But before she had the chance...

"It's time to start playing music for the party!" Pinkie said.

Reluctantly, Vinyl walked over to her record player and started playing the first song, while operating the machine as usual to keep it going the right way.

She had to play five songs in a row, which were about two minutes long. With each song, she felt the pressure in her bladder increase, but she wasn't too desperate yet and was sure she could hold it.

Once she was done, there would be a five-minute break, so she ran to the bathroom.

"Hey Vinyl Scratch," said Rainbow Dash as she walked up to her. "Want some cider?" Applejack had brought a few barrels of cider over for the party in addition to the soda provided by Pinkie.

Vinyl reluctantly accepted and drank it.

"So, wanna hear about my Wonderbolt performance today?" said Rainbow Dash.

Vinyl listened while Rainbow told her story, a little impatient for her to finish so she could get to the bathroom.

Rainbow wasted the entire five minutes with her story, and Vinyl was forced to return to the record player without getting her relief.

Now she had to play songs until 10:00 when she could take another break. As she continued to play the songs, her bladder continued to fill up minute by minute, and she wasn't sure she could hold it.

After what felt like hours, 10:00 came, and once her current song was finished, she'd have a 10-minute break. Unfortunately, there were several ponies in line, many of which had drank too much soda or cider.

Rainbow Dash was right in front of her, frantically doing the pee dance, as opposed to Vinyl who tried to hide her desperation.

"I need to go SO bad!" said Rainbow Dash, who was right in front of her.

"Me too," said Golden Harvest in front of her, while Berryshine, who had drank the most punch, seemed the most desperate.

Vinyl waited her turn, crossing her legs slightly.

By the time Rainbow Dash entered the bathroom, and could be heard sighing on the other side, it was 10:10 PM, so Vinyl was forced to return to her record player.

She played more songs for the next fifty minutes straight, slowly becoming a little more distracted by how badly she needed to pee, but not affecting her performance... yet.

At 11:00, she really needed to go, and noticed there was no line at the bathroom. Though her break was only for five minutes this time, this would be more than enough time.

She was on her way to the bathroom when Pinkie suddenly ran in front of her. Vinyl was startled and almost lost it, but was able to hold it in.

"Want some more soda?" said Pinkie, holding up a big glass of it.

Vinyl reluctantly accepted and drank it.

"Better not drink too much though," said Pinkie. "One time I drank so much soda at a party, and I needed to pee REALLY BADLY! I had to hold it for, SO long!"

Vinyl felt very uncomfortable at Pinkie's descriptive story about her desperation, which only made her need to pee more. She tried crossing her legs so Pinkie would be able to tell she needed to get to a bathroom right away, but Pinkie was oblivious and described how she had just barely made it to the bathroom on time.

Until her five minutes were up, so she held up a hoof and returned to her record player. Next time she'd have to remember to interrupt her story politely so she could make it to the bathroom.

She played more songs until midnight, at the end of which she got another 10-minute break. She needed to pee more than ever, and didn't think she'd be able to hold it for another hour if she didn't find relief now.

To her dismay, there was another line of desperate mares, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash among them.

"Weren't you just in line two hours ago?" said Pinkie Pie to Rainbow Dash, both of them standing just in front of Vinyl and desperately doing the pee dance.

"I drank so much cider and it all went through me so fast!" said Rainbow. "Ugh... Why couldn't there be more than one bathroom in here?"

"I wish there was too!" said Pinkie, crossing her legs. "I don't think I'm gonna make it..."

Neither did Vinyl, but the floor stayed dry as each pony entered the bathroom and took her sweet time. Just as Pinkie was entering the bathroom, Vinyl's break was over, so once again, she had to return to playing music without getting her turn in the bathroom.

Now Vinyl was really desperate, and couldn't help but fidget, and sometimes mess up the songs slightly.

As the party progressed, Vinyl became more desperate and squirmed harder, no longer caring how many ponies saw her desperate. Pinkie and Rainbow stopped offering her soda and using up her break time, but each break she got the bathroom either had a line too long for her or was occupied by someone who was taking too long. Vinyl did the pee dance as she stood in line each time.

At her 3:00 AM break, Vinyl raced to the bathroom, but found Pinkie in front of it with a plunger.

"Sorry Vinyl Scratch," she said sheepishly. "I clogged the toilet."

By the time Pinkie fixed the toilet, Vinyl was back playing her songs again.

Finally, the party ended at 6:30 AM. Vinyl found the bathroom occupied again so she just ran back to her home to pee in her bathroom. It was almost sunrise now.

Vinyl felt the pee sloshing inside her as she ran, finally reaching her house and running into the bathroom.

She sat on the toilet and began to relieve herself, and about ten seconds later she heard Octavia on the other side of the door.

"Hurry up in there! I've been holding it all night and I'm about to wet myself! I can't... hold it... any longer..."

Vinyl could barely hear Octavia, as she was too focused on the amazing relief she felt.

After about a minute more, Vinyl was done peeing, and exited the bathroom, to which Octavia immediately ran in, Vinyl truly becoming aware for the first time that she must have been as desperate as her. Had she been holding it in the entire night too? She could hear her sigh on the other side of the door, and was thankful that they both made it.

Comments ( 4 )

nice work on the 2.

I can always count on you for positive comments

I loved both stories! Great work!

the only stories i hate and try to avoid are yoai stories but any other like yuri and futa and fetish i like

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