• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 2,537 Views, 26 Comments

Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances - TheOneAndOnlyRhyanSparks

When you get involved in a car crash, nothing is usually supposed to happen to you, but for me, something happens and I struggle to comprehend it. I end up at Canterlot High. But There's one problem... I Have AMNESIA.

  • ...

From Sunset to Sunset

Defeat of Ghalmar The Beyonder brought lots of cheer from those who fought beside us. But there was still one problem. What to do with the girl who'd been his mental slave. Seeing her laying on the ground whilst hugging me just begged for forgiveness. I looked at the ponied up girls behind me, as they all smile in forgiveness but with a concerned look on their faces. The red glow in the sky is no longer there and is replaced by the sound of birds singing and distant cheers and celebratory claxons.

"I am SO SORRY!" Melody cries, tears pouring from her eyes as she hugged me tighter. "I never meant any of those things I said! I didn't know I was under any control until I saw you. I owe you all an apology! I know I was mean before he appeared, but I regret everything that I said!" As we continue to hug, the six girls all come over and place their hands on her shoulders and back. I get a look from Rarity which I recognise, kind of, as I have caught my Rarity with that look before. Wait, not that she is my Rarity! I thought to myself quickly, blushing softly And making this Rarity giggle a bit.

"It's okay," Moonlight Sparkle says softly. "We all forgive you. I don't know about the others, but you'll need to be more convincing when it comes to apologising to the others. Wait, your hair Rhyan!" I turned around to look at Moonlight only to find everybody just staring at us, as I look at Dash and find her her hair flashing silver and back. My hair must be doing the same.

"I guess that's our cue then Dash." I say, making her smile, barely catching the pink glow on her cheeks. I'll need to ask her about her blushing. I thought to myself as I got up from the ground and headed outside.

Heading outside, we're all treated by huge crowds of people who were freed from Ghalmar's forces. Looking back, I find FlutterGuy, Moonlight and Dash all floating in the sky and waving. Then from nowhere, another rainbow streak rushed past everybody and appeared at the front of the group we're facing. It's another Rainbow Dash.

"WOAH!" The other Dash yells, as she walks over cautiously. "I was watching from over in Cloudsdale City when I wanted to see for myself! I can't believe I'm seeing another me! This is so awesome!" I saw Dash's hair flash again whilst they fist bumped, making the other Dash and Sunrise jump back again whilst getting a wave of shock from the crowds around us.

"For all who can see," I hear ZeZe strongly yell to the crowds. "It is clear these two are not meant to be. For their time here has come to an end, we now have some old and new friends."

Out of nowhere, I spot a flash of white in the distance, but it slowly starts growing instead. I catch a silver flash within it. II immediately realise what it is.

"Hey Dash," I yell, watching both look at me. I scratch at my neck whilst chuckling. "The Dash I came here with that is. Yeah, we, uh gotta go." I say, subtly pointing at the growing white and silver hole in the distance.

She looks In that direction then looks back at me as her hair flashes again, nodding. Giving a hug to the other Dash, they both nod, as I notice my Dash telling the other Dash something.

"Hey girls," I say, turning to them all. "Take good care of her, okay? I trust you can keep an eye on other magical things now that you know how to defeat them?" They all nod and Dash and I run off into the compound, eating and taking a couple of snack bars and cupcakes left by Pinkie Pie on a table.

Maybe I'll ask about her feelings later. I think to myself, as we shoot off and barely outrun the magic behind us as we slip into the 'Time Stream' again. This time, I notice different exits, spotting the one with the race we were previously in. It looks like it's only been seconds since we left it.

"Dash, over here." I say, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her towards the exit until I let go when she starts running right alongside me.

We slip through the exit, a slight zap of silver as we appear and still keep on running for the finish line. It's a lot quieter than I remember, but the students all start cheering again as we run onto the final stretch. I look at Dash, who looks back at me, as we both wink together. We add as much speed as we dare to crossing the finishing line, with both of us crossing the line at the exact same time. Again.

This time, we didn't care who won. We just laughed as we skidded to a halt. Pinkie Pie jumped onto Dash as Dash fistbumps AppleJack, making Sunset and Twilight giggle while I offer a high five them. For a moment, I saw Sunset's eyes flash white when we high fived, but all she does is giving a serious but knowing look at me as we continue to celebrate.

"Oh yeah! We have got to showcase this!" Dash says, as Sunset pulls me to the side whilst they head over to the scoreboards.

"Did you really time travel in that moment when you disappeared just now?" She asks me, crossing her arms, I catch a serious look, but I notice she smiles comfortingly through her eyes. "I only got a glimpse, but I did see a bit from the Battle of The Bands." I stutter a bit, then she holds my shoulder. "Don't worry, tell us when you're ready. I bet Dash would happily tell the story for you, knowing her. Although, I suspect that something happened over there that you're not willing to share not quite yet." She winks, as we both look at our friends.

We make our way to the sports hall, to hear the results from the race. I feel a pair of eyes on my left and catch Rarity quickly looking away from me, with a blush, as I look at her. I blush too, as I scoot a little bit closer to let a spiky, blue haired student sit down beside me.

"Good afternoon everyone." Started vice principal Luna, as I watch her eyes look around the hall. "In enlightenment of what we have witnessed today, it appears that Rainbow Dash and Rhyan have indeed tied in each of the three games." Celestia comes up to the pedestal after Luna steps down.

"After seeing these two students compete fairly with each other, as well as being great entertainment for us all, It is safe to assume that they are both winners!" She exclaims to all of us, making the entire hall cheer for us. "If you could come on stage and collect your trophy, that would great!" She adds with a smile.

Stunned, I just sit there in surprise, until I'm shaken on the shoulders by Applejack from the row above. I smile broadly as Dash and I get told to go down to the small stage. Stepping down the stairs, I get a lot of praise from other students. Although, I do catch Melody's comment of "Hrrumpf, why does he get to be so popular so quickly?" which makes me feel a bit more nervous about receiving this award than I want to be. I feel like I should probably speak to her later.

Seeing all the students from the stage with Dash by my side, I'm a little blinded by the light I somehow decided to stand under. I step to the side just a bit, as I recognise only one trophy being pulled into view from behind the podium. Dash and I are given the medal and hold it high as the room cheers.

Thirty minutes later, the school day had definitely ended on a high, with Rarity saying she is on an all time high as well. I can't help but smile at that as we head our different ways home from sitting out by the statue after the school had closed. I stand there for a second, briefly staring at the sky, thinking things whilst my body aches a bit, when I notice Rarity turns to look back at me at the bottom of my peripheral.

"Are you coming, darling? Oh, are you feeling okay, sweetie? You look a little worn out." She asks me softly, as I watch the sky starting to glow from a soft orange to a soft pink whilst the sun goes down. "It's a glorious evening though, isn't it?" I just nod, as I get an idea.

I don't really know what it is I've just thought of, but it just feels right for some reason. The sun setting just makes me want to go and watch it with Rarity, just the two of us. This might be dude to the feelings I've been feeling for her. I hoped I'm right, as I feel like she'll definitely say yes.

"Hey Rarity," I begin, my voice isn't wavering, but I stutter a little as I get a positive 'mhmm' from her whilst I look down to see her smiling a little bit. "Is there a place we could go and visit to watch the sun set?" I watch her think, one arm propped up in her other hand.

"I suppose there is," She replies, pointing towards a hill where the sun is setting. "It's a bit further up that hilltop, but I don't see how... Oh..." I catch her eyes glistening over a little as we lock eyes again, right as I feel a soothingly warm glow in my cheeks. "I would like to at least change before we go there." I just smile, holding my elbow out as we walk to her home above her shop.

Upon arriving home, I let her go and change whilst I sit downstairs, thinking about my feelings. Mainly about what I'm doing now. Only a minute or so later, I hear soft footsteps as I see a pair of glamorous, diamond blue coloured sneakers coming down the stairs, followed by a cute pair of jeans in ocean blue, then an adorable, short sleeved, sky blue shirt which just barely reaches the top of her trousers. A small, soft, pearlescent purple frill sits on the neckline of her top which I notice emphasises the colour of her hair and eyes.

I'm literally stuck with my mouth open as her jaw dropping, adorable outfit accentuates features I hadn't noticed before. Oh. My God. I am definitely in love with Rarity. I hear myself think, as she comes over to me. She stops near me, crossing her right knee in front of her left leg as she crosses her straight arms in front of her torso. She looks so beautiful too. I add silently.

"It's not too over the top is it, sweetie?" I hear, snapping me out of how cute she is. "I can go and put on something else if it's not." I notice her brush her hair back a bit with her hand as she looks down a bit whilst blushing a deep red. I get up and hold her hands gently, locking eyes once again.

"You look amazing." I say without thinking, making my cheeks feel even warmer than before. "Are you ready?" I add, picking her up on my back after she nods, our cheeks both burning brightly as I catch them in the mirror by a clothes rack.

I take a quick look out of the front door, then zoom off up into the hills where I find a perfect spot to stop and watch the sun setting. Upon arrival, the timing couldn't be better when I reach the bench facing the magnificent view of the sunset. Coming to a stop, I look around as Rarity pats her hair down. Sitting down, hand in hand, we just stay there quietly, Rarity places her head on my shoulder as the wind softly whooshing as the sunset lights up the distant view of a city from behind it.

Just this moment was enough to bring us even closer together than before. I mean, who wouldn't want to be with someone close with such a beautiful sight? And I'm not just talking about the view. As the sun sets below the horizon, bringing out the starry sky above, I try to wake Rarity up, but just seeing her sleeping on my shoulder with a beautiful smile on her face.

I plant a soft kiss on her forehead as I smile back, making hers widen a bit more, gently moving her so that I'm now holding her bridal style whilst she has her arms wrapped around my neck, which I feel. I sneak back through the town, keeping an eye out for anybody watching, as I race into our home. Well, her home mainly, but it's the only home I have at the minute. Coming out of superspeed, I take her upstairs and lay her on the bed as I head downstairs To sleep on a couch hidden from any prying eyes.

For a couple of minutes, I hear nothing until I hear her getting up and moving about upstairs. I head up, then knock on her bedroom door.

"Hey, um," I start, freezing a little as I think of what to say to her. "I brought you home after you fell asleep on my shoulder." I don't hear any movement after I've spoken, until I hear quick footsteps coming my way.

Only seconds later, Rarity opens her door in her adorable pyjamas and gives me a soft but warm hug, which I quickly return. Leaning back in my arms, she wraps her arms around my neck, as I move my hands to hold her lower back. Her half-lidded eyes and slightly rosy cheeks completely stop me from saying anything, as we find ourselves lip to lip, but only for a few seconds. But these precious seconds...

...felt like they lasted an entire lifetime.