• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 2,537 Views, 26 Comments

Equestria Girls - Lucky Chances - TheOneAndOnlyRhyanSparks

When you get involved in a car crash, nothing is usually supposed to happen to you, but for me, something happens and I struggle to comprehend it. I end up at Canterlot High. But There's one problem... I Have AMNESIA.

  • ...

A New World

When you crash in a car, you expect to wake up in a hospital, in a cast or two and with bandages. For me, on the other hand, I was face down in a wet, hard road. Newly soaked might I add. My head hurt like crazy. My vision was slightly foggy, my brain in some sort of thick haze.

I hear screeching, tyre screeching, making me snap my head up to see a pair of bright lights. This gave me a very big headache, making me clutch my head immensely as I wince in pain.

I barely have enough energy to register the person who manages to pull me from the street, rather quickly onto the sidewalk, as the car zooms past blaring its horn. My head feels fuzzy, but not in a good way.

Uh, where am I? How did I get here? I managed to think, even though I was barely thinking straight at all. My head buzzed wildly, along with my body, as I cringe in pain and clutch at my head again.

I barely make out a voice, as I start to slowly remove my hands from my head. It's still raining, but I'm feeling patches of rain through my grey hoodie, like it had holes in it. I'm barely aware of the other person, as my hands move really slowly, shaking like crazy.

I definitely feel drained of all my energy. I hear faint dial tones as I feel, with super shaky hands, the holes in my grey hoodie. They roughly matched the holes in my navy blue gym shirt underneath.

With the thought that I might have some burn marks, I start to panic and begin to try and stand. I feel my head spin extremely fast, making me lose lots of balance.

Before I know it, the person still has their phone in their hand as I reach up to my head to try and numb the pain, cringing and groaning loudly. I barely register a pair of hands grab me firmly... Annoyingly, just before I completely pass out.

I come to slowly, feeling extremely fragile, cold, shaky and weak. I cough loudly, seemingly getting the attention of someone. The gasps of more than one person in the room make me go to open my eyes.

Seeing cartoons is one thing, but living in it? I would say it's impossible, but in fact, I'm doing that right now. My throat feels extremely sore, with even just my breathing sounding raspy.

"Hey, take it easy," I hear, with a quiet and soft tone to it. It sounds female, but too young to be an adult. "You've been out for quite a while."

I gently roll my head sideways, to get a good look at who was speaking to me. I then note of the room I'm in, noticing things you'd usually see in a first aid room on a school campus. I eventually found who was speaking.

I stare with as much energy as I could, but I couldn't put a name to their face. Like I should know them. However, I didn't need to ask.

"My name is Melody," Melody says, just before giving a serious look on her face. I spot someone who looked like a teacher or something behind her. "Melody Symfonía. Be grateful that I helped, but speak to anyone about what I did and I'll pretend that I was never there."

"That's enough, Melody," Spoke the teacher, who stepped closer to us. I didn't recognise her either, but her face felt familiar somehow. "We don't want to frighten him so much that he won't talk. He's already looking petrified from what's happened. Why don't you head on home?"

"Okay, Miss Luna." Melody says, hugging Miss Luna, who I think is a teacher and then turning away from me. I know she whispered something, but I'm too weak to focus on it. In fact, I was indeed petrified, but I was also bewildered by what was going on. I watch her grab her backpack and walk out of the room.

As soon as she closed the door, I really wanted to ask some questions, but it was obvious that I couldn't do anything.

"Get some rest," Miss Luna says, coming over and patting my head gently. "You'll feel better by tomorrow. I at least hope you will." And with that, I watch her leave through the door, but then stops and turns back to me. "If you prefer it, I can turn the lights off for the night?" I nod enough for her to see. She smiles, turning the light off and leaving the room as I fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and feel a fair bit better, but there's a reason I woke up. The commotion just beyond the door is what woke me up. I don't feel as fragile, but the warmth under this duvet kept me from doing anything, let alone to sit up. It's just so comfy. I then realised I'd been placed in a medical bed. I have an IV drip and a heart monitor watching my main vitals. My heartbeat is just below 60, which was a good sign in my books.

After a while the commotion dies down, as I begin to hear some bird chirps from the window opposite me. I see a cute, bright blue bird, like a song bird, perching and conversing cheerfully with another bird like itself. The other one was red with a yellow belly.

I then realised they were inside, as the bluebird flies over my bed as I watch it and then lands on the door handle. It taps four times rapidly, then twice slowly.

I hear the voices quiet down very quickly, like the bird was actually knocking in code. That's crazy, I thought, dumbfounded at what I'd just seen. Well, heard.

I watch as three girls walk into the room. I don't recognize any of these girls like how I didn't recognise the teacher. One girl had an amazing shine to her hair, making that purple shine glamorously. I thought she looked really cute, in an outfit I thought was stunning. And that says a lot about my taste in girls! I had as an afterthought, as I looked over to the other girls. One had a short strand of her straight, pink hair flopping down in front of her face as I watched her talking to the bluebird. She looked cute too. I took a note in my head that their skin colours looked different too.

The last girl had a nice mix of colours in her hair. Yellow and red stripes. Kinda made me think of a small bundle of flames. She was the first to begin talking to me, sitting on the edge of my bed gently.

"Hi, I heard you'd had a nasty accident last night." She states, patting my leg. I smile, not yet really up to speaking. "Vice principal Luna told us about last night, how a student had brought you in during the storm."

I raise my eyebrows at the mention of Miss Luna being the vice principal. i then listen to her describe how a student who wanted to remain anonymous had found me on the road after a bolt of lightning had struck the road and assumed it had hit me. I agreed, but only because I had no recollection of how I'd got there. Last thing I remember is waking up here.

"Um, Sunset," spoke the softer-yellow skinned girl. Why do I recognise that name? I thought, but make no further thoughts on it. "You do know how weak he is, right?"

"Yes, Fluttershy, " Sunset replied. She sounded more like someone who's been through a lot. She speaks just as softly, but with a bit more, it's kinda hard to sense it, because I can't exactly describe it. "Yes I do. I just hope that we could at least get some answers to our questions."

As I'm listening to them speaking, I watch as vice principal Luna walks into the room, along with a clipboard in her hands. I assume that's where the questions are. Another staff member follows her into the room. She's taller and has a brilliant range of colours from pink to pale yellow and white in her hair.

"Now students," She spoke, with a strong undertone of authority as she spoke gently. You couldn't really miss it, even in my state on this bed! "He's been out for four days now, so please be gent-" she didn't get a chance to finish speaking.

I've been out for FOUR DAYS?! I thought madly, just as she had mentioned it, my body tensing up with the thought of how long is been asleep. Unfortunately, this gave me immense pain and spasms, making my body shake like crazy from the seizures I started having.

I groan in pain, but I'm more aware to the fact that all three girls help to hold me down. After a few minutes, my body relaxes, then the five of them spend some time talking quietly over at the machines as I look out of the window.

I watch the soft fall of snowflakes as I watch the world outside get a soft white layer to it. I reach up and touch the window beside my bed, feeling the heat from the radiator warm my hand as I feel the winter coldness through the window by my palm.

I hear one of the girls come over to me and give me a very gentle hug. I slowly return the gesture, feeling her soft, gorgeous hair. I see some long, purple hair in the corner of my eye as I hug her.

Wait, why am I thinking that? I turn my head to try and see her face, whilst feeling a little flustered. She seems to acknowledge my movement, then wipes at my eyes with a small cloth from her pocket then wipes her own away. Wait, I was crying? I smile, as she then places a quick kiss on my forehead, unnoticed by anyone else, as she gets up and returns to the others. I begin to feel sleepy, smiling at the earth I'm feeling inside me. I then end up falling asleep, hoping I don't wake up the next day.

I only have one final thought before I fall into a deep sleep...

... I like her.