• Published 1st Jun 2017
  • 547 Views, 15 Comments

The Last Piece Of Equestria - robocart9

A human named Karl gets sucked from his normal life into Equestria. He learns new tricks and skill that might one day save equestria and multiple dimensions.

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Chapter IV

Chapter IV


I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. I slowly opened my eyes to see the sky and the trees to my left. ‘I wonder what’s gonna happen today’ I thought as I yawned. ‘Maybe I’ll roam around in the Everfree Forest’ I decided to go after I eat breakfast. I headed into the forest after I bought a muffin and ate it on the way. I came across ruins of what looked like an old castle. ‘This must be the old castle of the eclipse sisters’ I thought as I entered. “Anyone here?” I yelled. That’s when I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. “Nightmare Moon?” I said as I turned around to see a shadow the shape of the mare. “Is that you?” I walked up to the shadow when two eyes appeared on it. “It’s and honor to meet the one who has made the gorgeous night. I thank you kindly for it.” I said with a little bow. I became confused when the shadow surrounded me and even more confused when I saw a tear form in her eye.

“Thank you human. You are the first to verbally thank me for the night,” I heard a mare’s voice say.

“So it is you, Nightmare Moon,” I felt sympathy for the mare, “I’ll try to reunite you with your subjects peacefully. But for now, if you want, you can hide in my bag.” I offered. I guess she accepted because she went into my bag. I decided to head out, but was stopped when I heard footsteps.

The Hopper|

“Hello Karl.” Someone said behind me. I turned around to see another human.

“How do you-”

“Know your name? Simple. I’m like a guardian angel and recruiter of my cause. And I need to know the name of those I would protect. But I need to apologize for losing my manners. My code name is ‘Robocart’ though you may call me ‘robo’ or ‘rob’. Now is has come to my attention that you would like to give the ‘Mar in the Moon’ a body and re-introduce her to society. Right?”

I nodded.

“Well, even now, that would be a bad idea considering that Celestia and Luna still don’t like her. But I could help with the home problem. But down to the point. I would like to make you one of us.”

“And what are you?”

“Well the ‘us’ are Dimension Jumpers. But I am a Dimension Hopper.”

“So, I could go in between Dimensions?”

“Yes, but only a few. And only those that you have already visited.”

“So my home and here.”

“And others that I have ‘Called’ you to.”

“Cool, So when do I start?”

“After your story here is finished.”


“Your story, Basically when you settle down and establish a ‘home’ here. Then you can travel. But now you can unlock certain powers of the ‘Jumper’. But enough chat. I got to go. But Don’t forget this day Karl. For as of today. You are a Jumper!” After that, he vanished.

Home| ‘Establish a home huh? Wonder what that means’ I thought as I let Nightmare Moon (I’m going to write Moon to save space.) see my place. “It’s safe here, So you can rest if you want. And don’t worry about the light. There’s a section over there that I always keep dark. Just in case it gets hot.” I said as I pointed to my “Cooling Room”. I sat down and finished the books “Cultures of Equestria for Idiots” and “Information for the Everfree” and now starting on “Pony Biology 101”. I was halfway done when I heard hoof-steps near. I signaled for Moon to hide when I saw the shadow of a pony on the tarp. I slowly walked towards the door to take a peak when the pony left. ‘Huh. Who might have that been?’ I thought as I finished my book. I told Moon I was gonna leave when I went toward the door. When I opened it I saw the night sky. “See this moon. Without this. Life would cease to be and no-one would be able to appreciate it’s beauty.” Is said as I left. When I arrived I was lucky to catch Twilight before she went inside. “Hey Twi!” I said.

“Hey Karl. What are you doing this late at night?”

“I was on my way to return my books... wait. How late is it?” She pointed at the towns clock tower. “11:57! Jeez. Time flies when your reading. Well here anyways.” I gave Twi the books. “Have a good night Twi!”

“Same to you,” She waved good bye as I left. When I got home and was about to head to bed I noticed that my “Cool room’s” door was open. When I opened it I saw a member of the royal guard standing there. “What are you doing in my personal quarters?” I said with venom in my voice.

“I have reason to suspect Nightmare Moon is in this ‘house’ of yours.”

“Well she’s not. Otherwise I would know. Now off my property or I sue.” He left with frightened eyes when I said that. After that I went to bed.


When I awoke I heard something from the main room. “Hello?” I said as I peaked in there.

“Hey Karl,” Moon said.

“Oh, hey mo... Wait... YOU HAVE A BODY NOW!!!” I said in a surprised tone.

“Yes,” She said calmly.

“Wait. Where did I find you?”

“In the Old Castle.”

“How did you get here.” She looked at me confused. That’s when I saw the real Moon’s shadow form peaking out the doorway of the “Cooling Room.” “Alright, Jokes over.” I said as Luna went back to her normal form.

“How did you know it was me?” She asked.

“Nightmare Moon doesn’t exist anymore.”

“I guess my guards suspicions were incorrect then. You seem to not even believe in the Mare in the Moon. I shall leave now.”

“So what’s with this negativity toward Moon?” I asked.

“She’s an evil witch that only wants the sun gone.”

“Oh really? I thought the legend went on that she became mad and felt left out when no-one explained that sleeping in the night isn’t disrespecting it but silently thanking it for it’s peacefulness and quietness. Even I would go mad if I thought that no-one appreciated something that I had worked hard on,” I said, "And maybe if she still existed and I somehow came across her then instead of hating her I would have done something to her that she and YOU deserved all along."

A very baffled Luna said, "Do what?"

"Thank you both for the night. And for all the hard work you guys put into it. And then maybe, maybe she would have a change of heart. Because she wouldn't think that no-one appreciated her hard work."

"How could you know if this would work?"

"Simple," I said as I walked toward Moon, "I know because I have done it,"I finished as Moon crawled up my arm.

"Thank you again for appreciating mine and Luna's work," Moon said

"So maybe next time, consider my next words, 'Don't stop trying to turn your enemy good unless your enemy has a shattered mind.' Quoted from a friend of mine," I said as Celestia walked in.

"I heard everything. Nightmare Moon. We are sorry for giving up on you, sister," She said.

"Now, you could come with us to live in the castle or stay here," Luna said

"I'm going to stay here with Karl." I face-palmed

"How do people know my name?"

"I overheard it," Moon responded.

"Of course you did," I responded

"Well we got to go, Were still Equestria's Rulers, So we still got work to do. But we hope to meet you again. And Karl."


"Thank you for opening our eyes." Celestia said.

"And thank you for appreciating the night," Luna said.

"No problem. Oh and here's another quote, for the both of you, 'It's in the dark that Light shines the most," I pointed at Celestia. "But in that light, is where the Dark's beauty is mostly shown'." I pointed at Luna, "Remember that," I said.

"We will," They all said. I waved goodbye as they left

"Well that was unexpected," I said. I decided to go to Sweet Apple Acres to work. When I went home I saw Moon standing there. "Again with the joke, knock it off Luna," I yelled at her.

"No this is actually me," She responded. I went inside to look for moon but didn't find her

"Alright, Question number one, Where did I find you?"

"The old castle."

"Did you follow me or did i bring you home?"

"You brought me home."


"You let me into your bag."

"Last question."


"Where did you stay?"

"In you 'Cooling' room." she said as she pointed.

"OK. How did you get your body?"

"My sisters helped me get my old body back."

"I need proof." Just then the eclipse sisters stepped out of hiding.

"Is this proof enough?"Luna said.

"Is this an illusion?" I replied.

"No," She said.

"Prove it." Just then Moon kicked me."OK, I still need proof that the eclipse sisters are real. Wait, no no NO!" I said as they both kicked me to the ground. "OK, I believe you now." I grunted as I got back up.

"Well me must be off," Celestia said.

"OK, Bye eclipse sisters." I waved as they left.

"So, I've been meaning to tell you this since you got home." Moon said. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Come here."

"O-OK." she leaned in and whispered.

"I think I love you."

I stepped back and said, "That's illegal."

She looked at me like I just confessed a murder. 'What?"

"I read it in a book and it had a list of laws and one of the laws were that a human and a pony can't have a relationship and breaking this law is punishable by death."

"But I even told Celestia and Luna that I was going to confess my feelings."

Now it was my turn to be confused. "Well I don't want to risk it. I'll meet up with Twilight to try to figure it out," I said as I was heading to bed. When I awoke the next morning I found that Moon was sleeping next to me. 'She looks so beautiful like that' I thought. I leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I have a crush on you too," I whispered in her ear.

"Good to know," She whispered back.

"Lamest way to get that out of me," I said as she smiled,"well, I'm heading out."

"Bye," Moon said as I left. When I arrived the door opened ON ME!! OW!!! "That hurt," I said as I saw spike exit the library.

"Sorry," Spike said.

"No worries. Hey, is Twilight here?"

"Yes, why?"

"I got to talk to her about something."

"Oh really?" Spike said with a devilish grin.

"Not that Spike," I said as I face-palmed.

"I know. Just messin' with ya," He said with a chuckle. When I walked in I saw Twilight reading a book on her couch.

"Hey Twi. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Wh...sure," She said. I could have SWORN that I saw a light blush.

'Is it me or is she always this cute?' I thought as I said, "It's about a law I found in a book a book I borrowed."

"Oh really, which law?" She said, her blush quickly fading.

"The law saying that humans and ponies can't have a relationship together."

"That's a law?"

"It said so in the book."

"I'll check with princess Celestia."

"Thanks Twi"

"No problem Karl." I was just about the leave when Twilight said, "Oh hey Karl."


"Come here."

"O-OK." She leaned in next to my head.

"I-I have a crush on you." I fell back in surprise as if she pushed me.

"I-Is herding still a valid culture?"

Twilight Blushed "I-I think so."

"Then if that law's out of date," I leaned in and whispered, "Then how 'bout you join mine?"

Twilight blushed deeply as she nodded.

"Well I got to go." I waved as I left. When I arrived home Moon was waiting for me.

"So?" She said.

"Twilight is going to find out," I leaned in and whispered," And if it's not a law, then she's joining our herd."

Moon blushed, "H-herd?"

"I thought you knew about that."

Moon shook her head.

"Well it's a Culture where a Male has multiple relationships with different females."

"Oh, that culture," Moon replied.

"Well I'm going to bed."

"But it's barely past noon."

"Then I'm taking a nap."

Moon rolled her eyes. "Fine. But I'm joining you," She said with a sly smile.

"Fine by me," I said as I got into bed. I awoke to a tapping noise and looked around to see Moon sleeping next to me. I quietly up and walked to the front door. "Who's there?"

"It's Twilight."

"Prove it." Twilight teleported behind me.

"Hows that?"

"Proof enough, so any reply?"

She jumped up and kissed me, "Get your answer?"

"Just show me the paper," I said with a smile. As I read the paper my smile grew. "So it is out-dated."

"That's good to know," Moon said as she appeared next to me and kissed me.

"N-Nightmare Moon!" Twilight said in horror {Really shurlock?}

"Calm down Twilight. Remember me saying something about my herd?" She nodded. "Well also the reason I came to you was because Moon here." I pointed to Moon," Confessed her love." Twilight looked at her in disbelief.

"R-really?" Moon nodded as she nuzzled her head against me.

"She must have you under a spell."
"Twi. If I was then I wouldn't be able to love you." Twilight blushed when I said 'Love you'

"OK," She said, "Well, I'm going back home."

"OK Twi. It's late anyway." I waved as she left. "I'm going to bed."

"We JUST got up," Moon said.

"I'm going to bed"

"How 'bout we do something else." She said as she swayed her flank.

"W-what did you have in mind?" I said as we got in bed.

"You'll see." Oh no. I don't think we'll be sleeping tonight. Gulp...

'wow, What a night' I thought when I awoke the next morning. I look to see Moon still on top of me. I gently push Moon off of me and put my clothes back on. I left for another day of work. If only I knew what was going to happen when I got there, then I would have stayed in bed.