• Published 1st Jun 2017
  • 546 Views, 15 Comments

The Last Piece Of Equestria - robocart9

A human named Karl gets sucked from his normal life into Equestria. He learns new tricks and skill that might one day save equestria and multiple dimensions.

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Chapter V

Apple Season|

As I arrived at SAA [Sweet Apple Acres, If you were wondering.] I didn't see Apple Jack anywhere. "AJ. You there?" I yelled. I received no answer. I looked toward the house to see if she was there. Nope. Then I saw Apple Jack being shoved out of the barn.

"Alright fine! I'll tell him!" She yelled back at whoever was in the barn.

'Can't be good, Dang it. Too early for this.' I thought as I pretended not to notice what happened. "Must be Sunday," I said as I started to walk away.

"Hey Karl! Wait up!" She yelled at me. I sped up my pace a little. "Karl! Wait!" I walked faster. "I know you can hear me! Slow down or your gonna regret it!" I sped up to a jog. "That's it!" I looked behind me to see Apple Jack galloping at full speed toward me.

"OH SHIT!" I yelled as I took of on a full-on sprint. "Shit, shit shit shit SHIT!" I yelled louder as I ran. I looked back to see that Apple Jack had leapt at me. "Holy Shit!" I yelled as I ducked just in time. Apple Jack landed in front of me, but I couldn't stop in time. I triped over Apple Jack and landed flat on my ass. "That. Was. Fun." I said in-between pants.

"Ah' don't know what ya' definition of fun is," She responded.

"Haha," I said sarcastically, "So, why did you want me to wait?"

"I got to tell you something." I took off again.

"Oh no ya' don't," She said as she lassoed me.

"Hey! I was joking," I said with a chuckle.

"I'm being serious."

"Fine, so what's on your mind?"

"W-well ah'.. um..." She said while blushing lightly

"Come on AJ." She motioned for me to get closer.

"Ah' have a crush on ya'," She whispered.

"Join the club."

"Wait what?" She said with a look of confusion

"Twilight and Moon already confessed."

"Oh, So that's what Twilight was talkin about. She also said somethin' about a herd. Is that true?" I nodded. "Well then...um..."

"Do you wanna join?" She nodded and I hugged her. "I won't mind having you as a mare-friend." That's when I noticed Big Mac. I stepped back VERY fast. "I g-gotta go.. S-see ya AJ." I said as I took off running.

Back Home|

When I arrived home I saw Twilight and Moon deep in conversation. I decided to be sneaky and hid behind them. "Really? Last night?" Twilight said.

"Yes," Moon leaned in and whispered something in Twilight's ear that caused her to blush. They were silent after that. I decided to act. I silently crept towards them.

"BOO!" I yelled as I launched my hands to tickle the girls. Twilight just teleported away while Moon just fell over laughing.

"Karl!" They both yelled at me.

"What? You guys weren't paying attention. Can't you take a joke?" I said as the both playfully hit me."Oh and by the way, AJ might be joining the herd, If Big Mac doesn't kill me first." I half joked.

"Don't take her to bed," Twilight said with a knowing smile.

"Why not?"

Twilight leaned in and whispered, "There's a reason she's the bucking bronco of the family." My eyes widened.

"Please be joking." Twilight shook her head. 'shit'

"Oh and before I forget," She leaned in again, "How 'bout we try something tonight?" She said seductively. I looked toward Moon and she winked.

"Have fun." She said before she left. After she left Me and Twilight went to "Bed."

Calm Before the Storm|

I awoke to the sound of rain the next morning. 'Shit! I need to check for holes!' I thought as I got up and got dressed. When I opened the bedroom door I found a slight hole in the ceiling. "Shit!" I yelled. I hurried to get a pole to keep the tarp roof up. "Now I need to find a bucket," I said as I did just that. I heard the door open to reveal Twilight.

"What's that noise?" She asked in a sleepy tone.

"It's the rain."

"Really? There wasn't supposed to be any rain."

"Wait, Does the EverFree have Weather without Pegasi?"


"That's why. Half of my home is in the EverFree Forest."


"Yeah. You know what? The EverFree is just like the Forests in my world. Minus the Hydra and Poison Joke and stuff."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me about that. Still thinks it's freaky that the sun and moon move by them selves."

"I think it's freaky that you need the princesses to do that. What if they die?"

"Hm. Never thought of that. No wonder they have so many guards."

"Anyway, I'm gonna head out to Work."

"hm'kay, Bye."

I waved as I left. 'It's only raining on the forest side?' I thought as I headed toward SAA. 'Weird' Then a Thought came to me. 'I haven't worked out in a while, maybe I'll push myself today.' I thought as I arrived at SAA. 'Maybe I'll try to push how many bushels of apples I can carry.' I thought. Then I noticed something. 'Where is every one?'

"Hello? AJ?" I yelled 'It better not be Sunday. I thought when no-one answered. After no-one responded for about five minutes I left. "Hey Moon! Is it Sunday?" I said when I got home.

"No. It's Friday." She responded.

"Weird. No-one was at Sweet Apple Acres today."

"Hm. I guess there's no work today. "

"Maybe so. Well. I'm taking a nap."

"Want me to join?" Moon said with a wink.

"Sure. But this time I want to sleep with normal dreams."

"Aw come on!"

I glared at her.

"Fine," She said as we went to bed.

When I awoke I heard a Knock on the door. "Who is it?" I said. No answer. I opened the door to find a letter taped to it. "H,. A party? For who?" I said as I read the letter. 'hm. The library? Sure I'll go.'

"Hey Moon." I said.


"Want to go to a party?"

"No thank you. I;m not he party type."

"OK. I'll be back when it ends then."

"OK, Bye."

I waved as I left. But when I arrived. It was anything but a party.

Making Enemies|


When I arrived I saw that the lights were off and that it was quiet. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the silence, but it was TOO quiet. I slowly crept towards the door and slowly opened it to peak inside. What I saw would be my horror's worth of fright for the night. I saw Twilight being held up right with a knife to her throat and the other man six was bound and gagged. I slowly grabbed my revolver and aimed carefully. "Surprise," I whispered as I shot a tranquilizer dart into his neck. "FREEZE!" I yelled as I busted in and hit the two that was hiding in the doorway. "ANYBODY ELSE!!" I yelled.

"Well done." Someone behind me said while clapping.

"Who are you?" I said as I turned and pointed my revolver at him.

"Now now. None of that." He said as he drop kicked my arm and making me drop the revolver. "Lets make this a fair fight."

"Run Karl!" I heard Twilight yell.

"Yes. Run Karl, and abandon your friends." He said as I flipped him off. "Oh boy! Now he's remembering! Go ahead, Let them down! Just like you did in those dreams!"

"You fuck!" I yelled angrily as he smiled. "I'll go to hell before that!"

"Alright. Guess your staying. Now here's a more appropriate question," He got into a fighting stance. "Who'll make the first move? You?" I crouched. "Or ME!!" He yelled while he leapt at me. I ducked right before he reached me and kicked upward, hitting his stomach. "Oof! Feisty little one, aren't we?" He said as he got back up and kicked me in the stomach. I grabbed his leg and gave it a good twist before throwing him toward the door. He came out of no-where and hit be three times in the stomach before double-kicking me in the face while back flipping away. "To easy. Here's another question. Who do you love? Pinkie? Rarity? Fluttershy? Applejack? Oh boy, we got one! RD? Twilight? alright, there's the other one!." He said as I reacted to each name. "See, the eyes tell away so much information, as well as body language." He said as he tried to drop kick but I stepped to the side and kicked him in the balls.

"So what if I love them? What's important is that I can't decide if I'm gonna break your limbs or punch your pretty face to a bloody pulp!" I said as I kneed him in the face.

"Oh it does matter." He said as he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind me. "Because when I'm done with you." He twisted my arm again.

"Ahh!" I yelled in pain.

"I'll need to know which ones," He kneed me in the balls, "I'll kill." He punched me in the face. "Or make my personal toys!" He threw me into a bookshelf.

"Oh no you didn't." I said.

"Oh yes," He pointed at me. "The ones you love are gonna become my personal slaves! And I'll kill the others just for fun!"

"You sadistic fuck!" I yelled as I made swords appear in my hands and charged at him.

"Why thank you." He said as he bowed to dodge my attack. "I am sadistic." He elbowed me in the stomach and threw me toward me friends.

"He he, Your gonna regret even thinking about that." I said as I got up and spat out a little bit of blood.

"Such determination. It's gonna be your downfall."

"Hey, I forgot to ask. What's your name?"

"John Buckerton, why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know the name of the person I'll," I teleported behind him. "Be skewering!" I yelled as I drove both blades into his back and out his stomach. I placed a foot on his back and pushed him of the blades.

"You might have killed me," He said as he kneeled. "But not without Consequences!"

"Karl look out!" Twilight yelled as John tried to stab me. I parried and turned 360-degrees and beheaded him.

"What consequences?" I joked "Alright, lets get you guys untied."

All of the girls hugged me after I got them free. "Thank you," they all all said.

"No need to thank me girls. No one should be forced into any kind of slavery or die before there time." They hugged me tighter. "Truth is, I love all of ya. You never judged me right off the bat unlike many people at home." I said with a tear in my eye. After a minute I said, "By the way, what about that party?"

Pinkie's eyes sprang open, "You're right! We need to celebrate!" She yells as the whole room transformed into a party.

"How do you do that?"

[insert a 1 hour later spongebob thingy here]

She finally finished while everyone except us were having seizures. "So that's how you do it," I said.

"How are you not like them?" She pointed to the five ponies on the ground.

"I don't know." I said. "Maybe it's to much information for them." I shrugged. We started the party when they all woke up.

"Hey, you gonna dance?" Pinkie asked.

"Naw, I haven't danced in a long time."

"Come on, you can't be that bad." She said.

"I just don't want to discredit you for best dancer."

"OK, you can't be horrible but you can't be THAT good."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe," She looked at me. We both pulled out mega phones and yelled,

"DANCE COMPETITION!" Everypony left the dance floor

"who's challenging Pinkie this time?" Twilight asked.

"PONY ON THE HOME SIDE, PINKIE!" Pinkie entered on the left side.

"AND The Challenger," everypony looked to the right, "KARL!" the unknown voice yelled as I entered on a headspin and flipped onto my feet..

"Your out of your mind Karl!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Nice encouragement Rainbow," I said as I clapped slowly.

"Round One, GO!" The UV said as "Centuries" by 'Fall Out Boy' played. After round three I was in the lead by 3 points.

"Round Four!" The UV said as "Angel With a Shotgun" by 'The Cab' played.

"Your toast," I said with a laugh, "This is my song!" Pinkie looked at me worried.

Two ponies started chanting "Karl! Karl! Karl!" [guess which ones, *wink*] And two ponies started chanting "Pinkie! Pinkie! Pinkie!" Fluttershy just sat and watched. Pinkie Pie took it to another level to try to throw me off. It didn't work, and Pinkie started to look worried as I raised the pressure. After Round Five we were tied and went into freestyle. That's when we let loose.

"No holding back!" I yelled as I danced. Eventually we both got tired. Pinkie started to slow as I sped up. We both ended at the same time, Pinkie ending it with a flip over her party cannon, and I ended it with a head spin followed by a flip into a split. Everypony, Including Pinkie, gasped when I did the split. "What?" I asked, out of breath.

"Are you ok Karl? That looks painful," Twilight said.

"What, this?" I asked as I gestured to myself, still in a split.

"Is that a new dance move?" Pinkie asked.

"Wait, you don't know what a split is?" I asked, looking at everypony. They all said no in some way. "Guess I'm more flexible than ponies," I said with a shrug.

"All in all! The final point goes too!" The UV yelled from, well, somewhere. Everyponys ears perked up. "KARL!" Pinkie's mane deflated in disappointment.

"Aw, come on Pinkie! It's still a party, and what's a party without the party pony?" I said, trying to cheer her up. It worked, as she automatically perked up.

"Hey! Your right! We still have a couple of hours till it's done!" She said as we enjoyed the rest of the party until midnight.

"Well, I got to head home, Thanks for the fun party guys!" I said as I left. I arrived shortly after. "Moon, I'm home." I said as I walked in. "Moon?" No response. 'somethings weird here, she almost always greets me.' That's when i saw the note.

Come into the bedroom, Love Moon.

'something is off alright, she's usually more straight forward about this stuff.' I thought as I walked toward the bedroom, by guard raised. When I opened the door, well, lets just say that I wasn't a happy camper.


Not Dead|
I stood there confused. Moon was on the bed, bound and gagged, front hooves together in front of her chest. And hind legs spread apart, giving an open view of her marehood. She also ha red, puffy eyes like she had been crying.

"Whats wrong Karl?" A familiar voice said to my right. "Don't like the view?" I turned to see a familiar face.

"Didn't I kill you John?" I said.

"I don't die easily."

"Well how 'bout I send you to hell permanently." A familiar voice said behind me.

"Hey rob, come to join in on the fun?" John said.

"No, I'm here to send you to hell." Rob [robocart] said.

"You should know the rules Rob, you and your buddies made them yourselves." John said.

"What rules?" I asked

"Well, it's quite simple. A hopper cant intervene until the hopper or jumper of that dimension is beaten." John said.

"Since when do you follow the rules Devilizer?" Rob asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Nick name." Rob said.

"It's fitting." I said.

"Alright, fun's over! How 'bout a deal?" John said. "If you beat me, Then I will leave and I won't try to piss you off by 'using' your loved ones." I glared at the word 'using' "But, if I beat you," He gestured to Moon "I get to play with this one as you watch."

"You wouldn't dare," I said.

"Oh I dare," John said with dark glee.

I flipped him off, "Fuck you"

"no, I'll fuck 'Moon" As you call her."


"So be it, but one thing first." He said as he snapped his fingers, "lets change to a more formidable area to fight." As he said that, Me, John, And Moon [still bound and gagged] teleported to a desert area. "And you wont have help form that Hopper here."

"Who said I needed help?" I said as i glared at him.

"Bold, aren't we?" He said.

"would you shut it so we can get started?" I said. as i got into a fighting stance.

He crouched in response, "Who first?"

Author's Note:

Ah, nothin like a good 'ol cliffhanger to rile the crowd.

Yes yes, I know, I ran out of ideas when I wrote the part about the dance competition, But he was a DJ before he ended up in Equestria, and you can lay down them beats without knowing how to dance to them. And when I wrote this, I didn't know if ponies can do splits, so please don't hate me. All in all, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it has been a while since my last post, but I kept getting held up, But I finally got off my arse and typed it up. Again, hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

oh, and if anyone narrates this, feel free to not say, "rob said, john said" after it gets repetitive.

Comments ( 8 )

Crossover with what?

with another story i had in mind, but didnt post, since it isnt mlp related

Then it's not a crossover, it's a stand alone story.

i thought a crossover was when you kind of merge 2 different universes, also, im gonna be using things from different universes in this story as i go along, I thought that counted as a crossover story?

Wow old me was ass at writing but had some decent ideas. Definitely needed to learn pacing, read tol many herd fics from 2013

G'day from germany 14th april 2024, short note: Crossover is 2 different things between one another, here it has to be any type of mlp with say some sort of videogame or other tv show, like transformers for example, as for videogames you could take Command & Conquer for example(real-time-strategy game series)

written 7 years ago, you could do a re-write and boost this very well actually:twilightsmile: Perhaps turn it into a fully fledged story with less to no errors:twilightsheepish:

I had plans on crossing it with something else before drive for the story shut down. As for the rewrite I was working on one until the state I live in decided that the working class didn't need breaks or good pay.

When my life stabilizes more I'll probably revisit it. I have a rewrite of this as well as a few other stories planned. And this time maybe have chapters larger than a newspaper articles worth of words lol

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