• Published 3rd Jun 2017
  • 1,197 Views, 14 Comments

Blood of the Covenant - fallen starr

Applejack is forced to choose between family and friend.

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Water of the Womb

Blood of the Covenant

The birds chirping was especially chipper today. The brooks a little more babbly. The sun a smidge more sunny. Applejack wore one of the widest grins she could remember. After all, it wasn’t everyday one of your best friends told you she was getting married. The picnic in the park had just been wrapping up when Fluttershy said she had something important to tell them; she was marrying Bulk Biceps. The celebration had moved to the castle and lasted until sundown.

When she walked into the old farm house, the scent of a fresh apple stack cake met her. Granny had some big news to tell her. She wondered into the kitchen and saw Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith all just sitting with fresh cuts of the cake. “Well, it’s about time you get home, girl,” Granny said. “Grab you a slice and sit down.”

Already buzzing with excitement, Applejack made quick work of setting up her own slice of apple stack cake and a glass of milk to join the others. Everyone’s eyes landed on Granny. The matriarch of the family gave a toothy grin as she pulled a letter from her apron pocket and set it on the table. “Your cousin, Braeburn, wrote a line today. Seems him and that cowgirl he met out west really hit it off. They’re getting married!”

Applejack couldn’t have stopped the warmth spreading through her if she had wanted to, which she didn’t. “Cousin Braeburn,” she muttered with a shake of her head. Apple Bloom was asking a million questions a second, Mac was busy eating his cake, and Granny was answering questions almost as quickly as Apple Bloom could ask.

Really, what were the odds that she would get such wonderful news in the same day. One of her very best, very closest friends was marrying the love of her life, and her favorite cousin was doing the same. “Shewee, this day is exciting. Fluttershy said it was alright to spread the news, so I’ll tell you. She’s getting married, too! Personally handed me and the girls our invitations today.”

“Oh, when is she getting married? Can I be a flower girl? OH, or a bridesmaid? As long as I don’t get mind controlled, it seems fun! And Sweetie and Scootaloo-oof.” Apple Bloom was cut off by Applejack’s hoof over her mouth.

Slowly, Applejack removed it. “Now, we aren’t going to bother her about none of that. If’n she wants you to do any of that, she’ll ask.” Then Applejack grinned. “Fluttershy wants me to be a bridesmaid. She asked all of us girls. Rarity is going to be the maid of honor, of course, but I wouldn’t have expected any different. What about you, Mac? Braeburn ask you to be one of the groomsmen?”

“Eeyup.” He nudged the letter and invitation toward Applejack. She pulled it toward herself, eyes scanning the invitation before the settled onto the date. She stared at it, willing the numbers to change.

“Well shoot.” Everyone looked over at her. “This is a predicament. Fluttershy and Braeburn are getting married on the same day.”

“Eh well, I’m sure Fluttershy will understand you going to your cousins wedding. He is family after all.”

Applejack felt her heart sink. She couldn’t miss Fluttershy’s wedding. Just the thought upset her. But the same could be said of Braeburn. They were both very important ponies in her life. How could this have happened.

She stood and excused herself, wondering to her room to lay on her bed. “Maybe…maybe one of them will change it. They’re two months away. Shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Someone could just move their wedding up or back a day.

Not that she could ask that of either of them. This was their day and they shouldn’t center it on her. Her attendance wasn’t the point. Sure, they both wanted her there, but she was only one pony. She would simply have to choose which wedding to go to.

How though? Like Granny had said, Braeburn was family. But Fluttershy was like family. Applejack would do anything for her, just like she would if they shared blood.

The moon was high in the sky when as she walked the dark, quiet path to the crystal castle. She stood outside, knocking, for nearly ten minutes before she realized that everyone inside must be asleep. They didn’t have any big problems keeping them up. They weren’t wrestling with the guilt of not going to a very important wedding.

Finally, she heard hoofsteps coming toward the door. When the door swung open, she was greeted by a thoroughly annoyed looking princess. The annoyance vanished as her purple eyes took Applejack in. She stepped back, ushering Applejack inside. “Is everything okay? Has something happened?”

Applejack rubbed a hoof over the back of her neck. “I guess I didn’t realize how late it had gotten to be. Sorry, Twi.” She sat. “I just needed some advice. Have you ever had to chose between family and friends?”

Twilight shook her head. “No.”

“Got any advice for in a pony has to?”

A frown crossed Twilight’s face. “Just that old saying.”

“Blood is thicker than water?”

Twilight sat up a little straighter, a hoof leaving the ground, and Applejack inwardly sighed. Hopefully this informational lecture would help. “Actually, the saying is ‘The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb’ implying that friendship is the more important relation.”

“Really now?”

Twilight nodded. “But that isn’t to say that friendships should be, as a standard, more important that your familial relationships. It’s all about the bond between you and the other person, and more than anything, how the two of you work together.” She stretched her wings out. “It’s like with me and Spike. We aren’t family, if you consider the only way to be family to be blood related. Once you remove that barrier, though, Spike is just like my little brother. Sort of.” Twilight frowned, looking at the floor. “I guess it’s a little more complicated for me and him, but the same basics apply between two ponies. Whoever is making you choose between family and friends is wrong, Applejack. That isn’t even a choice.” Twilight put her hoof on Applejacks shoulder. “They are ponies you love, and that love you, and they’ll want what’s best for you.”

“Oh, it ain’t anything bad. Braeburn sent us a letter today. He’s getting married, too, the same day Fluttershy is.”

“Oh,” Twilight said. She sat back, fluffing her wings a little. “How are you going to decide?”

Applejack shrugged. “It’s a hard decision. I love them both so much, and I want to share that celebration with them both.”

Again, Twilight straightened and her horn glowed. A bit fell to the ground between them. “Okay, so, heads and you go to Fluttershy’s wedding, tails you go to Braeburns.” Before Applejack could react, Twilight flipped the bit into the air and they both watched as it turned, falling to the ground. Twilight placed a hoof over it before Applejack could see the results. “What were you hoping it landed on?”

Applejack sat back, a small smile on her face. “Heads. You’re a right clever pony, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks. Now, let’s get some sleep. You can stay the night if you’d like.”

“It would be much appreciated. Thanks for all your help.”

“Not a problem.”

They walked away, the light from Twilight’s horn guiding them, and the bit was left, face down.

Comments ( 14 )

Or, she COULD have asked Twilight to teleport her to the second wedding once the first one was done, unless both were happening at the same time of day...

I like how the title makes this sound like some kind of dark adventure story.

Not that she could ask that of either of them.

Yes you can, silly pony. I mean, at least talk to them about it.


An E-rated slice-of-life story called "Blood of the Covenant."

Why does this sound like it should be an M-rated horror story? :unsuresweetie:

Nice little slice of life story. It feels refreshing to see an actually smart Twilight, for this tends to be rare.

Very good story! Putting Applejack in this type of quandary is something new and I liked it. I'm sure that many of us have had similar delemas. I really loved TwilIghts response and have she helped AJ to decide. Great story about what family really means.

8207152 Teleportation from Appleloosa to Ponyville would be quite a feat.

8207159 I thought about that when I was writing it. But I decided to just leave it, since it was fitting. And I dunno, once wedding invitations have been sent out, there isn't much you can do to change it. Before, sure. But not after

8207185 good thing it's not, I don't do well with horror.

8207422 Thank you!

8207667 Yeah, somethings are just very important to her, so I was like what if...of course, you know that from my blog post. I'm very glad you liked it!


Teleportation from Appleloosa to Ponyville would be quite a feat.

New plan: Rainbow Dash, high altitude sonic rainboom to build speed, grab Applejack, book it for Appleloosa.

And I dunno, once wedding invitations have been sent out, there isn't much you can do to change it.

Yeah, but two months in advance? I mean, I've never gotten married so I don't know if that's just how it's done, but sheesh.

8209942 I like the way you think. And I mean, when both my brothers got married, they sent out invites pretty early so everyone could make plans to be there bc we have family and friends like, all over the world. Bc my family is like just as big as ajs.

A nice set up for a story, with a decent conclusion. Overall, pretty nice. :twilightsmile:

Sweet and unexpected

no prob! it was a nice story!

Aw. Good job Twilight.
Sweet Story. Anyhow good job! I enjoyed this. :)

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