• Published 6th Jun 2017
  • 455 Views, 6 Comments

Off the Path - WhispersInTheDark

Maneville's a quiet town in a quiet place. That's about to change.

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Settling in

The pink pony followed the directions given her carefully, and, after a few missed turns, found the address she was looking for. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a few moments, it opened, and a cheery-looking pony stood there.

“Well, hello! What can I do for you?”

The pink mare looked down at her hooves. “Are…are you Melody? Emma told me to come here.”

Instead of answering, the pony turned to the room at large and announced, “Hey, everypony! We have a new mare joining us!” Turning back to her she added, “Come in, come in!” The pink mare cautiously crossed the threshold and looked around.

She was in a large foyer that opened up into the room proper, which was predominated by red curtains and dark wooden furniture. Several lamps burned merrily upon the end tables and from a huge chandelier that was suspended from the middle of the room. Seated upon chairs, lounges and sofas were several mares, all representatives of the pony tribes. They all were looking her way: some openly curious, others a bit calculating in their observation. But most were welcoming glances.

“Did you just get into town?” the first mare asked her.

“Y-yes…just tonight.” She couldn’t meet her eyes, for fear that her thoughts would be readily transparent. She needn’t have bothered.

The first mare smiled and said, “First time in a brothel?”

The pink mare startled and stammered, “W-well, yes…but I’m not judging you! Honest!”

“It’s okay. I’m Dawn. What’s your name?”


“Well, Pinkie, let’s take you to meet the Madame. Don’t worry,” she added, “She takes good care of us.”

Pinkie stood stock still and said, “There must be some mistake. I…I don’t belong here.”

Dawn cocked her head at her and said, “You don’t belong in a place that makes stallions…happy?”

Pinkie looked down at her hooves. “I just need a place to stay. I’ve never done what you mares do.”

Dawn gasped. “Never? Not even once?”

Pinkie blushed bright red and remained silent as several mares giggled.

Dawn looked around. “Be nice, all of you!” Turning back to Pinkie she said, “Come on: let’s get you in front of Melody and then we’ll go from there.” She turned and began to lead her through the room. After a few moments, the pink mare sighed, then followed her, breaking into a trot to catch up. Dawn led her upstairs and stopped in front of a large ornate door that was covered with intricate carvings. Dawn knocked, waited a tick, then turned and nudged her charge into the room. It was even more opulent than the downstairs living area.

Thick sconces were positioned artfully about, as well as several exotic plants. In the corner stood a baby grand piano with yellow sheet music propped upon its music rack. Two high-backed lounge chairs were placed in front of the fireplace, its flames dancing and flickering. The carpet was ornate and thick, as Pinkie felt her hooves sinking slightly into it.

An older mare sat behind the enormous oaken desk. Though her mane was silver, there remained auburn highlights in it. She was dressed in a flowing silk Neighponese robe that did little to hide her still youthful figure. She looked up and met the newcomer’s gaze. Pinkie could see the beauty behind those eyes as the mare silently regarded her. Then she got up from the desk and approached her while moving with a casual grace.

“Hello, sweetie,” she began, “what brings you to my establishment?” As Pinkie kept silent and stared at her own hooves, Dawn spoke up for her.

“She says she just got into town and needs a place to stay.”

At this, Pinkie found her voice. “Emma from the diner sent me here.” She looked up. “But I didn’t know what sort of place this was. She didn’t tell me.”

Melody tilted her head at her, a gesture Pinkie had seen before, and said, “Tell me: are you a proper mare?”

Pinkie’s brow knitted. “I’m not sure what you mean.” Instead of answering, Melody took her time walking around the pink mare, humming to herself as she silently scrutinized her.

“Umm…what are you doing?”

Melody didn’t answer until she’d walked back in front of her. “You have potential, but I don’t think you’ll fit in with my mares. At least not providing the services they do.”

Pinkie didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved at this. Melody returned to her seat behind the desk and said, “Dawn, put her in with Chloe.” She paused. “Is she busy?”

Dawn smiled. “Not at the moment!”

As she turned to go, Pinkie hesitated. “Wait: how much is the room?”

“We’ll work something out,” Melody said with a smile. At Pinkie’s startled expression she added, “Not that! I assume you’re out of bits, or have very few. I sure we can find something for you to do around here.”

Pinkie hesitated again at this last, then said, “Why are you helping me?”

“Sweetie, I don’t know what you’ve heard about these sorts of…establishments, but I never turn away a pony in need.” She made a shooing motion. “Go on, get yourself cleaned up and get some sleep.”

“Th…thank you.”


Dawn led her back down the hallway, chatting as she went.

“So what brings you to our fair town?”

“I…just needed to get away,” the pink mare quietly answered.

Dawn looked back at her. “Stallion troubles?”

Pinkie grimly smiled. “Something like that.”

Dawn smiled back. “Honey, we’ve all been there. Ah, here we are!” They stopped in front of a large door, which Dawn pushed open. Inside were two vanities and two canopied beds. A door in the back was open, revealing an impressive bathroom. Paintings adorned the walls and the carpet was almost as rich as the one in Melody’s office. Pinkie gasped.

“Is…this where I’ll be staying?”

Dawn giggled. “Of course, silly! You didn’t think we’d put you in a barn, did you?”

Pinkie couldn’t help staring. “This is the nicest room I’ve ever been in, besides the one we just left.”

Brightly, Dawn said, “I told you she takes good care of us. Now, get yourself settled. Bathroom’s back there, you’ll be taking this bed.” She indicated the one in the far corner. “My room is the third one down from this one; come by whenever you need me, but don’t knock if you see the red light on.” She smiled. “I’ll be working then.”

Pinkie blushed and said, “I’ll remember!” As Dawn turned to go, Pinkie added, “Thank you again.” Dawn gave her a playful push and left. Just in time.

Pinkie went into the bathroom and shut the door. Her forehead had been tingling for the past few moments, so she looked at herself in the mirror. Sure enough, her horn was starting to reappear, so she concentrated and it became invisible again. “Pinkie” sighed in relief.