• Published 6th Jun 2017
  • 452 Views, 6 Comments

Off the Path - WhispersInTheDark

Maneville's a quiet town in a quiet place. That's about to change.

  • ...

Getting Around Town

Sometime later that night, Pinkie was awakened by the sound of her roommate returning. She snuggled herself deeper into her blankets and gave an unconvincing snore. She could feel the other mare watching her, then heard her turn and head for the bathroom. Once the door was shut, Pinkie sat up and looked in that direction. She debated internally about whether she should try to speak to her...but just then the doorknob turned and the other mare, "Chloe", she remembered, stepped out.

"Oh! Hello," she said.

Pinkie gave a small smile and said, "Hi. I'm Pinkie."

Chloe nodded. "I saw you when you came in. I'm Chloe."

"I'm...pleased to meet you." Pinkie fidgeted with her hooves and finally stammered, "H-how long have you worked here?"

The other mare gave a knowing grin and said, "You mean 'how long have I been a whore?' "

"N-no! That's not what I meant at all!"

"But it's what you were thinking. Don't worry: I'm not embarrassed." Chloe went on without waiting for a reply.

"I started working here two years ago. I was up to my neck in student loans, I could barely feed myself, and I didn't want any help from my parents. So, since stallions wanted me for my body, I figured I'd get them to pay for it as well. " She looked up at her roommate. "So what brought you here?"

Pinkie looked down again before answering and finally said, "I needed to get away from the place I was at before. So I found myself on the road."

Chloe stared at her for a minute, then said, "I think I understand. Are you better now?"

"I hope so."

Chloe crawled into her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. "I have the day off tomorrow. If you'd like, I can show you around town."

"I'd like that."

She smiled and turned off the lamp. "Good night then."

The next morning, around eleven, Pinkie and her new friend set out to see the town.

"Over there is City Hall, one of the oldest buildings here," said Chloe. "That clock still works and keeps perfect time."

As Pinkie looked up at the clock, she felt her forehead beginning to glow, and she quickly shut it down.

Too late.

The hands of the clock began spinning, causing the few ponies that noticed it to stare unbelievingly.

"Did you see that?!" asked Chloe.

"See what?"

"The hands of the clock! They started spinning!" Chloe looked at Pinkie as she spoke, then gasped. "What's wrong with your forehead?"

Pinkie put a hoof up to her forehead and stammered, "W-what do you mean?"

"I thought...I thought I saw it...glowing?"

Pinkie moved her mane out of the way and said, "Of course not. See?"

Chloe stared at her for a moment, then she laughed. "Silly me! I guess I was seeing things."

Pinkie said nothing.

“Anyway, that’s pretty much it. There’s not much else in the “downtown” area. Chloe smiled. “I’ve seen bigger town squares than our little downtown, but we like it here that way. All that’s left is the diner on the edge of town, but I’m sure you-”

“Oh my gosh! The diner! I’m supposed to be starting there this evening!” exclaimed Pinkie.

Chloe looked at her. “Emma gave you a job? That was nice of her.”

“Yes, and I don’t want to be late!”

Chloe smiled. “Relax. If you don’t need to be there until this evening, you have plenty of time.”

Pinkie sighed. “You’re right. I just don’t want to mess up.’”

“My, you’re nervous! Don’t be: we’re pretty laid back here.” She glanced back up at the clock while she was speaking, and noticed it had reverted to normally showing the time. “If that clock’s right after that last incident, you have about four hours until you need to be there.” She turned and started walking. “Come on, let’s go back to the house and get some lunch.”

“And then the clock started spinning all crazy!” said Chloe to the group. She and Pinkie had arrived just in time for the noonday meal and was now regaling the table of five mares with their mini-adventure earlier.

“What do you think made that happen?” asked Amber. Before Chloe could answer, she smirked and added, “If it happened.”

Chloe put down her fork and looked at her, then said, “Why do you always have to be like that, Amber?”

“Like what?” she asked innocently. Chloe stood.

“You’re always so mean to me! I’m heartily sick of it!”

Amber giggled. “Listen to you! “Heartily sick of it.” You talk like some heroine in a romance novel.”

Chloe flushed. “I do not sound like that! And even if I did, what’s wrong with it?”

Just then Melody entered the room. “That is quite enough, girls,” she reproved.

They all said, “Yes ma’am,” then fell silent. Melody looked them all over.

“We have a big night, tonight. Lot’s of clients coming in from Manehatten, or so I’m told. I want you all on your best behavior.” She walked around the table, stopping at Pinkie. “Would you come with me, please?”

“S...sure.” She gave her mouth one last swipe with her napkin and followed the Madam out of the room.

Melody smiled as she looked over at the younger mare. “As I said when I first met you, I don’t think you’ll be suited for our... hmm...”regular” duties, so you’ll help in the kitchen.” She stopped at an elaborate oak door, then pushed it wide. Pinkie gasped when she saw what was inside.

There, gleaming on every surface, was the most professional and decadent kitchen she’d ever seen. Modern appliances sat upon every counter, the refrigerator/freezer was huge, and wonderful smells she didn’t recognize filled the air, but it all smelled delicious.

In the middle of the kitchen, wearing a chef’s toque and white coat, was an older unicorn stirring something in a bowl. He looked up at the new arrival and scowled. “I don’t need any newbies in my kitchen, Melody.”

“Now, now, Ramsey, be nice.” She turned and gently pushed Pinkie forward. “This is Pinkie. She just joined us, and needs to help out somewhere other than our usual “work.” Ramsey stopped his stirring and stared at the pink mare.

“Why can’t she? She’s pretty enough.” Pinkie blushed furiously and looked down at her hooves. Melody smiled at the stallion.

“I have my reasons. Now, please, find something she can help you with.”

Ramsey huffed. “Fine! But if she can’t do anything right, I won’t hesitate to throw her out on her pink butt!”

“You know best in the kitchen. But give her a chance, won’t you?” She batted her eyes at him and smiled.

Now it was the stallion’s turn to blush. “I hate it when you do that, Melody.”

“Do what?” she asked as her smile deepened.

“Nothing! You, what’s your name, ‘Pinkie?’” He pointed at the sink where some carrots were sitting in water. “I need those peeled and sliced into one-quarter strips. Think you can handle that?”

“Y...yes sir!”

“Yes, CHEF!”

Pinkie startled. “Yes, chef!” Quickly, she made her way over to the sink and started scooping the carrots out.

Big mistake.

“You just came in from outside! Wash your hooves first, you donkey!

“Sorry, chef!” She ran over to the washup sink and started scrubbing her hooves while giving Melody a ‘help me’ look.

Melody gave her a reassuring grin. “Don’t let him scare you. He’s really a sweetheart!”

“Melody!” screamed the reddening stallion.

“What? It’s true. What about last week when you gave Tiffany an extra cupcake, only because she looked a little sad? Or the other time, when you-”

“Okay, okay, enough! Get out of here and let me get something done, will you?” He turned back to his bowl and scowled as he focused his attention on his work, dismissing the older mare. As she turned to leave, knowing he couldn’t resist watching, she put an extra wiggle in her hips and swished her tail. She glanced over her shoulder at him as she opened the door, to see him watching her out of the corner of one eye. She laughed quietly to herself and left.

Despite her reassurances, Pinkie said not a word to the gruff stallion as she began peeling and cutting the carrots. After a few minutes of tense silence, Ramsey finally spoke and said, “So, what’s your story?”

“E...excuse me, chef?”

He continued his work unabated as he said, “Why are you here?”

“I...needed to get away from where I was.”

Ramsey turned his back on her and placed his mixture in the oven. “That’s pretty vague. You in trouble with the law?”

“No, sir. I mean, no chef!” she quickly added.

The stallion grunted. “Hmph. As long as what you’re running away from doesn’t follow you here, it’s no skin off my nose.” He turned to look at her. “Look at me.” She stopped and turned frightened eyes at him. “Melody has a big heart. I won’t have her being taken advantage of. Clear?”

“Yes, chef.”

He walked over to her and inspected her work. “You’re doing a good job on those. You’ve worked in a kitchen before?”

His slight praise made her feel more at ease so she answered, “Sort of.” Then she remembered. “I’m supposed to be working at the diner tonight, chef.”

“What time?”

“Three o’clock.”

He glanced over at the wall clock. “That’s in two hours. We’ll be done by then.” He turned away from her and took some mushrooms out of the fridge. “We have quite the crowd coming tonight, so I’ll need these prepped too. After that, you can leave.”

Finishing the last of the carrots, she said, “Thank you, chef, but I’ve got time and I really want to do a good job...for Melody and for you.”

He actually let a ghost of a smile cross his lips at this last. “I usually work alone, so as long as you don’t screw up, you’re helping.”

Pinkie finally allowed herself a smile. “Thank you, chef.”

At two thirty Pinkie showed up at the diner. “Evening, Emma!” she called out as she made her way behind the counter.

Emma looked up at her, then at the clock. “Oh! You’re early!” She smiled. “I like that.” Gesturing to the storeroom, she said, “There’s a waitress uniform for you back there. Put it on, and let’s see how you look!”

Pinkie made her way to the storeroom and inspected the uniform. It consisted of a cute blue blouse and skirt, along with a little cap and a nametag, already printed out with her name. She quickly put them on, tied her mane up as best she could and settled the cap. She came out and did a little turn for Emma.

“Don’t you look adorable! Now, here’s your pad and pencil. Suggest the fried mushroom steaks, that’s tonight’s special.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Soon, diners began pouring in. Pinkie rushed around, taking orders. She messed up one or two of them, but on the whole she did a good job.

Until a group of stallions came in.