• Published 14th Jun 2017
  • 682 Views, 3 Comments

Stranded - FoxMcCloud7921

In the distant future, Equestrian technology has advanced, propelling ponykind to wander among the stars. When a new ship under Princess Twilight's command becomes stranded on an alien planet, their journey becomes a fight for survival.

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Twilight had spent some time meeting some of the Manehattan crew, mostly the senior officers and engineering crew, until one of her aides found her and relayed the message that both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wished to speak with her. Twilight was happy to oblige as she went over to one of the video consoles. The connection soon went through as Celestia and Luna appeared on screen.

“I can tell by the look on your face that all is well?” Celestia asked with a grin.

“Of course,” Twilight replied with a grin of her own. “We're in the final stages. It's too bad you two can't be here.”

“From the station, we'll get to see the Manehattan take off at warp speed,” Luna said. “You can't beat that view.”

“I just can't believe it's finally happening,” Twilight said. “Over-wow I can't believe it's been over two thousand years...two thousand years ago I never would've imagined myself in this position.”

“Equestria truly has come a long way since then,” Celestia replied. “Are you nervous?”

“Honestly...a little,” Twilight said as she took a deep breath. “I may have gone on a few flights before but nothing like this. I'm just glad I have an experienced crew.”

“Chosen by your recommendations if I recall,” Luna smiled. “I think we'll all be looking forward to seeing your results.”

“To think... expanding our civilization to another system,” Twilight wondered out loud. “This'll be one for the history books.”

“Another achievement as well,” Luna said with a wink.

“Well, it's almost time for me to give my speech,” Celestia said. “My dear Twilight, I wish you all the best of luck. Be careful out there.”

“I will, and I'll make sure to make all of you proud,” Twilight nodded before the screen went dark.

It was then she noticed someone was waiting nearby. She turned around. “Oh Captain, my apologies, I hope I didn't keep you waiting.”

Star Trotter smiled. “Not at all your highness. I thought perhaps I could speak with all of you but now I see the others are at the station.”

“Sorry, I'm all you have, I'm afraid,” Twilight joked. “How is everything?”

“Everything is good to go,” Trotter said. “We'll be departing in less than an hour.”

“Very good,” Twilight replied. “Shall we make our way to the ship?”

The atmosphere on the bridge was very energetic. Some were excited, others were nervous as they all had a right to be. Maybe a few were intimidated by her presence. How often does a ship get to have it's own princess?

Twilight and Trotter made their way towards the large display in the middle, which currently displayed their own galaxy. Twilight pressed a button on the console that activated the intercom. “Attention all crew. Would all senior officers please report to the bridge? That is all.”

It didn't take long for the group to gather. Among them were Pierre, Blaze, and Brimstone. There were two others that Trotter apparently hadn't met. One was a female blue unicorn with a white and light blue mane, and the other was a blue dragon about Twilight's height.

Twilight picked up on Trotter’s confusion. “Captain, I don't believe you've met Dr. Blue Cross, our chief medical officer and Scorch, our chief of security.”

“A pleasure,” Trotter said as he greeted both of them. “I admit I haven't met many dragons in my lifetime.”

“Whatever stereotypes you may have heard are mostly true,” Scorch smiled. “Long ago, Princess Twilight came to the Badlands in search of someone to help lead the Alliance's security forces and Dragon Lord Ember was gracious enough to choose me.”

“He may not look it, but Scorch can easily take on a group of Yaks,” Twilight smirked.

“Considering our two races are finally at peace, I can't really confirm that statement,” Scorch replied.

“He's surprisingly humble as well,” Cross said.

“Dr. Cross is experienced with working with about five different races in Equestria,” Twilight said. “And she's a close friend of mine.”

“I still have that Cabernet you got me,” Cross smiled. “Captain, I'd be honored if you could join us once we've gone to warp speed.”

“I'd be delighted to,” Trotter said. “In fact, I have a few bottles to open as well so Pierre, Blaze, Brimstone, you're invited as well.”

“Well, if that's the case you might want to keep Blaze away from the alcohol,” Pierre joked.

“Yep, she shares the family tradition of getting pretty wild when she's under the influence,” Brimstone added.

“Oh piss off both of you,” Blaze growled.

“Alright, alright,” Twilight stepped in. “Now then, I realize for most of us, this is the first time we've all worked together on this ship. Even I'm slightly inexperienced in space travel, but I know if we all work together, and talk to one another, there's nothing we can't handle.”

“I couldn't say it any better myself,” Trotter said. “Now then, return to your stations. We'll be departing shortly.” There were quick salutes and the group dispersed.

“Captain,” Twilight then said, looking towards the earth pony. “I know this doesn't need to be said but I'll say it anyway: by all rights this is your ship. I'm just here as an Ambassador of sorts I suppose.”

“Ambassador Twilight, it's got a good ring to it,” Trotter said.

Twilight smiled. “I'm being serious captain.”

“I know,” Trotter replied. “Don't worry Your Highness, your role here is as important as everypony else's. After all, you're better at diplomacy than I am.”

“True I suppose...if we do happen to meet any new races let's hope all those years have paid off. Well, I shall return to my quarters until we're ready to launch.” Trotter nodded as she took the elevator to the top floor.

As Twilight entered her room, she noticed the console on her desk was flashing, indicating an incoming message. She went over to the screen and pressed a button, turning on the screen. She quickly smiled as she recognized the two mares on the screen.

“Hi Twilight!” Cadance grinned.

“Hi Auntie Twilight!” Flurry Heart almost yelled. It was hard to believe so long ago she was just a little filly, but now Flurry Heart was almost at her mother's height and she has matured a lot in the past thousand years.

“Hi you two,” Twilight smiled brightly. “I hope you two weren't waiting long.”

“Not at all, we just wanted to make sure we caught you before you took off,” Cadance replied.

“Are you excited?” Flurry asked.

“More than you know,” Twilight replied. “I'm just sad I won't be able to see you guys for awhile.”

“Oh, it'll go quicker than you think,” Cadance said with that motherly smile both Flurry and Twilight were very familiar with. “Besides, once communication is established over there, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk.”

“How long will that take?” Flurry asked.

“It'll take about five days just to get to Alpha Centaurus,” Twilight stated. “At that point, we'll send out probes that contain signal boosters and over time we'll be able to send and receive real time transmissions. Until then, the best we'll be able to do is long-range transmissions that'll take about seven hours or so to get to and back.”

“In that case, I'm not sure if I envy you now,” Flurry muttered.

“You shouldn't since Twilight was kind enough to let you stay at her castle,” Cadance said.

Flurry smiled. “I've heard I'm well loved in Ponyville.”

“That's because everypony who remembered you as a foal is gone,” Twilight reminded her.

“Oh come on...I wasn't that bad.” That got a laugh out of both Twilight and Cadance.

“Still, it's a shame Shining couldn't be here to see this,” Cadance said sadly. “He'd be really happy for you.”

“Yeah…” It was quiet for a few moments. “He'd probably be freaking out as well though.”

The two mares giggled. “Yes, that's true. He was always worried about Flurry, especially in her adolescent years.”

“'No colts,’” Flurry said in a gruff voice. “Honestly, he was like my shadow at times.”

“That came from your grandmother,” Twilight said with a wink. “Well girls... I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut this short. We'll be departing shortly.”

“Yeah, we can't miss Celestia's speech,” Cadance replied. “One last time for old times sake?”

Twilight grinned as they both recited their now centuries old rhyme. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

“You two are weird,” Flurry said, although she had an amused look on her face.

“Aw, you just never had a great foalsitter like your mother,” Twilight said. “I love you two.”

“We love you too Auntie Twilight,” Flurry said. “If anyone hurts my BAE out there they'll have to answer to me.”

“Let's hope that doesn't happen,” Twilight said as she waved them goodbye before the screen turned off.

They were in the final minutes before launch as Twilight came back onto the bridge. “Princess,” Trotter said, acknowledging her. “If you have a moment, I wanted to speak with our talented pilot.”

“Ah, of course,” Twilight nodded as she followed him towards the cockpit. They passed a small hallway of computer monitors as ponies assigned to their posts were practically glued to their screens.

They finally reached the large cockpit where a lone male pegasus was working at the controls. “Jester, how's everything look?” Trotter asked.

Jester turned around in his seat. “How does everything look? This filly is purring happily and all systems are green.”

“I don't believe we've met,” Twilight said. Unlike the other members of the crew, Jester was a recommendation from Trotter himself, stating he was “one of the best damn flyers in the Navy”, and that wasn't even about his career with ships. As Jester had once pointed out, “It takes a real flyer to understand their ship.”

“Just call me Jester,” Jester said as he shook her hoof. “I'm sure the captain has told you about my flight record.”

“It's impressive, that I know,” Twilight stated. “In fact, I'm wondering who wrote the part that stated, 'You won't find a better pilot in Equestria.’”

Jester grinned. “Just give me time Princess, I'm sure to win you over.”

“We'll see.” Suddenly, a chime resonated through the ship as the television screens turned on, depicting the Equestrian flag. The scene ten transitioned to Celestia who was standing at a large podium.

“Good morning to all in Equestria,” Celestia began. “Today is an important day, not just to the Alliance or the Equestrian Space Program, but all world over. Space travel has slowly become the norm these past few decades, but it is this day that we break our boundaries and go far to where nopony has gone before.

Today, we bid the EAS Manehattan a safe journey, the first ship with FTL technology, allowing us to travel to new systems in a matter of days. To the family and friends of those we bid farewell to today, we thank you for the sacrifices you have made. Your efforts will not go unnoticed. And to the crew of the Manehattan, you were all chosen for this once in a lifetime mission because you are all truly the best of the best.”

“That's right Princess, keep up the praise,” Jester said, which caused Twilight to roll her eyes.

“And finally, I give my personal thanks to the members of the ESP and Alliance Navy who worked day in and day out to make this moment. Equestria thanks you for your service. And now, I believe it's time to let the Manehattan be on her way. I wish you all good luck, especially to my faithful former student. I know you will make us all proud.” The transmission then cut off.

“Captain, I believe the honor is all yours,” Twilight declared.

“Take us out Jester,” Trotter said.

“Aye captain.” He activated thrusters, causing the ship to rise into the air. Once they were high in the air, he pushed up slightly on the throttle, causing the ship to lurch forward. “Might want to strap yourselves in.”

Twilight and Trotter were happy to comply as the Manehattan shot above the clouds. It wasn't long before the blackness of space came into view. “It never gets old,” Trotter commented. “Make sure we do a slow pass by Faust Station. We'll let the princesses get one last good look at us.”

The ship casually passed by the station and while Twilight couldn't see them, she was sure there were many ponies on the station waving to them, saying goodbye.

Once they were clear, Trotter looked to her. “Care to do the honors this one time Princess?”

Twilight grinned. “Engage FTL drive Mr. Jester.”

“Engaging FTL drive…” The ship lurched forward, shooting out towards space at high speed. To anyone watching, it looked as if the entire ship had been swallowed up by space.

Comments ( 3 )

I have a feeling that Jester can claim Rainbow Dash as an ancestor.

I saw what you did there Jester more like Joker from mass effect

Is more planned?

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