• Member Since 7th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen May 11th

Cardinal Dan Productions

I love to write, I love to read, and I love this community! If there's a story I want to read that doesn't exist yet, I'll write it myself.


You know all about Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, but what about all the other the other Alicorns out there? Well, one studious princess wants to find them all and learn all she can from them, so Twilight Sparkle embarks on a journey with Spike to find and research the numerous Alicorn Princesses of Equestria.

Her journey begins in the Everfree Forest. Twilight didn’t think such a think was even possible, but on her way to Zecora’s place with Spike, she stumbles into a paradise. Waking up, Twilight finds herself in the embrace of the princess of time, who just so happens to have huge crush on the purple pony.


***Updated: 6-3-2019***

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 24 )

Now this has potential.
I like.:derpyderp1:

i reslly really wantto like this and keep reading it but i hate sad stories involving twi

Let's see. Romance and Sad, so Twilight will most likely start a romance with Demise, only to have to leave her behind to return to her world while Demise stay where she is. (My bet would be on her dwelling being a time loop, and for some reason leaving would instantly kills her.)
That, or Demise actually died a long time ago, and Twilight is only conversing with an "echo" of her frozen in time. (kind of like the sleeping lady in Dark Souls 3 DLC, alive as long as your don't disturb the moment in time she is stuck in.)

It may be a sad story, but we can still get a good ending right?

Like, a story with sad feels but not a bad ending kind of story? :fluttershysad:

I liked it so far. I'm curious what's gonna happen next

Surprised Twilight's first question wasn't "how did I get here?" And that drink - poison? Or aphrodisiac? Could Twilight already be dead? So many good questions!

Hmmm there had to be a third option. No pony can ever return, BUT what if she left something behind. I mean she had the enchanted music box in the episode with the diarchs. Couldn't she do something like that here? Maybe a clone like from the mirror pond, or something more? I wouldn't give up so quickly with regard to a yes or a no.

it is twilight sparkle the mare who made a living out of doing the impossible and pulling victory out of her ass at the drop of a hat

A fate like Calypso's, but with Demise much more powerful than Calypso and Twilight much more resourceful than Odysseus. Interesting...

“Oh, Twilight Sparkle… How I wish it were possible… None who leave my island can never return.”

“Perhaps…” Demise broke the silence at last. “… it would be best for you to go. You are well again, and… I cannot bare to hold you any longer.”

“It… It didn't need much attention, but it flourishes under light from the night’s stars. I'd like you to plant it in Ponyville, and remember me…”

Should be-

“Oh, Twilight Sparkle… How I wish it were possible… None who leave my island can ever return.”


“Oh, Twilight Sparkle… How I wish it were possible… All who leave my island can never return.”


“Perhaps…” Demise broke the silence at last. “… it would be best for you to go. You are well again, and… I cannot bear to hold you any longer.”


“It… It doesn't need much attention, but it flourishes under light from the night’s stars. I'd like you to plant it in Ponyville, and remember me…”

But, if the Sun, Moon and Stars in the grove were Still controlled by Celestia and Luna- then they are still somewhere on their planet- which means it should be able to be found in a normal way...

Thank you for the editing. As for your last statement, the only explanation I can offer is 'magic'.

I still think she should have bucked destiny.

a gorges story I love it so tender and loving and as Twilight stated what if???

Twilight thought, in a way, that the reality of death was what made life worth living.

Or.. the fact that death and time erase all memories and accomplishments makes life utterly pointless.

Point of view and all that. Philosophy is composed of nothing but contradictions. :raritywink:

So tru though, that´s what I was thinking!

You know. When I first read this months ago, I thought this should have ended differently. I even wrote a different ending where Twilight said "FUCK YOU fate!!!" (not literally of course) and stayed.

But I never did anything with it because I didn't have an account here to ask if I could do something with it?

I see we have a Rick Riordan fan here XD. Let's hope the sequel will have a more satisfying ending than the one in the heroes of olympus...

Fuckin Hell bruv. Why did you update this story with so many chapters? Not complainin or anythin but most times authors like pacin themselves.

this is a vary good story i really enjoyed this.
yep we defiantly need more. :pinkiehappy:

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