• Published 22nd Jun 2017
  • 1,362 Views, 40 Comments

The Intrepid Few - The Fields of Ice

Lead by Twilight and Spike, Equestria embarks on its first interstellar journey after discovering the universe may not be as empty as first thought.

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Chapter One: A Perfectly Happy Lie

The Intrepid Few
Chapter One: A Perfectly Happy Lie
Year: 2125

The first thing I notice as I awake, before my eyes even have time to open, the scent of freshly picked lilac; her favorite perfume. I reach out my arms as sensation takes hold, pulling her in close. My hands run through her soft fur. Finally, I open my eyes, seeing hers looking back into mine. My scaly tail wraps around her legs, earning a little sleepy smile.

"Good morning."

She buried her face into my chest, her messy lavender hair presses against my snout. I lean in with a smile, planting a kiss atop her head.

"Good morning to you too~" she replies.

"Just three more days..."

She rears up her head, her hoof rubbing at her sleepy eyes, before wrapping her hooves around me. "Just three more days, and I can finally say you've been mine for a century..."

"Can you believe it? Honestly, how many ponies do you know who can stick it out this long... and still look at each other the way we did when we were kids..."

She gave me a light peck on my lips and giggled. "Not enough, I'd say." And with that, she sat up, running her hoof along my hand before slipping out from under the sheets.

I reach out for her, taking her by the hoof as I playfully pull her back into my arms. "Just where do you think you're going? Hmm?" I started kissing her up and down her neck, eliciting a light giggle.

"Come on now, Spike. You and me both know you're going to be late if we do this now~"

I glance over her shoulder to the clock on the nightstand. "Oh nonsense, we have a good five minutes left before my alarm goes off." I said as I slowly ran the back of my hand up her arm.

She leaned into me with that. "Five minutes always has a way of turning into half an hour, you know?"

I smiled as she turned to face me. Those bright emerald eyes looking into mine as she rested her forehead against mine. Shaking her head she leaned in to kiss me once more. "God, I love you."

With a smirk I pressed my lips to hers, leaning in deep this time. I wrap her tight in my arms, taking in her every sensation. Her scent, her warmth, her touch, her taste. Slowly we both pull back, each other's hot breath on our snouts.

She rested a hoof against my chest, and sighed as she looked up at me. "And I'm doing this because I love you too." She then slid back and stepped out of bed. "Come on now, it's the day you've been waiting for after all. Six months working at that observatory, charting all those nights. You must be excited to finally see it all come together."

I nod to her with a smile. "I hope you know I'm just putting this on pause for later..."

She gave me a wink as she trotted away. "I'd expect nothing less."

Just as she stepped through the doorway, that familiar hated beeping started. "Silence alarm."


I stepped through the doors to the Royal Canterlot Observatory, and am immediately greeted by my all too eager collogue, Dawn. Her bright red mane bouncing with her step as she rushed over to me, just beaming with excitement.

"It's finally ready! I just finished the download from the Horizons satellite!"

I could never help but find her youthful vigor somewhat adorable at times. After all she only got her Ph.D. in astronomy no more than six months ago. Every discovery, every new planet and star is like Hearths Warming Eve for her.

"Alright, alright. Let's see what we got."

Following her into a large dimly lit room, I closed the door behind us. The walls were jet black with small diodes spaced out in a grid, separated by a foot each.

With a grin, Dawn looked up at me. "Well, go ahead."

I nodded back at her with a smile, and cleared my throat. "Computer, run Horizons Main"

With that, what little light that remained died down, before bursting back with a vibrant night sky. The warm glow of a holographic sun bathed the room in light. I stepped closer to the star, seeing Earth and the other eight planets orbiting it, with each planet looking as if you could reach out and touch it.

"Alright then. Computer, show the nearest candidate."

The room then suddenly shifted, quickly moving away from our sun to Proxima Centauri, our nearest star, just four point two five light years away. Orbiting it were three small planets, on of which was slightly larger than Earth, and directly in the middle of the habitable zone. I reached out to the small rocky planet, seeing something that honestly gave me chills. It's atmosphere was blue, and it's surface was tinged with browns, blues, and... purple. The image wasn't the clearest, but there was no mistaking, that was exactly what we expected plant life to look like on a red dwarf world.

Dawn's face was pale white as she stared at the small world. "Oh my god. Th-There's life. There's really life! A-A-And it's our nearest neighbor!"

I raised at hand to her. "Wait, wait, wait. L-Let's not get too excited just yet." I reached out a hand to this world, and tapped on it's atmosphere. I just wanted to be sure Horizons hadn't found anything harmful in the air.

"1.2 Atmospheres of Pressure
69% Nitrogen
30% Oxygen
1% Water Vapor"

I couldn't contain it anymore, I let out a laugh of excitement. "It's not just breathable, Dawn; it's more breathable than here on Earth!" I couldn't resist anymore, I pulled the little pony in for a hug without a second thought. Giggling like a child, I took a step back, and noticed a little crimson on her cyan cheeks. I'll admit, I blushed a little from embarrassment at just how unprofessional that was. I was essentially her boss after all.

Clearing my throat, I looked back to the star map. "Computer, show candidate two."

Again the star map rushed over to another nearby star. This time however, it was a bit further out. Sigma Draconis, my favorite. Half because of it's name, and half because I was the one who discovered the planets I was looking at. Two small rocky worlds smack dab in the middle of the habitable zone. Each one just slightly larger than Mars. The pair continuingly orbiting each other in a never ending dance. And the best part, they were both green and blue.
It's an almost indescribable feeling to look at something you've discovered, and realize it very well may have been the discovery of the century. Not one, but two worlds to call home. The overwhelming rush of pride you get, I could only think to equate to seeing your child for the first time.

Reaching out, I tapped the atmospheres of both worlds. Ironically, holding my breath as I did so.

"0.9 Atmospheres of Pressure
75% Nitrogen
24% Oxygen
1% Water Vapor"

Both read the same. I let out a light chuckle as I read the data. They were my twins.

There I stood looking at the projection, when the simulation suddenly ended. The lights returned to as they were before we had entered. Confused, I looked around, thinking something must be wrong. Just then, the trembling voice of the observatory's phone operator came over the speaker.

"E-Excuse my interruption, Mr. Spike, but Princess Celestia is currently holding."

I raised my brow in surprise. It had been sometime since I had heard from her. "Thank you," I replied, before looking to Dawn. "Could you give us a minute?" She nodded and hurried out of the projector room.

Looking back to the center of the room, I was met with the ever regal princess. I smiled to her. "It's been quite some time. To what do I owe the pleasure."

She returned the smile, nodding. "It most certainly has been awhile, hasn't it? I wanted to ask you to come see me. There's something I need to ask of you."

I tilted my head slightly. "Oh? Why not ask me now?"

"It would very much appreciated if I could speak to you in person."

I nodded. "Of course."


Even with my mind racing with the possibility of life on over a dozen worlds, walking up these marble steps still brought me back. A lot has changed since I played here as a child, but some things can just never be covered up with the ever changing world we live in. Each magnificent spire, reaching up higher and higher than the last until you lay your eyes upon the central balcony. Every last bit of elegantly crafted railing, adorned in gold.

As I neared the entrance, two Royal Guardsmen laid their staff across the doorway, blocking me. "Halt!" They shouted.
I took a step back, confused. "I'm here to meet with Princess Celestia. Have you not been informed?"

"A dragon here to meet the Princess of Equestria, I very much doubt that," scoffed one of the guards.

I sighed, crossing my arms. "I'm Spike. Elements of Harmony, Crystal Empire? Any of this ring a bell?"

"We all know of the Elements of Harmony, but the name 'Spike' holds no meaning to us."

I rolled my eyes. 'Really? Wow, probably should have milked the whole fame thing a lot longer.'

"Well, look could you at least deliver her the message that I'm here?"

"Why on Earth would we do that for a complete stranger? For all we know you're just some lunatic."

"Yeah, I know how you may see it, but I'm telling the truth. If someone could just-"

"Spike, it's so good to see you."

I didn't even have to turn around to know it was her. The pale expressions on the guards' faces said it all. I couldn't help but give them a little 'I told you so' smirk.

Turning to face the princess, I did a quick bow. "Your majesty."

She let out a small giggle. "Oh come now, there's no need for that." Stepping forward, she wrapped a hoof around me. "It's so good to see you."

I returned the embrace. "You as well princess. The years have been kind to you."

"I would hope so," she said with a tinge of sarcasm. "Guards, please open the doors for our guest."

The duo almost tripped over themselves as they sprang into action. "Yes, mam!" With that the great stained wood doors swung open.

As they closed behind us, she looked to me and said "I hope those guards didn't hold you up too much. I didn't expect you here so soon."

I laughed a little. "Oh no worries... So what is it you needed to speak to me about?"

She paused a moment, as though she was carefully thinking out her words. "As you know, when we discovered the first world in the habitable zone, so close to us, we started work on a way to get there. It was a decade long global space race to see who could build the first ship capable of bridging the void. Well, we're almost done building, and it looks like we're going to be the winners... But after this morning... Finding a dozen more worlds with breathable air... We're looking into getting a crew as fast as possible, so we can start the mission."

I was a little taken aback to say the least. I knew we were nearing completion, but I had no idea we were so close. "So, why bring me in on this? I'm just an astronomer, princess."

"You're an astronomer with more knowledge of these planets than anyone else. You're the reason we even found some of them. I'd trust you to know best on exactly how to approach whatever you may find out there... So I'd like you to consider joining-"

"I'll do it!" I exclaimed, before quickly biting my tongue. "Sorry, princess."

She nodded with a smile. "Of course... There is just one thing you should know..."

I leaned in curious. "What is it?"

"These vessels are going to be traveling at a very high rate of speed. Very close to the speed of light. Even a grain of sand could obliterate the most heavily reinforced shield at those speeds... And so it's important, that we have somepony powerful enough who can use their magic to shield the ship... An alicorn..."

"You don't mean-"

With a weary expression, she nodded.

"No. No I'm sorry princess, after what happened I can't be around her. I-I just can't."

"Spike, I know you and Twilight have had a rough relationship after Sweetie Belle, but please, think about what I'm offering you. This is the chance of a lifetime, and you know it."

"Princess, what happened was just-" I grit my teeth, trying to hold down my voice. "I'm sorry. You're going to need to find another astronomer."

Celestia let out a sigh. "I was afraid you'd say that... Spike, just please think about it, and if you change your mind, I'll be here."


Gravel crunches beneath my feet as I walk down the narrow path. With the setting sun, the cool of the night air starts to wash up from the valleys. I look out at the hills, to the sky beyond, awash with reds, yellows, oranges, and... purple.
I step off the path onto the grassy field. I really should come here more often, but it's one of those things you just don't want to come to grips with, when you're perfectly happy pretending everything is fine.

With the lead in my boots growing heavier and heavier the closer I get, I almost want to stop in my tracks; turn around and never come back. She's not gone, she's still here. I keep telling myself that, but a copy is and always will be just that; a copy.

With one last step, I'm here. I drop down to my knees, staring at the white stone before me.

"Sweetie Belle
Caring friend, loyal student, and loving wife.

A copy, is just a copy.