• Published 22nd Jun 2017
  • 1,364 Views, 40 Comments

The Intrepid Few - The Fields of Ice

Lead by Twilight and Spike, Equestria embarks on its first interstellar journey after discovering the universe may not be as empty as first thought.

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Chapter Four: Launch

The Intrepid Few
Chapter Four: Launch

T Minus: 48 Hours

For how huge of a mission we were about to embark on, you'd think training would have been a little more intensive, but for Twilight and I, it was mostly leadership, with some basics thrown in. For instance, re-entry G force management, environmental suit functions, offloading procedures, and basic command codes. I guess they expect us to already have a good understanding of our specific duties. Though let's just hope no one needs me to make a space walks anytime soon.

I will admit, the atmosphere at the training center was rather tense. Everyone seemed like they were in a hurry to make sure you know what you need to, before moving on. You could definitely get the feeling that this was a space race. I'm just thankful the rest of the crew was given more than a year to prepare. Of course they had a bit more notice than Twilight and I.

It's amazing to think about it. In just a few hours we'll be leaving the Earth for longer than anyone has in all of history. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that when I return, everyone I'm leaving behind will be long dead. Everything I've known; gone. Though we all know sacrifices need to be made in the name of discovery.

Running my hand over the counter, feeling the cool stone finish, I think of this as a way of saying goodbye to my home. The house I've lived in for almost forty years, where so many memories were made. It's a very bittersweet feeling.

"Even knowing this was coming, it still feels weird now that it's so close."

Sweetie Belle gave me a warm smile as she walked over to me, wrapping her hooves around my waist. "Come on now, don't be sad. You should be excited. Spike, this is going to be the adventure of your lifetime."

I ran my fingers through her mane, returning the smile. "I know. Still, it's hard to move on."

She placed a hoof atop my chest. "Hey, come on. Theres something I wanted to show you." She then took me by the hand, pulling me out to the back door, out into our yard. Before us was a small telescope. It took me a minute, but I quickly realized it was the very same type as the one in Twilight's library before it was destroyed. I covered my mouth, letting out a laugh as I stepped closer.

"W-Where did you find this?"

She put her hoof around me. "I was in Canterlot a few months back, and just looking through an antique shop. There's something else... Look at the wood near the eyepiece."

I looked closer, when I noticed a small bit of charring around the base. I looked up a little further, and almost gasped. Right there etched into the wood was "Property of Spike and Twilight". I ran my fingers down the length, feeling a chill as I did so. This was really it.

I looked to Sweetie Belle with a look of disbelief. "How?"

She crossed her hooves, bashfully looking to the telescope and back to me. "When I found it, all that was left was the bottom piece. I brought it into a shop where they found the replacement parts, and put it back together."

I was too shocked to know what to do. Without thinking, I just instinctively pulled her in. "This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you."

She giggled as she nuzzled against me. "I'm glad you like it." Pulling back, she gestured towards the telescope. "Go ahead, have a look. If I have the angles and time right, you should see a familiar sight."

I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, before turning to the telescope. Peering through the lens, I grinned at the sight. Two bright stars shining, with a third small red speck just barely visible. Proxima Centauri.

As I stared, she wrapped her hoof around me. "I know you can't take it with you, but I wanted you to see where you're going."

I shook my head, starting to tear up. "You'll take care of it until I get back, right?"

She pulled me in tight. "Hey, don't start crying. If you start crying then I will too."

I wiped my eyes, trying to bite my tongue. "I know. It's just really starting to hit me."

With tearful eyes, she rested her head on my shoulder. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course. Anything."

She took a deep breath. "Before you go. I want you to shut me down, and remove my processor... I want you to bring me with you."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little surprised by this request, but I was far more overjoyed. "A-Are you sure? What about your body?"

A tear rolled down her cheek as she leaned in to kiss me. "Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for those we love."


T Minus: Twenty Hours

The smell of new plastic, the kind you smell right after you open a toy, filled the air. The clean room we sat in was filled with workers and astronauts, each worker wore white coveralls and surgical masks. They weren't wearing them for their protection, but ours. Afterall, nothing would suck more than to have everyone onboard catch the flu at the same time.

I smiled over to a nervous looking Twilight, sitting next to a row of other ponies also halfway through the suit up process. Even though she looked like she was about ready to be sick, she returned the gesture.

"Raise your arms please," requested one of the ponies.

I did as he said, allowing him to slip on my flight vest. On this blue hunk of aluminum was the atmosphere and temperature regulators that would keep me alive if something were to go wrong. Though that's assuming the only thing to go wrong isn't a massive explosion.

Next a metal ring locked into place around my neck, secured to the vest as to prevent it from sliding down. Then were my gloves. Each one giving a satisfying click, letting me know they were sealed. Finally, it was time for my helmet. The bright white contrasting with the varying shades of blue on the rest of the suit; something Rarity would have never approved of. With that last latch clicking shut I felt the air rush into the suit as it switched to the contained breathing unit.

"Can you hear me?" asked the pony.

I nodded in reply, but he didn't seem to like that.

"No, I need you to speak so I can test the audio equipment."

I cleared my throat. "I can hear you just fine."

"Good. Good. Now I'd like you to stand up so we can look over your suit."

"Alright." And so I stood, taking a step forward. Again I lifted up my arms.

A few ponies were now checking everything from the stitching, to the seals at my boots. While they went over me, I looked to my arm, seeing a small mirror, but when I turned my head, the suit must have picked up on the motion because it switched to display the name "Intrepid" followed by my name with a series of vitals beneath it. Definitely something I'll be playing with later.

The pony who I assumed was in charge of the assessment, then looked over to the others. "He's good to go." Looking back to me, he pointed to a hallway. "Right down there, please."

As I walked through the hallway, out to the shuttle, I couldn't help but feel this wasn't real. Like it was just a dream. Stepping through the doors, I walked out onto the tarmac where I was lead to a large open air bus. I guess someone thought it'd be nice to give those astronauts as much time in the sunlight as they could get.

As soon as everyone took their seats, we were on our way to the launch tower. Rounding the corner, we finally got to look out at the massive shuttle. This thing was the size of a small aircraft carrier, but had enough thrust to get us to orbit, and beyond. Pulling up beside it, I couldn't help but feel incredibly small as the twelve tires at its base were each fifteen feet tall. Everything about this monster was off the charts.

At the side of the ship, a large bay door hung open, revealing the cargo area. With a tinge of hesitation, I stepped off the bus, and walked over to the shuttle. It was intimidating as all hell. I took that first step onto the metal platform, and just stared at my feet for a second. One by one we all lined up, walking up the ramp. It was really happening. We were really leaving.

Walking up those steps to the cockpit, I could almost feel the blood leaving my head. Sure they had us train in mockups, but this was completely different. Looking around the dozen seats, I saw names of each person who'd be joining us illuminated above the headrest. In the middle, was mine and Twilight's.

We both took our seats, and started to get buckled in. As we did, others from the crew would check over each other's straps before taking care of their own. I wasn't sure how much checking a six point harness needs, but I felt pretty damn secure with the job I did.

Looking over at Twilight, who was currently tightening the straps down so hard you'd think they were about to rip. I reached out my hand, resting it atop her hoof. "You're going to be fine. This bird has made quite a few trips up to Intrepid."

She nodded, trying to put on a brave smile, but I could feel her shaking through her suit. I squeezed her hoof tighter, and she seemed to calm down a bit.

The pilot then looked over at us, scanning over the rest of the crew. I caught a little grin from him as he looked to some of the more nervous faces. "I hope everyone's having a good day. My name's Starchaser and I'll be your pilot. I've got a green light from everyone's harness, and control just gave me the go ahead to seal the hatches and fuel the engines. So I hope everyone's ready."

I looked up to the controls above his head, most of them just lights on a touch screen. Even our windows were only displays, as actual glass would be too fragile at such speeds. Though in the middle of it all was a bright red set of numbers. Just thirty seconds to go.

Even though I was trying to keep my cool for Twilight's sake, my stomach was doing back flips. It was like the feeling you get as a rollercoaster crests that hill, and you get to look down at hall the crazy loops and turns you're about to go through.

"Twelve, Eleven, Ten, Nine, Eight-"

Twilight wrapped her other hoof around my hand. "Promise you won't let go?"

I nodded. "I promise."

"Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One."

Slowly the rumbling and shaking built up as the howl from the engines grew louder. With a burn louder than anything I'd ever heard, the craft was flying down the runway. Then just as it looked like we were about to run out of room, we were in the air.

I looked over at Twilight, and she was actually smiling. She was actually starting to enjoy herself. With a laugh, she turned to me and said "That wasn't so bad."

Starchaser then said "Fusion afterburners firing in five, four, three, two, one."

With the press of a button, everyone was planted firmly into their seats. The shaking before was nothing compared to this. And the roar was like being inside a thunderstorm next to an unending lightning bolt.

I've never had Twilight cling to me so hard in her life. And honestly, I'd be lying if I said the hand not holding her wasn't digging into my armrest. Though that didn't mean I wasn't sporting the biggest grin. Sure I was scared out of my mind, but once you realize you're not going to die, it's the most fun you could possibly imagine.

Looking to the display, I saw the sky turn from light blue, to navy, then eventually I could start to see the brighter stars. As the sky shifted from a star filled navy to a star filled black, the shaking finally stopped. No longer was I held in by the thrust, I could feel myself being lifted up from the lack of gravity.

Before I even had time to react to this incredible feeling, I was awestruck by yet another sight. Silhouetted by the black of space sat the Intrepid.


T Minus: 1 Hour

We were told to try to get some sleep before we made the jump to sub-light. Key word of course being 'try'. It's going to take me awhile to get used to this reduced artificial gravity. If I were on Mars, this is how I imagine it would feel.

Slipping out of bed, I throw on my navy blue jumpsuit. On my left arm, the flag of Equestria, my right the patch of the Intrepid, and above my right breast pocket a pair of wings with my name and rank. Of course most ponies just go off the brass on your collar.

Metallic grey walls surround me, complimented by a grey dresser, a grey bed frame, but lord behold, my bedspread is a navy blue. Yeah, interior design wasn't too high on the list.

I walked over to my dresser, and placed my thumb on the frame, and in response, the bottom drawer opened. Inside was a small box of belongings. I didn't bring anything too special. Just a digital photo frame, a necklace Sweetie Belle gave me when we were still dating, and some old letters from our friends. It's amazing how sentimental you get when you're told you can only bring two pounds of belongings onboard. Of course, there was one more object in the box. I reached in, pulling out the small blue crystal cube.

Walking over to the wall, I pressed my hand against a panel, causing it to slide open. Inside was a slot for three such crystals. Holding my breath, I slipped it inside, and closed the panel. "Come on."

I gave it a few minutes, but there was still nothing. I was beginning to get worried. "Sweetie? Are you there?"


At this point I was internally screaming. "Come on!"

"Hey, there's no need to shout," came a familiar voice.

I turned to see Sweetie Belle, or rather her hologram, standing next to my bed. I immediately let out a sigh of relief. "You had me worried there."

She looked down. "Sorry. It took me a minute to configure this system. If it makes you feel any better, I'd hug you if I could."

I let out a laugh. "Oh trust me, I would do the same."

She gave me a smile before looking around the room. "So... This is the Intrepid... It's um, nice?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, it's atrocious."

"Seriously! What's the deal with all the grey? I mean fashion was more Rarity's thing, but this looks like it was done by a depressed eighty year old hermit."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, It looks very 'shippy'."

She crossed her arms, not finding my joke very amusing. "Hang on; let me try something." With that, her hologram cut out, but soon after the room started to change. The floor turned to hardwood, the walls and ceiling resembling that from our home, even the dresser and bed frame turned to stained oak. But the coolest thing by far was the window overlooking the planet.

"You like it?"

I turned away from the view to see her sitting atop my bed. I was honestly amazed. "Th-That's incredible."

She giggled. "I'll take that as a yes. Everything in here is coated with a photo-film. I guess dull grey was just the default setting."

"You're amazing."

Sweetie Belle grinned and replied sarcastically "I know."

Just then, Twilight's voice came over the room's sound system. "Spike, I need you to meet me in the observation deck."

"I'll be there in a second."

Sweetie Belle gave me a playful salute. "Go get to work commander."

I laughed, shaking my head as I stepped out. I was glad a little more effort went into the hallways. Instead of that wonderful grey, the walls were a bright sky blue, with runway lights at the top and bottom, as well as safety bars at waist height, just in case you needed to secure yourself to something quickly.

As I walked down towards the elevator, I passed several crew members, half too busy to notice me, the other half trying to salute me. I really do hope they drop the formalities eventually; that will get old after a while.

Finally I reached the elevator. Stepping inside I noticed a large screen on the wall, displaying the name "Intrepid" and on the floor, the seal of the ship. As soon as I hit the screen, the elevator shot away, almost making me lose my footing. When the doors opened, I stepped out into a dark room. By the window, or screen, was Twilight. The Earthlight lighting up her face.

She smiled over at me, waving me over with a hoof. "Come here." She looked like a foal in a candy store as she looked out at the ground below.

"This is just amazing, Spike."

I paused for a moment, just taking it all in. "Yeah, it really is."

Neither of us spoke, just staring down at our home. It's amazing to think all that we've ever known, every war, every ruler, every city, all of it, lived and died here on this one little world. And here we are, ready to change all of that.

Still staring in awe, I felt Twilight lean into me, wrapping her hooves around my waist. I looked down at her, our eyes meeting as she rested her head against my chest.

"I'm so glad you decided to come, Spike. I don't think I could do it without you."

I smiled down as I wrapped my arms around her. "Oh you would have found a way some how."

She giggled, and replied "Sadly I don't share that confidence."

I shook my head. "Come on now. You look good in that uniform. Like you're doing what you were truly meant to do."

She blushed. "Thank you. I'm still glad you're here."

Again, the intercom rang out "Attention, we are five minutes away from launch, everyone please report to your stations, and secure yourselves."

Slowly I broke our embrace. "Guess we better report to the bridge."

She nodded, before turning back for one more look. "Just needed to see it one last time."

The both of us made our way down the now much less crowded hallways towards the front of the craft. As soon as we entered the room, everyone stood to salute us. Everyone in this room was one of the most respected, skilled, and knowledgeable ponies in their field, and they stood here saluting us. Having a scared tech do it is one thing, but this was an entirely different feeling.

"As you were," commanded Twilight.

The both of us took our seats at the center of the room, buckling ourselves in as everyone else did. Each pony was hard at work double and triple checking their individual systems. Everything was good to go. We are less than a minute away from making history.

Twilight smiled over at me. "You ready Spike?"

I chuckled. "I was born ready, Twi."

Above the display, much like in the shuttle, a red screen showed the countdown. "Fifteen Seconds."

Reaching out a hand to Twilight, I held her hoof once more. This time as we locked eyes, she looked much calmer; determined even.

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One."

"Let's go to the stars."

Comments ( 23 )

Two chapters in one day? You're spoiling us. :rainbowlaugh:

Ooh, pony version of Cortana

Ayyy, this is actually very good.
Glad I waited for more chapters so I could get my first impression in a bigger chunk.

The weren't


"Let's go to the stars."

I can't wait for it!

Ok couple of things...
First of all How old do ponies get in this? Given that Granny Smith got to something between one hundred and two hundred [depending on a couple on when Ponyville got founded] it is vaguely plausible that one or more of the Mane 6 is still alive...
Then sub-light speed means slower than light speed... Up to now the discussion on the ship and everything seemed relatively normal physics, but then you start talking about "jumps", it's not clear how this ship is supposed to work. A "realistic" ship would NOT jump, it would simply start accelerating until it reached the top design speed, then cruise untill near the destination and then decelerate to enter orbit. One profile, taken from the Orion Project, is of an acceleration phase to get to 0.033 c of about ten days, during this then days the habitat should be positioned with the floor toward the "back" as the acceleration would provide the gravity, once at cruise speed the habitat may go open and start rotating for the simulated gravity.
You can also have a look to the ISV Venture Star from Avatar. There the max speed is about 0.7 c and it takes about five and half months of accelaration at 1.5 g.
Then to have a time dilation of 150:1 you should be going at 99.9978 % of c that is going to need an ASTOUNDING quantity of energy.
Moreover if it is a travel to Proxima Centauri from Earth the math of the travel does not match, as proxima is just about 4 light years away, and so at 99% of c it should take just about 4 years to reach [earth time]

Bruh, you're asking questions about season 5, and we just aired the pilot episode. Just give it some time. :twilightsheepish:

In this one, ponies live about to 90-100, with the exception of the younger generation, like Sweetie Belle, as you could add on 20 to 40 years accounting for advancements in medicine. I'm not focussing too much on canon for this one though.
As far as how I used the term "jump", I only had it stated as only a poke at FTL sci-fi. I'm well aware it's only an acceleration to near light speed.
Now for the speed. Essentially the way this craft works is very similar to the proposed Project Daedalus (hinted at in the name of the two shuttles). However, the ship's mass is kept extremely low, with there barely being enough fuel to reach a small fraction of the speed of light. This is where the shuttled Icarus and Daedalus come in. Once the fuel for the Intrepid has been burned up, the twin shuttles detach and deploy a massive magnetic net, similar to how the proposed Bussard Ramjet's fuel collection would work. Of course this would create some magnetic drag, so once fueled, the shuttles fire a fusion afterburner, capable of catching up with the Intrepid, and still only burning off a small amount of fuel in the process. This way, on approach to a star instead of missing out on all the fuel while the ship is burning retrograde, the shuttles can still drop off and collect fuel, plus it's much easier to maneuver these craft than a huge ship if a large pocket of fuel was detected.
As far as the acceleration, Twilight is using her magic to both protect the ship, and provide a sort of inertia dampening. While she could also provide gravity, the rotation is there so that when she leaves the ship, there is still gravity.
Lastly, while Proxima Centauri would take four years to reach to an Earth based observer, ship based, the trip is only 10.34 days. As with the speeds they're traveling, each year on Earth is only 2.43 days ship time.

Could you tell me the full sentence that's in, because I can't find that typo for the life of me.


The smell of new plastic, the kind you smell right after you open a toy, filled the air. The clean room we sat in was filled with workers and astronauts, each worker wore white coveralls and surgical masks. The weren't wearing them for their protection, but ours. Afterall, nothing would suck more than to have everyone onboard catch the flu at the same time.


Hm ok... but they are going to Proxima Centauri. So it is going to take just a bit more than four years to get there, Equestria time, not one hundred fifty. Where does the One Year Ship time/one hundred fifty Equestria time come out?

Ohhhh I see. Proxima Centauri is just the first stop of several. All together it's 150 years round trip.

Hm. How long are they going to stop on each step?
because then one year of subjective time is going to be REALLY little ^^;;;

Come on now. Can't give you all the answers just yet. :twilightsmile:

I am loving this story. Every inch of it. I can't wait till it's completed. About how long will it be would you say?

A very long time... So many planets to reach...

It's great to have you back, writing again. I missed your unique works.

I'm love the story so far. I'm I'm definitely tracking story

hello pony interstellar

Next Chapter Never Ever

keep it up
I want to see more of spike and twilight and how they became a couple
and how they arrived on the new planet
continues to look forward to seeing this fic

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