• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 870 Views, 7 Comments

Discord's New Business Side story: It's Magic - videomaster21XX

One would never expect somepony you've met only for a moment to have any sort of impact on your life. That was before Stage Light saw Sweetie Belle as a grown up.

  • ...

Three times nice

“So lil bro, feeling any better?” The light purple earth pony asked her companion as they turned the corner on one of Manehatten’s many busy streets. The mare’s eyes twinkled with the flashing lights of the city, her body swaying to some unheard melody. Her brother, a yellow stallion and fellow earth pony just shook his head.

“No, you said we’d be able to stop by the comic shop first!” He replied, trying to sound much more irked then he really was.

“Not this time Stage Light.” She shot back with a grin. She only ever used his full name like that when calling him out on his shenanigans. “You aren’t ‘strategically’ wasting our time there tonight. I’m getting you to a club and that’s final!”

Stage Light merely sighed in response, though he couldn’t hide the smile that was curling upon his lips. She knew him too well.

“Besides, you’re like twenty one now. Shouldn’t you be focusing on other things besides that kids stuff?”

“Why Azure Velour!” Stage Light proclaimed doing his best impression of their mother, complete with hoof to his chest,“How dare you try and dictate what or what not others should like!” Azure’s response was to erupt into a fit of giggles.

“Alright! Alright! You can like what you want, but seriously you need some other hobbies besides comics and your guitar.” She reached up and adjusted her baseball cap as she walked. It was clear to Stage what she was after tonight. Rave dancing, her assemble was her classic outfit for just such occasions. That black jacket and armband sporting the same yellow and red lines, though the jacket for whatever reason had an orange line between them that the hat and armband didn’t copy. One of these days he should ask her why that is.

Instead he looked down at his own attire with a frown. It consisted of a ratty blue t-shirt along with his trademark sunglasses tucked away in this blazing red hair. Would they even let him in this club? Why’d he agree to going out like this anyway? Unless he was performing he preferred to stay out of large crowds. Uh-oh, her light blue mane was starting to bristle, apparently she expected a response.

“Yeah, well what about you? What do you do beside dance all the time?” He watched as Azure opened her mouth to protest, only to shut it again after a few moments of silent thought.

“Okay you got me there, but at least I am dancing. When was the last time you played your guitar? Or are you still trying to ‘write’ a song?”

“Hey I’m just waiting for my muse to strike me that’s all.” Despite his protest, he frowned. In truth the last few months had been torture. No matter how he played the notes, or strummed the strings, he just wasn’t feeling it, they just wouldn’t come together into an actual melody. Something was missing, but what? Why couldn’t he do this?

“Well then what better way to meet her then a night out?” Azure laughed, once more swaying to a beat only she could hear. “It’s got to be better than being cooped up in that little apartment of ours.”

“I didn’t mean an actual muse!” Stage protested with a roll of his eyes. Azure just laughed more as she lead the way, waving to random ponies as they went. He wanted to be annoyed with her, but he couldn’t help but marvel at her antics. Well she was always like this after all.

‘Guess she does have a point though. I’m getting nowhere locked away.’ He thought as he fell into step behind her, though he didn’t try to match her ‘dance steps’ or whatever it was she was doing as she bounced along.

As the sun set, the lights of the city slowly began to come on, one after another, transforming the streets into a stage just for her. She was always so upbeat and happy. It was obvious to anypony that dancing was her life. The very energy she emitted just made one want to join in.

Did his music ever do that anypony? He’d performed a few small gigs here and there, but always cover work. Despite his efforts, he had never had a hit of his own. At least not yet he told himself. Thoughtful, he turned his gaze to the sky. A muse right? That’s what their mom always told him he’d find someday. She didn’t really mean a physical being and not just a metaphor right?

He was still deep in thought when Azure began to wave her hoof in front of his face.

“Hello? Equestria to Stage Light! We’re here!”

“Huh? What?” His eyes darted around taking notice of the bouncer standing before the club door. Here already? Had he really spaced out that much?

“Geez, do I have to watch you tonight lil bro? Don’t go spacing out on me in the club, ya might miss all the pretty ladies.”

“Ha ha, we’re not even in the club yet,” he remarked pointing toward the rather long line, “and by the looks of it, it’ll be a while yet.”

Azure just grinned. “Ya sure about that?” Before he could question what she meant, she turned toward the bouncer, a large, burly unicorn, who she greeted while putting a strange emphasis on the first part of the name. “Sup HERcule?”

Much to Stage Light’s surprise, the unicorn smiled warmly. “You’re never going to stop calling me that are you?” Another small shock was the high pitch of the bouncers voice. She was so big and intimidating, that he actually hadn’t noticed Hercule was a mare!

“Nope! It fits you!” His sister laughed back, earning another smile from the bouncer.

“Can’t say I hate the nickname.” She laughed, then nodded toward each of them. “Good evening Azure Velour, Stage Light.”

This caught him even more by surprise. “You know my name?”

Hercule laughed. “I’ve been the bouncer at a couple of your gigs. Always try to volunteer when I hear you’re gonna play. You doing so tonight?”

It actually took a moment for him to answer. Was that actual hope in her eyes? Did she really want to hear him play?

“Er no sorry just hanging out tonight…” It was hard to tell but he swore she looked disappointed.

“Ah, shame. You’ve got a real talent for music.” She opened the door and ushered them through. “I’ll escort you inside. It’s time for me to switch with Glade and Brick anyway.” As if on cue a griffon and an earth pony stepped out of the club, each taking spot on one side of the door.

“W-wait, what about the line?”

Once more Hercule laughed. “I’m not making the amazing Azure Velour and the rising star Stage Light wait in no line. Come on in, consider yourselves VIP.” Stunned, Stage Light silently followed his sister and Hercule as they made their way into the main area, the scent of herbs and other such smoke causing him to sneeze.

The rising star Stage Light? Was Hercule honest about enjoying his music? It was a strange feeling to have. Well it wasn’t like he ever got booed off a stage or anything. Most crowds did applaud the few times he played, but he didn’t think they paid him that much mind. Why like him? A pony who could only ride the tail of other better musicians by covering their songs? Such praise should be saved for one who could write their own material.

“Woo! What’s up, party ponies!” Azure yelled as she stepped upon the dance floor, her enthusiasm being echoed back by several in the crowd. With a bit of a frown, Stage realized that the ever infamous Vinyl Scratch wasn’t in the booth tonight. A shame, she had a flair for this stuff you just didn’t find normally.

“I’m hitting the dance floor, bro. Try to mingle a bit this time 'kay?”

“Who are you - mom?” Stage shot back with a chuckle. “Go enjoy yourself.”

With a salute, Azure did just that, vanishing into the crowd like a ninja. Well, regardless of how the night ended up, at least she was having fun. This kind of dancing wasn’t really his style though. Seeing no other real option, he made his way to the bar. If all else he could maybe strike up a conversation.

Once he actually got to the bar however, those plans were quickly smashed. Only ones hanging around it at the moment were two passed out stallions and a pegasus mare who was making it very clear she wanted to be left alone. Well, backup plan, maybe someone will come in the next hour.

“Hey there what’ll it be?” The bartender asked him as he took a stool at the far left end. It was about as secluded as you could get in a place like this, which suited him just fine.

“Eh, you got something like an apple cider?” He asked, the bartender smiled at him.

“Sure do, straight from sweet apple acres too. Won’t find better cider in all of Manehatten.” He poured the drink and slid it over. “Not a fan of the hard stuff I gather?”

Stage Light shook his head.”Not a fan of how it clouds the mind. How can I hear inspiration strike if I can’t remember my own name?” A moment later Stage realized that putting down the very drink this stallion was hired to serve might not be the best idea. “Er, at least I don’t think it’d help me personally...”

“No need to stumble on your words, sounds perfectly fine to want and stay sober. Means I don’t got to watch you.” The bartender shrugged and went back to cleaning the bar while waiting for his next customer. Stage Light turned his own attention to the crowd out on the dance floor as he took a sip of his beverage. His eyes widened at the taste. This was ordinary apple cider? It tasted amazing! He’d have to look into this Sweet Apple Acres brand later.

An hour went by with little to interest him, the occasional patron coming to the bar, but none of them looking too chatty. With a sigh he stared into his empty cup, having long since finished the cider. He was still debating on if he really wanted to get a refill when he hear a trio of voices to his right.

“Well…” He heard a mare begin with a rather lovely country accent. “We’re in Manehatten, might as well try a Manehatten!”

“I want to have a margarita!” An equally as lovely, yet more brash voice added. Stage Light grinned despite himself. Both of them sounded so innocent and eager. Probably a couple of mares who were just starting college, and eager to take in the ‘adult’ side of the city. Sounded like they might be just shy of the age limit too. Unable to help himself, he turned to get a look at them, just in time to hear and see the third in the group.

“A martini for me please?” She asked, with one of the loveliest smiles he’d ever seen. The sounds of the club that had been so loud before, seemingly melted away as he took in the brilliant white unicorn mare before him. He didn’t think ponies could get this gorgeous! Her coat shined with the light of the club, her purple and pinkish mane swaying about her with the grace of the Princess’s own.

“Uh…” He heard her utter, only barely recognizing that the bartender was asking them for ID. Though she’d only spoken a few words, it was enough to captivate him. Her voice, it rang out like a chorus of bells. He dared one quick glimpse at her rear, just long enough to see her cutie mark. Nothing more he told himself.

Curious, it appeared to have the same shield like design her friends did, though a different symbol embroidered each one. The unicorn’s being a musical note. This revelation didn’t surprise him at all. A voice like that? She could probably sing a melody so sweet, it’d make a cragadile cry.

Shortly after, he saw the bartender pour them each a glass of apple cider, causing him to smirk. Seems he was right about their age. Probably meant they weren’t any older than he was now. After all, he only reached the ‘of age’ for alcohol last year. Odd the bartender had asked him about drinking. Guess he just had one of those faces that made him appear old. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

Well whatever, there were more important things to think about now. Mainly how was he going to start a conversation with them? Could he really just walk up and say hi? He already felt nervous enough just by looking at them. The unicorn herself could pass as a princess in his eyes, and her two friends weren’t far behind. What kind of stallion could just walk up and say hi without losing their wits??

“Well well!” He heard a new voice say, this one distinctly male. He turned back toward the mares just in time to see three stallions walk up to them. “What have we here? Some fine, lovely ladies all alone?”

“And content to be alone.” The pegasus member of the mares snapped. “Buzz off!”

Of course, those are the kind of stallions that could just walk up and say hi. The scummy kind who had no wits to begin with. Stage Light eyed them warily as the lead stallion, some hot shot pegasus with red hair, put a foreleg around the pegasus mare. Meanwhile the unicorn and earth pony stallions both tried to woo the matching mares.

“Yer pretty.” The unicorn of the stallions said with a rather dopey looking expression. “I like pretty, shiny things… Want to be mine?” Stage winced. How could anypony say that and think it would work!?

“Not really.” The mare replied, obviously uncomfortable. Stage braced himself against the bar. She was in trouble! No, all three of them were in trouble! Shouldn’t he do something? He couldn’t just watch this unfold right? Except what could he really do? He might be able to take the pegasus or even the earth pony, but that unicorn was way too big for him, and they were all together. Trying to interfere would likely just end with him beaten in the back alley.

Meanwhile the unicorn stallion was leaning far too close to the unicorn mare for his liking.

‘Beaten in a back alley or not, I can’t watch this!’ He thought as he stood up from his seat. Just in time to hear the earth pony mare of the group speak up.

“Hey Scoots? Loverboy just put something in your drink.”

The red haired pegasus stallion immediately began to lose his cool. “W-what? I’d never do something like that!”

“I believe her more than I believe you!” The pegasus mare practically roared at him. Damn, he pitied any stallion who tried to cross her! At least that eased his fear about their being alone as they were. Innocent they might appear, but they certainly didn’t sound stupid.

As the three mares and the bartender began to question the pegasus stallion, Stage took note that the other two of the group had made their getaway. Concerned, he kept his eyes on them as they made their way across the floor and into the restrooms. If he were a betting stallion, he’d bet they knew something about what just went down. Also, if this scumbag up here really did spike a drink, they probably had the same drug on them.

It wasn’t long before one of the bouncers was called over due to the commotion. Stage found it interesting that it so happened to be that Hercule mare from before. As he watched them, he saw them put one of those drug testing sticks into the mare’s drink, only for the submerged part to turn blue. No doubt about it now. They had tried to drug her!

“Hey um… Hercule?” Stage said a bit later when he felt the timing was right. He really wished he’d thought to ask what the mare’s real name was. Thankfully it didn’t look like the bouncer minded him calling her the nickname.

“Hmm? Oh hey, Stage Light. What’s up? Hope you can make it quick, sorry but we gotta find this idiot’s friends before they cause any more trouble.”

“Actually that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I happened to be watching them as they tried to make their escape. Far as I know, they haven’t left that restroom.” Hercule’s eyes followed his pointed hoof toward the door in question and nodded.

“Understood.” She chanced a quick grin his way. “This just makes me more of a fan of yours; you know that right?” She winked at him, leaving him stammering for what to say. Luckily he didn’t need to as she was quickly marching off, signaling two other bouncers to follow her. Looks like the other two morons weren’t getting away after all. He sighed in relief. Thankfully this all ended without a major incident. He couldn’t bare to think of what would have happened if one of these lovely ladies had ingested the drug!

Speaking of them, he could see their terrified expressions from here. Poor things, they probably didn’t even know about such drugs before tonight. They didn’t seem like city folk either. Probably from the country, especially given the yellow mare’s accent. Well regardless he had done his part however minor it ended up being. He could just sit back down and let the police handle the rest. It shouldn’t be too long before they got here. Meaning he’d never have to talk to the beautiful unicorn or her friends even once.

“Hey I uh, heard what happened, you three alright?” What was he doing? Why didn’t he just sit back down?

“Huh?” The orange pegasus said, as all three of them turned their attention toward him. He could see the wariness in their expressions. Guess he couldn’t blame them.

“Sorry um, it’s just you all seemed rather shaken up…” He silently wished he had managed to come to their rescue. They were such pleasent young ladies. They didn’t deserve to have this happen to them.

“Er, yeah um, we’re fine.” The yellow earth pony replied. The unicorn who had caught his attention in the first place wasn’t even looking his way. If only she would look at him, speak to him. Why did he care about this so much? Getting an odd feeling, he looked over his shoulder to see the other two stallions in the trio being dragged to the side.

“Looks like they caught the other two morons that were bothering you.” He said with a point. He needed to keep the conversation going, even if he didn’t understand why he wanted it to.

“Oh, well that’s sure a relief!” The yellow one spoke again.

“First time in a club?” He asked seeing them nod. “Sorry it turned out like this. There are some scummy ponies out there.”

“You got that right.” The orange one grumbled. She hadn’t touched her new drink at all.

“Yer being awfully friendly.” The yellow one said suddenly. He could feel her eyes picking him apart, though given their last visitors, he couldn’t blame her.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to make sure the three of you were alright. I’m glad you were looking out for each other.”

He tried his best not to let his eyes rest on the unicorn. Those green eyes of hers looked so sad. Why did it make his heart ache to want to see her smile?

“My name’s Stage Light by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Applebloom.” The yellow one stated, holding out her hoof. With a smile he reached out to shake it, only to have his leg jolted by her movement. This mare was packing some serious strength!

“We Apples are usually a good judge of character, and I can tell ya really are just being neighborly. Sorry about earlier, it’s just well with what just happened-” Stage Light held up his hoof.

“Say no more, I understand completely. I’m just glad none of you got caught up in something bad.” As he spoke the orange one held out her own hoof, a smile finally creeping upon her face.

“Scootaloo, and if Apple Bloom says you’re alright then I trust her!” With a smile of his own, Stage shook her hoof, thankful that she didn’t possess the same supernatural strength her friend did. Slowly his gaze turned toward the last member of their group. His breathing becoming uneven for some reason.

Almost as slowly as his, her eyes lifted up to fix upon his own, then it happened. She smiled at him as she extended her own hoof, causing his heart to skip a beat. “H-Hi, I’m Sweetie Belle.”

“H-Hey.” He muttered back, holding her hoof in his own. Neither of them actually shook, Sweetie possibly being too shy to do so, and him being lost in the magic of her voice and eyes. It took him a few moments to realize he was just standing there like an idiot.

“O-oh sorry!” He quickly lowered his hoof, scolding himself mentally. What was wrong with him? He never acted like this around any other mare! The three seemed more amused than annoyed with the display. Thank Celestia for small miracles.

“You from around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” I know I’ve never seen her before! His eyes still on Sweetie Belle.

“Yeah, we’re from Ponyville actually,” Applebloom began, “only really here tonight to take in the city and a show.”

“Though things have been… less than awesome.” Scootaloo added with a sigh.

“I can see.” He said, casting another glance at the scum from earlier. He could also see the police talking to Hercule. As he thought, they hadn’t wasted any time getting here. That was good right? It meant the three wouldn’t get away with trying to drug them. Though that also probably meant...

“Excuse me,” one of the mare officers asked as she approached them, “are you three the ones involved in the incident with the powder dolts over there?” The three mares nodded.

“That’s us.” Applebloom replied stepping forward. The officer nodded back.

“My name is Copper Top, and I’m here to take your statements. Can you follow me outside?”

“Of course.” Scootaloo replied as she and Applebloom began to follow Copper Top through the crowd. Much to his pleasure it was Sweetie Belle who turned toward him before following.

“I guess this is goodbye, Stage Light.” She smiled at him again causing his cheeks to suddenly become warm. “Thank you for being concerned.”

With that, she followed after her friends disappearing outside. He wanted to shout at her, or to follow, but for some reason his legs wouldn’t obey his commands. Instead he sat there and watched them leave, and despite staring at the door for a long time after. They didn’t return.

He didn’t remember when his sister found him again, or how much time had actually passed. All he remembered was her image in his mind. The endless tunes playing over the club’s speakers in the background, and her departure leaving him with so many things he had wanted to say, but couldn’t think of.

His mind filled with nothing but empty words.

Author's Note:

Well I'm sure many will be upset I took some time to do this instead of updating my other stories. I'm still hoping those will come.

So why did I do this? Because I'm an idiot. Sometimes when I read a story, I get an idea that could fit in it. Sometimes I like to take what the story gave me, and see if I can manage to work within the limits that story gave me, and see if I can expand on it, or write something that could 'technically' fit in the context given.

This was one of those challenges to myself, and I kinda like what I came up with.

In the end I think I'm just crazy.