• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 871 Views, 7 Comments

Discord's New Business Side story: It's Magic - videomaster21XX

One would never expect somepony you've met only for a moment to have any sort of impact on your life. That was before Stage Light saw Sweetie Belle as a grown up.

  • ...


Three Days Later

Stage Light sat upon the balcony of the apartment he and his sister shared, strumming gently away at his guitar. Somehow the miss mass of random chord and notes he’d been working on for months now, had arranged themselves almost into something resembling a real song.

“Empty words…” He muttered to himself going back over the events of that night. “Endless tunes…” The last image of her traveling through the crowd to head outside played over and over in his mind. If only he had followed her.

“You see me, I see you… in a crowd…” He actually looked down into the streets below as if he’d actually find her there staring back up at him with that smile. He sighed, taking a break from the melody. That smile seemed to haunt his dreams. Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind?

“I see you’re fantasizing about your muse again.” Azure said suddenly, walking out to join him. He hadn’t even heard the sliding glass door open.

“I wasn’t fantasizing! I was just…”

“Crushing on her hard?” Azure offered playfully, taking a seat next to him. Again he scoffed.

“Crush? Azure I talked to her for like two minutes top! I know practically nothing about her!” Only that she’s beautiful, and sweet, and has an amazing voice and can probably sing one of the most beautiful melodies one has ever heard...

“Doesn’t take much more than that to crush.”

“I… you… oh come on! I’ll never see her again.”

“Oh no? Isn’t that why you went back to the club the next day? To see if they’d show up again?” Stage found her smirk after saying that rather infuriating. Why did she have to know him so well?

“Okay fine!” He grumbled, knowing trying to deny it to her was a lost cause. “What do you expect me to do? I don’t even know where she lives.”

“Didn’t you tell me they said they were from Ponyville? Seems like a good place to look.”

“The entire town? I only know she lives there, not where in it!”

Azure sighed. “Look bro, you’ve been staring off into space since yesterday, so do you just want to sit here, or do you want to talk to her again?”

“I… I do, but Azure I doubt she even remembers me.”

“Does it matter?”

Her answer was silence.

“Well, it just so happens that I’m going to visit Vinyl Scratch there, and I wouldn’t mind the company.” Azure said getting up. She slid open the door and walked through without looking back. “You know, if you want to join me.”

With that she let it close on it’s own as she left to pack. Stage stared after her for a minute before quickly entering the building himself. It made no sense but he had to go there, had to see if he could find her. Just one more conversation. If he could just see her smile one more time.

The poor guy had no idea what he was getting into. Discord however, was about to get a new customer...

Author's Note:

What? That's it?

Yeah... that's it. I shouldn't have really even written what I wrote, but I just couldn't help it. I really wanted to see a concept like this in the world KnightMysterio created. I should have known the moment I typed such a thing in the comments, that my mind wouldn't let me just let it go.

So will there be any more? Well it pains me a bit to say it, but not by my hand. I already know I couldn't keep it going. I already have too many stories hanging unfinished over my head as it is. This was just a dabble, something for me to play around with a bit to get my writing skills flowing.

Do I want to see more? Oh heck yes, and I'm more then open to let someone else continue this if they so desire. Not like I can claim any ownership over the idea as it is, the main story doesn't belong to me. ^^;

Comments ( 6 )


Okay, I like this.

Approved as optional canon for Discord's New Business.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Any chance you could make a blog pointing the readers of your story in this direction? I didn't want to make a comment on your story going: "Hey check this out!" Just felt kinda rude.

Also, you're free to use Stage Light as you wish if you want. Like I said before, there just isn't anyway I'm going to be able to write more for this, shame as that is, but some of my stories have waited years now for an update...

“Well, it just so happens that I’m going to visit Vinyl Scratch there, and I wouldn’t mind the company.” Azure said getting up. She slid open the door and walked through without looking back. “You know, if you want to join me.”

Man is it going to be awkward when you realize she's actually a filly who was aged up by Discord.

The poor guy had no idea what he was getting into. Discord however, was about to get a new customer...

Well then, this should prove interesting...

I know right? Hopefully someone continues this.

Hope to see his reaction when he discovers Sweetie's real age.

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