• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,435 Views, 5 Comments

A New Leaf - epicdonus1123 BOT

The changing of Voleur, the thief.

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Chapter 4

I have a crush on Vinyl Scratch. Why does he have to fall in love with some other pony, especially one who could barely notice anything with those sunglasses on. I do have to admit,however, she is a real go-getter. I know that this will become an excellent lesson for the Princess, so might as well help him. I just wish that he didn't have to fall for the only other white unicorn in town.

"I'll help you." I said with little confidence left in my heart and head. Voleur looked at me and smiled with super excited glee, but at the same time, he looked a little questionable.

"What do you mean Twilight?"

"Next rule, good deeds and actions lead to good impressions."

"Okay, It'll take a bit to learn that one, but I can pu-"

"I know you can pull it off." I didn't let him finish his sentence for his attention. I knew that he was going to need some help on this one, but I can help him accomplish it in a heartbeat. Voleur then smiled at me, and then he trotted off. Going to Vinyl's clubs isn't an average for me. I wonder what will happen when those to actually work out. Will she love him for who he is, or not even recognize him as a pony? Whatever happens, I need to check for myself. Trotting across town, looking for something to do, I realize that there are a lot of clouds outside. A few ponies already noticed this strange dilemma. Usually, Rainbow would....Rainbow! She hasn't cleared out the clouds yet. In fact, where is that multicolored lazybones at anyway? I hope everything is going good for her and...Fluttershy. Sweet Celestia, has something between those two, something so strong, that it would keep them confined in their own homes? Wait a minute...something did happen, and I was the one to cause it. There is only one way to help them, and I'm the pony to fix it. I need immediate concentration, so I need to get to my house. Right now, the mixed emotions aching in my heart and brain is unbearable. Every five seconds, I would need to stop and think about: Voleur, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, think about the trouble they could be getting themselves into. I arrive at my house, just to be welcomed by Spike.

"Hey Twilight!"

"Not now Spike. I need the book on levitation."


"Somethings up with Rainbow and Fluttershy, so I need to get to both of their houses."

"What kind of "up" is wrong with them?"

"Not now, just get the book." Spike saluted me, and ran off into the next room. In a matter of seconds, Owlowicsious swooped around and gave me the book.

"Darn! Faster than me by a millisecond!" As Spike was blabbing on about his speed, the spell in the book looked very difficult. I would need to get it right the first time, or I might not be able to perform the cloud walking spell. As I'm reading, I started to charge up my horn. In a moment's notice, I felt a little shock throughout my whole body. Facing a mirror, I shot the the purple colored ray. It reflected off the mirror, and then hit me. It made me fell a bit dizzy, but I got over it real quick. Spike then ran up the ladder and grabbed the book that contained the cloud walking spell. Same as the first spell, I faced the mirror, and shot it. My horn was out of juice, but I was still good to go. I jumped up, like how Voleur showed me, and flew around the room. After a few seconds, I grounded myself and trotted to the door.

"Spike, while I'm gone, make sure the library-"

"Is cleaned, yea yea." That little joker knows me like a book. I opened the door, and jumped in the air. I am a bit sketchy to what I will find Rainbow or Fluttershy doing, that's for sure. While gliding up to Rainbow's cloud house, I felt a cool breeze on my face. It was refreshing, and yet it was also energy-boosting. At Rainbow's, I stepped onto the suspicious, scary bit of cloud on the edge. Thanks for asking, I did not manage to fall on my face, nor fall through the cloud. The unexpected breeze on the wind, down my back, managed to give me goosebumps. I started to shiver as I was knocking on the wet door, no answer. I leaned my head against the door, like I did with Applejack's barn door, but my head fell through. Rainbow was on her couch, taking a usual and unusual nap. It was normal for her to take a nap in the middle of the day, but unusual to be completely covered in tissues. She sat there all mopey like when she got up and looked at me. She looked and looked and looked, over and over again. She never blinked, nor spoke. The tissues on her lap and all over fell onto the ground, falling through it. Rainbow Dash just sat there in total silence for few minutes. The agony and depression of her eyes and soul reached down to my heart. I could feel her frozen warmth through subtle tears. Rainbow's fear and anxiety was enough to make me sink down to her level of despair.

"Rainbow? Why are you so cold?" She then let out a soft weep, one as soft as Fluttershy would make. Her misery must of been unbearable, due to the fact that the pony she loves is heartbroken or embarrassed or both. She then starting choking up from the tears in her throat. I know that this is a normal procedure for a saddened pony, but not one as shallow as Rainbow Dash. She then let another weep, this time followed with a faint chatter. She was shivering...shivering in her own fear. "Rainbow, you have to talk sometime or another. What's w-" I was stopped in my tracks by a protruding, yet sorrowful, Rainbow.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong Twilight."

"Something is wrong, and I demand to find out." My voice was getting louder, almost to me shouting at her. I needn't be yelling at her, for which she is soaked in sadness.

"Do ya really want to know?"

"Ugh, yea."

"You are the problem." Instantly, goosebumps sprained up on my stomach and back. I wasn't ever the cause of a deep problem for one of my friends before.

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

"Why should ya?" Why shouldn't I be?

"Because, Ponyville is covered in clouds from a awkward intrusion I gave, that impacted your life to the brink of solitude. That's why I'm sorry." Rainbow gazed up at me in apparent surprise. Either she was gasping that I admitted to my fault, or that she didn't understand "intrusion" or "solitude". I'm guessing that she did not expect me to confess my role in it, seems logical.

"Um... your right. It is ya fault, isn't it? Ha! Why am I here then? You should be getting the blame! Later Twilight!" She dashed out the door, the way I knew she would. One down, or up, one more to go. I now need to fly down to Fluttershy's cottage. I opened Rainbow's door, got on the edge of the cloud, and jumped into the air. Once I caught my balance, I levitated towards Fluttershy. The clouds were being taken down as fast as you could blink, good old Rainbow Dash. At Fluttershy's, I grounded myself and trotted towards the front door. I didn't even have the chance to knock before Angel opened the door. He looked grumpy and irritated, mostly saddened. His upset expression gave me some guilt down my throat. Angel opened the door and let me in. Unlike Rainbow's, Fluttershy's was actually as clean as ever. I heard some whistling from upstairs, so I whistled back. We whistled like we were whistling wizards, or whistling champions. The whistling then turned into a harmony as it turned softer. It grew softer and softer, until it finally ceased. I could clearly see Fluttershy now as she impatiently ran towards me.


"Um....hi Fluttershy."

"What have you been up to?" Why is she so happy, whereas Rainbow was completely covered in tissues?

"Oh nothing, I just came to see if you are ok."

"I'm doing well, why do you ask?"

"No reason." Do I need to ask her anything else? She seems like nothing ever happened, like I never happened.

"Is that all you needed?"

"Yes. Goodbye Fluttershy."

"Bye Twilight." I left her house in a jiffy. At least I know that they're both doing fine, but now onto Voleur. What's he going to do about DJ-PON3? She obviously won't be able to recognize him for his shy nature. It's just a matter of time before the club actually starts. Matter of fact, what time is it? I turn to the clock tower to see that it was 3:47. If I'm going to help him, what would I be able to do? Should I not go, or should I? If I go, I would be utterly humiliated. Rainbow Dash and the others always go to these clubs, while I'm studying at my library. They'd be shocked and, or, laughing at me. Then again, this isn't about me being there. It's about Voleur's crush for Vinyl Scratch. I now know what I need to do, for friendship isn't always about pleasing one's self. Voleur, clearly, won't be able to admit for himself, why shouldn't I? After all, what's the worst that could happen? Oh no, I think that I might've just jinxed it.