• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,435 Views, 5 Comments

A New Leaf - epicdonus1123 BOT

The changing of Voleur, the thief.

  • ...

Now or Never

Chapter 5

Down Ponyville, I happen to notice that it's already 6:00. In these past few hours, I'm surprised that nothing went wrong. The newly found gossipers, Lyra and Bon-Bon, weren't gossiping. Rainbow, nor Fluttershy, were crying about each other. Pinkie was still frolicking around me. AJ and Rarity were talking about business pony stuff at AJ's barn. Everypony was being everypony, the way that they always are. If I had my checklist of Ponyville, it'd be filled up with checks. My checklist has everything about Ponyville that needs to be taken care of. Once I would get that done, it would be an average hour in Ponyville. I decided to visit Sweet Apple Acres to make sure that the Apples and Rarity were getting things done. I leaped onto the front step, when I heard some talking.

"...yea, that's how hard I have to work for each of the outfits that I make."

"Okay, th' boutique is harder then I thought." Okay, it seems like they have everything under control. I took two steps away from AJ's barn, when I suddenly heard shouts. Applejack flew out of the door, all irritated, and bumped into me. "Horsefeathers! Twilight, why 're ya here?"

"Um, hey Applejack."

"Not now Twilight. I need t' show that th' barn is harder than Rarity thinks."

"Applejack, didn't you learn from this?" She stopped in her tracks, and looked at me.

"Learn what?"

"Remember when you overworked yourself to the maximum?"

"That was b'cause Big Mac hurt himself. This is not th' same thing."

"Applejack, don't overwork yourself then." If I keep arguing with Applejack about nonsense, I'll eventually get maddened.

"Understood." She dashed towards an apple tree, but not with her hooves. She hit the tree, head on, with her head! The tree shook violently, indicating that Applejack was offended by Rarity. I wouldn't stand it if someone said that their business was harder than mine, especially for someone as hardworking as AJ. I'm not going to get in her path of wrath, so I made like a banana and peeled out. I made it to town, and at the right moment too. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The more dings the clock tower makes, it shows what time it was. Wow, its seven o'clock already? The club is an hour away, and my fear is a minute away. I know that it will work out, hopefully. Voleur then comes up to me, with the same worried expression as me.

"Twilight! Twilight, over here!"

"Yeah, what is it Voleur?" He finally caught up to me, but he stopped to catch his breath.

"Twilight, don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"That the club is an hour away."

"Oh that, of course I remembered."

"Yeah. I just can't wait for it, can you?"

"Yeah, but it isn't any different from her other clubs."

"It is for me. This is the first club I've to."

"Same for me."

"Wait, so your actually going to go?"


"That's great! I can't wait to see you Twilight!"

"Yeah you to." I've made up my mind, I will go and help him. Pinkie Pie, out of nowhere, then ran up towards me.

"Hey Pinkie!" Voleur said with excitement in his tone.

"Hi Voleur, hi Twilight!" I didn't say anything, nor made any indications that I didn't want to talk to her right now. I just waved to her and moved on.

"So Pinkie, are you going to the club in an hour?"

"Of course silly! I love partying! Parties are fun, and fun rhymes with sun. Therefore, parties are the sun mixed in with fun!" I wished things worked like that in real life.

"Um...yeah." Voleur quietly said as he backed away from Pinkie. He has known me and Pinkie the longest, and he is still afraid to go near her.

"Well see ya at the party! Bye you two!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced away. Voleur then got in the way of my line of sight.

"So Twilight, are you really going to the club?"


"Are you sure your sure?"

"Yes." I am being extremely quiet today, I wonder why? Simple "yes"s don't usually come out of my mouth in a row.

"Your being pretty silent today." Voleur actually caught onto that, how surprising.


"Okay that's officially creeping me out."

"Sorry." He gave me an odd look and left. He left without even saying goodbye, how insensitive. I now realize that it was almost 7:30. Half an hour is all I got. That kept running through my mind, for several seconds. I got to think of something better than what I thought of earlier, for it is now or never. I know that I got to get Vinyl's attention, but how am I going to get her attention without getting the whole club's attention? Oh boy, I guess there is no way to get her without the club knowing. Knowing that Spike would be shocked and appalled, I need to set him on a wild goose chase. I spawned some cake and hid it all around town. That way, Spike won't be disappointed that I lied to him. I then ran off towards home. Spike opened the door, and I delivered the excellent news.

"Hey Twilight!"

"Hey Spike! I got something for y-"

"Ooo what is it?"

"I've got something for you to do. I stored cake all around town, just for you." Spike was sold, and ran out the door. With Spike gone, I can now go to the club in peace. I now need to get to the club, for it is a bit of a way away from my house. Before I leave, I needed to bring a coat to disguise myself. I got the coat and trotted towards the door. When I opened my door, I saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying overhead, heading to the direction of the club. Presumably, Rainbow is probably showing Fluttershy the way to the club. I stayed back a bit, so that my visit will be a surprise. Once they were away from me, I started to trot towards the club. I happened to notice that not many ponies were in Ponyville anymore, so that's a shocker. I guess that the anxiety and curiosity got to the better of some ponies. At the club, there was a huge line. I regretted coming, but then I saw Voleur. He noticed me to and motioned for me to come to him. I quietly walked towards him, while he was smiling the whole time. He kept jumping in joy for me, making a total mockery of himself.

"Hey Tw-"

"Shh. I don't need anyone knowing I'm here."

"Okay, well it's good that your here."

"It is?"

"Yeah, I was starting to get bored. It's nice to have someone here with me." He gave his grand smile and hugged me. It wasn't a romantic hug, but a warm, welcoming one. One that just makes you want to hug back at.

"Aw shucks. Thanks Voleur."

"Your welcome. Anyways, this is a big building."

"You're right. I wonder how many people are in it."

"Definitely hundreds, probably thousands."

"Maybe, I just hope that we get in there."

"Yeah, me too." Until we got there, Voleur and I just kept talking about random pony stuff. When we were at the front of the line, the guard looked at us and asked for our names and ages.

"Oh. I'm Voleur, age nineteen."

"Okay, now you miss?"

"Twilight, age nineteen also."

"Okay, your both aged enough. Is this both your first times?"

"Yes." we both said in unison. He then checked us for weapons and other junk. He said that we were clean, and that we can go into the club.

"Make sure that you two don't get drunk. It happens to many ponies."

"Yes sir." We both walked in very quietly, following the same hoofsteps. Inside the club, there were lots of lights. The whole place was lit, even the bathrooms. I noticed many familiar faces, every which way and turn. Voleur and I found a table in the back, and sat down.

"Ouch! These lights are blindingly bright!" Voleur had to scream at me, for the music was blaring.

"You're right! I can hardly see!" Is this why Rainbow likes to sleep in the sun, because she is used to the brightness?

"So how do you like it!?"

"It's okay! I just can't hear that good!"






"Oh! Okay!" This shouting is making my throat sore. I leaned in to tell Voleur if he was going to make his move and win her over.

"I can't. I can't put myself to do it." He was whispering at the time, but I heard him perfectly. I am now forced to help him, due to my inner conscience. My inner conscience was the reason he came here, and now its going to be the reason for his happiness. I leaned in again, and this time I told him what I was going to do. "What! You will!?"

"Yes, I will." That very moment, my crush for Voleur turned into a seemingly deep friendship. I don't love him as a stallion anymore, I now love him as a brother. I got up and trotted down some hallways. Vinyl was up at the podium, stopping and reversing the records on her turntable. I finally got backstage, where it was unsurprisingly lit. I peered the slightest part of my head through the curtain, just to see Rainbow and the others in the front. Out of the whole club, they had to be in the front of it. I kept whispering Vinyl's name, like she was a dog.

"Here Vinyl. Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch. DJ-PON3." She just didn't seem to listen, so I need to distract them to quickly get her. Voleur was the only pony who noticed me in the curtain, so I peered my whole head through. I mouthed "distraction" over and over again. He finally caught on, and within a second, he faked a faint. He made the faint as dramatic as it could be, nearly flipping our table over. Everypony stopped to see Voleur "passed out" on the floor of the club. Some whispered, and someponies ran over there and was helping him out. Vinyl was just about to leave, when I ran out and grabbed her arm. I yanked her backwards into the curtain, luckily while nopony noticed. She started to fight, but I calmed her down.

"Ugh! Dude stop!"

"Vinyl. It's me, Twilight Sparkle. Ring a bell? She finally quit thrashing about, and looked at me.

"Hey, hey! It is you! How have you been?"

"Well, considering that you almost mauled me, I'm doing perfectly fine."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Vinyl was getting apologetic? I haven't ever heard her say "sorry" in a while.

"Anyways, I need to tell you something."

"What is it? I gotta get back to the table for some more beats."

"My friend, he-" All of the sudden, we both heard booing from the crowd.

"Oh, that's my cue. Later Twilight. I was a bit surprised to see ya here." She ran through the curtain, and the booing stared to decrease. Eventually it stopped, and the music started blaring again. My plan didn't work for the first time ever since I've been here in Ponyville. She didn't listen to me, nor let me finish. Sweet Celestia, I didn't expect it to come to this. I hesitated for a minute, but then I ran out of the curtain. Vinyl was to oblivious to realize, until everypony stopped and looked at me. I stood frozen on stage, with all eyes focused on me. Applejack and the others were all at me feet, which made me feel predominant to them. I have never felt superiority before, and I kinda like it. I walked over to Vinyl, and demanded for her to get to my side. However, her ignorance and addiction to music caused her to stay.

"Give me the headset." My voice was unsurprisingly eerie and deep, not a good sign for me. I wanted to change it, but I was already too irritated to not. I tend to talk like this when I really want something, or something has annoyed me. In this situation, it was both.

"Woah, Twilight? Why are you up here?"

"I want the turntable." Everypony then started to "ooo", the way fillies would when another filly talked back to the teacher.

"This is my life Twilight. I live for the beat, don't you know?"

"Oh I know, I know real good." My anxiety and anger got to the better of me, unfortunately Vinyl was the target. I charged at Vinyl, and shoved her off stage. Her headset flew off her head, and my reflexes told me to get them in mid air. I grabbed them in an instant. Vinyl then hit the floor hard, with another wave of "ooo"s by the crowd. I put the headset on the turntable, while several ponies came to DJ-PON3's aid. She looked up at me, with what I was guessing were teary eyes. I finally contained myself, and ran down to her aid as well.

"Ouch, Twilight. Your pretty strong!" No crying or bauling, she was actually complementing me.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted that turntable to announce something to you."

"Announce what?"

"That my friend over there...actually just let me use the turntable."

"Yeah sure, go ahead." I climbed onto the stage, and turned onto the turntable. Vinyl nodded her head for me to go ahead some more. I put on the headset, and put a hoof on a record. I started to play some beats, and started to think of some lyrics in my head. When I got the song, I started to, embarrassingly, sing them. They weren't the best, but neither am I.

Vinyl, you don't know. That your true love is a no show. I've been trying to tell you it's true, but he's to shy to tell you. He's the pony in the corner over there, and his name is Voleur. He likes you, he loves you, he misses you, and he hugs you. Without you, his life isn't complete. Why do you make his some obsolete. What he really wants to know...yes or no? I then took off the headset, and walked off stage. I walked through the crowd, and to Voleur. He was blushing like crazy, and I giggled a bit.

"Um...ugh. Thanks." He was extremely shy now, probably as shocked as Vinyl was.

"No prob. Go get her, tiger." I then walked past him, and out the door. I walked around to the back of the club, and entered again. I hid behind the curtains, and looked under them. I could see Voleur coming up the steps, and onto the stage. I also saw him approach Vinyl Scratch with a worried expression. She then took her sunglasses off, and that she was looking at him. Suddenly, I then heard some talking.

"So, you must be Voleur?"

"Y..yes." I haven't even seen Fluttershy this shy, ever. He was turning around, right when I almost ran out, but Vinyl grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey, don't be so afraid. I'm not gonna bite ya."

"Y...you won't?"

"Nah, that seems weird." I saw his smile again, and Vinyl noticed it to. It made her smile back, and eventually hug him.

"So...ugh... yes or n..n..no?" Voleur whispered very faint. She sat there for a few moments, not saying a word. Was she purposely making it very suspenseful for everypony in the club?

"...Yes." She leaned over, and hugged him again. Everypony in the crowd cheered for them, as did I. However, my cheer was more of inner/mental note.

True love isn't always fair, but who it connects is outstanding. Nopony isn't doomed for eternal lonliness. If you think that you are doomed to be forever alone, express it. Be proud of it. Embrace it. Voleur and Vinyl Scratch are polar opposites, I led them together. Friendship and love bond in ways, so majestic, that it can scare you. All that matters is: if you want to meet that special somepony, get around. Get to know different ponies, and their backgrounds. When two ponies find each other, they have a special bond/attraction that will let them be happy. This will be the final rule in Voleur's quest for a change of life. Lastly, everypony was created equal. No matter how much that they differentiate, they will always be happy in this wonderful world of Equestria.

Comments ( 3 )

Hmmm not to shabby:pinkiesmile:

950263 Thanks! I was going for not to shabby!

950270 wow didn't know that my fanfic criticing skills had ecome so good as to figure exactly what you were going for lol

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