• Published 7th Jul 2017
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Assassinverse: Unicornia The New Order - efug25g

After Twilight was assassinated in her sleep, she awakes from her coffin 15 years later, only to find that the evil nobles and traditionalists have successfully conquered all of Equestria with the aid of the Unicornian Kingdom.

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Chapter 17: The New Order part 2

Author's Note:

Enemy Intel:

19. Centaurs: Half-human, half-horse creatures that wear primal armor.
Weapons: Spears, fire swords, and dragon fire crossbows. Can fire their magic with their two horns.

20. Gargoyles: Flying Creatures.
Weapons: Spears and hand flamethrowers.

Boss Intel:

12. Lord Tirek: A demonic centaur who is one a quest for power, a fallen prince and ruler of the Badlands. Known to suck the life and magic out of ponies in order to gain strength.
Weapon: Flaming Giant Sword, wrist-mounted Fire bolt Hand cannon, and uses an array of earth and fire spells.

During the time that Majesty, Thunderball, and Lord Bronze snuck pass the Unicornian guards and Tirek's men, to save the noble families from getting captured by Professor Felhand, Twilight and her army arrived at the outskirts of Canterlot, 35 yards away from the city. After Twilight ordered her men to halt, she send in one of the Changeling Republic scouts to investigate the entire area of Canterlot. When the changeling scout came back 30 minutes later, he made a full report to Princess Twilight.

"Your highness, we received word that Queen Majesty Blueblood will not be joining up with her father and the rest of the Unicornian Army at Canterlot's battlements. They said that she came down with a flu and had put Amadeus in charge of her men." The Changeling Scout said as he reported his findings to Princess Twilight. "Tirek and his warriors have been stationed at the outer walls of the city, guarding the main gate at the first level. Professor Felhand and his experimental creations are being stationed at the town square. As for Lord Amadeus, Morning Blade, and the rest of their royal knights, they're all stationed at the Canterlot Palace courtyard."

"Pinkie Pie, is the cannon artillery in position?" Twilight asked the Pink earth pony.

"Absolutely, positively." Pinkie said in a high-pitched squeal.

"Tell them to get ready to fire on my command and use them to target the Unicornian Guard towers." Twilight ordered Pinkie Pie before turning her attention towards Applejack. "Is the battering ram ready, Applejack?"

"It's good to go, Twi." Applejack acknowledged.

"All right, then every pony. We hit them with everything we've got." Twilight said in a royal Canterlot voice. "Applejack, Rainbow, you will all lead the first charge towards that gate. The rest of us will follow you from behind. GIVE E'M HELL, GIRLS!!!"

"Forward, every pony!!" Rainbow Dash shouted orders to the first wave of the Crystal and LR soldiers.

"FIRE!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted at the top of her lungs.

The moment the cannon crews heard Pinkie's orders, they fired at the guard towers with a platoon of 8 cannons. As the cannon balls struck the guard towers, explosions started popping up, hitting both the towers and the walls. For Applejack and the battering ram crew, they pressed forward while being escorted by a platoon of Crystal Empire guards, forming a testudo shield formation around the battering raw's crew. Upon hearing the distant explosions coming from the outer walls, Majesty and Bronze were able speed up the process by escorting most of the nobles from their homes, to the alleyways, and down into the sewers, leading them outside of the city to safety, while Thunderball and the remaining guards that are still loyal to their queen stay on guard incase any of Felhand's creations intervened.

"Father, please don't do this. I don't think its worth it anymore." Majesty prayed silently to herself. "If you do, there's never going to be any end to this foolish bloodshed. I'm actually grateful that King Silversteel and my baby son weren't here to see this."

Meanwhile back at the isles of the Kingdom of Unicornia, a tall unicorn was sitting on top of the throne, with his newborn son in a cradle by his left. He happens to be none other than King Silversteel. After fiddling with his hooves and checking on his son, the 2 huge doors facing in his direction opened up before his very eyes. The moment the doors opened, a messenger pegasus appeared before him and bowed down at Silversteel's hooves. Before Silversteel could say anything, the messenger presented him a letter coming from his wife Queen Majesty. After reading the letter, Silversteel's face started turning pale with horror in his eyes. Without hesitation, he orders his men to get his ship ready v.i.a to Equestria.

Back at Canterlot, Tirek issues orders to his centaur and gargoyle warriors to defend the battlements from the encroaching armies of the Crystal Empire and the Lunar Republic.

"All hands, man your battle stations. Drive those ponies away with everything you've got." Tirek commanded at the top of his lungs.

As the centaurs went up to the outer walls, they started opening fire with their dragon fire crossbows. Every time they shoot up their crossbows, it unleashes a gas-like crossbow bolt filled with nitroglycern. Upon impact, the crossbow bolts exploded on the dirt, sending a few pony guards flying to their death. As the centaurs keep firing their crossbows at the Crystal Empire guards that were escorting the battering ram crew to their destination, several more explosions erupted. However, thanks to their shields, the guard ponies were not receiving too much casualties like the other guards who weren't in any shield formation. Upon seeing the centaurs return fire, Pinkie ordered some of her cannon crews to aim at the centaurs at the outer walls and opened fire at them. When the outer walls started getting bombarded by cannon fire, a couple of centaurs fell off the walls, plummeting to the ground, dead. As soon as the battering ram crew reached the gate, Applejack gave the order to smash it down. During the time that the main gate is getting battered from outside, Tirek ordered the badland warriors that weren't on top of the outer walls to buttress the door, while the gargoyles flew over the walls and attacked the Crystal Empire guards with their spears and hand flamethrowers, with Centaur Warriors popping out from their hidden trenches near the main gate and charged at the battering ram crew. As the fight ensued between the the centaurs, gargoyles, and ponies, Applejack and Rainbow Dash intervened while protecting the battering ram with all their might. Rainbow took to the skies to intercept the Gargoyle Warriors and Applejack drew out her talons and attacked the Centaur Warriors. While in mid-air Rainbow Dash drew out a silver rapier from her scabbard and stabbed one Gargoyle in the chest, making him fall from the sky. Five more Gargoyles came swooping at the light-blue pegasus from below and attempted to thrust their spears at her. However, Rainbow used her rapier to make a swift horizontal cut to their abdomens, every time she parried their spears with it. After taking down four Gargoyles, the fifth one drew out his hand flamethrower and spewed out gouges of flame at Rainbow, only for her to do a barrel roll away from the inferno. The next thing Rainbow did was that she threw a knife at the Gargoyle's flamethrower, making it explode and having his hand get caught on fire. As the Gargoyle screamed in pain, Rainbow stabbed him in the head with her rapier, ending his life. As for Applejack, she took out a double flail and started swinging it at the encroaching Centaur Warriors. When one Centaur got slammed in the head with Applejack's double flail, he collapsed on the ground dead, with blood gushing from his brains, while the other Centaurs drew out their fire swords and charged at the farm pony mare. As soon as one Centaur swung his fire sword, it unleashed a fiery wave of magic at Applejack. Upon seeing this, Applejack ran up to a fallen centaur warrior and leaped over the magic wave before he landed on all four hooves and at the same time, she raised her flail over her head and slammed it into the Centaur's skull, making him fall face flat on the ground, dead. When Applejack landed on all four hooves, two more Centaur warriors appeared surrounding the farm pony on both of her sides, with their spears pointing at her. All of a sudden, Applejack holds the double flail with her left hoof and drew out talon from her right hoof. As soon as both Centaurs attempted to impale Applejack, she dodged both of them. Before they could see what was coming, the female earth pony slashed across the neck with her talons on the centaur at her right. As for the centaur on the earth pony mare's left, Applejack wrapped her flail around one of the centaur's legs. Applejack lifted her flail up, making the Centaur fall onto his side. Before the Centaur was able to get up, he felt Applejack right talon piercing his side and stomped his face to the ground, blacking the centaur out. During the fight between Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Tirek's warriors, the battering ram eventually broke through the gate. Twilight gave the order for Shinning Armor, Crimson Cross, and Flash Sentry to lead the charge through the smashed gate, with Tirek ordering his men to form a defensive spear formation at the main gate area. As Twilight's army and Tirek's army clashed into each other head on, Tirek went on a rampage. Before any pony knew it, Tirek unleashed several inferno and fire arrow spells at the encroaching Crystal pony guards. When he sees some of the guards wounded by Tirek's spells, he grabbed them by the neck and drained them of their magic. After Tirek took down 10 more pony guards, Discord appeared in front of him and unleashed a wind blowing spell that sent the demonic centaur backpedalling a few feet away from where he was standing.

"Well, if it isn't Tirek the arrogant, magic-stealing centaur." Discord sneered at the centaur. "I should've known that you'd actually formed an allegiance on your own, huh? May I ask, why are you helping Unicornia??"

"When I heard about their reputation and how they disdained Equestria, I actually saw a opportunity appear before my very eyes, the moment I met with one of their commanders, Sir Morning Blade." Tirek said in a sinister tone. "They promised me that if I help them conquer Equestria, they'll help me reclaim the very same land that my brother took away from me so long ago."

"Why would you expect yourself to believe that?" Discord asked in a unamused tone.

"Because they're not any different from me or my kin." Tirek explained, followed by an evil cackle. "This is also my way of getting revenge on you and the royal alicorn sisters."

"Like that's ever going to happen." Discord hissed as he snapped his claws to summon a Plunder vine whip. "Bring it on."

In just an instant, Tirek used his magic to summon a barrage of sharp rocks at the Draconneques. Before any of the rocks could touch him, Discord raised his claw up high to summon his plunder vines to surround himself in a makeshift vine barrier, defending himself from Tirek's spell. The barrage of rocks showered down on Discord's vine barrier, but left the draconneques unharmed by the spell's effects. Before Discord could do anything, Tirek cut right through his vine barrier with his Giant Sword and attempted to strike the Draconneques down overhead. However, Discord used his magic to transform his vine whip into a long saber, blocking against Tirek's sword. Behind Discord, a light-blue unicorn appeared. It was Trixie Lulamoon. She was armed with a wizard staff and with just one swung of it the female unicorn summoned at thundercloud above Tirek and unleashed a small thunderstorm that struck the centaur in the head.

"ARGH, Why you little......." Tirek snarled as he disengaged his fight with Discord and started to summon a huge fireball at the light-blue unicorn.

However, before Tirek's fireball struck Trixie, a large beam of light struck at the fireball, making it exploded into a harmless shower of sparks. The moment Tirek, Trixie, and Discord turned around, they see Twilight Sparkle appear in front of them in the middle of their battle.

"Heh, Heh, Heh, Heh." Tirek cackled. "Hello, Princess Twilight. Did you miss me??"

"I think not." Twilight snarled. "And I can't help but notice that our old nemesis is actually fighting for Amadeus."

"Well, I couldn't stop laughing from the fact that he and his people would try to kill you." Tirek smirked, follow by a evil smile on his face. "I heard about what you tried to do to Amadeus earlier. Well, if you're so obsessed in getting revenge on him, then you're going to have to get past me first."

"So be it." Twilight growled as she used her magic to draw out her orichalcum halberd.

Without hesitation, Twilight unfurled her wings and launched herself at the demonic centaur. However, before she got any closer, Tirek unleashed a barrage of fire balls at Twilight, only for her to spin her halberd in a circular motion dissipating every fire ball that got too close to her. The next thing Tirek saw was Trixie shooting her hand crossbow at him. Unfortunately, Tirek used his magic to summon a huge shield made out of boulders to defend himself against Trixie's crossbow bolts. After Tirek set his boulder shield aside, he unleashed an inferno spell that engulfed everything in front of him. Despite the inferno Tirek is causing, Trixie made a run for it and hid into one of the buildings, attempting to get away from the raging fire. Discord appeared on Tirek's right and attempted to swing his plunder saber across his chest. However, Tirek jumped away from Discord's attack and grabbed his hand that had the saber. Before Tirek was about to attack the Draconneques with his Giant Sword, Discord grabbed it with his other hand and they both struggled over their weapons. Suddenly, Tirek started to open his mouth and attempted to drain Discord of his magic. However, Twilight threw a punch at Tirek's face, making him lose his concentration and his grip over Discord's arms. As Twilight raised her halberd to lunge at Tirek, he swiped her halberd away and attempted to stab her in the chest with his sword. The moment Tirek's sword was about to reach its mark, Twilight used her magic to summon a magic shield to defend herself against the demonic centaur's attack. During the time that Tirek was battering down on Twilight's shield with his sword, Trixie appeared on his right and shot a beam of magic at his face. However, Tirek was able to catch the blue-unicorn's magic with his bare hand and threw it back at her with all his might, causing a small explosion that sent Trixie flying into a nearby building. Twilight used her teleportation spell to get away from Tirek's attack. As soon as she appeared, Twilight was flying in mid-air as she drew out her Orichalcum Greatsword from her scabbard. In an instant, Twilight zoomed straight at the demonic centaur with all her might. The moment they both charged at each other, Twilight's greatsword and Tirek's giant sword clashed into each other and made a couple of intense parries, blocking most of their blows with full fury. As Trixie got up on her hooves, she lurched herself in the middle of the duel between Twilight and Tirek. Before either fighters could see what was coming, Trixie summoned a huge ice golem and ordered it to attack Tirek. However, the moment the ice golem unleashed a blizzard at Tirek, he counteract it with his inferno spell and blasted the golem to smithereens, leaving behind a cloud of blinding steam. Much to Tirek's surprise, Trixie appeared right behind him and hurled a huge chain at his neck. The moment the chain wrapped around Tirek, he started to use all of his weight to pull himself back but Discord went in and summoned his Plunder Vines to restrain Tirek too. Before Tirek could do anything, the rest of the Element bearers appeared behind Twilight and with just one motion, Twilight raised her greatsword up high, summoned the ultimate rainbow power of all the Elements of Harmony with it, and aimed it at Tirek, squarely in the chest. Tirek's eyes widen with horror as Twilight's ultimate attack started shooting from her great sword and blasted him with full frontal force, sending him crashing into a building behind him. Before he got up, Tirek realized that he degenerated into a skinny-shriveled up creature of his former self and the next thing he knew, Tirek was being trampled to the ground by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle, making him loss consciousness.

"Guards, lock Tirek up and send him back to Tartarus." Twilight ordered the Crystal Pony Guards as they hauled the demonic centaur out of Canterlot.

After seeing Lord Tirek defeated once again, the rest of the surviving Gargoyles and Centaur Warriors have immediately stand down. Twilight ordered her army to press forward in dealing with the next enemy garrison at Canterlot's town square. Before they can proceed any further, Twilight and her friends spotted three ponies escorting a large group of children and nobles down to the sewers. As soon as they got any closer, Twilight's and her friends' eyes widened with shock because they just saw the very same alicorn that threatened to control Equestria by force doing something that they weren't expecting.

"Majesty Blueblood, what in the name of Celestia are you doing?" Twilight asked in a royal Canterlot voice.

"Uh Oh!!" Majesty shrieked. "Twilight Sparkle, it's not what you think. Honest."

Before any of the other ponies tried to make a move against Majesty, Twilight ordered them to halt, telling them about what Discord tried to do earlier before they laid a siege upon Canterlot.

"Why are you getting all of those fillies out of here?" Twilight asked while glaring at the young alicorn.

"For one thing, I owe you and the rest of your friends an apology, once this is all over." Majesty responded, nervously. "Second, I thought I was doing the right thing for my father and for our country, but I was actually losing, than winning over my destiny, because when I read your journal earlier, I'm starting to think that father was just using me since on the day that I was born."

"They told me that you were sick." Twilight told to the white alicorn.

"That was a lie that my father made." Majesty Blueblood responded. "I was actually locked up in the dungeons underneath Canterlot due to my assumed insanity, along with Admiral Thunderball and Lord Bronze for their attempted terrorism."

After explaining what Majesty had to say to Twilight and her friends, they decided to let her go but not before Shinning Armour and some of his platoon of Crystal Pony guards kept a close eye on her. Before any of them could move on, however, a huge explosion erupted from one of the buildings. Professor Felhand and his army of creations appeared before Twilight and her friends, all armed to the teeth.

"Professor Felhand!!" Flash Sentry snarled, remembering that Felhand was the one who revived him only to perform illegitimate experiments on him in the past.

"No way, that's actually Professor Felhand??" Twilight asked her bodyguard.

"Stay back, Princess. This asshole is mine to deal with." Flash Sentry said as he got in front of Twilight, raising his lance up high.

"I was about to get those kids and their nobles families to bring into my custody, but it looks like I'll be delayed." Felhand sneered. "But no matter, I'll make this quick."

Before any pony could do anything, Professor Felhand used his magic to pull out a remote from his lab coat and activated it. After a few seconds, a huge robot bursted its way from one of the buildings behind Felhand. Upon seeing the robot appear before their very eyes, Twilight and her friends all started and gasped at it in a state of shock. During the time that Twilight, her friends, and the rest of the Equestrian forces got confronted by Professor Felhand and his army of creations, Amadeus Blueblood watches them from afar, at the balcony of the Canterlot Palace.

"This is going to be fun." Amadeus said to himself.