• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 7,334 Views, 159 Comments

Assassinverse: Unicornia The New Order - efug25g

After Twilight was assassinated in her sleep, she awakes from her coffin 15 years later, only to find that the evil nobles and traditionalists have successfully conquered all of Equestria with the aid of the Unicornian Kingdom.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Rescuing Rarity

Author's Note:

After their training, I made Twilight, Trixie, Sunset, and Starlight fall under their designated roles in the LR Commando team:

1. Twilight Spakle - Team Leader
2. Sunset Shimmer - Sharpshooter
3. Trixie Lulamoon - Support Specialist
4 . Starlight Glimmer - Bruiser and Trapper

Enemy Intel:

1. Unicornian Guard: They are commonly soldiers serving in the Unicornian Army.
Weapon: Swords and Spears
Equipment: Black guard armour and helmet.

After 3 months of LR commando training under the guidance of Princess Luna, Twilight, Trixie, Sunset, and Starlight are able to perform new skills to their advantage against the enemies of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle was able to excel in, strategic planning, close-combat skills, aerial attacks, and with the use of various bladed and long-shafted weapons such as halberds, swords, axes, and spears. Trixie was able to learn new evasive actions, new illusionary and summoning spells, cunning, and guerrilla tactics. Starlight Glimmer was able to successfully learn on how to wield heavy, blunted weapons, such as warhammers and flails, and with the use of performing distractions to confuse and ambush her opponents. As for Sunset Shimmer, she was able to learn on how to use firearms, such as flintlocks and musket rifles, explosives, and taking good vantage points in order to provide covering or sniper fire. All three unicorns and the purple alicorn were able to learn stealth, infiltration, and using disguises whenever they needed too. As soon as they're all done with their training, they were told to report to Princess Luna for their very first mission in the Lunar Republic. For Pinkie Pie, she decided to help the Lunar Republic by scavenging, smuggling, and stealing weapons and equipment from the Canterlot Armory that might provide the LR commandoes some good advantage. Fluttershy was trained by Nurse Redheart and Zecora to be an assistant medic and create new combat drugs for Twilight and her team to use during their missions.

"All right, every pony. This is it!!" Princess Luna announced to the group. "Your first couple of missions will be revolving around rescuing our comrades in enemy territory. You will do whatever it takes to rescue your friends and bring them down to the sewers, so that Nurse Redheart will be treating them of their injuries if they have any, by using what you all learned from your training. However, every mission you do must be done as quickly and efficiently as possible before enemy reinforcements arrive. Remember, always plan ahead first, stay close to each other, and find an escape route in the area you're in. Good luck, every pony."

"You all heard what Princess Luna said," Twilight told the rest of the group. "Let's go get our friends back." Without hesitation, Twilight, Trixie, Sunset, and Starlight made their way out of the sewers and into the alleyways during daylight hours. The unicorns are all wearing cloaks to hide themselves from the public.

"Okay guys, let's try not to attract too much attention," Twilight told her comrades. "We'll start with rescuing Rarity." While hiding in the shadows, Twilight uses her magic, while under her hood, to bring out a map of the Canterlot Palace.

"According to one of Luna's spies, Rarity is presumed to be held in the eastern tower at the Canterlot Palace!" Twilight announced her plan to the group. "Since Majesty Blueblood is preparing to leave Canterlot for another delegation at Baltimare in 30 minutes, we'll wait until she leaves. We have a few hours to rescue Rarity before she returns. About 4 guards will be stationed at entrance of the tower and they switch places every 2 hours. In total, there will be 25 guards stationed nearby. Sunset, you go find a good vantage point west of the eastern tower that's clear enough for you to see the full view of the guards and the entrance of the tower and eliminate any guards that get too close to our position. Starlight, I want you to find a way to lure the four guards away from the eastern tower and kill them silently. Trixie, you follow me to the eastern tower as soon as it's clear and stay close, no matter what. Starlight, as soon as we have Rarity in our custody, you met us at the southern tower, there will be a sewer grate in the basement beneath that tower. Sunset, as soon as we leave the area, rendezvous with us at down below the sewers. We'll discuss our plan of rescuing Applejack as soon as we head back to HQ with Rarity in our custody. I want you all to use these ear-buds so that we can communicate with each other during the mission. Any questions?"

All three unicorns shook their heads, assuming that they all have their orders, while each of them took an ear-bud from Twilight before proceeding. Starlight went on ahead to find a different entrance leading to the eastern tower of Canterlot Palace while Twilight and Trixie took the main entrance while wearing both of their hoods over their heads. Sunset went up to the western area of the palace. Up the stairs to her vantage point, she spots a Unicornian guard standing over the balcony, facing in the direction of the eastern tower. Wasting no time, Sunset uses her magic to pull out a knife from her cloak before she snuck up to the unaware guard. Before the guard could do anything, he had his mouth covered by Sunset's hoof as he felt a knife slit across his throat. After blood spilled out of the guard's throat on onto his guard armor, he collapse dead on the floor. After Sunset hid the guard's body, she took out her musket rifle, which is equipped with a X2 scope, and a silencer, and loaded a single bullet into the chamber of the rifle. Sunset, then, aimed her rifle at the 4 Unicornian guards but not intending to shoot them.

"Twilight, this is Sunset. I'm in position," Sunset said as she spoke to Twilight through the ear-bud.

"Understood," Twilight acknowledged to Sunset with her ear-bud. "Starlight, what's your status, over?"

"I'm behind the eastern tower," Starlight responded through her ear-bud. "Let me know if you and Trixie are nearby."

"Trixie, lets go!!" Twilight whispered to her before proceeding to the palace entrance while waiting until Majesty leaves the Canterlot for her meeting. "And try not to attract too much attention to yourself, okay?"

"Understood," Trixie acknowledged sheepishly.

Meanwhile, at the eastern tower at the Canterlot Palace, Rarity was finally able to make dresses to completely satisfy Queen Majesty Blueblood. However, it didn't changed the fact that Rarity will never be free from the evil Queen's captivity.

"OH, WOE IS ME-E-E-E!!!" Rarity cried in tears. "If only my Spikey-Wikey wasn't captured by that horrible alicorn queen, he would've been able to come to my rescue."

Outside of the tower, the 4 guards that were positioned near the door could hear Rarity's whining and sniveling.

"Ugh!! that unicorn is driving me nuts," One of the guards complained after hearing Rarity's sobbing for almost 10 minutes. "I wish they would give her 20 more whiplashes than rather just 10 sometimes."

"Or maybe cut out her tongue so that no pony will hear her scream anymore," The second guard suggested.

"Well let's not come up with any crazy ideas yet," The third guard protested. "We all have strict orders not to do anything other than stay on guard outside of this tower's entrance, unless ordered otherwise."

"Hello, boys. How's it going?" Morning Blade asked the four guards while on his routine patrol. "I hope you didn't plan on trying anything stupid, right?"

"Of course not general," The fourth guard responded to Morning Blade while ignoring Rarity's whining that is coming from inside the tower.

"SHUT UP, YOU LITTLE WHORE!!!" Morning Blade roared at Rarity while she was sobbing inside the tower. "Man, I wish we had the chance to gag her and tie her up. Well, keep up the good work boys. I'll be down at the barracks. If something goes wrong while any of you are on guard duty, you know where to find me."

After Morning Blade finished with his speech with his guards, he went downstairs to see Majesty Blueblood, in her new regal dress walking towards the exit of the palace with her escorts, led by Commander Vermillion and Colonel Black Scythe, who happened to be a female grey pegasus with black mane and tail. She bears the cutie mark of two black scythes crossing over each other and is wearing dark-blue armor and helmet with grey linings.

"I take it you'll have everything under control when I'll be away for a while?" Majesty asked Morning Blade.

"Not to worry my queen," Morning Blade responded to the alicorn. "I'll keep in touch if something goes wrong."

"Very well then," Majesty said in a calm voice. "One more thing, next time if my father was giving you orders, let me know first before I can make my decision."

"Understood your highness," Morning Blade acknowledged as he bowed down to the queen before she made her way out of the city, escorted by Vermillion and Black Scythe.

From the window of his room, Amadeus watched as he let his daughter leave Canterlot before going down to the kitchen to get some tea.

Meanwhile, back at the balcony where Sunset Shimmer is hiding at, she spots Majesty Blueblood leave Canterlot on a royal caravan. "Twilight, this is Sunset." Sunset spoke to Twilight through the ear-bud. "The Queen has left the city. I repeat, the Queen has left the city."

"That's our cue. Trixie, let's move it!" Twilight said to Trixie, only to find that Trixie was staring at a group of unicorns performing a magic show nearby a coffee shop, much to Trixie's interest. "I SAID, LET'S MOVE IT!!!"

"What?! O-Okay!!" Trixie yelped after hearing Twilight's loud whispering.

As Twilight and Trixie made their way toward the entrance of the Canterlot Palace, they see the guards standing at their posts unaware of their presence. Not wanting to attract attention, both unicorns went to the left and found a rusty grate underneath the wall. Trixie used her magic to silently cut out an opening before she and Twilight went through the opening. As soon as they got inside the palace walls, Twilight used her magic to seal up the grate before moving on.

"Twilight, I got a tango heading your way!!" Sunset silently said on her ear-bud.

"Take him out!" Twilight responded to Sunset.

Before the guard spotted Twilight and Trixie, Sunset fired a shot from her rifle. The next thing the guard knew, a bullet struck on the side of his head and exploded into a bloody mess before he collapsed on the ground. Trixie dragged and hid the dead guard in a nearby bush before moving forward.

Meanwhile, back at the tower where Rarity was held, one of the guards started holding himself with his hooves.

"Uh, guys? I think I need to go take a leak," The guard said.

"Well try not take too long," The other guard responded. "We only have 20 minutes left before we switch places."

From a distance away, Sunset spotted the guard leaving his post to go take a leak. Not wanting to have Starlight exposed, she immediately switched channels on her ear-bud to warn her.

"Starlight there is a guard headed your way," Sunset said to her in a whispered tone.

"I got him!" Starlight responded as she came out of her hiding place and snuck up behind him, as she raised her warhammer up high above his head. "Bottom's up, motherfucker."

"Did some pony just said something?" The guard said to himself before he finished with his leak.

The only respond the guard received was a crushing blow to his skull before he fell face flat on the ground, dead.

"Starlight, we're close to the tower. Where are you?" Twilight said through her ear-bud.

"I'm still behind the tower!" Starlight responded to Twilight. "I just took out one guard while on his bathroom break."

"Alright then, change of plans. Trixie, Starlight, get behind cover. We'll take the down the other the three guards all at once!!" Twilight silently ordered both unicorns.

As Twilight and Trixie hid behind separate bushes, that were a few feet way from the tower, Starlight Glimmer snuck up behind the wall, right next to the third guard, while using her magic to unsheathe a dagger from underneath her cloak. Underneath their hiding spots, Twilight and Trixie used their magic to pull out their mini crossbows and aimed at the two guards. Both crossbow bolts struck the two guards in their necks before they fell down while the third guard was grabbed by the mouth and had his throat slit by Starlight.

"Twilight, we have 15 minutes before the next 4 guards show up!" Sunset said to Twilight on the ear-bud.

"Okay. Guys, help me hide the bodies!" Twilight said to Trixie and Starlight.

They used their magic to carry the dead bodies into a huge hedge, while Trixie used a potion to make the fresh blood stains disappear in an instant. After that, Twilight used her magic to unlock the door that Rarity was in. The frightened unicorn gasped as see saw the door open with three cloaked ponies standing in front of her.

"No! No! Mercy, please!!!" Rarity shrieked, fearing that she would get tortured again.

"It's okay Rarity, it's us!!" Twilight while still wearing her hood over her head.

Upon hearing this, Rarity's eyes widen. "T-Twilight?? Is that you???" Rarity asked with fresh tears coming out of her eyes.

"Yes. It's me Rarity," Twilight said as she took off her hood, revealing herself.

As Twilight stepped forward, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon also took off their hoods, revealing themselves.

After seeing Twilight again, Rarity ran up to her and started hugging Twilight as she started crying with tears of joy.

"Oh my Faust!!! Twilight, darling, you're alive!!" Rarity exclaimed to herself. "But how can that be?? Starlight!! Trixie!! How did you guys find me here???"

"It's a long story Rarity," Twilight said to her. "Right now, we need to get you out of here. Sunset Shimmer will cover our retreat."

Rarity responded with a nod before Twilight carried Rarity with her shoulders. During their trek down the southern tower, Trixie and Starlight went on ahead to make sure the area is clear before proceeding further. At the Southern tower, Trixie sees the four guards that were stationed at the entrance of the tower leave their posts. As soon as the area is cleared Trixie and Starlight moved in while escorting Twilight and Rarity to the tower's basement.

Meanwhile, after Amadeus is done drinking his tea, he left the kitchen to go get some fresh air outside. However, despite the natural scent of fresh air, he started smelling something stinky coming from the bush.

"Ugh! What is that horrible smell??" Amadeus grunted as he held his nostrils with his right hoof.

On his right he, noticed that there is a hoof sticking out from a nearby bush with flies buzzing over it. When he went over the bush and looked what is underneath it, he started at it under a state of shock and horror. Before he knew what was happening, Amadeus started vomiting all over the pavement. Not a moment too soon, Morning Blade appeared after he left the barracks only to find Amadeus vomiting on the ground.

"My Lord!!! What's wrong??" Morning Blade asked Amadeus.

Before he could say another word, Amadeus pointed at the bush with his hoof. When Morning Blade looked to see what was inside that bush, his eyes widened with horror.

"Oh, shit!!!" Morning Blade said to himself as he raised the alarm.

All of the guards on duty and in the barracks came up to the palace grounds. The moment they saw Morning Blade and Amadeus, Morning Blade immediately issued the following order: "Soldiers, secure the entire area and put it under complete lockdown. Send a word to Queen Majesty. Tell her that an immediate string of murders have occurred at Canterlot."

"Twilight, Morning Blade has spotted the bodies and raised the alarm!!" Sunset alerted Twilight.

"Sunset, stay right where you are but do not engage unless I tell you to. Starlight, get Rarity to the hideout!!" Twilight ordered to both mares before issuing any orders to Trixie.

"Understood," Starlight acknowledged Twilight's orders as she carried Rarity down the sewers.

The moment Starlight disappeared into the sewers with Rarity, Twilight closes the sewer grate before issuing new orders to Trixie Lulamoon.

"Trixie, help me.... Trixie?? Where is Trixie???" Twilight shouted, realizing that Trixie vanished without warning. "JESUS CHRIST, I told her to stay close to me!!!!"

"Uh Twilight, this is Sunset," Sunset whispered through Twilight's ear-bud. "Trixie is getting nabbed by Morning Blade's guards."

"I guess I'm going to have no choice then," Twilight growled to herself in anger.

Meanwhile, during the time that Twilight and Starlight helped Rarity get down to the sewers, Trixie got distracted after seeing her old wizard cape and hat in the storage room. Before she could retrieve them both she turned around only to see a Unicornian guard appeared behind her. As soon as the guard could drew out his sword, Trixie charged at him with all her might, disarming him with both of her front hooves. The guard immediately shoved Trixie to a nearby wall only for the light-blue unicorn to kick him in the stomach with her hind legs and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. However, before Trixie could finish the guard off with her mini-crossbow, another guard appeared behind her. This time, he grabbed Trixie with a headlock before the other guards came in and hold her down.

Outside of the southern tower, during the commotion, the guards that restrained Trixie appeared before Amadeus and Morning Blade.

"General Blade, we caught an intruder sneaking around in the storage room underneath the southern tower." One of the guards said to Morning Blade while still holding Trixie with a headlock.

The moment Trixie sees Morning Blade and Amadeus glaring directly at her with hostility in their eyes, she smiled nervously and squeed out of embarrassment for getting caught.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the great and powerful lunatic, Trixie Lulamoon." Morning Blade said as he sneered at her before asking her, while pointing at his dead guards. "What are you doing here?! Did you do this to my men?!"

After hearing his question, Trixie spat at Morning Blade in face. After Blade wiped the spit off his face, he slapped at Trixie across the face with his right hoof.

"I'll take that as a yes," Morning Blade said himself before continuing his interrogation with the female unicorn. "How many people you've got with you??"

"Just your mom!!!" Trixie said in a cackling, lying tone of voice.




Trixie felt a hard punch in the stomach in which was caused by an angry Morning Blade. As a result, the light-blue unicorn started spitting out blood as she gasped for air coming out of her lungs.

"You lying little piece of shit!!!" Morning Blade hissed. "If you don't tell me the truth, you are going to get beaten to death in less than a second, do you understand me?! I'm not going to ask you again. Who sent you down here??"

"Your mane dresser!!!" Trixie said while laughing, which was silenced by another punch in the stomach.

"ARGH!!! Y-YOU...I-I....URGH!!!!" Morning Blade shouted in frustration, not being able to get anything out of Trixie. "Guards, lock this unicorn lunatic up for now; we'll deal with Trixie later. And notify Queen Majesty Blueblood that there was a-"


Just like that, Morning Blade and Amadeus Blueblood heard more blood curdling screams coming from inside the southern tower, nearly startling the both of them at once. Next thing they saw was a cloaked pony coming out of the tower and stop a few feet away from them.

"I want my friend back, now!!!" The cloaked pony said in an angry voice.

"W-Who are you?" Morning Blade asked the cloaked pony.

"Morning Blade!! Amadeus Blueblood!!" The cloaked pony snarled at Morning Blade and Amadeus. "Did you guys miss me?!!"

"WHAT THE??? TWILIGHT SPARKLE??!!!" Amadeus shrieked as his eyes widen with horror, while finding it unbelievable that the very same alicorn princess that he ordered Gallant Heart and men to kill would actually appear right in front of them and starting speaking to him in a very hostile voice. "Y-YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE D-DEAD!!!!????"

"Shut the hell up, you heartless scumbag!!" Twilight snarled at Amadeus as she unveiled her hood revealing herself, also much to Morning Blade's horror.

Upon seeing the two corrupted ponies, Twilight glared at Amadeus and Morning Blade with sheer anger and hate while growling underneath her breath.

"Then, that means.... Oh, Shit!!! Discord must've found you alive and helped you escape after you broke free from your coffin, didn't he?!" Morning Blade exclaimed.

Twilight nodded while smirking at them.

"Like I was saying, give me back my friend Trixie Lulamoon and I won't cause any more further damage to you and your men," Twilight growled while threatening Morning Blade and Amadeus Blueblood.

"You fool. Don't you get?! It's over, Twilight Sparkle. We already won over Equestria. Your pathetic wish for spreading friendship and harmony is useless to us. My daughter, Queen Majesty has already ascended the throne in Canterlot and your fellow princesses are all done for," Amadeus snapped at Twilight. "We can't have both of our destinies occurring all at the same time. One must sacrifice the other for the sake of all of Equestria. It is, therefore, the law of our land."

Undaunted by Amadeus' speech, Twilight refuses to back down.

"Law of our land, my flank!!! I was just trying to be fair with you and your people but you never believed in me and you never gave me a chance to prove myself otherwise. As a result, all of my friends and my family are suffering under the hooves of Unicornia because of you!!! But no matter, I will find a way to rescue them all and when I'm done with that, I'll be coming after you next, you and your daughter," Twilight vowed to herself as she made a dauntless stance against her number one political nemesis.

"Well, you can't always get what you what, girl!!" Morning Blade laughed while taunting at Twilight. "I've been in the military even before you and your brother were even born and me and my family were the closest to serve directly under the Blueblood family for more than a 100 years. Because of that, I always believed in the Blueblood family more than I believed in Princess Celestia. You, however, are just a tool to fall under that foolish miserable excuse of a sun princess. You no longer have any loyalty towards the royal sisters no more and no longer have any loyalty towards the rest of Equestria no more. So, what are you going to do about it now, huh??"

Despite most of Morning Blade, his guards, and Amadeus laughing at Twilight, along with the ones who are still restraining Trixie, Twilight still remained morally and mentally tough. Trixie smirked and gave a silent nod to Twilight while they aren't looking. As she noticed Trixie's facial gestures and body language, Twilight uses her hoof to activate her ear-bud as she makes contact with Sunset Shimmer.

"Sunset, get ready to fire on my command," Twilight whispered to Sunset with her ear-bud.

"Understood," Sunset quietly replied to Twilight with her ear-bud.

As Twilight turned towards the ponies who are still laughing at her, she made one more speech.

"Well guys if you put it that way, then right now I am going to do what I should've done 15 years ago," Twilight growled as she drew out her great sword with her magic from underneath her cloak, along with a severed head of one of the pony guards that she killed in the southern tower.

Her great sword was a long, pointed steel, and sharp edged blade, embroidered with purple and blue gems incased inside a golden handle grip. The metal on the sword was forged with orichalcum ore. Upon seeing all of this, Morning Blade and his men stopped laughing. Before they knew it, they've all been startled with fear as they see Twilight hurl the guard's severed head towards their hooves. The next thing that Twilight did was that she marched forward to their position as she readies her weapon, preparing to strike back at her would-be killers.

"Twilight, No! No!! No!!!" Morning Blade fearfully stammered as he waved his hoof in a denial gesture. After realizing what Twilight is about to do, Morning Blade started panicking as his eyes widened with horror.

"MY LORD, GET BEHIND ME!! NOW!!!" Morning Blade shouted at Amadeus as he used his magic to drag Amadeus out of harms way.

"RRRAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Twilight roared in a furious war cry while she immediately struck at the guard on her right with her sword with full velocity and with full force.

Before he could even react, the guard made a deathly gurgle after he felted his throat slashed and gushing out blood from his neck, before he fell on the ground, dead. On her left, Twilight stabbed the second guard in the stomach with her sword, pulling it out, and slashed at his throat before he even had chance to draw out his sword.

"KILL HER!!!" Morning Blade ordered his guards, not wanting to get attacked by Twilight Sparkle. "DON'T STAND THERE, KILL HER!!!!"

Just as most of the guards drew out their swords and their spears, Trixie, who was still restrained by her captors, used her magic to summon a smoke bomb that exploded right under their hooves.

"Hey, where did that light-blue unicorn go??" One of the guards said while being startled during the confusion, realizing that Trixie broke free from their grip.

"Surprise, mother fuckers!!!" Trixie said as she appeared after the smoke disappeared and started joining in the fight with the Unicornian guards, while lighting up her horn as she cast one of her battle spells at them.

Before they could see what was coming, Trixie unleashed a volley of magic missiles, adding a small chain lighting reaction to her spell. Upon impact, the missiles exploded and set of an electric discharge that shocked any nearby guards that got too close to the small explosions.

During the fight, Twilight sheathed her sword, flapped her wings, made a backward flip, and flew up into the air, dodging the enemy spear formation that was directly aimed at her.

"SUNSET, FIRE!!!!" Twilight shouted through her ear-bud while in mid-air.

After hearing Twilight's orders, Sunset starting firing her rifle down on the unsuspecting guards, delivering bloody head shots whenever possible. Twilight drew out her halberd, in which has the same features as her sword, and performed an aerial ace with her halberd pointing straight at her enemies. Unable to counterattack such a move, the guards that were in Twilight's sights were stabbed, hacked, and knocked to the ground with full fury.

After all the guards are neutralized, Morning Blade and Amadeus fled with their lives. However, Twilight, who was still in the air, caught up to them and attacked them with full fury. Morning Blade was the first to see Twilight heading straight for them and made a defensive battling posture to protect Amadeus.

"N-No, wait!!! S-Stay back!!!" Morning Blade shrieked with fear while drawing out his sword.

Unfortunately, just as soon as Twilight drew out her sword and clashed blades with Morning Blades' sword, Twilight grabbed him by the neck, head butted him, and shoved him straight into a wall on his right. After he hit his head on the wall, Morning Blade fell backwards and landed on the ground, unconscious. For Amadeus, after seeing what Twilight did to Blade before she angrily marched forward to his position, he started shaking in fear for his life, unable to move anymore.

"N-Now, look. W-We can resolve this. I-I know how you feel. W-We should talk. W-We can work this out," Amadeus stammered before he was met with a punch to the face by Twilight's hoof, knocking him to the ground. "You have no idea...."

Despite Amadeus begging for mercy, Twilight repeatedly grabbed him by the hair and threw several more punches at Amadeus while he was on the ground. Before, he can get up, Amadeus felt his hair being pulled by Twilight's magic. The next thing he knew, Twilight drew out a small knife and slashed at Amadeus in the left eye, injuring it. After that, Twilight let go of Amadeus and watched him squirm on the ground, screaming, while clutching his left eye with his hooves as blood started coming out of it. Before Twilight can do anymore damage to Amadeus, her ear-bud started beeping, indicating that Sunset is trying to contact the purple alicorn from the eastern tower.

"Twilight, enemy reinforcements are heading your way," Sunset said to Twilight on the ear-bud.

"Copy that, get out of there," Twilight responded to Sunset on the ear-bud before she turned to face Amadeus, while snarling at him. "We'll settle this for another time, Amadeus, but for now, let this be a lesson for you!!!"

As Amadeus looked up, he sees Twilight lighting up her horn with her magic before she teleports herself away from the carnage in the Canterlot Palace grounds, followed by a disappearing flash.

"So long, sucker!!!" Trixie laughed and wooed as she spit out raspberries at Amadeus before she used her magic to teleport herself away from the scene too.

After Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset have all disappeared from sight, Amadeus slowly got up on his hooves only for him to trip on his hooves due to his injured state.

"ARGH!!! C-CURSE YOU, TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!!" Amadeus shouted to himself as he fell on the ground, still bleeding from his left eye, in frustration that his plan of assassinating the alicorn princess went up in smoke.

Meanwhile at Baltimare, after the delegation, Majesty Blueblood was being escorted to Bistro to eat lunch there. During her lunchtime, one of her guards came storming into the restaurant trying to speak to Majesty.

"My Queen, we have a situation back in Canterlot," The guard said to Majesty as he pull out a scroll from his guard armor.

After reading what was said on the scroll, Majesty spitted out her beer and started storming out of the Bistro, leaving behind a small bag of bits to pay for her lunch.

"Keep the change," Majesty said to the waiter as she went back to her caravan for an immediate ride back to Canterlot.