• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 852 Views, 28 Comments

The Alien Warriors: Battle for Equestria - Texas Style Brony

After about six months since the original story, the human warriors and ponies find themselves in the crosshairs of a hostile human army sent from Earth to eradicate any evidence of human encroachment in Equestria

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The Great Deception

Shining Armor's Base Camp

"Sir?" A young pegasus saluted Shining Armor as he sat in his tent, contemplating possible solutions to the problem: An unknown number of humans were wandering in the swamp shooting at ponies. Besides the destruction of a research facility, two more ponies had been killed two days ago. He had not been able to sleep very well, his mane and tail were a mess, and his eyes had deep bags under them, similar to when Cadance had their daughter.

He was about to drift off to sleep again when the pegasus called.

"Hmm?? Wha? WHA??! I'M AWAKE! What's going on??"

"Sir, the rest of that scouting squad has returned, and they say that they now know about the enemy's plans" Shining Armor suddenly straightened himself up and regained his focus.

"Alright. Bring them in!" Shining ordered. The Pegasus then stepped out, and in came Rose Thorn, Sea Biscuit, and Sandy Shoals. They were dirty and had no armor, yet they clopped their hooves to attention and saluted Shining, who also saluted them.

"Soldiers, I am aware you have encountered the humans?" Shining asked.

"Yes sir, we have found a large human force out there." Rose replied.

"And did you see the Equestrian Rangers among them?"

"No sir."

Shining suddenly exhaled in relief. "Thank Faust. I was hoping you would say that. I think Blueblood is going to use the base attack to press charges against them."

"Why would he do that sir?" Sea Biscuit asked.

"That's not important right now. Tell me everything you've learned about these new humans."

"Well sir, there's definitely somewhere around one hundred or one hundred and fifty of them, they use strange boxes on wheels as vehicles, and they have a flying machine they use to scout the area ahead of them." Sandy told Shining.

"Good job soldiers. Do you by chance know where they're going?" Shining asked further.

"Sir they are here for the Rangers and their weapons. They say that they want to take them back to their world, and they tried to get us to tell them where they were, but we kept our mouths shut. They took off to the east toward Horseshoe Bay when we last saw them."

Suddenly, a different pegasus guard burst into the tent.


Shining and the survivors looked toward each other and then to the pegasus...

Horseshoe Bay coastline, a few hours later

"Where the heck are they?!" Shining Armor grew more and more frustrated by the minute. After the pegasi "captured" the drone, they thought that they had found the human army's next location. However, there were no humans in sight. All that could be seen for miles was nothing but coastline.

"I-I don't understand sir! We saw them heading this direction and they always send the flying machine out as a scout!" Rose fumbled, trying to understand what happened.

"Wait, as a scout?! So this thing can see us!?" Shining looked closely at the recovered drone and saw a camera. Not knowing how it could see him, he cast it into the ocean.

"DAMMIT!! THEY TRICKED US! WHERE COULD THEY BE GOING!?!?!" Shining tossed his hooves in frustration.

"There's only one direction that matters Captain..." Sea Biscuit told him, and they all looked North along the coastline, where the rest of Equestria sat in the path of this unseen force...

Northern Region of Haysead Swamps

Unbeknownst to most ponies, there was a small, empty settlement in the northern part of the swamp. Houses were perched on docks, and a large tree with a door and windows sat close by. The area was peaceful and quiet, until today. It started when the local birds and flash bees started swarming away to the North. Then there were ripples in the water, and a low rumble was then heard.. A cajun-looking pony, the last citizen of the once populous settlement, trotted out to see what was going on.

"What the hay is goin on? Uh oh!" The pony looked at all that was happening around him and then he galloped back into his tree after seeing a frightening sight. It looked like a cattle stampede, but these cattle were on four wheels with headlights and speakers blasting a ghastly sound...

He was so terrified by this unknown force that he actually barricaded the door shut as he waited out the stampede. It was only half a minute, but he felt it was ok to come out when the music had died and the loud splashing sounds had ceased. He carefully peered out the door to see that not much had changed. Not much, that is, except for the foot-wide tire tracks that littered the ground....

Author's Note:

Hey y'all!!

SO SORRY that this chapter took forever to make! After getting through the hell known as "college", I was able to find my creativity again! Hopefully I will be updating this story more often!